Last Updated: 2:17p
A single-vehicle wreck and a fatality closed the southbound lanes of I-95 this morning at mile marker 276 in Volusia County, just south of the Old Dixie Highway interchange. The closure had, by 10:30 a.m., led to a five-mile back-up, all the way to the State Road 100 interchange in Flagler County.
The SUV was traveling with six people aboard, all of them students attending college in Pennsylvania and heading to Miami for spring break. A 21-year-old man from New Jersey was killed, a woman was transported to the hospital in critical condition, and another woman had more minor injuries, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
The wreck took place on a straight-away south of the I-95 interchange, where a Range Rover Discovery, registered in New York State, was on its side Friday morning. A Florida Highway Patrol trooper said the wreck involved no other vehicle, though information about the wreck, which took place just before 9 a.m., was sketchy. The medical examiner had not arrived at the scene at 10 a.m. One body, covered by a tarp, was alongside the vehicle.
A semi truck that may or may not have been involved in the wreck was parked on the western shoulder of the southbound lanes.
Traffic was being diverted from I-95 south onto Old Dixie Highway and to U.S. 1. Traffic was also backing up northbound on the interstate, on the approach to the wreck, as gawkers slowed to look at the scene.
By 11:30, lanes had reopened and traffic was moving.
More information could not be gathered at the scene: FHP troopers, particularly in Flagler County, are almost always cooperative with the press. Not in Volusia County–at least not when the FHP’s Sgt. J.L. Crosby is at the scene. Although Volusia County Sheriff’s deputies were cooperative, Crosby forbade a reporter to be at the scene and ticketed him for parking on a limited-access highway in a non-emergency.
Just after 11 a.m. a second wreck was being reported southbound I-95, south of SR100. Emergency personnel reported “one vehicle in the woodline. This may be a medical emergency.” No further details on that wreck at this time.
Jappy Jappy Hoy Hoy says
Hope that reporter goes to court. Certainly a news worthy event that a credentialed member of the press has a right to report on. Assuming the reporter was not creating a hazard or interfering with personel on the scene, I’m sure a judge would see the parking ticket for what it really is. I would also file a complaint with the FHP.
Asking for friend says
he did and was found guilty
Hurray Crosby says
Why do reporters think they are exempt from the law? Maybe if they told the truth law enforcement would not feel this way about them. How do you know a reporter is not telling the truth? He’s reporting! GOOD JOB Sgt. Crosby.
John Rogers says
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of the young man who lost his life in this traffic accident. What a sad way to go.
I’ve know Sgt Crosby for years, there has been many of wrecker drivers that have recieved tickets from him also. I heard one in particular threw a party when Jay transfered to Volusia County. I noticed in the picture they were looking real hard at the camera lol.
Brad Weir says
Boo freakin Hoo…Media slams the cops all the time so i’m not surprised to know that when a reporter breaks the law they get ticketed. The right to report the news does not give the right to break a law to do so. Good job Jay.
Tom Nadeau says
The officer who ticketed the reporter should be fired. It is called a violation of the reporters First Amendment rights. This jerk should not be a law enforcement officer of any kind.
I would have refused to sign the citation and allowed myself to be arrested and then sued the County and the jerk officer.
Tom Nadeau says
Also, the accident looks highly survivable……if they were wearing their seat belts. With the body being outside the vehicle I would suspect he was not wearing his seat belt.
Now I am a Libertarian and as far as I am concerned any adult was the right not to wear his seat belt in a privately owned vehicle but in refusing to wear his seat belt he assumes all responsibility for any injury or his death even if the accident is caused by someone else. The same if you are not wearing a helmet while riding on a motorcycle.
It is called Darwin Theory……as events like this get rid of the stupid people who are mostly Liberals..
Brad Weir says
You are clueless