Authorities have released surveillance videos catching glimpses of Charles Cowart as he rode a horse through various parts of Bunnell, particularly South Bunnell, where Web Watchdogs, the Palm Coast company, installed a half dozen cameras for Bunnell this summer.
The videos catch Cowart in at least two instances at a gallop. But “the horse is absolutely OK,” Chuck Cowart, the horse rider’s father and a member of one of Flagler’s oldest families, told WTSP. “He’s no tired-er than a cowboy would be after he got off a day’s ride in the cow-woods.” The horse’s name is Wiley Coyote.
Cowart is seen riding through Anderson and Martin Luther King Avenue West, at 2:30 in the afternoon, and at Anderson and Martin Luther King East, where Cowart rides past a car, through the lawn of the properties in the Housing Authority, where a crowd is seen converging, as are police and other cars. Three minutes later, he’s seen at a slower pace making his way through Boee Street, where it joins with U.S. 1.
Contrary to popular rumors, Cowart was not naked. He was merely topless. He was arrested and charged with fleeing and eluding, cruelty to animals, petit theft, resisting arrest without violence and disorderly conduct. He had claimed he was on his way to seeing his grandmother in Flagler Beach. The ride reportedly began at around 10 a.m. and didn;t end until his arrest at close to 3 p.m., after a southbound train that was due to go through Bunnell had to be stopped for safety reasons.
Cowart remains at the Flagler County Jail on $7,250 bond.
“That’s my son, he’s mentally depressed, and the family is behind him, and we got him where we can help him,” his father told the television station.
Web Watchdogs won the contract to install the surveillance system in South Bunnell after the Bunnell City Council saw the system as a means of controlling crime. The cameras were proposed by then-Police Chief Arthur Jones.
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BeahGuy says
In the 2nd video, did that white vehicle blow through a stop sign, though another vehicle reached the intersection first?
Anonymous says
Looks like the rider did pretty good to be a drunkard…or was he?
GoodFella says
That actually looks like alot of fun!!!
Its obvious.. says
It was a Police SUV. He can do that to catch up to the horse.
Debbie says
LOL! It’s the camera’s on every street corner in Flagler and Palm Coast is what worries me.
PJ says
That hosre was beat his head and shoulders was lowered in the last video which means the horse was tired. Even when a horse is just in a field walking around they hold their head and shoulders up.
He was on the verge of killing this poor animal!
The father said it in the nut shell. “We have him where we need him to help him.” I hope so……..
Anonymous says
Oh so just because hes a cop he can blow through stop signs?
Anonymous says
He did not almost kill that horse! that things just fine and honestly the horse wouldnt have been put in distress if the cops wouldnt havent been botheringhim in the first place!
haw creek girl says
Known this young man since he toddled. He is an excellent rider, I don’t for a moment think animal cruelty was a factor. As his father, of whom I am very fond of said, Skeeter needs help for the struggles which led to this. I support this family with heart, soul and prayers.
jstmee07 says
Don’t get your panties in a wad now I am sure he looked both ways before crossing :)
Anoymouse too says
Does the animal cruelty charge mean nothing to you? Obviously law enforcement saw the animal was being treated cruelly.
Anoymouse too says
I know people who are excellent drivers. But have a few too many drinks and they can’t tell the difference between the brake or gas. I am sure sober, he is an excellent, caring rider. But he was drunk. Drinking too much makes you lose the skills you have.