Last Updated: 10:49 a.m.
Noah Smith, a 16-year-old student at Flagler Palm Coast High School and a Bunnell resident, was gunned down in a drive-by shooting late Wednesday night in Bunnell. Smith died later at the hospital.
The shooting was reported on South Anderson Street shortly after 10 p.m. Wednesday, when up to 20 shots were heard. The suspect or suspects in a vehicle drove off, triggering a search in the Ormond Beach area, though others were involved in the shooting in Bunnell. Preliminary indications suggest Smith may have been caught in a crossfire. He was shot in the abdomen.
Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies and Bunnell police searched the areas around South Anderson Street and detained some individuals. Not long after the shooting, a man–presumably Smith–with a gunshot wound was brought to the emergency room at AdventHealth Palm Coast in a civilian vehicle that then left the scene. By 11 p.m. authorities already had a few suspects’ names. At least one K-9 unit was involved in the search of woods around the shooting zone.
“Our PD is basically working on the case,” Bunnell City Manager Alvin Jackson said. “I understand that Bunnell has taken the lead, Chief [Brannon] Snead and the PD.” Jackson said he had not yet been fully briefed and could not tell whether any suspects were in custody. “I know they didn’t leave the scene until about 6 a.m.,” he said. Snead did not return calls to his cell.
“I spoke with the interim chief last night around 11 p.m., right when this thing happened, and asked him what he needed–whatever he needed, we would provide,” Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly said this morning. Snead told the sheriff that he’d brought back Kyle Totten as a detective, who is now on the case. “We are assisting with one detective, our CSI and our Real Time Crime Center,” Staly said. “They have a capable detective. We will support them as requested. They’ve had shooting investigations before that they’ve handled.” Staly said he was not aware of anyone in custody.
As of late-morning Thursday, and other than Jackson’s brief interview with FlaglerLive, Bunnell had yet to release any information about the shooting.
Staffers at FPC were informed of Smith’s death this morning, though the message did not identify the student by name–only that a student’s life was lost.
“We are aware from law enforcement that an FPC student was involved in an off-campus incident last night,” Jason Wheeler, the district’s chief spokesman, said this morning. “We have counselors available, they’ve been on campus since before the first bell. It’s our normal emergency protocols to give support wherever it’s needed.” If a teacher, staffer or student requests to talk with somebody, they’ll meet privately in a small room. There are no security issues anticipated at FPC today. There were a couple of extra deputies outside of campus in the morning, however. “We don’t anticipate any extra needs for anything else,” Wheeler said.
Wednesday evening FPC and Matanzas had met in a basketball match. There was a disturbance at the game. It’s not clear whether that was related to the incident that unfolded later.
“We at Flagler Schools are heartbroken over this,” Wheeler said. “It’s a senseless loss of life. Right now it doesn’t make any sense to any of us, and we just hope that law enforcement brings a quick conclusion to this case. Any time you lose a student no matter the circumstances it’s tough on everyone.”
Jackson said the city was preparing for the annual Martin Luther King Day commemoration on Saturday, with a prayer breakfast and a motorcade parade that is to start at the Carver Center, loop through the city, then back to Martin Luther King Avenue and the gym.
Smith is the second FPC student lost to a shooting in less than three years. Curtis Gray, 18, was shot and killed in Palm Coast in April 2019. His assailant, Marion Gavins Jr., was sentenced to 45 years in prison last October. Another teen, 17-year-old Elijah Rizvan, was shot and killed in a drug deal in July 2019 involving four others. One of the four, Benjamin Allen, 16 at the time, was arrested, tried and acquitted last May.
Trailer Bob says
What a tragedy. We are losing too many young people, we will never know what their lives would have ended up like, as many younger kids end up making a decent life for themselves.
It doesn’t takes guts or balls to shoot someone…just stupidity and hate.
Jane Gentile Youd says
How are these monsters getting a hold of guns is what we need to STOP
.Another God created young man with the whole world ahead of him senselessly taken because our society is doing nothing to confiscate guns from the deranged beasts.
Sharon says
Totten is not the detective you want on this case. TJ Hawkins was shot and killed and Totten came to a conclusion within minutes because he didn’t want to bother with an investigation. Bunnel PD is not competent enough to investigate anything.
Marie-Claire Moreau says
I am heartbroken to learn of this young man’s and all the recent deaths and incidents in our town and surrounding areas. This trend is even more upsetting as these losses are wholly needless, senseless, or could have been prevented with proper teaching, parenting, resources or support. I don’t know the answers, I am expressing frustration like so many of us who feel helpless but to watch as this trend continues, not just here, but also here in our own neighborhoods. Would that something could be done to heal the hearts and minds of those involved, before any more of this occurs again. It is my fervent wish that our new mental health crisis center will provide some insight and assistance to people in the area, and that somehow schools, doctors, counselors or other professionals can provider greater awareness and support to people in need. Friends and neighbors, churches, support groups, what can we do? This doesn’t need to keep happening! Please, tell us what we as caring citizens can do to help, and hoping that everyone does what they can in their own ways. Tragic loss of another life at 16. My heart goes out to his family and friends and everyone involved.
Charlie says
Senseless and tragic. What is that bad that men go into a neighborhood and shoot several bullets out of a car. Talk about men that are too chicken to confront someone they disagree with an discuss their disagreements as a human being. I guess that don’t mind the consequences when they get caught and being sentenced to prison or possible on death row. They will beg for their freedom then won’t they.
Jj says
This is so unbelievably sad. My prayers go out to his family and friends. Come on people let’s get it together! No one should ever die of a gunshot wound let alone a 16 year old!
Mary Fusco says
How exactly is society to confiscate all guns? Guns used in crimes such as this are usually stolen or gotten from a friend or bought from someone who knows someone else. Like drugs, that are supposedly illegal, those with the know how know where to find them. Unfortunately, kids today are raising themselves. No parenting for a huge percentage of them. All the mental health facilities they place in Flagler County will be of any use unless people see that they have a problem and seek help. People like this think their behavior is normal. I have a 16 YO grandson and cannot imagine the horror this family is going through. Prayers for them.
Flagler person says
This is so sad another 16 year old gunned down this is the beginning to a new era for palm coast of youth groups are not formed! Affordable sports clubs no wonder they start so early in these streets because if parents don’t have 300 to play football or 200 for this sport they can’t play. To often parents are a single parent household. Always working to afford shit and the teenagers are left home alone. They get bored they go into these streets. The streets love NO ONE! It’s so sad I pray for the family it’s so sad it really is. But when you play in these streets it’s the risk ur willing to take. A young boy flashing all that money on Instagram, that’s not just pay check money don’t be blind. The youth are falling in between the cracks and becoming the biggest drug dealers in palm coast/bunnell. They know there is a undercover opp at the Highschool and NO ONE fucks with him. It’s obvious. Kids that are selling drugs trying to live a street lifestyle is seen too much here. They have no reason to do it.if your a parent and don’t notice it your blind or stupid or maybe you just want to encourage it who knows. Kids don’t walk around with 900-1200 cash flaunt it have the most expensive attire on without selling drugs come on dude flagler county wake up
C'mon man says
Actually, Totten IS who you would want on this case, and with FCSO assistance Kyle will easily be able to lead this investigation.
KB says
Unfortunately, I agree with you. I was going to post the same thing. Totten has and uncaring, awful bed side manner. Lost documents, doesn’t keep in contact, dragged things on & on, forgot to do things, etc. etc. There is no confidence here, let the Sheriff’s office take care of it.
Truth Hurts says
How many eye witnesses say they didn’t see or hear a thing?
How many people know who did this but won’t come forward?
When are the citizens going to stand up and say enough is enough?
How many young people have to die before someone takes action?
If the community would come together and help the officers maybe these senseless killings would stop.
Stop blaming the officers or detectives when they can’t get cooperations from eye witnesses.
Sharon says
No, Totten is the absolute LAST detective I would want. I know first-hand how he handles investigations….he might be good with some cases but the 2019 case of TJ Hawkins, Totten did not do his job, not even close.
Sharon says
What are you talking about???? Isn’t that their job??? D-E-T-E-C-T-I-V-E….they are supposed to investigate, ask questions, interview the same people multiple times, go door to door in the neighborhood…..Totten is straight up lazy.
Rappa says
I know this kid personally and I can assure you that he was not selling drugs. Please keep your assumptions to yourself. Just because you see people flashing money on Instagram doesn’t always mean they’re selling drugs. They’re (cash) sometimes called props. I saw “Robert Pattinson” drink blood on “Twilight” . Is he a vampire? And what does that have to do with him getting caught in crossfire? Painting the victims, the victims families, and their social media “status” in a negative light does absolutely nothing to solve the problem. While I imagine your comment was made in good nature that’s not how it was taken. Solutions are needed, not comments that flame the fire
Tobias says
Guns Don’t Kill People but they sure do help.
Jimbo99 says
Hard read for sure, but until the investigations & suspects are caught, who knows what these kids were involved in ? Whether it was a closely contested HS basketball game, drugs, gangs, innocent bystander thing to determine any involvement. I hope these types never drive by or move in next to anyone really. Nobody deserves them, nobody wants their issues around.
Benji Hamilton says
Much of Bunnell is a horrible place. A dangerous place with desperate people. Many of them are outsiders. Forget morals and values, people come here to hide and conduct business. And thanks to its bordering Palm Coast, its spilling over everywhere. Gangs, viral gang videos (look that up), felons, drugs, guns are found everywhere. They can hide out in any one of Palm Coast’s secluded cul-de-sac neighborhoods. There’s networking for them here – fodder for running their games. Their entrenched, disruptive reach and influence on some circles of youth is saddening. Whether involved in any of the shenanigans that go on around here or not, this youth did not deserve this, nor does any youth ever deserve this. RIP to this latest young victim and sincere condolences to his family.
Bill C says
Nobody said “confiscate all guns”. How about the dirty words “gun control” to help cure this disease? BTW regarding the drug analogy, here’s what happened to Purdue Pharma, the manufacturer of Opioids. “Facing thousands of lawsuits for its alleged role in contributing to a national health crisis linked to more than 500,000 deaths over the last two decades, Purdue filed for bankruptcy protection in 2019. ” Gun manufacturers should get the same treatment.
Does the foul language in replies really have a place? Maybe it contributes to the reason, not the solution!!!
elijah constantine says
I didn’t know Noah very well but i just moved down here from Indiana and he made me feel welcomed and apart of the group and i really appreciated that. LONG LIVE NOAH🕊💸 we all know he’s up there gettin his money💪🏽💪🏽 (can we please not use these comments on to argue about who is a better detective)
Freedom says
God gave everyone 2 eyes so you can see. A mouth so you can talk and 2 ears so you can hear. I believe that if you see something hear something but you don’t say anything then you are throwing away Gods gifts. If people would just tell the police what they saw or heard the people who took this young man’s life might be cought and you would be saving another young person from loosing there life. Please think about that.
Jay says
The same could be said about Palm Coast or Flagler; it’s not just Bunnell. It’s everywhere. Half the shit that goes on around these parts, you don’t even hear about…
Crosby says
Just another beautiful day in this crime gang ridden area. Just much much more to come with all the building and expanding. Soon riots, armed robbery, the works! Just like in L.a. This area will be going in the gutter fast!
Hmmm says
Curious? What would you do for gun control?
Jeff Miller says
There’s plenty of of gun laws.
Jeff Miller says
Here’s my response WHAT….
Shana Maria says
I would totally agree a 💯 percentage with you on this and When will it stop?
Tahlya says
Drive-by shooting. Not in Chicago, Philly, NYC…in Bunnell.
Tragic for Noah, his family and his friends. Tragic for society. Hug your kids a little tighter.
Unknown says
Palm Coast,is just as bad. So how dare you call of Bunnell? When it’s alot undercover things always happening in Palm Coast. Look at the people there got big homes,teachers,fancy cars,nice jewelry and more. Look how they found dead bodies in the center Palm Coast unsolved mysteries cases of Women getting abused by their boyfriends or drug bus. So,don’t only say this stuff about Bunnell
T says
Sad young life lost again sorry to family and friends
Steve says
First recognize that many have the Gangsta wannabe Mentality and are dumb enough to go All the Way just sayin
Dooby says
How many times have you made comments like that when these things have happened in this community??? You can’t hide behind coded words .
Dooby says
You should be ashamed of yourself. These links only scratch the surface of what goes on in the ENTIRE county.
GodsChild says
It’s guns and drugs all over the world! Y’all kill me acting like it’s just in black neighborhoods… smh! You can have preachers for parents and still sell drugs or use them! It’s not the parents nor the lack there of! It all depends on The Individual!
Mythoughts says
RIP. Crime is everywhere it just doesn’t happen in the City of Bunnell and not right to say that. What is wrong is that if there were any witnesses they need to respect the young man’s death and come forward and tell what they saw.
Bill C says
Reinstitute the Gun Control Act of 1968 for starters. The Second Amendment begins with the conditional phrase, “A well REGULATED Militia…” which has been ignored. This young man’s death, along with Sandy Hook, Pulse, Stoneman Douglas and many others argue for how this country needs to rethink the relationship of guns being synonymous with freedom. Personally, I don’t get the dependency.
A.j says
SAD, people say guns don’t kill people do. If they didn’t hsve the guns this young man would probably be alive today. Guns do kill people. I will not talk about gun control, it’s best I keep my co.ments about gun control to myself.
Bill C says
@HMMM let me ask you a question. Do you think the more guns you own the more free you are?
Yo says
He never about that he stay out the way he was innocent by standard all this he was good kid, he had job and you can make 1200 in 4 months I love Noah ❤️
Hmmm says
Im not one of those gun rights guys. I just dont see how signing more laws will solve this problem. Most of the mass shootings were with legally owned firearms. Laws dont stop crimes. You can ban all firearms and cease all production today and there’ll still be shootings.
ASF says
I know young people want money like we all do. But, bottom line, you can’t spend it if you’re dead.
The Geode says
THIS is the only comment that inspired a response from me. This IS “Bunnell”. This is the place I was born and raised. I have seen it go from a place where all races got along reasonably well to a place where all the strife exists among each other despite almost EVERYBODY here are no more than 3 people from being related to each other.
There is a deeper issue with this topic, but I will digress…
However, I still contend that THIS IS BUNNELL! That stupid shit shouldn’t happen here (especially since everybody is blood-related here and any violence that is committed is violence against your family)
Declan says
I was friends with him, we went to the same small school, rise up. Ill miss him. This acutally hits me hard bro.