Crowds bundled up in coats, scarves, gloves and cheer and lined up lined the streets around Palm Coast’s Central Park Saturday evening to watch the annual holiday parade light up Town Center. What was once a modest affair held elsewhere in town this time numbered some 85 sparkling floats, marching bands and other entrants. Some parade goers set up chairs and coolers along the parade route. Some watched from their cars. Most stood along the route to enjoy the parade.
Prizes were awarded for Best of Parade, Best float, Best Marching Band and Best Decorated Vehicle. Best float went to Chapter 808 of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, chapter Commander Rick Look said, which was part of a float conceived and presented by CHAMPS, the local non-profit service organization. The chapter’s monument, recently erected at Heros Park in Palm Coast, was vandalized last month. (The monument has since been repaired.)
“The idea of the float design to be a ‘patriotic Christmas’ was Donna Mazzie’s and Amanda’s, her Daughter,” wrote Jim Neuenfeldt of CHAMPS. “We wanted to make sure that the theme of Christmas along with thanking the veterans who allow us the priviledge of being able to celebrate it, complimented each other in a harmonious way.”
Sharon Pagliochin, St Augustine native, said she was a bit disappointed in the parade but that she enjoyed watching all the happy families. “It was kind of cute but very unorganized,” she said. “People around you are in a good mood, it’s kind of like a celebration, and this reminds me of good spirit.”
Flagler resident Phyllis Hamilton has been going to holiday parades for 19 years and said that without parades, some Christmas spirit would go missing. “We were hoping for some more floats for the kids,” she said. “ But this is nice…and a really nice turnout.”
Charlotte Marten reports:

See Also:
- The Week’s Highlights: FlaglerLive’s Video Recap
- Music, Dance, Art: Auditorium’s 5-Day Holiday Extravaganza Will Boost Art in Education
- Despite Evidence, Palm Coast Hooks Up With Marathon Promoter With Troubled History
- Bucking Long-Range Goals, Palm Coast Again Scales Back Cultural Arts Grants Funding
- 2,000 Meals and More: Feed Flagler Feasts As County Breaks Thanksgiving Bread As One
- Purple Heart Monument at Palm Coast’s Heroes Park Is Slammed Over in an Act of Vandalism
- Starry Saturday: Theater, Art, Grit and Glitz from Bunnell to Palm Coast
Champs Help Association says
There is a correction. Best Float went to Champs Help Association Inc. Who supports The Military Order of Purple Hearts. We were honored to have a member ride on our float. On behalf of Champs, we are honored to have won Best Float.
rukiddingme says
how odd that a picture of the best float isn’t even shown in the video. nothing against car clubs, but we can see them on the street any day of the week.. for those of us who couldn’t attend the parade, pictures of the floats would have been appreciated, just sayin’
Kevin says
That was fun to watch, thanks. It helps me stay in touch with the area even though I’ve moved.
Champs Help Association Inc. says
Thank you for the correction and photo. We are very grateful.
joe smo says
The city would not let us throw candy from the floats!!!!!
Barney Smythe says
So who were the judges?? Champs should have represented themselves. They make themselves bigger than they are. Donna Hess has an ego of self importance that goes above and beyond. Get over yourself.
How many weather radios have been purchased since the sale of the flags in November?? Considering that they are $40 each and can be bought everywhere, why haven’t your tooted your own horn about this?? Or did Ken need the extra money for his failed campaign?
Champs Help Association Inc. says
Barney, there are many families that cannot afford a lifesaving weather alert radio. $40.00 dollars may not be alot to you, but believe me, it is alot of money to many. We sell the radios (Midland WR-100) including batteries and programed for your area for $30.00. If you cannot afford one, we will be more then happy to provide one for you.
Champs did represent themselves .It was our float. At the last moment, Chief Look asked if we would fly the Purple Heart Banner and we were honored. Our motto is “People helping people, it’s a beautiful thing”. That sir, is exactly what we do. We are a grassroots legal 501c-3 organization. We believe in helping the community whenever and wherever possible.
I have never thought of myself of having an ego of self importance that goes above and beyond. What do you think we should do. Would you like to volunteer for Champs? We would be more then happy to have you. Everyone who volunteers is heard. We have a board and decisions are made with the best interest of the community.
I’m not sure what to think about the personal attack on Ken from you, maybe some sour grapes .Ken’s final campaign report has been filed and is public information. Feel free to look it up. Champs has never and will never indorse any candidate for any position. As far as the attack on me, well, I feel sorry for you. It is apparent you do not know me or care to find out.
Champs educates the public about the importance of weather alert radios. The organization was started after the tornadoes ripped through Lake County killing 21 people. Those 21 people had no warning as this tornado came through at 3am. Maybe, just maybe their lives would have been spared had they had a weather alert radio.
Champs is a small organization and gives back to the community on a daily basis. We sincerly hope we make a difference. It is not about us, it is about you.
I remain,
Donna Heiss, VP, Champs Help Association Inc. 386-586-3149,
Ron Rice says
Great time at the parade. Only two floats had any candy where my kids were standing. The phantom football float. Why were the floats going by so fast? That’s probably a good thing they can’t through candy because they would put an eye out. Maybe the city is worried about lawsuits?!?!
Camarie says
I lost my shirt at the parade. Please call if found. Tanks.
Ron Rice says
Hey Cartmartie… I found you shirt! Do you have a phone? I have tried calling random numbers but I keep getting the wrong person. What does your shirt look like?
biggins says
was ron rice really there i heard he couldnt even afford the gas to get there. He must of hitched a ride with one of his geust from his lame party so he could load up on candy.
Ron Rice says
Funny funny bigguns. I was there buyt only one or three floats had any candy. How come the winners of the parade didn’t throw out any candy? Selfish bastigaes! All of their money went into their floats or sumptin? Hey Catmarin… I still got yo shirt. Ring my bell if you want it back.
Champs Help Association Inc. says
Candy was not allowed to be thrown from the floats. We had volunteer walkers who handed out 1,025 candy canes.
Ron Rice says
I seen that. One of my kids got a candy cane I think. Thank you for sending the candy cane his way. It got stepped on but he was still able to eat it. Happy Holidays Camps!
Champs Help Association Inc. says
Champs would also like to wish everyone a safe and glorious holiday season.