Palm Coast’s P-Section is getting a three-building, four-story apartment complex rimmed by 45 single-family homes in what will be a gated community restricted to people 55 and over, off Pritchard Drive.
The Palm Coast Planning Board approved a master site plan for the apartment complex in a 5-0 vote Wednesday evening. The development has a few more steps. But it won’t need city council approval. The brief meeting drew an audience but no objections from residents–an unusual turn for the approval of an apartment complex, which typically draws opposition, and sometimes bitter opposition, from neighbors. Opposition has noticeably diminished in the past year and a half with each successive approval of apartment complexes in the city.
In this case, the nature of the development–gated, age-restricted, literally turned-in from the rest of the neighborhood, as if showing its back to the P-Section–may have limited resistance. A neighborhood meeting in December drew barely more than a dozen people, according to a sign-in sheet (the city had contacted upward of 60).
“To my surprise, the main topic of controversy was the sewer system,” Ray Tyner, the city’s planning director, said. The concerns were legitimate. A new sewer main line that will service the complex has just been designed. Construction is starting this spring and will be done in summer. “That’s going to be a big help for this area,” Tyner said. “This development is not going to [exacerbate] the issue, it’s not going to make it any worse, in fact we’re on top of making the area better.”
Hammock Real Estate Development, a company established in 2017 and registered to Alexander Ustilovsky of Palm Coast, bought the property in 2017 for $415,000. Hammock was represented by landscape architect Bob Dickinson at the planning board meeting.
Since the single-family homes were already approved, the development, called American Village, is already well under way. It will fill in what until recently had been a 17-acre enclave of woods in a huge semi-circle rimmed by Pritchard Drive as it curves from from the west to the north and back east, and by a canal along the southern edge of the property, just north of Prince Michael Lane and Privacy Lane. The nearest streets around the rest of the development are Presidential Lane, Press Way and Pretorian Lane.
The 8-acre site inside the zone will have three, four-story buildings, each with 32 apartments, each apartment with its own garage. The buildings can be up to 60 feet tall. They’ve only been conceptualized, not actually designed. The three buildings would be set off at the three ends of the half circle–two at either corners, one at the top of the half circle. The one at the top of the circle would be built first.
The single-family homes will be built along the line of the semi-circle, their front facing inward into the circle. The preliminary plat for that segment of the development was approved in may 2018. Construction started shortly afterward. The apartment complex and the residential homes will share pedestrian paths and private roads, sidewalks and recreation facilities, including a common clubhouse, a dog park, a swimming pool and a central postal station.
A master site plan is one of the first steps of the approval process. Next would be a technical review by the city. But much of the infrastructure for the development is already in place. Glenn Davis, the planning board chair, signed the development order for the property immediately after the meeting.
Citizen says
There is no restrictions of building in residential neighborhoods in Palm Coast. They seem to allow any sort of development where there are residential houses, large, small, tall it doesn’t matter, PC is just eager to get tax monies anywhere they can get it.
Agkistrodon says
YEAH cause Pritchard drive is not ALREADY heavily traveled…I would assume NOW they will be putting up a traffic light at Pritchard and Belle Terre?
The original woody says
At least it’s not more duplexes .
Jen says
Oh greeeat!! ANOTHERRR gated community for 55 plus, because that’s exactly what Flagler County needs!! Still no public transportation, homeless crisis is still in full affect and low paying jobs are taking over this county. How about addressing the real needs of Flagler?? How about building affordable, decent housing for ALL ages? How about bringing public transportation to one of the fastest growing counties in Florida? I could go on…
Concerned Citizen says
Age restricted communities are nice and all. Do you really expect it to be fully supported by almost retired and retirees? Don’t forget with a gated community there will be your Mortgage plus Utilities plus HOA assesments.
And I’ve always been curiious as to age restriction gets around Fair Housing Act.
Agkistrodon says
And BTW, Why does it have a wall and gates? I thought those were HIGHLY ineffective and IMMORAL. Just sayin, kinda Hypocritical……
Brian says
Agkistrodon no, a roundabout.
Vega t says
Too many houses and buildings now!!!!!! There wont be any trees or amything nice left in palm cost! Its like every scrap of land must be developed!! Time to move out from this area i guess, retired here 5 years ago which i thought was a nice small quiet town, not anymore!
Ashley says
This town is asleep at the wheel and they’re never going to wake up.
Local says
Are they gonna discriminate against people 54 and younger? I thought gates and walls were frowned upon….if it was a Trump development people would be raising hell. I say just give all units to illegal immigrants. We GIVE them everything else.
Alex says
Once again 55 and older, what a surprise. Because paying 1400 dollars a month rent is for the pee on 54 and unders of this city. Funny enough if I built a 54 and under community it would be considered discriminatory, illegal, and shut down next day but every apartment built in a city being 55 and older is no questions asked.
Diane says
The sign out front of American Village construction doesn’t mention apartments. I would think that’s why it didn’t have any opposition.
gmath55 says
The article didn’t state if there would be an HOA. Is it assumed because it is gated community that there will be an HOA? HOA’s are nightmares! Just go on YouTube and check out all the complaints (tons) about HOA’s. Buyer beware! I for one would never buy where there is an HOA.
Iva hadit says
What does this have to do with Trump or illegal immigrants? There’s always one in every crowd that has to show their ignorance.
Realist says
The planning board and town council are hell bent on destroying the quality of life we all came here for.
ASF says
With all the cases in the P-section where domestic violence and other person-on-person crimes are reported, you would think those folks would be better advised to pay a little more attention to what is going in within the walls of their OWN homes.
snapperhead says
it’s comical to listen to the whiners cry about more development AFTER they moved here. Like there weren’t people opposed to further development before YOU moved here. Isn’t everyone one of you that moved here part of the problem? Now that you’re here we’re supposed to stop other people from having that same opportunity. hypocrits
palmcoaster says
These county and city planning boards and departments are paid by us to benefit only developers and taking away our quality of life. Until the proper road and sewer infrastructure is in place in Palm Coast there should be a moratorium in construction of large developments. I see Pritchard is a drive and as such not originally intended by ITT to be a mayor thru road for 30 or 40 MPH designation creating a safety issue among current residential homes and dwellers were high density condos were not originally intended. Since about 2003 our safe narrow drives like Florida Park, Farragut, Club House and others were decorated with double yellow lines and designated higher speed signs of 40 and 30 mph were gasoline and other huge trucks cruise unmonitored at 10 and 15 miles over the limit only about 60 feet from homes. When residents of Florida Park Drive requested the ridiculous 30 mph speed to be lowered then Netts-Landon team lied that they could not override the FDOT rules…I called lately FDOT and they told me all city roads jurisdiction lies under our city government control and not FDOT “unless they are also lying”. They told me to call the Mayor and Council on it. I drive almost daily Cooper Lane and Casper Drive and Cooper Lane has a 30 mph and is ridiculous as I even feel unsafe for my neighbors kids and myself to drive at that speed among close residential homes with children, elderly and pets. So this current mayor and council need to lower these “darn speeds” and make no thru truck roads these drives and lanes. People is being killed in our drives and lanes not intended originally by ITT for this high density fast traffic without sufficient yet (and postpone in the back burner) vital widenings like Old Kings Road North and others! Widen our roads and install proper sewer and drainage infrastructure by impact fees before any more high density housing is approved. Stop taking away our quality of life. Just read in Nextdoor our residents complaints about the speeding traffic in the road and waters and the litter that comes with it, other that so much Innovation Vision and Broadband, two improvements that kills no one.
Patricia A McDaniel says
My concern is what kinda rent will these apartments have a lot of people 55 and over have only social security to live on with very little if any pensions…most people who are retired cannot afford the rent that is being charged How about a income based senior housing for these people…had to move out of Palm Coast cause I couldnt afford to live there…bring affordable senior housing not all retirees are flush with money
Gford says
They build and they will come attitude, this is not Lattitudes this is just a canopy walk inside an exiting community, it took many years to stabilize canopy walk and that’s open to all ages. I don’t see that many
Buyers of 55 and older wanting an apartment with out substantial amenities this probably is just a tax incentive however they are reaching out to the wrong age group but we shall see how many purchase to rent
For those asking the legality, yes it can be with correct bi laws and advertising I do agree however it’s a one sided development and yes we do need something nice for younger people we do not have move up housing
And yes we do not have useful transportation
Juji Amen-Ptah says
Of course there was no objection. People only object when its AFFORDABLE housing. There is never an issue with building apartment complexes so long as its restricted to seniors instead of young, growing families.
And before anybody starts, some of us need an affordable place to live even WITH a decent job (therefore zero government assistance in anything) but WHILE pursuing higher education. Degrees dont happen over night!
Angie says
It is because of things like this that I am considering putting my house on the market. It is pretty bad when your water bill is more then your electric. We have never had a decent city manager or council. They have no idea what a budget is or how to maintain it. Their out look is when we need it we will just jack taxes and water bills up. Trust me I am not the only one getting out of here. Then of course there is the Sheriff”s department with their hands out and makes sure they blow out any excess funds at the end of the fiscal year. Yes we sure needed to blow a 1/4 million on new Mustangs. Really!! This whole town is becoming a disgrace!!
No says
Income restriction never ends up being only “growing, young families”. It’s a fancier term for a ghetto and I’m sorry if that truth hurts. Very few low-income or restricted income properties don’t end up having issues – be it crime, trash, etc. What we need are CAREER JOBS (not more restaurants, gas stations, and minimum wage retail stores), and to stop scaring away businesses with 50 thousand rings of fire to jump through to be here. I would love the ability to not work out of the county but as it stands, there’s no opportunity here. Solve the income and opportunity problem in this county and you solve housing.
Agkistrodon says
Still wondering why THIS wall and gate are NOT IMMORAL. Or Ineffective…….
Mary Fusco says
@ No says, unfortunately Palm Coast is a bedroom community. There will NEVER be CAREER jobs here that pay wages comparable to larger cities. Any company that comes here will only pay the going rate for the area. Companies relocate to Places like this so that they can pay less wages with less benefits, etc. etc. Back in the day, if young families chose to live in the suburbs, the breadwinner usually commuted in order to make a decent living. My husband drove 70 miles each way for 25 years. It is what it is.
Gail Boyd says
Dove through this development today, Sat Aug 3 == the 3 houses that are being built look Very small from the road, and close to each other. Its a life style for sure, since this will be older people I imagine the gate is more of a fell safe selling point. I have learned not to get upset over developers, they win every time, just the facts. You can make it harder on them but they are the ones with the big pockets by default people lose every time. Its going to be built like it or not. Relax don’t let this interfere in you life…you don’t have to live here if you don’t wish to. Don’t move to a town with undeveloped land..good luck finding it…
CJ says
Wait until you are a Sr citizen, then maybe you will understand. They want security.
, no maintenance and a QUIET place to live after raising unruly, loud, crazy kids.
Thank god I didn’t but I don’t want to live near any!
Age restricted, gated communities have been around long before most of you commenting on this post and they are not going away. Again, you’ll get it someday!!!
Ellen Levine says
Very very well said. We are in Virginia now and planning to make a move to Palm Coast. Hope to make more friends there.