It was one of the Flagler County School Board’s more raucous meetings in recent memory this evening, with several key votes, including a rejection by the board, on a 3-2 vote, to restore a mask mandate in schools, with an opt-out provision.
That vote and most of the board’s business did not take place before the board attorney had the chamber, which was about three quarters full, cleared because the audience did not comply with board rules of decorum. Much of the crowd refused for over 20 minutes until eight or nine deputies summoned to the Government Services Building took the situation in charge, cleared the room and enabled the meeting to resume. The crowd was allowed back in later. (See the full meeting video below.)
The measure on masking was put on the table by School Board member Colleen Conklin, with Cheryl Massaro seconding. Conklin proposed a “universal” mask mandate in the school district during the ongoing covid surge. The emergency measure would have been in place for 90 days and would have applied only to students.
“I’m not going to sit here and do nothing, so if you want to vote it down, vote it down,” Conklin said, stressing her role as a board member intent on maximizing safety measures in the context of spiking infections.
It failed on a 3-2 vote, with Board Chairman Trevor Tucker and board members Jill Woolbright and Janet McDonald opposed.
Conklin described the first proposal as “a universal mask policy that complies with the governor’s order and provides parents with an opt-out.” McDonald said the policy would make it “more difficult” to do “what they already have the freedom to do.” Woolbright, speaking for the first time at length on masks, said “it’s not about any of our personal opinions. It’s about you as a parent having the right to make a decision for your child, and why. And I’m telling you, if we have to fill out forms, Guess what, that’s just going to put another burden on the classroom teacher.” She said it was no one’s right to ask about vaccines or to have “passports” of the sort, and encouraged playing, fresh air and eating healthy.
Conklin tried to have masks on buses, and to have a universal mask mandate without opt-out: all failed.
It didn’t stop there: briefly, McDonald called for a workshop to discuss the school district’s agreements with the Flagler County Health Department. “The Health Department is the problem,” she said. But her attempt failed: there was no interest in such a workshop.
Those votes occurred more than three hours into the meeting, half of which had been devoted to the public-comment segment, when several dozens of people spoke–through online comments but mostly in person.
Some who spoke were for masks, most were opposed, or opposed to what limited district covid-safety measures are in place within state allowances, like quarantining for those exposed. Some of those in the anti group yelled, some threatened, some sneered, many spoke inaccuracies, misrepresenting the science or, in many cases, district procedures about Covid.
[Outside the chambers, after the room was cleared, a man intentionally coughed on others]:
“I understand that masks do not and cannot prevent everything,” one parent who spoke early on said. “However, any bit of protection is better than nothing. My daughter’s in third grade and is already home the second week of school due to being exposed to the virus at school. She is one of the few that does wear a mask and is still sick. I hate the comment to keep your child home if you are scared. I do not have the luxury to homeschool, as I need to work to help provide for my family. We should not have to choose between education and safety for our children.”
While several people echoed the sentiment, it was in the minority.
A woman who described herself as a representative of a newly formed group called “Moms for Liberty,” said “We the People are tired of how everything has been going. Last year I think it brought everything to light for us because we spent so much time at home.” She went on to speak about a speaker at Flagler Palm Coast High School who, she said, told the student assembly that “it’s OK to be trans,” before delivering standard transphobic language (“don’t bring it to school. It doesn’t belong in the school we don’t talk about that at our house”) and returning to anti-masking language (“they’re all sick of it, fabric does not protect your life, okay. It doesn’t save your life.”)
Some merely spoke in opposition to masks as a personal choice in compliance with the governor’s order, while others, including a preacher, connected mask-wearing to moral offenses and described the current divide as “evil against right,” evil being “the left.” Several people addressed the largely false or misinterpreted allegation by an Indian Trails Middle School parent that her child had been mistreated there once determined by the health department to have been a close contact to a potential covid-infected individual. Several people in the crowd had come out to support the parent, whose husband at one point shouted at the board from the podium.
A student addressed the board to say masks are her personal choice. “To all people that think you need a mask, respect me in my footsteps walking here to show you how I feel at the age of 13,” she said. “I have my whole life ahead of me, and I don’t plan to stop all of this for people who have a weakened immune system that force us children to wear a mask.”
That was all before the meeting degraded into defiance and chaos–many of those clapping said that should not be disallowed: it’s expression like any other–as much of the audience refused to comply with the board attorney’s directive not to cheer or clap between speakers, and she ordered the room cleared. But the crowd would not leave, and started screaming from the well:
“What authority does she have?”
“We don’t have to.”
“We don’t have to leave here.”
“Where’s the policy?”
“First off you can’t have a weapon on,” a sheriff’s deputy was heard telling one of the people in the chamber. “Second Amendment, sir,” the man replied.
“So I’m going to ask you to leave.”
And so it went, some of the crowd exiting, much of it not. Two school board members–Jill Woolbright and Janet McDonald–tried to speak with the crowd but were unsuccessful. District staff and most of the board members walked out to the area behind the dais as more deputies arrived. More people walked out, about three dozen of them gathering by the flagpole outside or in the lobby, then mostly in the lobby, crowding by the door to the chamber, some of them taking video with their phones, some continuing to yell out.
The recess lasted a little less than half an hour. When the board resumed its meeting, only the staff was in the room, and the four remaining speakers were allowed in one by one to address the board. That done, the board continued its agenda, and at 8:15 p.m. what was left of the crowd was allowed back in.
There was another round of public comment at the tail end of the meeting, shorter–the chamber had largely emptied by then–again breaking down along the same lines. But by then a lot of the hostility had shifted toward the health department and “the radical leftist named Bob Snyder,” in the words of Mark Phillips, the man temporarily trespassed from Palm Coast City Hall. Snyder is the head of the local Health Department, and was one of three people whose resignation speakers called for. The others were a school principal and Conklin.
McDonald, buoyed by the anti-masking votes and Woolbright’s statement, closed with her final comments by again speaking against the Centers for Disease Control, Anthony Fauci, the local and mainstream media, she mischaracterized the number of covid-fatalities and covid testing (“a false test”), quarantining, contact tracing, “hide-and-seek science,” and so on. “We’ve been abused by many more people than our local,” she said, referring to both local media and the local health department, which she said “gets monetized” for its contact tracing and vaccines (it does not).
“I’m glad to see that we the people in Flagler County are active tonight,” Woolbright said for her part among her closing remarks.
It was a sign of the evening’s tenor, if not that of the past 18 months, that the single most consequential vote the school board did take this evening, a significant increase in school impact fees (the board approved), might as well have been a footnote.
The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.
Masked Man says
What an embarrassment tonight by Flagler County. From the ridiculous fear mongering by the Flagler Liberty Coalition to McDonald and Woolbright pontificating about health. Mrs. Woolbright won’t be tell you if sh e got a vaccine, but she’ll tell you what vitamins she took. Apparently those are not her personal business. Oh, and for the waiting for FDA approval crowd,they’re not regulated by the FDA either.
Then Mrs. Conklin tried to appease both sides by having a universal mandate with an opt-out. That was a cop out. Ms. Maasaro argued against it with logic.
And speaking of Ms. Maasaro, she was the only one who had something worthwhile to say which was we need to be united and take from both sides because what’s right is in the middle.
R. Schrein says
That was an astounding display of incivility, willful ignorance, stupidity and outright lying by this band of right wing idiots.
Kat says
What a circus. For the most part a bunch of disillusioned, selfish fools not putting children first. How will your politics comfort you when you are mourning the death or health of your child and you have nobody to blame but the face in the mirror? Will you speak of your so called liberty then? Will you even care if it was because of your action that somebody else lost their child? You didn’t care when it was your elderly or your immunosuppressed fellow citizens and now you don’t care when it’s your children. And all because you think your personal rights to freedom and liberties are more important than your family or your community. I’d like to say that you will reap what you sow but unfortunately we will all reap what you sow in terms of the damage to our community and ultimately, our wallets, because we are all paying for your stupidity.
Joan says
Thank you Colleen Conklin and Cheryl Massaro for trying to do the right thing for our students, staff and families. Janet McDonald, you and your nonsense have no place on the school board. You should resign. There were more people there against masks tonight because at least in my case, I knew the place would be full of people who refuse to wear masks or be vaccinated and would be shouting their opinions. That’s a great place to be exposed to something I’m trying to avoid! Additionally, I needed to be home to ensure my student had a good meal and got to bed on time to be rested and ready for school tomorrow. Hopefully, he can remain healthy but if so, it will be in spite of the willful negligence of three of our school board members.
Karen Curry says
I’m betting that all of the anti-mask, anti-vax, anti-science soon to be child murderers at that meeting will be applying for FEMA funeral expenses before the ink is dry on the COVID death certificates of their precious (not so much to them) children.
Ron says
Wholly Cow! School Board meeting with uneducated adults in attendance. Get vaccinated and where a mask if your not.
Mark says
Haha the circus freaks came out tonight! What a bunch of jokes, please please make a list of these people so we can make sure they never work in this town again!
G A says
Once again in Flagler County the patients are running the asylum
TheyWontBeHappyUntilTheyOwnTheLibsFromTheirGraves says
They won’t wear a mask but they will go to a doctor when they aren’t feeling well. It defies logic. But then again, these people have none considering they still have a “Pandemic is a hoax,” sign. These people disgust me and that’s only what is fit for print. Tell someone who lost someone to this illness that it’s a hoax. Go on, I triple dog dare you.
Jimmy says
True Flagler County came out tonight. Joe Mullins running point on the anti-mask crowd with Alan Lowe in the back of the room. FlaglerLive is being nice, for once, as the shouting down of the school board members was truly HORRIFIC! Several audience members yelled “COWARDS” at the 4-women, 1 male School Board. They retreated to the back room, and rightfully so, as real danger was in the air. Watch it for yourself. I was there. Disgusting.
Percy's mother says
1. Looking at the photo (above) from the meeting, it appears Joe Mullins was in the raucous crowd along with Mark Phillips from the Flagler Liberty Coalition.
2. Jill Woolbright is finally starting to come out of the closet when it comes to her political stance, which is far-right.
Tell me, those of you who voted Jill Woolbright for school board last year, had she been honest about her political leanings (she’s in the Janet McDonald camp), would you have voted for her?
She was/is a rabid LOWE supporter. A Fake Pastor supporter. Flagler Liberty Coalition supporter. She was in the audience at many of the City of Palm Coast raucous city council business meetings wherein Ed Danko and Victor Barbosa demanded that Matt Morton and Denise Bevan be fired.
She hides behind her Bible, just like the Fake Pastor, quoting Bible verses by day but operating in subversive circles at night.
3. By the way, another news outlet is reporting that Joe Mullins’ daughter has tested positive for Covid. He says he’s staying at his house in Bunnell while his daughter stays at the condo on the ocean. Either way, I don’t think he should have been in the audience because he must have had close contact with his daughter at some point before she tested positive for Covid.
But then again, Joe Mullins was one of the hosts at the anti-vaccination rally at Church on the Rock in May 2021. He can’t deny the fact because video was posted of him and the Fake Pastor there, both participating as hosts.
YankeeExPat says
Do the Realtors actively market to seek out people from Insane Asylums and Prisons in this town ?
Bartholomew says
To the people who start their sentences with “We the People….” you are full of shit, you do not represent everybody, and no one has ordained you the speaker for everybody. If you start your sentence that way the BULSHIT DETECTORS go off.
Thank you, Collen and Cheryl for bringing up the matter for discussion. Colleen can you respond to the fact that there are classrooms that are set up with student desks in quads (four desks together facing each other). How is the District providing for the safety and well-being of the students in Flagler county?
Robert Hrifko says
Your Biden liberalism is showing!
The dude says
Being low information rubes and dullards does equate in anyway to being “active citizens”…
Concerned Citizen says
I have never seen as much selfishness as I have in this pandemic.
Thru history America has come together to face threats. Now we insult, threaten and fight each other over what? A piece of cloth? That is only a temporary solution? I will say it again and come after me all you want. Your perceived notion of liberty IS NOT being threatened. And your perceived notion of liberty does not trump the rights of others to live.
You know what? I have had my shots and I wear the mask. It doesn’t make me any less of a man or American or whatever. I have elderly parents an elderly business partner and a wife who is a Physicians Assistant working on the front lines to try and save lives. So it’s not about me. It’s about doing what I can to protect them. So they remain healthy. I wear the mask in doors and I social distance because it’s not about me. It’s about protecting who I care about. And looking after you.
Folks pay attention to this part. I had 3 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Covering up is a requirement on some countries and will get you killed if you don’t comply. Here we are just asking for you to temporarily help slow the spread of a deadly disease. I’m asking because I watch my wife work 18 hour days and come home emotionally and physically exhausted. I watch her cry and vent because she looses patients and some of it could be prevented possibly. Stow the political rhetoric. it can wait until we’ve slowed this thing down.
Concerned for our children says
I was so discouraged by what I watched last night. The lies, conspiracy theories, and anger in this community and by school board members as well as the unwillingness to take care of each other in such a simple way. I do want to point out something aside from the mask discussion. I noticed that an older white man who claimed to be a Baptist preacher was asked about the gun he had on him (in a government building, btw). He was calmly asked to leave and was able to return later. Please consider what would have happened if that was a person of color with a gun. Would he have gotten the same response?
Sick of it says
These crazies are ignorant! Wait until someone they love gets sick. Than they will flip flop like a pancake on a griddle. Ask our city commissioner.
A.j says
Mask mandate voted down. When covid visit you, I hope the hospital will close its doors. The grave will gladly receive you. Dont wear a mask, you have that right. When covid visit you, don’t say for help to save your life.
Jp says
When I moved to Florida I chose Palm Coast because it was within driving distance to anything I may need and it seemed to be a quiet area where I could raise my children. Having lived here for almost 10 years, my wife and I are in discussions to move away from here. The past two years have shown me go bigoted and hateful the residents here are. I do not like the idea of raising my child in a place with so much hate and lack of education. The expression southern hospitality is a lie. It’s only hospitable if you are a white Christian who follows the doctrine of “conservatism”.
trailer bob says
How embarrassing to see so many in our community do not believe there even is a virus. I do agree that if you want to take masks seriously, then you should use an N95 quality mask, otherwise you might as well just put a paper towel over you face. Since the beginning of COVID, the “experts” have not publicly stated this fact…they don’t cost that much.
In my case, and I am sure it is also true for many other my age, I can only breath for about three minutes with my mask on. Unfortunately, that is because the N95 works SO good, you can only wear it for a short period of time before needing to breath again. So…I super socially distance whenever possible. After all, who wants to get sick from anything?
But the most troubling issue to me is people who do not or can not believe a reality that is right in front of them…I don’t know…maybe they are blind. Or maybe they stupid? Maybe just inconsiderate of others?
Fed up says
Jp, I just want to say that I feel exactly the same as you. This town has so many mean, hateful, unconsiderate people it amazes me. Of course, it has many nice, normal and calm folks too, but they are vastly outnumbered by the the above mentioned.
Also, the city and county government are so corrupt and wasteful, it is equally amazing.
As I was driving the other day, I was thinking how beautiful nature wise this area really is, things like the spanish moss hanging off the trees along Palm Coast Parkway or the beautiful view when comming over the state route 100 bridge eastbound, but then (if it’s a Saturday for example) you see the hateful trump crazies standing on the cornor of SR 100 and A1a, screeming, waving large trump signs lased with nasty anti-Biden profanity. These people don’t care about the children, tourists or normal decent folks who are just driving by or visiting the beach.
Putting all this together, I came to the same conclusion as you Jp, this is not a place that I want to live in and be expossed to the hateful underbelly of Palm Coast, Florida
The dude says
Same here. It only took 2 years for us.
Carl Jones says
Deeply saddened! Young people in attendance with signs that read the pandemic is a hoax, really, that’s what white parents are putting in their child’s heads after 700k deaths? From a “hoax” pandemic? Can’t blame this ignorance mainly on social media, this comes from the household. Parents and grandparents showing their ignorance and defying science and listening to political BS. I am sorry I moved my family here but since we are here, we will speak out against this type of ignorance!
School board members are on notice, McDonald, Woolbright and Tucker, the “sane” residents of this county will hopefully vote you out of office, whatever we can do, believe that!
This is not about freedom of choice, this is about public safety. If you knew there was a bomb threat or active shooter in the school, “would you send your children to school?” Would you claim as you are doing now that it’s your choice to send your child to school because the bomb threat is a “hoax”, or its ok because the active shooter has the right to be there killing people that don’t agree with them?
That’s what’s being bred here “active shooters”, because they are being told that they have a choice to defy science. McDonald, Woolbright, and Tucker are complicit in the outbreak that will soon take over this school district and county!
Mary Fusco says
JP, when we moved here 22 years ago, Palm Coast was a totally different place. What we have now are denomic politicians hiding behind the bible whipping citizens into a frenzy to justify their existence Most of them could not pass a lie detector test if their life depended on it. Until people get wise and vote the dead wood out, we will stay in the same place. Palm Coast is a melting pot and politicians are elected to represent everyone, not just those that agree with them.
granfather says
Conklin was the one pontificating, calling on the board to vote on something even school board attorney said was illegal
JanandPeter says
Our appreciation to both of you.
Heathen Lady says
What fine role models these parents are for their kids. If that selfish, bratty 13-year-old were my child I would be ashamed of her. But that’s obviously how she’s being raised — no empathy for others.
As for the rest of that willfully stupid crowd, I’m sick to death of these morons. The rest of us who have tried to do the right thing (masks, vaccinations, social distancing) are tired of the danger the morons are putting us in. No hospital beds/ventilators for those who willfully endanger the public!
Carl Jones says
HUA! Thank you for your service…I too served 2 tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan and know that we were not only concerned about ourselves but our ranger buddy and team. And to think, putting our lives in harms way to protect the lives of idiots claiming that they are patriots, BS!
These county residents are not concerned about their neighbors, and damn sure not the children, they are selfish. I’ll call them idiots.
Complaining about wearing a mask that will protect yourself, your loved ones, and those around you, that’s not patriotic, that’s “white privilege. Thinking their freedom is being oppressed because qualified doctors and scientists are sharing facts that can potentially save lives. I really don’t understand.
Kathy says
I was at the School Board Meeting last evening and what I saw was nothing like the article or the comments above. The article and comments are coming from very liberal viewpoints and I think this is a shame. What actually happened were numerous parents/grandparents speaking out passionately about what has been happening in this crazy country we are now living in. Parents ARE the people who make medical decisions for their children! This should have never been a question; politicians work for the people; they do not have the right to take any of our God-give rights away. That should not be so hard to understand but unfortunately these days it seems to be a problem for some. So glad the vote turned out as it should have! It was such an over-reaction by the School Board calling in the ‘Calvary’….there was NO threats, no one was armed – it was just a lot of passionate people standing up for our rights! Some on the school board should be recalled. FlaglerLive should be shut down!
Carl Jones says
I noticed that myself, didn’t know he was a pastor but anyway, weapons are not supposed to be allowed in government buildings but maybe the “Government Service Building” is not a government building, but this is Flagler County! I will say the answer to your question in my opinion, if he was a person of color he probably would have been asked to leave and if he responded like this man did he would have been forcibly removed and probably arrested for non-compliance.
Mark says
Somehow Flagler County has become one of the least desirerable places in the state to live, between the hateful , selfish citizens that seem to be supported by those in charge to the obviously corrupt managers, council members and others in charge. Some one clean up this circus
MikeC says
I have searched my 75 year experience in life to try and understand how these people can be so self centered, selfish and irrational. I really have. It finally came to me. In my mind I see my 13 year old son standing in front of me after I have disciplined him or refused to give him something he demanded. He is looking up at me with his hands on his hips, spittle on his lips and rage in his eyes: YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!! YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!! Remember those days, parents? Now I realize: These people have the intelligence, empathy, wisdom and rationality of teenagers, at the point in puberty where the first smatterings of ego and self awareness begin. All of a sudden they claim their “right” to be the dumb ass little shits they really are. Brings to mind the great bumpersticker: “Teenagers! Quick, leave home now while you still know everything.” If only.
Linda West says
So none of non-maskers want our children to survive? Or the parents? or how about the grand parent?
Must all be Ron DeSantis Supporters!
Let Freedom Ring says
All of the commenters calling part of Flagler County’s citizenry, Circus Folks, Rubes, etc.. Do any of you stop to consider why there’s a segment of the population that do not believe everything Biden’s regime tell them? Mixed messages, hidden data, blunders and ignorance have brewed distrust throughout all of America. It’s easy for you on the Left to criticize those that have different opinions. Call them names if you will. But just remember. I venture a guess that each of you voted for this horrible Biden regime. Look at how horribly they botched this Afghanistan withdrawal. Thousands of lives are in jeopardy. Many are dead. This regime has no clue what they’re doing. So be a little patient with those that you want to call out and ridicule. And most of all remember, they didn’t cause this with their votes.. You did.
Old Guy says
The man who was openly violating the law with his apparently openly displayed firearm should have been sanctioned in some way. I understand the deputy may have been wanting to avoid having the man incite the crowd further but hopefully some action was taken once the subject was outside of the building. I too can’t help but wonder if it would have been a different story had a person of color been involved. The last thing we need is a bunch of unauthorized firearms in government meetings. There are too many hotheads wanting to challenge the rule of law as it is.
deb says
What I saw there was idiots in action. Putting their position first, children second., Well when this county has 5000+ covid suspected cases in their school system like in Hillsborough Cty, just think of all the people these children can be infecting.
Bartholomew says
The classroom that had the the quad seating has changed it to partners (side by side). There is really no room in the overcrowded class.
marlee says
Jp…..we feel the same way…I don’t like the “vibe” here.
I want to live in a community that looks forward not backwards.
We are looking elsewhere….out of Floriduh!
Sherry says
This outrageously embarrassing incident is an echo of what happened in our nation’s capitol on Jan. 6th. It’s all part of the deliberate dismantling of our civilization and Democratic processes from within. All fed by propaganda/lies/disinformation on social media and far right media outlets created by domestic traitors and foreign actors who are hell bent on destroying our country by a thousand cuts.
We must do all in our power to STOP the McDonalds, Mullins, Lowes, Dankos, etc. of our community from continuing their retched influence.
G A says
I am in agreement with you all. However I think there are more of us that are NOT deranged in this county than are….the difference is they are Loud and Proud of the Lies they shout…and they don’t hesitate to do that at a drop of a hat. We have loved it here since we arrived years ago, and we’ve watched Flagler County slowly slide into the abyss. The dense negative energy of these people is a huge tell. They are of lower vibrations and they like themselves just like that, with no desire to learn and improve and crawl out of the hell hole they are creating.
bethechange says
“We the People are tired of how everything is going.” If not so mind-meltingly ignorant it would be laughable. 4th wave is evidence that the scientists indeed know what they are talking about. Hell, anyone with a brain, internet access and objectivity has probably been able to accurately predict what’s happened to date and how this will CONTINUE to play out. Please get professional help asap, for your anger issues and notice how what comes out of your mouth begins to not be perpetually grounded in victimization. Additionally, start to educate yourself and start being part of the solution. If you are so tired of how everything is going, then do something about it and please stop whining. Based on the science, we have only 1 option with this virus: eradication. It is just too deadly to “live with,” and much too clever to manage. Don’t get vaccinated, don’t wear a mask and watch it continue to replicate and mutate. And then complain about how tired of everything you are. Wash, rinse, repeat. Crazy is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome.
Jp says
The problem is, as shown in your post, that this has become political. This is human health. It doesn’t know Republican or Democrat. It knows it’s a virus. That’s all. People are the ones turning this into a circus and perpetuating it. Data upon data show that mitigation works. There’s studies and examples all over the world. Even in places where democrats and republicans don’t exist. Stop making it political. Read what experts say. Ignore what politicians say and stop spreading misinformation.
David Schaefer says
This place is as bad as living on a manure farm it STINKS. Can’t wait till we get the hell out of here and I wish people would do their homework before deciding to relocate in here…
Out of Here says
Sadly, although my wife and I do not have school age children in Flagler County schools, we are of the same opinion. We moved to Palm Coast thirteen years ago after visiting, feeling it was a welcome place to spend the rest of our lives. A few years back, we discovered a trend in local politics triggering a move out of Palm Coast yet staying within the outer boundaries of Flagler County. It would have been easy enough to ignore the antics in Palm Coast politics, the Flagler County Commission as well as the school board and the affairs on the state level as well. As the saying goes, “ignorance is bliss”.
However, as the pandemic last year as well as local and national elections reached their peak, we discovered the vitriol, prejudice and hatred rise from the shadows to a disturbing level. Masks and vaccines became political and blaming others for their lot in life seemingly became the norm. It appears a good number of Flagler County citizens (or at least the most vocal) get their “facts” from Facebook rather than asking their own doctor for valid medical advice. BTW, for those who read or believe the Washington Times on Facebook should look at the source: It was founded by Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church, a religious cult.
Sadly though, we have come to the realization any rational discussion on masks, vaccines and the like are a moot point. People are dug in on their opinions and facts will not change anyone’s position. If Covid-19 only affected an individual’s choice to get or not get a vaccine or wear a mask, I would understand. But adults and children who are not vaccinated risk the infection of other adults and children and negates the argument of personal choice. So many childhood diseases have been eradicated by vaccines we as adults, received during our own adolescence. Why deny that to the children of today?
I know I will not change one person in this county or state to put on a mask or get the vaccine who has not done so already. Nor will it change the climate of hate and anger that seems to have percolated to the surface.
While others may say “good riddance”, I add to JP’s decision…we sold our home and are leaving Flagler County and Florida at the end of the month and moving to another state. It has become a toxic environment in more ways than one.
Randle McMurphy says
HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! These little yokel events are seriously more entertaining than any art or comedy could ever dream of being! The guy with the backwards hat nodding along to every ass-backwards statement, the red hat maga man just spewing brain rot over everyone with such absolute certainty “science says we come from apes! there is no god!” oh my lord this is just pure comedy GOLD!!!! Seriously Mike Judge couldn’t write characters funnier than these. Thank god they upload these to YouTube for posterity. I can imagine in 100 years people watching these and finding as much or more entertainment looking back on how un-evolved we were in 2021.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
We are talking about making a tiny piece of body covering ‘mandatory’.
Just a few earthly non contaminated facts:
Just imagine if some American Indians refused to wear Indian dress; middle eastern men refused to wear turbans; Saudi Women refuse burqas. Not done yet.
What about ‘mandatory’ school uniforms children must wear in many parts of our country?
What about ‘mandatory’ uniforms for military? airline pilots? flight crews? police officers? security guards?
It is extremely frightening to be surrounded by so many ‘me me me me’ people who could care less about anyone other than themselves. If this virus continues to thrive and kill in spite of the vaccinations to KILL IT, , as it seems to be, we can thank the ‘me me me’ people for each and every COVID death .
Okay -no mask? no vax? how about NO BED NO DOCTOR NO VENTILATOR IN HOSPITAL?? How do you all see it?
Trump/Covid 2020 says
Sold and moved 18 months ago….don’t miss it or regret it for a second.
Concerned Resident says
Thank you for your comments, and thanks to your wife for her selfless dedication to caring for those who end up sick – mostly because the unvaccinated are infecting and sometimes killing each other.
mark101 says
this is better than reality TV. The far left with their sponsored nut cases and the right with their pure lace of science pushing their inaccurate theories . You can’t script this stuff folks.
HeathenLady says
Jane Gentile-Youd — BRAVO!!
Chris Conklin says
Anybody who threatens any elected official at a meeting needs an ass beating. I’m happy to provide it. Grow up.
Makeitso1701 says
I’m not going to feel sorry for those ignorant people when they end up in the hospital fighting COVID-19, I feel sorry for their kids that are being raised by brainwashed parents and that they, the kids, might also get sick because of the parents ignorance.
Wow says
Too bad school massacres don’t get the same level of passion. Just another day in the USA.
Joseph Bagadonutz says
Cracking me up
were crawling out of the hell hole the left are creating that WE let happen. LIES? LOL I hear Orlando is needing residents.
MW says
I agree. Chaos makes all of us look bad. Cheryl Massaro was the only board member that was correct, people need to meet in the middle. She is in it for the children, nor a career political like the others.
can'tfoolme says
@let freedom ring and @jp: your two posts are the most sensible of all on this topic. Everyone else has resorted to name calling, shaming, and political bias and sound like they are on the verge of hysteria. Of course, political party has nothing to do with any disease and name-calling never solves any problem. Masks should be optional with those desiring to wear them doing so. Just wondering if these parents are as particular about the child wearing a mask everywhere else that they go outside of school hours. As for the accusations of non-maskers being killers, how do pro-abortionists not deserve the same vengeance?
Brenda B says
So very thankful I decided not to move to Florida 15 years ago. I just cannot understand why people will not listen to the Scientists and Medical Professionals. Freedom to wear or not to wear? There are many “musts”” in order to save lives like wearing a seat belt – vaccines for the children before entering school – no smoking indoors in public places – This is the most dangerous virus there is and requiring masks is trying to save many lives. Your hospitals are filled with children and adults that have Covid – is this a “hoax” as well? If you don’t want to wear a mask or get your shot because you believe it is a “hoax” and don’t believe medical professionals – Then if you get Covid – don’t seek help from your local hospitals and Drs. They don’t have time for you while they are trying to save others who in fact believe. Your actions at a school board are disgusting.
E.Bennett says
I also think the guy in the front row who entered the building for a school board meeting is also showing his “white privilege”
Why wasnt he arrested??
Possession of a fire arm by a person who has been issued a license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm at a PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING is illegal as noted in Chapter 790.06 (120 (a) of Florida State Statues.
But he was the one that pointed to Janet and said ” oh SHE can stay, we KNOW her.
oldtimer says
For all the people who want to move my question is, to where? It’s getting like this everywhere,
common courtesy, give and take talks, just plain manners are becoming a sign of weakness…. good luck wherever you go
Bethechange says
Obviously a horrifying situation in Afghanistan. And Because it’s on his watch, Biden owns it, no doubt. But regardless of who actually pulled the plug (and consensus on both sides agree it’s overdue) 20 years and 4 ‘regime’ changes later, there’s plenty of blame to go around. And if we’re traversing hyperbole universe, fly on in for a look at ‘regime’ or ‘authoritarian’ in the dictionary and there’s a picture of of a spray-tan guy promising to lead a march to the Capitol. But l digress…
E.Bennett says
I agree totally!!!
Concerned Citizen says
As a holder of a concealed permit myself.
My understanding is open carry is not legal in any shape or form. You aren’t even allowed to have your weapon “print” under a shirt. And the above commenter was correct on the Florida law pertaining to this. Obviously FCSO practices selective enforcement. And favoritism
Happening now says
So very true
E Bennett says
We all watched it on line and you can see and clearly hear Officer Landi say to the man in front ” sir you have a weapon on you and Im asking you to leave”
Then the man replies ” Its called the second amendment”.
YES that man in front was armed and that is illegal
Tim McAuliffe says
The Republican elites are playing the MAGA crowd for chumps. Look at Texas Governor Greg Abbott, tied with DeSantis for the free to be stupid pocket of America. He was infected with the virus 2 days ago even though he was vaccinated. He claimed to be asymptomatic, maybe he was. But his immediate reaction was to get a $1,500 shot of Regenoron (for which assuredly he was covered by good insurance) and then got a 3rd vaccine shot.
As the woman on TV says “Watch what they do, not what they say”.
Percy's mother says
You forgot to mention Jill Woolbright.
AngryRealPatriot says
BRAVO Concerned Citizen (and many others who reflect CC’s comments). I come from a military family that has served as far back at the Civil War on one side, and the Revolution in the other. It is in our blood. My husband spent 26 years service. We lost an incredible young combat medic in Afghanistan so we know about giving the ultimate sacrifice and the family and friends left to grieve.
I AM SICK TO DEATH of these anti-vax, anti-mask people screaming about their rights and liberties and essentially implying that the American flag is theirs, theirs only, and they are the “true” patriots. I will SEE your faux patriotism and raise it all day long, with one main difference – I give a damn about my fellow citizens, especially the vulnerable seniors and the children – even if it means a personal inconvenience! Listen closely: You do NOT have the right to commandeer the American flag that I so deeply honor and respect.
I hate wearing a mask, but I got vaccinated, and I resumed wearing a mask recently when the infection rates went up and the hospital overflowed. Why? BECAUSE I GIVE A DAMN about others! I was raised to be “selfless” and not “selfish.” To do unto others as you would have them do to you. Because I have family members who are very high risk medically. And because those family members taught me to be compassionate, to do what you can for your fellow mankind, to be hard-working, honest, and ethical EVEN WHEN IT ISN’T CONVENIENT. How dare you put yourselves and your ill-informed social media BS above the good of our community as a whole! And even more painful is the fact that you are providing a very damaging role model to the children who are our future.
Let’s make a deal: you may refuse to vax or wear a mask as long as you sign a pledge agreeing to isolate yourself from the rest of us and, if you violate that, then you sign away your rights to all healthcare related to Covid infections. Dying? Sorry, no ventilators available at this time. God help you if your own children contract this, especially if they have asthma or other immune system issues. Are you willing to stand over a child’s grave and say, “Oops, I thought it was a hoax.” One school system that opened last week has already reported OVER 8,000 CASES of students and staff having to be isolated because of these assinine objections to safety measures!
I am registered NPA, but I strongly supported Ms. Massaro (a Republican running for a so-called non-partisan office). I contributed to her campaign, and had her sign on my lawn and my car because she (as someone else said) is absolutely dedicated to doing what is right for our children! I researched all candidates thoroughly and it was my pleasure to read her outstanding career Resume in the education field. Cheryl, I am so proud of you for making this argument about the safety and well-being of our children and our teachers, instead of tagging along with the naysayers who appear to be part of the extreme right faction of the local party. That takes CHARACTER and commitment to the good of the whole, and THAT is why I supported you, and I am so impressed with your service thus far.
To the Second Amendment citizen … as others correctly stated … you do NOT have the “right to carry” in an official government meeting as a citizen in attendance. Get your facts straight. You are the kind of person who makes support of the Second so uncomfortable for some people. Sorry you need to look like a big man. Perhaps a counselor could help you with that. My dad always had guns in the house but he sure as hell didn’t show up at a school board meeting with one! Good lord what is wrong with this mentality?
My apologies for the lengthy response, but so many issues are in play here and there is so much fury and passion involved for most of us. This should NOT be political. This should be about what we can do to make all of us safe. I nearly died of measles as a child. My children did not have that risk because they were vaccinated. Get a clue, please, before it is too late.
Bartholomew says
I am at the health department right now 60 cars in line for testing. Wednesday 4 07 PM
Discouraged In PC says
Those are going to be some mighty fancy, uppity words for some people in this area to digest. You may immediately be labeled a liberal (gasp).
But, yeah – plenty of blame to go around on that topic, too.
Weldon B. Ryan says
There is no middle! These children need to wear masks! It’s life and death! Everyone of us are in danger because of politics and this bs freedom stance.
Gary R says
I want to know why people in the health care field don’t want to get vaccinated. Some are resigning while others are being fired. What do they know that we don’t know?
Anonymous says
It baffles me how people can be so blissfully ignorant. An issue that is unrelated to politics has become nothing but politicized in the country. The state has gone out of its way to disregard and even encourage ignoring science/data. Now the state has the highest number of cases in the country and even that is not enough to convince people to take the preventative measures needed to keep everyone safe and healthy. The sad reality is that people have already made their choice and no amount of legitimate data backed information could change their mind. I can’t imagine any real change coming until you hear headlines of local Flagler county students or educators passing away from a virus that is entirely preventable.
Willy James says
What an embarrassing spectacle! A room that was full of ignorant citizens, self-absorbed on an issue they truly know nothing about! What they do know comes with an abundance of misinformation that was gleaned from social media. And then we had the idiot carrying a firearm pushing his Second Amendment right to be armed while attending this meeting armed. Wrong place and wrong time to be armed. I am disappointed that he was not arrested regardless of his religious affiliation. No doubt in my mind that had he been a person of color, he would have been arrested. But, this illustrates a bigger issue. What if the school board had voted for mandatory mask wearing for the students. Would this armed person, in turn, shoot the school board member pushing this mask-wearing agenda in the heat of anger?
There is a major problem with folks believing the abundance of misinformation spread by Fox News and social media platforms. And I quote, “The illusory truth effect (also known as the illusion of truth effect, validity effect, truth effect, or the reiteration effect) is the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure. This phenomenon was first identified in a 1977 study at Villanova University and Temple University. When the truth is assessed, people rely on whether the information is in line with their understanding or if it feels familiar.”
I am quite sure that the above quote is above most of the intellectual levels of the people in attendance at the school board meeting last evening to say nothing about the readership of Flaglerlive.
Land of no turn signals says says
Cancel open house night.Another idea is to let in 1 or 2 parents and child at a time in each classroom for 10 minutes then next group and so on.Of coarse Sherry has to bring up her liberal froth with the January 6 capital incident.
Bartholomew says
I call BULLSHIT! It is very clear that someone was armed. What I saw was not what describes at all.
John says
Love the criminal threatening
John says
I wish the vaccinated would stop acting like God and forcing your opinions and beliefs on other people if you want to get vaccinated you want to wear a mask do it stop wishing death upon everybody all’s I’ve seen from people who are vaccinated is pure hatred towards other people who are questioning and experimental vaccine or have other health reasons why they can’t get it grow up
Concerned Citizen says
Spot on Jane!
Concerned Citizen says
The Afghanistan withdrawal has gone awry to say the least but is still underway. The thousands you cite that are in peril are a small percentage of the hundreds of thousands that died partly due to Trump’s saying that he downplayed it, which prevented us from the crucial step of slowing/stopping the spread upfront. It’s on tape – we all heard it – no denying it. Followed by saying it was seasonal, and continually saying it’s going away, while holding super spreaders to promote his own criminal agenda. I won’t say Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing – he knows exactly what he’s doing – lying, profiting, tax evading, and contributing moreso than anyone in our lifetime in dividing people to maintain his own power and profitability. It’s beyond a crying shame – it’s a dying shame.
Those who still need to be brought out of Afghanistan will not be mocked for being stupid for going there in the first place, as our soldiers were mocked for serving by Trump. I can go on and on, but bottom line here is lives are at stake right here in our county – why not do all we can to protect each other. Those who are taking precautions should be telling those who will not to stay home – we are doing our part. What have those against acting safely to say about the children and teachers who have already died? Or the unvaccinated who beg from their hospital beds to wise up and either get vaccinated and follow CDC guidelines? This isn’t about being for or against what we are saying to each other here – it is because some of us care about all of us, including those with opposing views. We don’t want to see anyone sick or dying.
Mark says
He should be arrested and his concealed carry revoked! We call for an investigation!
Ray W. says
Gary R. should consider the possibility that those in the health care field who are resigning or being fired may know nothing at all.
Supportive Educator says
God Bless you, Jill Woolbright!! These words needed to be said by an educational leader representing the power structures of our local school districts. Your courageous speech will not be forgotten! Your faith and conviction for freedom and liberty will not be forgotten! And your dedication to student safety is very much appreciated! Furthermore, anyone sharing a vested interest in the safety and welfare of our students (our CHILDREN) needs to know that political theater should NEVER take precedence over a parent’s right to choose what’s best for their child. Lastly, your bravery on this night stood as a universal testament to all Americans seeking to uphold those promises guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution of the United States of America, and the belief in God.
P.S. — The gentleman and the lady who spoke on critical thinking and seeking out “real journalism.” Please, as a fellow educator, let’s teach our students to decipher truth from fiction, and let’s bring back some shred of integrity in our local media.
NPA Voter says
Bravo, Willy James. So very well articulated.
Sherry says
@land of (whatever). . . thank you for reminding us that there are still so many that cannot “think” beyond the end of their noses to see the much bigger picture of how such horrific incidents are all interconnected. Enjoy your tiny pathetic alternative reality world.
For those that still “mindlessly” spout the FOX talking point about abortions being any where equivalent to choosing to be vaccinated/wear a mask. AGAIN. . . “my” abortion does nothing to you. . . NOTHING! NOTHING! However, you not being vaccinated/wearing a mask is spreading a disease that is killing hundreds of thousands and putting “innocent” little kids in the hospital.
I'm More of a Sign Person Honestly says
Sweet, I’ve been greenlighted to open carry a concealed carry to FCSB meetings. NICE! THanks! Evidence speaks, open concealed carry is now apparently allowed.
Are signs allowed though? I did not see any in the video..
Murphy says
Janet McDonald’s comments are beyond ludicrous. They are dangerous. She is a purveyor of deadly misinformation, and does not belong anywhere near a school board, nor any political office.
Your need to be seen proudly licking Fascist Trump ‘Taint is on display for us all to see too. But your just another moronic Tucker wannabe.
ThisCommentSectionWentOffTheRails—LOL says
Leviticus 13:45 — “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of their face and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’”
Don’t just “read” and “interpret” your gay parts. Look here, God himself is telling you to COVER YOUR MOUTHS WITH A MASK and also announce you’re filthy. Lol. I mean, you people love your Bible and “honoring the word,” so honor it and do what God says.
Kat says
I think you need to look at who those people are and their belief systems. Are these people with advanced degrees and solid scientific backgrounds?
I work in the healthcare field and I’m seeing firsthand the damage that this unchecked virus is doing to our community. There was not a moments hesitation on my part to become vaccinated, I completed the series in January and I’m prepared to get my booster shot. If you look objectively at the history of infectious disease and vaccines, you will learn that they are effective and that we have been able to control or even eradicate numerous pathogens.
Karen Curry says
True to form the “pro-lifers” are only interested in the fetus while it is still in the womb as a talking point. Their genuine lack of concern for children (and everyone else) evidenced by their anti-mask anti-vax stance shows the depth of their hypocrisy. When someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them.
bethechange says
Political theater, you say? And playing your part oh so well. Spare us the gaslighting and script-flipping. As a ‘fellow’ educator, I assure you that my former students were not only better behaved, but also well versed in the resistance to dot-com sites for objective information. Pot, thy color is black.
Sherry says
@ Karen Curry. . . You are most certainly right on! They are hypocritically only “pro fetus”. . . not “pro life” at all. Unfortunately, such stances are often taken by those who were brainwashed into the nonthinking FOX CULT years ago.
Good Republicans STAND UP says
Are you insane, delusional or both? That meeting was a total and complete shit show because the adults from this ridiculous Liberty Coalition are a bunch of ignorant fools. The Bowmans used their kid for their coming out party. They should be ashamed of themselves. She said right in the meeting that the health department called her on Sunday and was told to quarantine her child because he was exposed to a Covid case. What did they do?? Bring their son to school anyway. The school had no choice but to put him in quarantine and have them pick him up. Then mom cries foul. Puhlease!! Do your research. They came here to start the Republican Liberty Coalition. She sits on the Florida Republican Liberty Coalition and handles their media and communication. She’s manipulated this whole thing and USED her kid to do it. If they’d followed the rules none of this would have happened. Her psycho husband wouldn’t have had his big stage to act a fool on with all the other nut jobs. I feel horrible for their son. if they’d actually followed the health departments requirements none of this would have happened. And Joe Mullins and Alan Lowe right in the middle of it. Mullins should be quarantined himself. You nut jobs went around coughing on masked people in the lobby. Your sick to defend any of this. You can try to paint any picture you want but the good people of Flagler County saw all of you.
mark101 says
Not sure anyone noticed this on the news but in Orlando CTY , Aug 3. 2021 ” Overall in Orange County, 37 kids ages zero to 4 years old are positive for COVID-19; 113 kids ages 5 to 14 are infected; and 193 have the virus in the 15 to 24 age group.” Of those, Orlando Health has five kids admitted to the hospital, including one in the ICU. Nemours children Hospital has eight children hospitalized with the virus with one in the ICU, and AdventHealth has 20 kids hospitalized.
DeSantis this is on you.