The Green Lion Café has been operating the restaurant at Palm Coast’s city-owned Palm Harbor golf course since 2017. City government welcomed Green Lion’s operators, a sister operation to the Golden Lion in Flagler Beach, with a lease favorable to Green Lion, one of just two operators willing to risk it there, and high hopes that the restaurant would anchor a turnaround of the entire Palm Harbor golf course operation.
The gambit worked. Restaurant and golf course are now humming. Trip Advisor rates Green Lion the Number 1 restaurant in Palm Coast, with 182 reviews netting it a five-star rating.
On Tuesday, three Palm Coast City Council members turned on the Green Lion lease angrily, at times viciously, calling the lease “shameful,” “outrageous,” a “sweetheart deal” that was “robbing the people.” They had derisive words for the city administration, too, and not just the one that negotiated the deal five years ago. Yet the matter was in discussion Tuesday precisely because the current administration had renegotiated new rates that would increase Green Lion’s rent 317 percent over the next five years, bringing the rent somewhat in line with market rates. The work of months of negotiations between the city and Green Lion crumbled before the council’s assault.
“I want to use the word shame. Because I could use different words, but the word shame, that’s what we should be using over here for the people that actually did this lease five years ago,” Council member Eddie Branquinho said, not naming Jim Landon, the city manager who negotiated the lease. “And shame on us if we agreed to this. Shame on us. This is actually–let me use the bad word, this is robbing the people of Palm Coast. This is actually a shame.” He was equally critical of the city staff, which he said should not have submitted the lease proposal in its present form. “This is bad,” he said. “This is shameful. Shameful.” He tried to walk back the personal attack later, by saying he was not intending to be personal.
Only one council member, Nick Klufas, remains on the council from the time when the lease was approved. He provided a defense of the lease and sought to paint a picture of what the restaurant and the golf course looked like five years ago, “when it was a literal, like, hole in the wall,” he said. But as discussion unfolded Tuesday he saw the writing on the wall and even he soured on the lease he’d approved five years ago, joining his colleagues and calling for a change.
Council members had different alternatives: putting the restaurant back out to bid, getting verified current market rates for restaurants, directly imposing a much steeper rent on Green Lion, rather than gradually, and issuing a “termination for convenience” notice to Green Lion–essentially, firing the company–in six months.
In the end, they converged on determining fair market value, then putting the facility out to bid. Theoretically, Green Lion could bid to save its own operation. But by then, it would do so as a company the city will have shown the door.
Green Lion’s operators were not there to defend themselves.
Christopher Marlow, one of the management company’s owners and the operator of the Green Lion, was in disbelief today. He recalled the days–the years–when Palm Harbor was in the red on average $212,000 a year, year after year from its inception in 2008, not counting depreciation and city investments, which bring the total loss to $9 million until 2016. The reason Green Lion got the lease in 2017, he said, “is because even the city didn’t think we were going to make it.” The golf course’s future was in question.
“And now they’re talking about kicking us ut and putting 30 families out of work so the city can make $1,000 a month more? Are you kidding me?” Marlowe said. Since taking over the restaurant had weathered numerous closures because of hurricanes and tropical storms, the kitchen floor had caved in, the dining room had flooded. The restaurant repaired and moved on. “We want to continue our lease. The City of Palm Coast is making it very difficult, and quite honestly making it almost impossible.” He added: “We have agreed to everything that they’ve asked for and it’s still not enough for these councilmen. I don’t know what to do with these people. It was just like a feeding frenzy yesterday.”
It was not an exaggeration. And it raised questions about the sort of shrill, anti-business demeanor the council was presenting to potential bidders, if and when they materialize.
Palm Coast in 2017 ended its habit of contracting with a management company to run the golf course (and the city’s tennis center). The course has been more successful since the city took over management, with the café playing a key role in that success. The city negotiated a five-year lease with Green Lion at the time, with an option to renew for five years. (See the contract here.)
Green Lion and Bonner Mobile Bar Service of Tampa bid in 2017, the latter an ice cream company whose bid wasn’t considered feasible. The previous restaurant at the property had been successful, but only as long as it was run by Karen Barchowski, a chef and the owner of Sally’s Ice Cream in Flagler Beach. But she’d left by then, and the restaurant suffered, becoming more of a concession stand and a “hole in the wall,” in Council member Nick Klufas’s words. Its physical condition also deteriorated significantly.
Green Lion was tasked with restoring the restaurant’s lustre and invest in improvements, at its expense. Marlow said it invested $100,000. Its original lease called for the city to pay all utilities and a low rent was set at $500 the first year, rising to $600 a month, when the entire golf course operation was struggling. (Specifically: the first six months were rent-free, then $500 a month, and beginning with year two, $25-a-month increases each new year.) The terms were similar to those Captain’s BBQ negotiated with Flagler County government for its restaurant at Bings Landing, the county park, in 2011, with increases of $30 a month each year after that, now through 2026.
The golf operation is no longer struggling. The intangible role the restaurant played in that turnaround, to the benefit of the city, is likely incalculable. Green Lion in April requested a lease extension, as allowed by contract.
That’s the option that Palm Coast Development Director Jason DeLorenzo presented to the Palm Coast City Council on Tuesday, with a caveat. “We still have work to do on this but we want to at least get it in front of you and get some feedback from you,” he told council members. It was a work in progress, with significant changes to the original lease, but nevertheless it was expected to be a routine matter. That’s why Marlowe didn’t think it necessary to be at the workshop at that point.
But this is the Palm Coast City Council, where grandstanding, tempers, knee-jerks have for the past couple of years tended to frame discussions and decisions at least as much as reason, if not more. DeLorenzo was minutes into his presentation when the “feeding frenzy” began.
Council member Ed Danko, who had clearly not read the preparatory materials in his meeting packet, was incensed that Green Lion was paying just $600 a month. “I’ll give you seven, or eight,” he said derisively, meaning $700 or $800. Had he read the packet, he’d have seen the new schedule: $1,200 starting in September, and rising by several hundred dollars a year, gradually, to $2,500 by the fifth year of the renewed lease. Mayor David Alfin had to intervene to allow DeLorenzo to continue–more than once, as other council members also interrupted, albeit less scornfully.
The higher, “market-rate lease” was drawn up in response to wishes previously by council members to raise the rates, DeLorenzo said, and Green Lion would now be required to pay for natural gas and internet service, as it had not previously. The leasable space would be reduced from 2,650 square feet to just under 2,000 square feet, with changes affecting the patio: four days of the week, the city’s own operations impact that patio for leagues, tournaments, outings, scoring and the like.
“How much is the city paying on the utilities all these years?” Council member Victor Barbosa asked. One month’s worth ranges between $1,100 to $1,400 for electricity, Mitch Lehman, the golf supervisor at the course, began to say, and was about to cite the water and sewer cost but didn’t get to.
“And the city is paying for this?” Barbosa said. “So we’re losing money every month. The residents are paying for this restaurant to be there. Who made this deal? This is outrageous.” (There is one meter at the golf course for all operations there.) Branquinho joined the criticism, calling the city’s share “unjustifiable” and again prompting Alfin to intervene. “Let’s let staff get to their recommendation,” the mayor said.
Danko ignored him. “How much profit a year does this restaurant make for itself?” he asked. The figure was not readily available, but could be provided, DeLorenzo said. Danko wanted to set the lease rate based on that: “We perhaps could maybe well make that work if we got a percentage of that profit kickback to the city.”
Alfin, who spoke like someone who had read the packet, tried again: “I’m not sure staff has given us the rate that they intend to increase it to yet,” he said.
“I went through the packet the other day,” Danko said.
Alfin quizzed him, knowing that Danko wouldn’t know: “And what was the final rate?” the mayor asked him. “What’s the final rate three years from now?”
“$1,200 bucks or something,” Danko said, off by $1,300. Still, he persisted with the derision: “I’ll give you 13, Jason” (now lowballing the administration’s own terms by by $1,200).
DeLorenzo said the administration’s intention was to gradually work the rental payments to market rate, at $15 a square foot, which would be achieved in year five of the renewal. He then laid out the annual rates over the next five years, which project a 20 percent rate increase each year.
“It’ll take five years to come to fair market,” Branquinho said. “By that time it’s not going to be fair anymore.”
Annual cost of living increases would kick in after that. Barbosa and Danko talked about rates, again Alfin asked to let the presentation continue, and Branquinho said: “I’ll wait until the end but I’m boiling.” (“Good for the restaurant,” Alfin quipped.)
Now Klufas started with questions about the equitability of market rates. And when the presentation was over, Danko reiterated his opposition to the proposal. He proposed going immediately to the $2,500-a-month rent or putting it out for bid. He was echoed by Branquinho. That idea would soon be set aside in favor of bidding out based on verified market values.
“I don’t blame the people that got this lease. I mean, it’s a sweetheart deal,” Danko said. “I would take it in a second. They’re smart to take it if we’re dumb enough to give it to them. But I don’t blame them personally. But I just think this is outrageous. We don’t want to find ourselves in a Bings Landing situation that the county found themselves in. And that’s what this reeks up to me.” (Danko was not referring to the breach-of-contract lawsuit Captain’s BBQ filed against the county, which has been costly and dragged for nearly three years, wiping out any monetary gains the county might have realized with a higher rent, but to the rent Captain’s paid.) He later again referred to the perception–absent bidding out the process–to “some backdoor, under the table sweetheart deal,” which of course threw out his claim that he was not attacking the Green Lion’s operators personally.
By contract, the city can terminate the lease, but it would have to give the restaurant six months’ notice–and cease collecting rent for those six months. That now appears to be the approach the council is willing to take.
“We don’t deserve this, we are being extorted and punished unfairly by the local government,” Marlow said. “The local government should be helping small business, the local government should be helping the community. Instead they are destroying us, so they can make an extra thousand a month? I can’t believe it.”
In today’s interview, Marlow was asked directly whether he would be willing to accept the immediate increase to $2,500 a month. We don’t want to leave, we have been there for a long time and we did not make any money for the first three years, we put $100,000 to get that place up and running,” Marlow said. “Of course we don’t want to walk away. We want to find a way to make things work, but we don’t want to sit here and stand for what happened yesterday, this is not how you do business.”
Between Golden Lion and Green Lion, the Marlows have been in business some 30 years, their businesses drawing on a broad-based popularity they buttress with community involvements and contributions to food banks and other organizations for the neediest. (“Our family is absolutely gutted by the City [Council members],” Carolyn Marlow said in a text today. “We are not political and work our butts off 7 days a week. This is not our world, but obviously, we are now caught up in this circus.”) The Green Lion cheers for and hires numerous local musicians. The restaurant’s clientele is diverse: the club’s golfers of course (each member gets a free bottle of wine with dinner), tourists, city employees, who get 30 percent off, and residents. It all adds up to a constituency the council may be underestimating.
Ray says
Close it, I would not put up with the city’s BS
Stephanie Sihpol says
I agree, close it and move elsewhere, we will take our business with us wherever they go.
Jason ASher says
Unbelievable the attitude of our City Officials! You should be thanking The Golden Lion owners for reviving the once DEAD Palm Harbor Golf Coarse and area with the successful Green Lion! It did not happen on its own. Lord knows the City can’t make anything a success! It’s embarrassing to hear how many of our Council members talk and insult each other and members of our community on our local radio station. Are there any Ladies and Gentlemen in the room or just a bunch Adult of adolescents with no manners, pointing fingers and ranting rather than managing the issues at hand.
PS. Green Lion is one of the nicest & successful restaurants in our community…What will be your attitude if they leave, you raise the rent and new restaurant comes in and fails in the 1st year (most do). and the area declines again?
Feddy65 says
Maybe they have one of their pals ready to swoop in and open up a new place and of course it will be a sweet deal for them
RitaMae says
I would not be surprised if this is true. I know of 1 council member who would try this and make a profit on the deal. Keep your eyes open.
Wendy says
Shame on you City Council, shame on YOU! Smells of greed to me. The presence of Green Lion Cafe has elevated this neighborhood and brought positive growth and changes. How is it robbing the people of Palm Coast? It has helped to increase our home values partly because of the thriving golf course. If you force the Green Lion Cafe out, I guarantee that you will have a lot of very unhappy residents. I could see you requiring that they pay their own utilities, that would make sense. As it says in the article, 30 families would be affected by losing their jobs, not to mention that they put $100,000 into repairing it. So much to consider City Council.
Carla says
The Green Lion is great — for lunch, dinner, or just for drinks. It will be very upsetting if the city screws up and we lose one of the very few good restaurants in PC.
Dorothy Pritchet says
Remember all this when it comes time to vote for our council people!
Mark says
The approach of the council is not only wrong but also shameful. Mr Branquinho and Mr Danko .
What’s wrong with you ?
Steve says
They havent a clue thats the problem
Julia Hake says
Eliminating the 30% off perk for city employees would likely restore the $1,000 monthly deficit. The Council sounds like they are taking lessons from the need for greed Administration in D.C. Allow these employees to have their jobs in this lousy economy and patrons to continue to have a pleasant experience at the Green Lion. Life is NOT all about keeping up with market values. Society needs pleasant shared food/beverage times to alleviate the stress of extremely high costs of gas, food, healthcare, etc. Give Palm Coast residents and the Green Lion a break.
Dorothy Pritchet says
Be sure to remember all this when they are up for re-election!
Sherry says
Brankiko and Danko are idiots and so unqualified. It’s so obvious by their questions and statements at every Council Meeting that they don’t prepare for the meetings. They ask questions that are already answered in the presentation materials which they are supposed to review BEFORE the meeting. They will never get my vote.
The Marlows are asset to Palm Coast.
Absolutely Ridiculous says
It is quite apparent that none of these council members had eaten there 5 years ago nor since the Green Lion took over. Maybe had they had a case of food poisoning from when it was a “hole in the wall” and an “embarrassment” to the City of Palm Coast, there would be some appreciation for what this has become. Five years ago, if you did play golf there, you sure as hell didn’t eat there before, during or after! This restaurant is without a doubt one of the best places to go out to in Palm Coast and once again these morons who have somehow been elected are ruining a good thing!
ASF says
Sounds like some unnamed council members may already have some new potential owners in mind that may have already expressed interest to them, privately.
Paul says
Or Alfin himself working with the council.
Sylvia Kaufman says
That’s ridiculous. If you believe that, you haven’t been reading the entire article in detail!
Julie says
I had the same thought. They are screaming and protesting just a little too loudly.
Trailer Bob says
Looks like they need to hire a referee.
Pat says
You are correct need a referee. But this goes to both sides being upfront. My point of view is the restaurant is there a accessory for the golf course. The restaurant provides a good venue. But there needs to be a fair renegotiation of the contract. They both need to sit down and look at ALL the numbers. Down to discounts and wine that is part of buying a membership to the balance of the cost of utilities. They also need to seek balance of the patron use of restaurants. Early evening most tables are reserved and golfers coming off the golf course could be left with only the seating along window or and few at bar . The restaurant should be successful and make money. They have had to endure a couple of tough years with Covid, hurricanes and renovations. But again City Staff and Green Lion owners need to just get together and seek balance. Bob used your comment to make my own.
Grace says
I agree that both parties involved need to sit down and talk.
The Green Lion is one of few best resturants in Palm Coast. Palm Coast has more fast food restaurants then fine dining restaurants. I know myself when I want fine dining I go to Saint Augustine. I’m sure if they both sat down and discussed the matter at hand, a little give and take,brings could be worked out and a thriving rrsturant would remain open.
Paul S says
Let mentioning the amortization of the $100,000 investment to fix the place up. That, in simple term means $1,667 monthly for the 5 years where the rent was supposedly such a sweet deal. Not to mention other repairs & maintenance paid for Not by thirty but the lessee, the Green Lion.
Not uchaswet deal after all.
Jim says
Well, here we go! The “business leaders” that sit in the city council acting like they know what the hell they are doing! It seems that they didn’t even read the material on the presentation before them. The Marlows have made that stinkhole of a snack bar into a destination in Palm Coast. Just because you city council members weren’t there when this deal was done, don’t think that you wouldn’t have done the same thing or something very close just to save the golf course and restaurant just like your predecessors. Political Hacks! That’s what you are! I hope that this works out because I agree with one of the previous comments, it sounds like thus current bunch of politicians has their own ideas for ine of their own friends to take it over and screw it up!
cgm says
great food great service
even if the city breaks even on the GL leave it alone.
Penny says
Green Lion serves the best burger in the area, along with great service and friendly personnel. Renegotiate…sure. But, be fair about it and consider the residents that are employed there. green Lion is an asset to this community!
I enjoy going there says
Dicko, and the rest of your clown car, does anyone remember when the golf course was shut down, homeowners looking at 3 foot tall weeds where a Lush green golf course once was? Your home values hit bottom. A few Golf management companies came and went.
Then the City of Palm Coast rolled the dice; took the course over and decided to make the restaurant something more than a bad hot dog stand. Yes, the Green Lion got a good deal, yet so did the city of Palm Coast. The course is now profitable, the restaurant is wonderful.
At one point there was talk of condos.
You greedy bastards. Sure, they got a good deal. How about working with them to maybe increase the lease over the next several years?
How many times has Palm Coast given a huge tax break to a new business coming to town ?
David Schaefer says
Yep they are all A Holes in my opinion. I wish the citizens could revoke the city charter and get rid of these clowns forever..
Dorothy says
Vote them out in the next election!
Lorraine says
The City Council should be a SHAMED” of themselves for their behavior!! This is a profitable business struggling through tuff times such as COVID and hiring people directly in our community! Making Palm Coast a top rated place to visit!! They are more for the community as a whole vs the ding bats on the City Council!! Renew the same lease as rates of the old!! The positives out way the negatives!!
Cindi says
Ray, you obviously have never owned a successful business. If you did, and gave a damn about 30 families, you
Never say close it.
Before you do, go have lunch there, meet the wonderful staff, enjoy the wonderful food and service
Dennis C Rathsam says
Making a deal, with the city of Palm Coast…is like making a deal with devil!!!!
Michael Van Buren says
I worked with, and later for the City of Palm Coast…. You are correct.
But this City Council has reached a new low in my opinion. People need to remember all the recent controversies that have turned our City into a laughing stock for the rest of Florida come election time. The City made a deal 5 years ago that benefited them as well. I can’t dismiss the thought that the only back door deal is going on right now.
As someone that frequents the Green Lion regularly, the City needs to put the brakes on this, eat crow, and negotiate a fair agreement that will benefit both parties and the residents that live nearby. If not, the City might just wind up where it started.
To some of my “current” City Council Members (You know who you are from your public comments on this) you should be ashamed of yourselves and I don’t expect you to win another election based on your track record.
Chris Conklin says
The city council should be ashamed. The golf course sucked until the green lion brought people into play n have lunch n a drink. What a group of useless people who have no clue. Discusting.
Ronald Schrein says
How did we elect this bunch of idiots? The Green Lion goes into its own pocket to the tune of $100,000 to rescue this dilapidated restaurant and we’re given a low rent rate that reflected the huge risk they were taking to pull off this turn-around. They lost money for three years until word got around. So they succeeded, the golf course has benefitted, the surrounding neighbors have benefitted. A rising tide lifts all boats. And yet, the Green Lion has not yet fully recouped it’s investment. I hope Green Lion sues the city for breach of contract and causes Palm Coast to waste thousands of dollars in legal fees defending the lunacy of this city council. And while that’s going on, there will be no restaurant at Palm Harbor because no restauranteur with half a brain would touch the place after seeing what these moron councilmen did to Green Lion.
Dan says
Well said.
Glen Westpy says
100% right leave the Green lion alone Great people everyone loves this place
Michele says
Bravo 🙌
This city is known to business owners as difficult. To say the least.
And Danko didn’t even know why he was talking about? Blowhard.
Tried my defending this city against the real crooks.
Green Lion helped turn around the course, the neighborhood and consistently meets the residents of Palm Coast expectations.
How simple would it have been to say “ok the deal needs to be renegotiated.”
To berate a business for accepting a challenged property at a negotiated rate is the shameful part.
If I owned Green Lion I’d want to move…out of this city.
David Schaefer says
Perfect Sir.
Skibum says
Absolutely correct! The city will end up with a big loss for the community on their hands if they don’t recognize the words coming out of the city council’s mouths are not only wrong-headed but hurtful to a wonderful and much loved local business that took a big risk and became successful. We love the Green Lion and wish it every success in the future. As far as some of our local elected leaders, however, I want them GONE!!!
Denali says
While I agree 100% with your thoughts, I must point out that there is no breach of contract. Right now it is just a few asshats shooting off their mouths without knowing all the facts – blowing hot air. The current contract will run its course, these idiots do not have the fortitude or the time remaining to terminate it. all they can do is bluster. The contract may or may not be renewed depending on whether the parties can come to an understanding. So no breach, just the possibility that Palm Coast will soon be without what many consider a decent restaurant.
Michael Van Buren says
Well said. If they go through with it, I never will frequent it again just on principle.
God help the next victim… (I mean local business trying to survive and employ our residents)
Golfer says
The palm harbor golf course is not successful because of the green lion! The course conditions improve every year and that’s why people play. They don’t play because of the overpriced restaurant. I golf there two or three times a week and that’s not because of the green lion. I never heard anyone say they play because they can get salmon for lunch. My tax dollars go to subsidize there establishment and city council has every right to fix the problem. If you think that the course made money because of the green lion you are wrong.
They play because it is a bargain, subsidized by the taxpayers year in and year out because of the cities “funny book keeping”. Remember when it was supposed to be an enterprise? The Restaurant is one of the best things that happened on the grounds. I, as a taxpayer, would like to see the entire city council stay out of interfering in a business they know nothing about. C’mon Mayor, show some business leadership here!
Jim says
I was the mayor from a city that owns their airport. There’s a restaurant located within.In 30 years it was never successful until a lease was put in place that favored the restaurant owners. I guarantee that if they leave it will sit empty. No way fair market price would succeed in that location. City Council is very short sighted on this issue.
Aaron says
Lesson: Never elect Republicans… Ever. They pretend like they are all about business, but they don’t actually understand how to make business work, they only understand greed.
Tina Olive says
I wouldn’t say not to elect Republicans….I’d say quit electing Idiots…Typical Politics….Not a lick of Common Sense between all of them. It also sounds to me like Now that this place is a goldmine Maybe a “Buddy” has interest in taking over the business. Just remind us again when we can vote you morons out….You are an Embrassment to the city….
Bob says
Are you serious? You must have lost your mind.
Not a Politician says
There it is. You had to go there. Making a blanket statement like this shows your intelligence. Yes, the council are acting like idiots. We can all agree on that.
Eric Cooley says
I dont even live in Palm Coast and am amazed by how little some of the elected body understands the history of this operation, location, and big picture at play here.
No one wanted that location. Most importantly, no one else arguably could have done what the operators there have done. No one had the resources to improve the property to that level. No one could operate the business at that level. No one could market it at that level to have the success they have had. Maybe one of those mentioned items – but not all at once which they did. Put simply, it is even in business at all because of them. Palm Coast govt, nor any “deal” had anything to do with it. If there had been another operator in there, it arguably would have never made it. These are things the business unfriendly and boycotting Danko doesnt comprehend.
Should rent be dynamic and fair to both parties? Absolutely. However, PC elected have no business making such ridiculous comments about Green Lion while they made the city proud by the investing what they did in improving the business. Without them, you would have another poorly operated mess like you had before. I suggest all of the investment in your city be recognized and accounted for in the decision making process.
Dan says
The city “leaders” of Palm Coast are pathetic. As a former small business owner, I have tasted their greed first hand. Small, successful businesses are a thing of the past due to these greedy people. Shameful!!!
Tony says
Keep electing people like this. Sounds like someone might have an ulterior motive or dislike of the owners, management and/or employees of Green Lion or Golden Lion.
Kat says
I don’t golf, neither do my friends. But this has become our go to place for Sunday brunch. It’s lovely to sit out on the patio, enjoy the mimosa/bloody Mary bar, and the live music. There needs to be a balanced assessment here and credit given for the risks taken by the Marlowe family to invest in this location and make it successful.
The situation is not the same as Captain’s BBQ and Bing’s landing. That deal reeked from top to bottom of cronyism and back alley dealings. I won’t patronize that business. It’s a sweet waterfront spot for a bar/restaurant, which it was never supposed to be – it was supposed to be a bait store/concession stand. The owners completely took advantage. Any bar/restaurant would probably do well there. That was not the case with the Green Lion. I believe that their lease term should continue to be favorable but once their initial investment has recouped, should be fair market value. They are bringing people into the business that wouldn’t have been there otherwise.
Leila says
Shameful is the word for the actions of this so called City Council. YOU ARE A BAD JOKE. Did ANY of you bother doing your homework on this? Doesn’t look like it to me and the residents of Palm Coast. The nasty ignorance on this body has got to replaced. You are an embarrassment to this city.
The number one restaurant and YOU PUT IT OUT OF BUSINESS.
Sharon Peters says
Sounds like the entire city council should be fired/dismissed. The current culture of greed they exhibit shows a total lack of support for local business. Fools. Or maybe there IS bigger money behind their shortsighted decision. The current real estate feeding frenzy has warped their vision. Disgusting.
Anthony McHale says
“The dollars…always the dollars”. You just know somebody is getting paid to screw this deal to bring in another facility from somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody. Just like that so-called round-about on US 1 and Matanzas. Who would put a gas station in the middle of a road where speeds are over 70 MPH. Well, somebody who wants to slow traffic down near their gas station!
These thieves are so blatant about it and yet — they keep getting elected. Sooner or later we all pay the price…
Edith Campins says
The council members obviously didn’t learn anything from the county’s fiasco with Captain’s Barbecue. The Green Lion is an asset to the golf course and to the city. The reasonable approach would be to negotiate a gradual increase on the rent until it reaches par with market rates. I agree with some of the comments…there is more to this story. Wouldn’t be surprised if they have another business lined up to replace the Green Lion.
RitaMae says
I agree with you 100%. a gradual increase approach would be beneficial to all. Some of the above comments discuss a ‘under the table’ deal with a friend of a friend. Watch out for 1 council member who would not think twice about this as long as it benefits him.
dude says
The day after we arrived in Palm Coast, Victor Barbosa and Allan Lowe knocked on my door as I was unpacking moving boxes. They were asking for my vote in the upcoming election.
When told that we were not yet registered to vote in Florida, as we had literally arrived the day before, Victor said not another word to me, spun on his heel, and left Mr. Lowe standing there, awkwardly.
It told me everything I needed to know about him..
Dennis says
We need to vote these counsel members out, all of them! You are shameful and slowly destroying the city. It looks like to me, there’s not too many smart people associated with this council? I’ve never been to the place but will go there today for lunch to support them.
Willy Boy says
Leave the Green Lion alone. It’s a boon to the community.
Shark says
It’s just another Town Center White Elephant !!!!
Tina Compton says
This is what happens when you vote dullards into polital office. You get lame greedy ignorance.
Cutting off their nose to spite their face.
An Honest Taxpayer voter says
Once again the City of PC Council is proving to us taxpayers and voters that the people have elected the wrong individuals to run our town. They are shameful, ignorant, and unprofessional. Remember these clowns the next time they are up for re-election. I hope they get sued over this one.
Susan says
Perhaps Alfin and company want to see the course and restaurant go under so they can put up their low income housing….
Fred Ciaburri says
Or more storage units. Hidden agenda. Let’s vote them all out. We have no new nice restaurants coming to palm coast.
Richard Caskey says
I would like to thank the Marlows for all the good works they have done for our community. They took on a huge financial risk in taking on the Green Lion project and I’m happy that they are prospering and hope they are allowed to continue to prosper.
Jeanne says
I read this article in disbelief. Operating a restaurant is difficult enough in the perfect location. A gold course location is not perfect so when you have a successful business hang on to it. It’s like renting an apartment o a good tenant but you think you can get $200 more so you kick the good tenant out then get a loser tenant. I empathize with the Marlow’s having to deal with this council who don’t even bother to read their agenda packet prior to the meeting. I hope they wake up and realize it’s better to have a thriving business than an empty building. I worked in local government and saw what happens when trying to get a successful restaurant in a city owned property. My city bent over backwards to keep business because they never knew how long a building would sit empty, deteriorating. I hope this council reconsiders and changes their childish attitudes.
Resident Healey says
I hope that residents remember this behavior when election time rolls around. This restaurant is a gem. The city offered them a great contract and they took it. It was legal and done properly. There is no need to bash this business because of their ability to stay afloat through hurricanes, water damage, and Covid!
The professional thing to do, and the considerate thing to do is to come to an agreement and bring the rent more in line with market value. Both sides need to compromise and get this accomplished. I’d hate to see this restaurant close, and to see people tossed out of work.
Dorothy says
You are right! Remember this at election time!
Mike says
The best way to ruin business is to let government officials get involved in it. Our local government continues to be a joke. You want to stifle exonomic growth then start treating good businesses as adversaries. And for goodness sakes read your materials before hand, take notes and ask questions so you can have a legitimate discussion.
Klufas to clueless? says
This is “funny” coming from the council that celebrated together on multiple occasions at this exact restaurant. I used to really admire Klufas, but the last few months he seems to be struggling and not all there. Knew the kid when he got divorced a few years ago and he seemed happier coming out of it. Confident as hell with his new family I thought was good for him. Wonder what happened. New car, new girl? We need a refocus here
Klufas you were protecting this town before Don’t let this distract you or go get her back for God’s sake. We need you to come back the you we elected before these other three burn our city to the ground
Comeback Klufas
Marty Sorrentino says
Typical government policies, no matter what side of “the aisle”. Don’t blame a “Republican” Board. They were elected. Go after the lack of knowledge and understanding that Boards all across the US lack. One of the Board members didn’t even read the agenda before opening his big mouth and suggesting he would pay those “below market” rates. I’ll bet this guy can’t even work a toaster. Bring in experts to testify on the best course to keep this situation fair to both sides. These Board members won’t be there forever; the golf course and this highly acclaimed restaurant will hopefully continue in spite of the stupidity of some Board members.
Tonda says
UNBELIEVABLE!!! We drive from Jacksonville and my sister drives from Orlando to meet at the Green Lion every month, either for breakfast or lunch. The food and the service is always excellent and always well worth the hour drive for each of us. We will continue to do this for as long as the Green Lion is open. Obviously, the councilmen have never eaten there or they would want it to remain open. Politicians are the pits!!!! SHAME ON THEM!!!
Skibum says
Deja vu all over again, just like the undeserved nasty comments about another great local eatery in the Hammock… yes I’m talking about Captain’s BBQ. Maybe both of these fine restaurants did get so-called “sweetheart deals”, (Captain’s BBQ got their from the county), but the legitimate reasons apparently were the same. When a local government entity has a vacant building that it is paying for and is looking for some income in order to minimize it’s expenses, there is nothing wrong with trying to fill the space. And if there are no bidders for that space, you can bet that the government entity is going to make a sweet offer to encourage a business to agree to occupy it. In the case of the city owned golf course, that space likely still would be an empty “hole in the wall” as Nick Klufas described the space had the Green Lion restaurant not agreed to lease it and open what has been a great local place to eat. I am a frequent customer, enjoying breakfast as well as dinner there with family and friends on a fairly regular basis for as long as the Green Lion has been open. How dare anyone criticize the restaurant owners for taking advantage of the original deal that prompted them to make the agreement with the city. So now, 5 years later if the city believes the lease terms should be renegotiated upward toward a more fair market value, go ahead and do so, but do it in a business-like, proper manner with courtesy and respect for one another without the yelling, abrasive demeanor, or snide remarks a few of our child like city councilmen have displayed for all to see. It is so disrespectful and unwarranted, especially since the Green Lion restaurant family has been such a great fit at the city’s golf course.
Ralph Treder says
I’ve now been a PC resident since 2010, and that’s long enough to know about, via experience, what a fine and well-run dining venue the Green Lion has become. We recommend it to folx who visit here, we take them there ourselves [especially when we can sit outside and take in the “Florida” view], and we think of it as a “go to”, quality place overall. There’s FAR more at stake here than the rental and services deal between the Green Lion and PC. The local economy eventually became more healthy and prosperous due to the hard work of the owners and consequent response of the community that clearly recognized that. Businesses like the Green Lion’s grow the tax base when such enterprises prosper. This is exactly the kind of business development that should be encouraged, and rewarded actually, by our elected leaders, just as the non-elected citizen/patrons already have done. Surely the council can see that. If not, their fortunes as representative of our community’s wisdom and desires will easily be reversed.
Beth W. says
Now that times are good the City Council plans to turn around and deal a mortal blow to the people who invested $100,000 to help save our community during the hard times! Save the Green Lion, arguably the BEST restaurant in Palm Coast! It has consistently great food and service. The Green Lion directly contributed to the successful turnaround of the Palm Harbor Golf Course. The owners consistently give back to the community, regularly contributing to local food banks and charities. The community owes the Marlows a debt of gratitude. Don’t instead punish these small business owners for their success. The City Council should honor the terms of the 2017 contract.
Denali says
Just one small question – Why do city employees get a 30% discount? That just ain’t right.
Joie says
If a new contract is needed, CC should open the location up for bids to other restaurants, if green lion wants to stay they will make a negotiable bid. There may be no other bids with the way this is being handled. Green Lion is a very favorable asset to PC. Hope they stay (at) the course!!
Lee says
Gee, I wonder why Palm Coast has a reputation for being unfriendly to business. Of course, the lease needs to be renegotiated, that’s called business. The theatrics by the council is unnecessary and unhelpful. This is an election this year. I hope people think before voting, and don’t just mindlessly vote for same like minded candidates they have in the past.
Jeff says
The success and attraction to PHGC a comes from it being a well run, total package. Course, pro shop and restaurant. The rates paid by players are in the mid-upper level because of these three factors. I drive 30 minutes to play there because it’s worth it.
I can clearly see a reasonable path forward for the city and the operator.. pretty standard business negotiations if you ask me.. city can get more.. GL can pay more.. the only question is on the process.
The emotions being injected by the city council is holding back what should be a simple deal that benefits the city and the business. Both are invested in the success of PHGC.
Mark says
Every once in awhile agree with some of the Board members and yes this is a sweetheart deal. Any restaurant business would love to only pay $600 a month in rent not paying for utilities either. The restaurant is successful and tax dollars should not be used to pay for utilities that the restaurant uses nor the upkeep of the restaurant area. The City can pay for other items associated with the building. Seems both sides need to come together with a plan before just putting it out for bid. Others interested may not bid if they believe the Council will later ask for more or break the lease. Start with either putting the electric bill in the restaurants hands for the amount they use or the alternative is to raise the rent but not ridiculously. Not every citizen is using the golf course, nor the canals, so tax dollars shouldn’t be spent.
Rich says
Not every citizen is using the golf course either yet the city kept footing the bills for years. The Green Lion is a positive enhancement to the course. Further, no one is considering the impact that the course has to damaging other area courses that are not subsidized by taxpayers. Why is the city even in the golf course business?
Damien says
I personally Am thankful for the Golden and Green Lion restaurants, some of the best food I ever ate in my 49 years was purchased there. You could watch 20 videos on youtube how to cook fried fish and you wouldn’t come close to their recipe. Business owners even walk by your table make sure all is well. Will always dine there and bring my out of town guests as well.
Leila says
In looking back over these comments, some of which were more productive than others, I hope those on this Council will rethink this very poor decision. This community looks to you to help us improve Palm Coast and not fight among yourselves to shut it down. Most of you were not here when this golf course was sold and took a dive.
The improvements which this family have sacrificed to bring to our city deserve better consideration than this. I hope you have it in you somewhere to do just that. You owe us that.
Wanda White says
I’m a new resident in Palm Coast, I took some school friends from 50 years ago in Colorado who were visiting from North Carolina and Texas to the Golden Lion. I chose this place because it is the number 1 rated restaurant in Palm Coast. We were not disappointed, the food, the service and the setting were all exceptional! I cannot believe that the Palm Coast city council would want to destroy that business. A bit about my background, I have been a restaurant owner and a County planner, I know the struggles of a restaurant owner that happen on a daily basis, as a planner I also know the struggles of working with commissioners who go to meetings totally unprepared, who have preconceived notions of how things should be and in their mind how they are going to be. After reading about this meeting of Palm Coast city council, it appears that many on this council are unprepared and have closed minds. Work sessions should be that work sessions, listen to what’s proposed, work on issued where parties don’t agree, come up with a plan for more research or a solution. Not a shouting or yelling match, with people constantly interrupting, talking over etc. It’s not a good look and totally unprofessional. In my humble opinion, it seems that Palm Coast city council is doing a great disservice to this community if they run the Golden Lion out of business.
Leila says
Wanda White, YOU should run for this City Council. You have the experience these gentlemen do NOT. Great comments.
Marie says
@Wanda, very good commentary, except it is the GREEN Lion in Palm Coast that is the subject of this outrage. The Golden Lion is on A1A in Flagler Beach. You get a pass for being a new resident The rest of your remarks are on point.
Sherry says
I would vote for you, Wanda.
Adam says
I think that the City should continue with the current lease rates, but get a separate meter and have the restaurabt pay its own utilities.
Rich B. says
This place is too good for the city council. They suffered thru covid and now you want to punish them for a few measly bucks. Danko is a disgrace to this town. The golf course has been sucking up town resources for years and when it’s finally back on its feet with the help of the Golden Lion, now you want to chase them out. Same garbage you pulled with Bing Landing. Shame on the city council going along with this garbage. We will remember coming next elections.
Manny says
In my opinion, we need to get an outsider to mediate this issue and to get to an agreement that is beneficial to both Palm Coast residents and the Green Lion Café LLC
I would be willing to be a member of a committee to hep resolve the issues. On my end, there would be no cost to the city of Palm Coast.
Pat says
Putting the restaurant out to bid is absolutely disgraceful. If it weren’t for the green lion that golf course would still be closed.
Ali Bosse says
Here’s hoping this article starts not just a buzz about the greed but also saves the Green Lion. We dine at the Green Lion weekly, always bringing guests. When an entity was severely needed to help salvage the public course, the owners of the Green Lion took the financial chance, worked tirelessly & came through with flying colors. They survived floods, covid, storms, now this is how they are rewarded? The only shake up needed is with city council. The disservice they are doing to our community is shameful. For the love of gawd council, learn from your mistakes & remember you are here to service Palm Coast, not destroy it.
Michael Bossen says
Maybe this is something that should be looked at as soon as the council finishes working on all of the waste and inefficiencies throughout the rest of Palm Coast that suck up a hell of a lot more money than the comparative pittance they are moaning about here. How about it city council, DO YOUR JOBS! Pickle ball anyone?
Anonymous says
Ahhhhh greed as we grow. Make sure to implode any good will. They are already sell outs to corporate greed. Palm coast is growing and quickly our small town feel is disappearing. 🙁
Jack Kelly says
I have lived here over twenty years and have much experience at this establishment. In the early years, it was convenient to grab a hot dog and a beer and not much else, There were several staff changes and then five years ago the Green Lion began operations. Immediately, there was a significant improvement to the food, service and atmosphere. I do not golf but I take my family and friends there several times a month and lately I have needed to make reservations due to the growing popularity of this establishment. I strongly disagree with City Council, especially with those whom I voted for and will take a very close look at how they proceed with this intimidation of the Green Lion. Maybe if they stopped bickering at each other and patronized the Lion, they would better solve their dilemma and maybe, even maybe, experience what so many of us already know.
The dude says
Maybe liddle Eddie Danko wants to get the guy that ran the Flagler Beach Golf course and restaurant in there… after he’s released…
M says
Leave it to Palm Coast officials to mess everything up just like what they are doing to our town where’s factory work for all the people who are buying all these homes maybe we the people need to investigate you guys and family accounts all these storage buildings lol no one will be able to afford them and already our streets are a mess everyone parking in the roads
Concerned Citizen says
It seems there is a repeating theme here.
And it could be best avoided by not making sweatheart deals with a specific business at all. First it was Palm Coast with Palm Coast Data. How well did that turn out? Then was the County with Captains. And now it is Palm Coast with Green Lion. ANY business coming into Flagler County should have an equal opportunity to succeed. Not just the ones the Council happens to favor at the moment.
Now another sweatheart deal has backfired. Resulting in our Council being distracted from more important issues. And wasting more time to try and make it right.
If you’re going to make special deals then it’s best to just keep honoring them. Saves a lot of hassle in the long run.
Michele G says
The city should honor the lease renewal regarding the rent being paid by The Green Lion along with paying to install a separate electric meter, so that the business has to pay for it’s own electricity. The Green Lion should also be paying for any gas hooked up for use in the restaurant kitchen. That would be a fair lease renewal.
Also, the behavior of our city council members is so unprofessional it is embarrassing to the entire community.
They have wasted more money on bullcrap studies, red light cameras (epic failure) and have no real foresight or vision for this city’s future.
The apartments they approved in the Town Center, next door to the movie theater and across the street from a future auditorium are a horrible nightmare which will only get worse with time.
To build those units right on the side walk on a badly laid out two lane road with angle parking, that isn’t deep enough to allow for safe passage past longer vehicles, nor safely backing out of those spaces shows how little thinking went into the planning of that part of town.
The road will be so congested in the not so distant future, you won’t attract any new income producing, job producing, tax producing business to the area. And because if those apartments being almost on the street, there will be no way to widen it.
If I was involved in the building of the auditorium, I would consider selling the outdoor stage as is, and taking the money to another site, where they have ample space to erect a building with plenty of off street parking.
Having seen what too many people living in too small a space does, crime levels in that area are about to rise. I wouldn’t park my car there without worrying about break-in or theft.
This just goes to show how little advanced thinking has been going on in this city for decades, and it has only gotten worse with the officials we now have in place.
People please look closely at the level of incompetence in your leaders, and vote for people who actually understand how growth will effect our roadways, which are already overcrowded, utilities and schools for starters.
We need people who realize that you don’t take out a Lane on Whiteview, that cost over a million to build, because of accidents, you add a lane to make the intersection safer. And they don’t need to hire an outside company to do a study to come to that conclusion, because they possess common sense and critical thinking skills.
Let’s get some decent candidates to run for office and vote the clowns out.
Paul S says
Seems everyone is forgetting the initial investment by the restaurant. The reported $100,000 invested works out to a mere $1,667 per month over the 5 years in question. And that doesn’tfactor in the time value of money. An investment at a failing golf course when made. And just how many companies were standing in line at the time?
I could go on but don’t have the time no access to the financial details. The Council should have the details but most obviously didn’t take the time to properly review and analyze.
It would seem we need to replace most of the Council with financially literate, emotionally mature adults.
Greg says
As a resident of Palm Coast, I have no desire to see my taxes going to a restaurant so that they can underpay rent. I give kudos to Green Lion for making the golf course profitable, and I imagine they are wonderful, but they have been rewarded for five years; a deal giving them an advantage over other restaurants in town. Bringing the lease into line with proper rental is valid, and I am not opposed to that being a stepped increase rather than abrupt, but perhaps such increases quarterly rather than yearly.
Dave G says
The city council members need to grow up and start conducting business like ADULTS, not children. You know who you are, and you are a total embarrassment with your nasty comments about one of our local area’s finest restaurants. The Marlow family have turned what Nick Klufas termed a “hole in the wall” space into a very successful business, and now the city is rewarding their success with disparaging and undeserved remarks pertaining to the so-called “sweetheart deal” that the city itself granted them when the city was desperate to fill that empty space! How disrespectful and anti-business can you idiots get? Grow up, and start conducting yourselves properly. All of you need to read, study, and use Roberts Rules of Order in city council meetings starting immediately, and there should be fines imposed for anyone who strays from proper, polite business during official city business. We, the people of Palm Coast are fed up to our ears with your disgusting tantrums, disparaging and snide comments, and general grade school foot stomping and otherwise outrageous behavior and comments that would send school kids to detention. If you fail to act like adults, believe me, we will throw you out and elect real adults to conduct the city’s business!!!
AdamFrank says
I would look into decertifying the municipal corporation of Palm Coast and its extra layer of taxes to support this garbage. Heck, you would still have the County Sheriff’s deputies patrolling the streets that you do now.
Concerned Citizen says
This thread had over 100 comments.
Most readers are expressing a great deal of displeasure towards our City Council. My question to the readers of FL is. How many of you are lighting up those phones? And flooding those emails? Ranting on a forum is great. But as it seems our intended audience is not paying attention it’s time to let City Hall know by keeping them and their staffers busy.
I’ve made my share of calls and emails. But it takes a village sometimes.
Marco says
I wonder if it’s coincidence that one of dirty dankos largest contributors to his campaign is Douglas Brown, owner of the Cypress Knoll Golf Course and competing gold course? Hmmmm
WatchingInPC says
Citizens of Palm Coast should be highly concerned about the Anti-Business stance of councilmen Branquinho, Barbosa, and Danko. The lack of professionalism displayed at Council meetings and the lack of preparation for council meetings and workshops is an embarrassment for all involved and a waste to taxpayers.
The fact that councilmen Branquinho, Barbosa, and Danko display such a cavalier attitude towards impacting this small business owner and potentially putting thirty employees out of work at a time when our homeless population is expanding shows that these self serving blowhards care only about themselves and not the citizens that they are paid to represent.
That fact is clear that the Green Lion has been a huge asset to the City of Palm Coast and to the golf course they took a hole in the wall hotdog and beer joint to a level that all citizens should be proud of. The ownership of the Green Lion took on a huge financial risk, invested their own money and time, improved the course experience and that whole general area immensely. Now these clueless council members want to risk jeopardizing the property values of the entire area around the course because they cannot even be bothered to understand simple details like why the City pays the single electric bill for the course, pro shop, and restaurant area? If they cannot grasp the concepts of the simple things then we all should be very worried about these three ruining business in Palm Coast for generations to come.
Give me a break Branquinho, Barbosa, and Danko. Stop embarrassing yourselves and stop jeopardizing our community for your own greedy self serving interest!
Fred Ciaburri says
Be fair and reasonable with a small gradual increase in rent. Gauging green lion all at once is not smart business. Hey no one is getting rich here. I will not re-elect this present board council if this continues to screw green lion. In my opinion they helped save palm harbor golf course. Why ruin a good thing? I understand sweetheart deal, however a small, gradual increase of rent should be re-negotiated. Hey, city council do you want to risk losing green lion? Let’s be open minded come to a fair deal for both party’s. Bring in professional arbitrator to negotiate a new contract if city council doesn’t have the skills and understanding of reasonable fair increase in rent. I know first hand the taxpayers ie golfers and Residents are not happy with this present city council. Don’t run the risk of not being re-elected.
Marie says
Fred, they have already run the risk of not being re-elected. Between this debacle and the complete fumble at the goal line of the Waste Pro contract, I’d rather elect a couple of trained chimpanzees to the Council at this point. And I don’t think I am alone on that thought. VOTE THEM OUT!