Last weekend Flagler County School Board member Jill Woolbright in one of three campaign speeches at local church services said after God put her on the school board she has been engaged in “satanic warfare” against “liberal progressives” at the school district, referring to district staff and her colleagues on the school board as “the evil spirits around me.” (Woolbright is running for re-election and is being challenged by Sally Hunt.)
Woolbright in her speech referred to fellow-board members Cheryl Massaro and Colleen Conklin as “far far left progressives against everything. Therefore everything we’re against.” Woolbright’s remarks, were published in full Tuesday afternoon, along with a video of the speech. At the end of Tuesday’s evening meeting of the Flagler County School Board, both Massaro and Conklin addressed Woolbright’s claims, without naming her (it’s against board rules to call out individuals by name). Both board members’ comments follow in full, with a video of their comments below.
Cheryl Massaro:
Normally, I would take my time to go over positive things that have been happening in the district, and there’s quite a few. But unfortunately, this evening I will not do that. This evening, I have to release my satanic vibes. At least that’s what I’ve been told to have. And that’s because of this ugly election process that’s been going on throughout our county. And it’s very hard, I’m sure for our candidates, as it is hard for people who aren’t even running, to have things said about them that are completely false. And I guess the best term to use here would be fake news. There’s a lot of fake news out there, people.
And it’s very, very important that you do your homework and we get the vote out because yes, we have three seats up for election. That is true. And that is very important. And you want to put well-educated people into those seats. Not necessarily people who are indoctrinated to follow certain rules and regulations. And I think I’ve always worked hard to be the voice of reason, sitting in the middle, as I’ve said so very often.
And I am a Republican. I am a lifelong Republican. But I am a moderate. I do believe that both sides at times have very important ideas, and I will listen to both sides before I will make a change. And I’m proud of that fact. What I am not proud of is a lot of this ugliness that has transpired over the last few weeks, and untruths, especially when there are people saying they’re telling the truth, and they’re nowhere near the truth.
I cannot stand lies. I can’t. It just ingrains, it gets me angry and aggravated. I don’t care what individuals think if they don’t pay attention that they don’t learn. They’ve got to learn. Use education. Education is so important. We all need to be well educated. And the more you learn, you find out things. And it’s sad that we’ve come to this point, because I’ve worked very hard to work with my colleagues and been very trusting. I’m not sure I can do that anymore. That’s terrible. And I’m angry at myself for that, and I’ll fight myself for that. But not after things that have been said that are untrue.
And I do not, and I will not, support any involvement of the church and the school system in education. It does not belong there. The separation of church and state was designed by our framers, so that they came from England, where they ran from, because it was controlled by a church. A church. So they made sure when they came here and they made the Constitution of the United States that there would be none of that. So they made that very clear in the U.S. Constitution, and the Constitution is very clear about it, that it designed a very high and impregnable wall to divide the church and the state.
Now, if you want to call it satanic, I’m very sorry for that. But I’m a lifelong Catholic, too. And I believe in my religion. And I believe in lots of religions. Everybody has a right to a religion, all of them, and they’re all important. We have moments of silence before every meeting. If you want to say a prayer, by all means, I highly encourage you to do that. I have no problem with that. But I’m not going to be ridiculed because of my beliefs.
So I’m going to be releasing a video tomorrow that’ll go into more depth. But I’ll tell you right now, this has got to stop. I’m very embarrassed by Flager County. I’m very embarrassed by the people that are running for office. Shame on them. Some of the things they’ve said is unbelievable, actually. Makes you question sanity. And that concerns me. So yes, I’ve wasted my five minutes on something I really wouldn’t have had to talk about. But I’m not going to let this continue without being answered. My tongue is alive and I will not be silenced. Understand that here and now. Thank you.
Colleen Conklin:
Thank you and Ms. Massaro, apparently you and I are of the same satanic cult. So I would associate myself with your comments, and it’s disappointing that at the beginning of the school year, we have to start off in that way. I am a woman of great faith. Faith is probably the most important thing to me. But I recognize that we represent all children. All children, regardless of what faith they are or what faith their families are.
And shame on anyone for doing and saying the things that have been said in reference to any of their colleagues on this board. It is disgusting and despicable. And I’m looking forward to this election being over regardless of the outcome so that we can move on and focus on what is important. And that is actually educating children, and not politics.
And with that, I want to congratulate all of the schools. It has been wonderful to see all of the videos and the back to school messages. And the energy is positive. And the only ones I see screwing the energy up, to be quite frank, is us.
And so I hope that that ends very shortly, because we need to get back to being a collegial board that does not represent only one ideology, one particular group of students, but all students, or as they say: all of God’s children. And with that, I think I should probably end my comments.
James says
So, I’m a R and was on the fence about Woolbright to begin with. This latest antic has me leaning Sally Hunt now. I don’t care about your wacky politics, so long as the school system is performing. It is not, as indicated by sliding back from an A to a B-ranked district, super low reading and math scores, etc. Sally seems like she’s gonna focus on outcomes, not Ron DeSantis or Joe Biden. Using the church just feels gross.
Anon says
As someone who grew up Catholic, I’ve found many Protestants — especially evangelicals — believe Catholicism is a cult. They don’t believe Catholics are Christians because they have different rituals even though we certainly believe Christ is our savior. You better believe if Christian prayer came into school, Jill and her ilk would be the first to raise hell — sorry, raise Cain — if a teacher led his or her class in with a Hail Mary.
Been There says
Michael Cocchiola says
Thank you Cheryl and thank you, Colleen.
McDonald and Woolbright have brought their unique brand of toxicity to the school board. It’s a volatile brew of 1 part QAnon Crazy, 2 parts Big Lie Delusion and 3 parts Evangelical Crusade. We can’t focus on parents, teachers and students in this chaotic environment. McDonald is moving on to defeat in the BOCC election. Woolbright needs to move on to become an anti-democracy preacher in some a madhouse church. She seems very qualified for the job.
Vote for Sally Hunt, Courtney VandeBunte and Trevor Tucker. Help the school board keep its focus on parents, teachers and students – and education – not on religious indoctrination.
Steve says
Perhaps the live snake handler Churches in the Panhandle would be a fit for her.
Lee says
It is a shame we have people like Jill Woolbright running for office. This is serious business and should be treated accordingly. She is a joke. Unfortunately, she will get a lot of votes. These churches endorsing her should lose their tax exempt status. I just pray that Sally Hunt is elected along with Courtney Vanderbunte.
Flagler County Schools. need to return to BASIC Education to bring back our schools to A School Standard! Our children will be competing with the Communist Chinese children therefore they NEED the BEST Education so that America can WIN the Cold War II that the Chinese Communist Party started! America WON the Cold War Against the USSR because of America’s Great Education System. Peace Thru Strength!
TheMick says
I wonder how old you are. The U.S. won the cold war because we are wealthier than Russia by a factor of 100, and we forced them to spend so much money on their military that they essentially went bankrupt. The “cold war 2” is going to end up the same way. Unless we both come to our senses and cooperate on the future of a planet for everyone on it. We just have so damn much money we dominate the global economy. Its pretty simple.
Oh, and TFG lost the election.
Toni Malycky says
I totally agree crt this gender crap it’s all meant to divide and concur. There is no place for that in any school. Schools are meant for teaching our kids math science civics English real history some other languages gym some extracurricular activities sports boys and girls sports no boys in girls sports it’s not fair plain and simple. No girls in boys sports either. It’s all common sense we all used to have common sense but once they started the utterly ridiculous defund the police crap. That’s when all this other crap started. Now enough is enough back to the basics period. It makes sense. COMMON SENSE. It’s so frickin simple.
Merrill S Shapiro says
How refreshing and positive it is to know that there are two sane leaders on the Flagler County School Board, Cheryl Massaro and Colleen Conklin. The only problem we face is that there are only two of them. We need dozens of Massaros and dozens of Conklins throughout our local goverments–and it wouldn’t be bad if there were people in Tallahassee of Massaro/Conklin calibre either! The glass is half full! We’ve got two great leaders! Let’s all go to the polls and get us many, many more!
JimBob says
Bear in mind that Woolbright is not running alone but as part of a right-wing cabal. An evangelical mob is a mob nonetheless and secular education in Flagler County is about to be eradicated.
MikeC says
Woolbright is part of a nation wide movement to replace secular democracy with a Christian Theocracy to govern. Think Taliban. Think Iran. This is truly what they want.
Peaches McGee says
Flagler School’s beliefs; “We believe that all our educators, teachers, support staff, administrators, and School Board members have special talents and strengths that have a positive impact on student achievement”
Woolbright has no special talent. But she does have strength at being a buffoon.
For the future of our children, please vote this miscreant out of office.
Algernon says
It’s unAmerican for a candidate for office to say that if enough people like him or her get elected, that they can clean house by getting rid of employees of a certain religion – or color – or political party membership – or for having a handicap – or for their political beliefs. I think the reader gets my direction. This is wrong and should stop immediately. If an elected school board member acts like this, perhaps they should be recalled or impeached. They certainly should NOT be re-elected.
Jill Woolbright should be banned from anything to do with the children of Flagler County.
BW says
“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on street corners so that others may see them. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.
But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.
* In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words.*
Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:5-8)
Woolbright, Fury, Chong, Greg Peters, and the guy at New Way’s actions weren’t Christian. Nor were they admirable. The 1st Amendment never sought to silence religion. It seeks to protect it. Once you politicize something you subject it to harm. These people weren’t advocates of the Christian faith this past weekend, but rather put themselves first. Their actions were selfish and harmful. What kind of a religious leader stands in front of children in their communities and says it is ok to break the law? What kind of religious. leader jeopardizes a congregation doing good? Their actions weren’t Christian at all as they put themselves first. Likewise if one can only operate in life when surrounded by other so-called “christians” they have learned nothing and do not have Christ in their hearts. Christianity is a guide for one to live, but it is not to be weaponized and forced upon others. That it what groups like the taliban do. Every one of them are not decent human beings nor admirable followers of Christ. Shame on them.
Samuel says
Would these Board of Ed Member please leave their religious beliefs home this has nothing to do with the children in our schools. Woodbright made a complete fool of herself and has turned off many voters.
The conspiracy theories spreading our country are very dangerous to our cities, states and country please stop and everyone needs to start acting their ages.
Lisa Kopp says
“we need to get back to being a collegial board that does not represent only one ideology, one particular group of students, but all students,” I agree with this comment 100%! #TRUTH
Joan says
Thank God for two voices of reason. May there be three more after the election.
Blossom says
I am concerned that our school board has become a circus of many seeking an agenda which is about them and not the school. You can read that whichever way you want. Parents here need to be more involved with these kids AT HOME. If grades are dropping, that is also a parent responsibility.
Please elect individuals who who place these kids first, and not their own political agenda.
Skibum says
Before I retired, I was a state employee on the west coast for many years. During one gubernatorial election campaign, one nutbag lady who was running to oust the incumbent governor used each and every speech to vilify the governor and his policies, rallying her supporters from various churches and religious organizations by saying the very similar falsehoods that Woolnotsobright has been spouting. That SHE was the true and godly warrior sent from heaven to oust the evil and satanic incumbent. She even went so far to say publicly that if elected, she would govern the state “by the edict of God”, whatever that meant. Was she planning on bringing back stoning instead of lethal injection as the official execution method in death penalty cases? Or mandate only religious based public education like the Taliban has implemented in Afghanistan? We have more than our share of false prophets and wacko extremists here in FL who want to turn public society into zombie-like replicas of their version of religiosity. Thank God the wacko I mentioned who was running for governor was soundly trounced in the election, so I guess she wasn’t that high up on the heavenly anointed list after all. Jill Woolnotsobright well deserves the same divine message in the upcoming election so she can crawl back under her rock and leave the school students alone while they concentrate on learning from REAL education courses that will benefit them during their lives, not being indoctrinated and brainwashed into her preferred version of religiosity that belongs in her head, not forced on everyone else she comes into contact with.
TheMick says
well said! right on the money and to the point. thank you Skibum!
Michael Cocchiola says
Thank you Cheryl and thank you, Colleen.
McDonald and Woolbright have brought their unique brand of toxicity to the school board. It’s a volatile brew of 1 part QAnon Crazy, 2 parts Big Lie Delusion and 3 parts Evangelical Crusade. We can’t focus on parents, teachers and students in this chaotic environment.
McDonald is moving on to defeat in the BOCC election. Woolbright needs to move on to become an anti-democracy preacher in some madhouse church. She seems very qualified for the job.
Jane E K says
Cheryl is a joy. Vote Woolbright OUT!!!
Ld says
Candidates please focus on what you can do to improve reading and math scores in PC.. Rise above the personal attacks which are obviously having the intended effect of disgracing the abuser. Ignore bs and focus on how the school board can help improve education for Flagler youth. Set attainable goals for programs and transportation to after school tutoring that will enable students to get help they need. Working parents are not able to pick up kids @ 3:45. Be realistic. Stop wasting meeting time on trivial stuff like logos on t shirts.
Jim says
Jill Woolbright is an ignorant person who would be comfortable with Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green. All three share the telling traits of ignorance of facts, laws and even a basic understanding of the constitution of this country. I wonder how many students in this county are confused by the fact that a school board member can exhibit less understanding of law than most 6th graders. We need change. This is just embarrassing!
Laurel says
Those of you who have been Republicans all your lives and find the current party as being insanely off the tracks, it’s time to take your party back. So far, the real Republicans who have fought against this crazy nonsense have lost their jobs. Well, if that’s all it is, there are other jobs out there and yours will come back to you time. Stand up to these nuts! Stand up to Trump and DeSantis. Tell your fellow party members the truth and demand they do the same. Vote the other party unless you are absolutely sure the candidate does not back these bullies.
Call Fox Entertainment out.
Demand proof of election fraud.
Do not allow deflection.
Demand proof of conspiracy theories.
Demand proper behavior, not this name calling whining.
Challenge others to watch the January 6th hearings, they are scared to death to do just that.
Trump is a spoiled, rich, white man who doesn’t give a damn about the people he is duping. DeSantis sees this simply as a way to his end goals for himself. They are using the far right *Christian Nationalists* who are making these insane comments, and allowing our country to detour to fascism. Call them out! Take your party back and shun those who are destroying it.
Keep these nut cases out of out school system as their goal is to weaken the children with their misinformation and misguided beliefs. Cookie cutter kids, with no minds of their own. These people think progressiveness = intelligence, which is harder to control.
Kim Pandich-Gridley says
I have tremendous respect for both Cheryl Massaro and Colleen Conklin, both as board members and as human beings. This article, along with the previous one describing Jill Woolbright’s crazy beliefs, should give anyone who was considering voting for her, serious concerns. Remember, the board members are able to see each other behind the scenes and know their true characters. Despite the Governor’s endorsement (was that just a formality as she’s the Republican?) I will be voting for her opponent, Sally Hunt and would encourage all Flagler County residents to do so as well. Woolbright has demonstrated her unwillingness to follow the processes put into place by school board policies. She’s a disruption at best and a dangerous wack-job at worst. Please don’t let DeSantis’s endorsement sway you. I’m a Republican, but there’s no way this woman belongs in our school system, especially now that we’ve seen her true colors and I’ll absolutely be voting for her opponent, Sally Hunt.
Glenn Sims says
I’ve learned whomever the liberal media attacks is most likely who I’ll vote for. You can’t trust the media to be unbiased, especially Flagler Live. Most media outlets have a very liberal agenda. I don’t know any of the candidates but I would say this about Massaro’s comments concerning the Constitution. She is blatantly wrong in stating that “The separation of church and state was designed by our framers” and “the Constitution is very clear about it.” The separation of church and state is not mentioned in the Constitution at all! She needs to educate herself. The idea was not designed by our Framers! It came from a letter written in 1802 by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association. There is no mention of Separation of Church and State in the Constitution. I would think as a School Board member you should have a better grasp on our history.
FlaglerLive says
Glenn Simms is misinformed. The metaphor of the church state wall was Jefferson’s, in that letter to the Danbury Baptist Association. The legal, constitutional concept is spelled out in the Establishment clause of the First Amendment, to which Massaro referred specifically.
MikeC says
Its the FIRST idea they put into the document. I know it may be a reading comprehension stretch for you, sir, but take a deep breath and do your best: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
JimBob says
You fail to note that Woolbright is running as part of a three-person slate and her cohorts appeared with her and tacitly endorsed her crackpot views.