An Attempted Home Invasion. Twice.
A deputy was dispatched to 2899 North Ocean Shore On August 13 in reference to a burglary. The victim there told the deputy that at 2 p.m. she heard her 6-year-old daughter screaming that someone was climbing into the bedroom window.
The victim said that she went into her daughter’s bedroom and observed a male attempting to come through the window. She described the suspect as white male with short red hair, a blue shirt and blue pants in his mid-twenties. She also said he was dirty and had a tattoo of a cross on the back of his neck. She said she screamed at the male and he left. She secured the window and did not call 911 at that time. She said she does not know who the male is. At approximately 5:45 p.m., she again heard her daughter screaming from her bedroom. This time she observed the same white male attempting to enter the window. Jones then grabbed a crowbar and chased the male along the fence line in the rear of the property. The male jumped the fence. She also stated that her two other young children were in the residence at the time. Lifting fingerprints was unsuccessful. A K-9 search was fruitless. A neighbor said she did not see or hear anything.
Vandalism at Ralph Carter Park
Rear Passenger Window Smashed, Purse Snatched
Sometime overnight between Aug. 20 and Aug. 21, someone smashed the rear passenger window of a Dodge Avenger at 33 Edge Lane in Palm Coast and stole a purse that had been in the back seat. The purse belonged to a woman on vacation in South Florida. She’d left the car in the driveway–along with the purse and contents including a black alligator print wallet containing her driver’s license and multiple credit cards, and a Kodak digital camera.
Aggravated Assault and Battery
Barry Golden, 49, of Slipper Trail in Palm Coast, was taken to jail the evening of Aug. 21 following an argument with his girlfriend that involved alleged threats to his girlfriend’s life, the wielding of a knife, and the punching of several holes in the hallway wall. A deputy counted 20 holes. The couple and five children, all of them teens, live at the house. Three of the children are the woman’s, two are Golden’s. Golden was taken to Florida Hospital Flagler first, where he was cleared of his injuries, before being taken to jail, where he was held on $2,000 bond, which he posted.
Swiped Wallet at McCharacter’s
A 20-year-old woman reported that at 9:30 p.m. on Aug. 18 she was playing pool at McCharacter’s, the bar, when a bouncer came up to her to check her l.D. When she went into her purse to get it, she noticed that her woman’s, black leather Coach wallet containing $25 in cash her Florida Driver’s license, her Social Security card, some business cards and a Daytona State debit MasterCard were missing. The wallet was valued at $50. The woman had used the wallet at the bar when she’d taken some money out of it. No suspects or witnesses.
A Party, a Burglary, a Vanished Flatscreen TV
On Aug. 18 at 6:45 a.m. a deputy was dispatched to 165 Plain View Drive, Unit A, in Palm Coast in reference to a burglary. The deputy made contact with the victim, Kenneth Keene, 50, and three other adults inside of the house: Francesca Ursino, 35, Shannon Price, 35, and Patrick Neumoyer, 39. Keene told the deputy that someone had entered his home while he was asleep and taken his flat screen television from the living room. Keen said he and his friends had a late night of partying and drinking but he remembers the television being there before he fell asleep around 2 a.m. Both Price and Neumeyer concurred. Price said there were two large dogs in the house. One slept in the room with her and Neumeyer and the other in the living room. Both Price and Neumeyer agreed neither dog barked throughout the morning. Ursino said the group partied until at least 2 a.m. with multiple verbal and physical confrontations.
Vacuuming Quarters
$221.50 in quarters stolen from an Air Serv vacuum machine at 5332 N. Ocean Shore Blvd. The theft was believed to have been committed by a former employee of the business there, because the machine showed no sign of forced entry. A similar report was made of a theft of $323.50 in quarters from the vacuum at the Kangaroo Gas Station at 1501 Palm Coast Parkway. In that second case a service technician for Air Serve was unable to say when exactly the theft had occurred, but that the unknown suspect had acquired the coins with a key.
$221.75 More Than a Stolen Tag
On Aug. 19 a deputy responded to 12 Bill Place in Palm Coast in reference to a stolen tag. The complainant reported that her 2001 Subaru was delivered to John’s auto parts and scrap at 3626 N. U.S.1 on April 4, 2011, to have it junked. The complainant never removed the tag from the Subaru. Recently, she received a letter from the state of Florida, billing her for multiple pay toll violations on Florida highways. The letter stated that an unknown vehicle with the Subaru’s tag has been passing through tolls illegally. The bill was for $221.75. There is no further information on the unknown vehicle that is now bearing the Subaru’s tag.
An Unleashed Dog and a Bite
On August 14th 8:58 p.m. the Sheriffs Office received a call from 2312 Lancewood Street, in Bunnell in reference to an animal bite. The deputy reports that after making contact with Sean Wells and Dessirae Cohn, Wells told him that at 8:28 p.m. he was riding his bicycle on Lancewood Street in the 1,000 block. The deputy continues: “At this time he stated a female was walking down the road with several dogs unleashed. He further stated that one of the dogs came after him as he-was riding his bicycle and bit him on his right ankle. S. Wells described the dog that bit him as being red in color and the breed appeared to be a bloodhound as it had big ears. S. Wells stated the female never attempted to call the dogs away from him. He further stated this female appeared intoxicated. S. Wells advised me that the female and the dog stay at an address located at 4949 Canal Avenue. I then went to this address and attempted contact with the female. All attempts to contact any occupants of this residence were unsuccessful. I did observe a red bloodhound type dog tied up in the front yard. I left a message with Animal Control and notified them of the above. It should be noted S. Wells refused medical treatment on scene. I further observed that S. Wells’s right ankle had a minor puncture wound.”
Other Burglaries and Larcenies and Petty Incidents
- Bicycle stolen from the font yard of Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy Parthemore home. The deputy’s address was withheld in accordance with Florida law allowing law enforcement personnel’s addresses to be kept confidential.
- Burglary at 12 Bennett Lane in Palm Coast sometime between Aug. 5 and Aug. 19. Among the items stolen: Bose wave radio, ceiling fans, Sony video camera, Dell desktop computer, a Honda portable generator, a projection TV and an X-Box.
- A 57-year-old woman and her 15-year-old daughter were charged with shoplifting shoes, a tank top and junior shirt and bottom at Bealls on Aug. 20.
- Passports, $400 in currency, a bottle of liquor (actual liquor unspecified) and a Social Security stolen from a home at 82 Freeport Lane in Palm Coast sometime between Aug. 17 and Aug. 19.
- Jewelry, particularly several gold rings, stolen from a home at 12 White Feather Lane in Flagler Beach sometime between June 25 and Aug. 19. The resident says she always leaves her home unlocked when she goes to church.
- HP Touch Pad stolen from a house at 6 Severn Ct. in Palm Coast on Aug. 18. The rear slider door had been opened, triggering the alarm in the house.
- Toshiba Flat-screen television stolen from a house at 165 Plain View Drive in Palm Coast on Aug. 18, sometime between 4 and 6 a.m. The television was stolen while residents were in the house, sleeping, after a late-night party
- A garage door opener, a Verizon Trac phone and $25 in coins stolen from a Chevrolet parked at 53 Port Royal Drive
- A 40-year-old woman, Donna M. Pavlichek, was arrested and taken to jail for shoplifting Combat roach killer and Frontline Plus at Walmart on Aug. 14.
- About a dozen items of jewelry, all of it gold, stolen from a house at 13 Blairton Court in Palm Coast sometime between mid-July and Aug. 10, when the residents were on vacation.
- A plastic Home Deport shopping bag containing furniture repair kits and an adhesive hook was stolen at 19 Wedge Lane in Palm Coast on Aug. 13. A woman was at her son’s house there, and had left the bag on her car to go in the house and help her son with something. When she went back outside, the bag was gone. The value of the contents was about $12.
- Boat engine stolen from 15 Palm Coast Resort Blvd. sometime between Aug. 7 and Aug. 13.
- A motor home kept in storage at Bulow Campground was reported burglarized, with the interior damaged by people attempting to steal a television from a cabinet. The motor home owner estimated the damage at $8,000. The burglary was reported on Aug. 13.
DUI Arrests
- Michelle L. Davis, 37, of Hickory Street in Bunnell, on Aug. 21.
- Jason M. Hamel, 24, of Beaverdam Lane in Palm Coast, on Aug. 20.
- Amy J. Kuderna, 63, of Mistletoe Street in Bunnell, on Aug. 19.
Ed says
“At approximately 4:30 a.m. a black man known only as DJ knocked on the front door and requested to come in.”
If THAT doesn’t spell “drug deal”, nothing does. Not because he’s Black but because nobody visits anybody @ that time of the morning for 10 minutes unless it’s a drug deal. I also contend that the “missing TV” was payment. Check “DJ’s” house and you’ll find the mysteriously missing television.