Most of the six names should be familiar local crime-trackers: Patrick Giovine, Ethan Gaboury and Grant Morse were all three arrested in July 2010 following a string of ATM burglaries in Flagler Beach and on Palm Coast Parkway. Giovine, in jail again since January, had been booked three times previously. Gaboury has been in jail since May. Ryan Giovine was jailed twice before, and was again jailed today, like Dave Downs, who today made his fifth trip to the Flagler County jail. James O’Brien doesn’t have a local jail record.
What that half dozen has in common is a criminal organization that burglarized ATMs, pharmacies and homes, stole vehicles and motorcycles and illegally sold narcotics, primarily in Flagler, Volusia and St. Johns, but with some operations in a couple of other counties, going back to 2008.
Click On:
- 3 Connected to a String of ATM Burglaries Arrested on July 4
- From a Slamming Door to a Machete, a Baseball Bat and 2 Arrests at Palm Coast’s Madison Green Apartments
- Armed Robbery at Flagler Beach’s CVS on SR100; Oxycontin-Filching Suspects Caught
Wednesday afternoon, Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming hosted a news conference announcing the organization’s bust. Morse, the alleged ring leader, like most others in the ring, has been in jail for a while. Morse is in federal prison in South Florida on separate charges.
The men now all face so-called RICO charges (after the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act), each of which carries a maximum penalty of 30 years in jail. The investigation started with relatively minor ATM thefts. The Sheriff’s Office’s crime suppression team went from there. “They went deeper, and they realized very quickly they had a major organization that needed to be targeted,” the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Dominick Pape said. Eventually the operation became the joint operation involving a half dozen agencies.
The crime spree touched some 100 victims in the three-county area. “This was a very experienced and organized group that used cell phones, surveillance of target locations and most critically, monitored police activity around those targeted zones,” Pape said. “This was not their first run at this. A very highly skilled, organized criminal group who wreaked havoc on these communities. All these individuals also have past criminal histories, so again it demonstrates that these are not just some local fly-by-night people, people just doing burglaries and robberies. A highly organized criminal group.”
Pape said the group also trafficked in prescription pills valued at about $1 million.
Fleming was flanked by Pape and State Attorney R.J. Larizza, and the walls of the room where the news conference was held were lined with innumerable members of various police task forces that contributed to the investigation.
Fleming explained how the alleged racketeers worked. Three of the individuals committed pharmacy burglaries. They’d take the drugs back to Morse’s house “where,” Fleming said, “he would apportion them out, people would sell them and then bring the money back to Mr. Morse and he would divvy up the money between them.”
The suspects, the charges they face and the bond they’re being held on:
Grant Morse, 46, formerly of 27 Patrick Drive, Palm Coast. Currently incarcerated in federal prison in South Florida.
RICO (Racketeering Violation), $500,000
Conspiracy to Commit RICO, $500,000
Burglary, $100,000
Grand Theft, $100,000
Total: $1,200,000
Patrick Giovine, 21, of 49 Pepper Lane, Palm Coast, incarcerated in state prison.
RICO (Racketeering Violation), $500,000
Conspiracy to Commit RICO, $500,000
Burglary, $100,000
Grand Theft, $100,000
Total: $1,200,000
Dave Downs, 24, of 62 Brunning Lane, Palm Coast, arrested this morning.
RICO (Racketeering Violation), $500,000
Conspiracy to Commit RICO, $500,000
Burglary, $100,000
Grand Theft, $100,000
Total: $1,200,000
Ethan Gaboury, 20, of 233 Barker Road, East Wareham, Mass. Currently incarcerated in the Flagler County jail.
RICO (Racketeering Violation), $500,000
Conspiracy to Commit RICO $500,000
Burglary, $100,000
Grand Theft, $100,000
Total: $1,200,000
Ryan Giovine, 28, of 35A Bunkerview Drive, Palm Coast, arrested this morning.
RICO (Racketeering Violation), $500,000
Conspiracy to Commit RICO, $500,000
Total: $1,000,000
James O’Brien, 35, of Halifax Drive in Daytona Beach. Currently incarcerated at the Volusia County Jail.
RICO (Racketeering Violation), $500,000
Conspiracy to Commit RICO, $500,000
Total: $1,000,000
Crime Spree: Where and When Grant Morse, Patrick Giovine, James O'Brien and Ethan Gaboury Allegedly Struck, 2007-2010
Date | Agency | Case No. | Location | Crime | Suspects |
Sept. 20, 2007 | Flagler County Sheriff's Office (FCSO) | 07-56020 | 36 Paul Lane, Palm Coast | Burglary to a residence | Grant Morse and Patrick Giovine |
April 4, 2008 | Bunnell Police Department (BPD) | 08-2376 | 706 E. Moody Blvd., Bunnell Pharmacy | Burglary to a pharmacy | Grant Morse, Robert Bell, Ronald Gould |
Jan. 30, 2009 | St. Johns County Sheriff's Office | 09-1170 | 4075 A1A, St. Augustine | Burglary to a pharmacy | Grant Morse and James O'Brien |
June 4, 2009 | FCSO | 09-34798 | 25 Marina Point Place, Palm Coast | Burglary to a condominium | Grant morse charged on July 5, 2010, for possession of stolen property from this case. |
June 7, 2009 | FCSO | 09-34943 | Portuguese Club, 1200 Palm Harbor Parkway | Burglary to a business | Grant Morse, Patrick Giovine, Ethan Gaboury, David Downs |
June 26, 2009 | FCSO | 09-39068 | Italian American Club, 45 Old Kings Road North, Palm Coast | Burglary to a business | Grant Morse, Patrick Giovine, Ethan Gaboury, David Downs |
Jan. 14, 2010 | FCSO | 10-3048 | 9 Pine Cone Drive, Palm Coast | Burglary to a pharmacy | Grant Morse, Patrick Giovine. |
April 28, 2010 | Aventura Police Department | 01-10-2406 | 19501 Biscayne Blvd., Aventura, Fla. | Burglary to gym lockers and fraud | Grant Morse and Kristopher Henriqson arrested and prosecuted federally. |
April 28, 2010 | Aventura Police Department | 01-10-2403 | 19501 Biscayne Blvd., Aventura, Fla. | Vehicle burglary | Grant Morse and Kristopher Henriqson arrested and prosecuted federally. |
May 13, 2010 | Volusia County Sheriff's Office | 10-16005 | 1298 John Anderson, Ormond Beach | Burglary to a residence and car theft | Grant Morse, Patrick Giovine and Ryan Giovine (motorcycles recovered). |
May 24, 2010 | FCSO | 10-42306 | 35 Princess Rd. Drive, Palm Coast | Burglary to a residence | Grant Morse, Patrick Giovine. |
May 28, 2010 | Daytona Beach Police Department | 10-11283 | 968 Orange Ave., Daytona Beach | Burglary to a pharmacy | Grant Morse, Patrick Giovine, James O'Brien |
June 1, 2010 | FCSO | 10-44909 | 215 St. Joe Plaza | Burglary to a business | Grant Morse, Patrick Giovine, David Downs |
lawabidingcitizen says
Nice police work. All the more reason that Flagler Beach and Bunnell move police, fire and sanitation services to the county.
NortonSmitty says
Brilliant sleuthing, Watson! I agree, LAC, this sophisticated group of arch criminals was tracked down and apprehended in only four or five years by our local Flagler County Interpol with support from the Florida FBI.
OK, I just can’t do it. As much as you all know how I enjoy being a sarcastic, snarky smart-ass, I just can’t get it up after reading this story and most of all the Official Press Releases, so here goes:
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?. Organized crime ring? Prosecuted under the RICO federal statutes that were controversially used to bend the constitutional rights of defendants to take down the New York Mafia. It was created to triple the sentences of high-level crime lords that oversee vast criminal empires, now’ it’s unleashed on a group of loser redneck addicted losers like these assholes? All of them walking around broke, drunk and high in the short period they weren’t in jail, stealing petty shit like the Hobo’s of the thirties to get by, get drunk and feed their addictions finally catch the eye of the local Carbinari, who enlists the Redneck FBI (FDLE) to publicize this roundup of punk-ass petty thieves as if they were the inbred Palm Coast Gambino’s that they are proud enough to announce a JOINT TASK-FORCE NEWS CONFERENCE over? At the risk of being redundant, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!
This proves my theory that the majority of crime we really have today, other than the pie-stealing shed robbing hobo bullshit we always had and always will have, is the white collar widespread big league billion dollar shit we all experience everyday from our banks, insurance, oil and cable companies. Instead of our Thin Blue Line going after thOSE GREEDY BASTARDS, we get distracted by horseshit like this. Be worried about$100k you lost on your 401k, not the guy that steals the stereo out of you car.
How much of your tax dollars do you think was spent by the multi-agency task force that brought these Oxycontin Desperado’s to justice? Guaranteed it was more than has been spent statewide on Bank of America’s billion-dollar illegal home foreclosure scheme.
My favorite lines from the Official Multi-Agency Task Force Press Release: “This was a very experienced and organized group that used cell phones, surveillance of target locations and most critically, monitored police activity around those targeted zones,” Translation: (On his Metro PCI $40/Month cell phone) “Hey Clem, my neighbor left his garage open an’ I don’t see no cops”.
I feel so much safer now, and once again, RICO? YOU GOTTA’ BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!
The Truth says
Imagine how much the taxpayers could have saved if this fine group of gentlemen would have burglarized a well protected, occupied citizen’s home back in ’09. Please support your local gun shops.
ss mondex says
Patrick Geovine broke into my house on pepper lane back in 09. good work sheriff DON
ss mondex says
And Mr. Morse drove by acouple days later asking me questions. Pure scum all of em.
Boston Limo Driver says
They were correct all along !
Approximately one year ago when the ATM robbery story was first published on Flagler Live involving 3 of these defendants, relatives from two of the the defendants began leaving posts explaining that the real story was much larger than one ATM robbery.
The larger issue centered around a career criminal who has a history of recruiting younger participants by exploiting their weakness & need for addictive pharmacy drugs.
Now, one year later after law enforcement claims to have concluded an intensive two-year investigation involving tough interviews with many of the above listed defendants, comes the announcement that indeed the true story was much larger involving 4 pharmacy break-ins, residential & commercial thefts of cash, personal property, cars, & motorcycles.
The real story was much larger than one ATM robbery !
To some people, the application of RICO statues is viewed as an over-reaction however, I respectfully disagree. The goal here is to incarcerate as many of these six defendants as possible for a minimum of 30-40 years. The state of Florida is safer with these 6 defendants behind bars for a long, long time.
The Attorney General’s office may be willing to cut deals with some of the lesser players if they testify against the top two leaders of this crime ring.
Hsart says
I think Andy and Barney would have Caught these Chumps Sooner or Later with or without Otis! As far as them being “ORGINIZED” I would Venture to say NOT! More Like “STUPID” They may have Attempted to Think things out But Palm Coast just Cant seem to Produce MAFIA Qualified Personal: Case and Point, The “Calzone Cowboy” The “SNITCH” with a “SWITCH” Bottom Line is The PO/PO, Regardless of what Agency, Removed these Guys Our Streets and if they can Add Years to their Sentence without being Bias or Stacking Charges, Sorry About their Luck!! They will be Hearing “HeadCount” for Years to Come!! To the LawAbbiding Citizen; What the Hell Does this Story have ANYTHING to Do with Flagler Beach,s Fire or Sanitation Dept,s???????????? My Wife and I Live Here and are VERY Satisfied with BOTH, We Dont Need WasteMismanagement, Waste Ho, or the Who Knows how manny others the County has Gone through, and Our Fire Dept and Police Dept have the Backup of the County 24/7, You need to Read the Crime Blotter a Little More Often !!
Ivan Paul says
Question: Where are the people now who were defending the primary suspect in this criminal case which started out as a singular crime known as the July 4th, 2010 ATM robbery ?
Where is the person who was saying the primary defendant was a great man who had been wrongly accused. How can anyone be doing great things for the Palm Coast Community when they are involved with stealing from the Italian American Club & the Portuguese Club ?
How can anyone who is thinking rationally actually believe it is appropriate to steal addictive medications from pharmacies and profit from illegal drug transactions at the street level ?
The reasoning behind charging all six defendants under RICO statutes is because the prosecuting attorney’s office intends to apply strong leverage by turning 5 defendants against one person, primary defendant Grant Morse !