It’s not uncommon for political candidates in local races to seem like carbon-copies of each other. Not so the four candidates running for two seats on the Flagler Beach City Commission, two of them incumbents, though only one of them has won elections before: Jane Mealy, who’s uninterruptedly been winning elections to the commission since 2006.
The other incumbent is Rick Belhumeur, who was elected to the commission by default three years ago: the then -incumbent, Steve Settle, chose not to run, Belhumeur and Mealy were the only candidates for two seats, both won unopposed. The two other candidates in March’s election for those same two seats are Paul Eik, who ran unsuccessfully one time before, and Deborah Phillips, in town less than two years and owner of The Pink Turtle Gift Shoppe in town.
Mealy is a retired educator who spent most of her career teaching in the Long Island, N.Y. neighborhood Amazon just bailed on. Belhumeur, long of Baltimore, followed in the footsteps of his late father, a Flagler Beach commissioner in the early 1990s and property owner. Eik moved to town in 2013 after working as a budget analyst in New Mexico state government. Phillips was a Chicago banker until she didn’t want to be cold anymore and moved o Flagler Beach with her husband.
The four gathered Tuesday evening before a crowd of 100 people or so at the Flagler Woman’s Club for a forum and an hour-long Q&A session, with all the questions posed by the audience by way of a moderator. The quartet sat along a white table facing the crowd, some clearly more comfortable than others, speaking in turns: it was not a debate, there was not much disagreement between the candidates, nor an attempt by any one of them to challenge another or question each other’s statements or positions directly. The “I agree with…” were more common, though there were a few less direct differences.
The cordial atmosphere did not seem contrived, not even between Phillips and Belhumeur, who shook hands. They’d provided the only overt snippiness of the campaign in the 24 hours surrounding Phillip’s decision to run weeks ago, a decision inspired by Belhumeur’s reporting an irregular sign at her shop to code enforcement.
To even out the balance of questions directed at specific candidates, Phillips and Eik were asked about their experience in municipal work. Eik sat on the city’s development board and a couple of other committees, Phillips took part in her neighborhood’s civic life back in Illinois and said flat out: “Unfortunately I don’t have a lot of experience” in municipal work, words Belhumeur three years ago and Mealy 13 years ago would have had to speak.
The group all agreed that Flagler Beach is lucky enough, for now, to be able to hold on to its grandfathered short-term rental ordinance, labored through the commission in 2008 and old enough to withstand legislative assaults from Tallahassee, try as Tallahassee might. The ordinance restricts short-term vacation rentals to the commercial zone in the city. Philips, however, said it’ll be impossible to stop rentals through Airbnb, implying what everyone knows: that Airbnb and its likes have effectively circumvented traditional short-term rental ordinances. At the same time, those ordinances are generally not directed at owner-occupied properties that rent through Airbnb.
They also all agreed that raising the base flood-elevation of new construction is a good idea, likely to 7 feet, especially in light of devastating flooding in the city in 2016 and 2017. And they all agreed that sea walls are a bad idea–but there was no way to get around the buried sea wall the state Department of Transportation is planting at the north end of town. The question, in other words, allowed the candidates to have it both ways, just as the commission has, particularly since, in the end, the commission had little choice but to submit to the transportation department’s plans.
DOT’s alternative was to move State Road A1A to Central or Daytona Avenue–an eventuality that may not be far in the future, given the rise of sea levels in Florida, as the former secretary general of the United Nations warned in a New York Times column today: “Climate change is not a distant threat for Miami,” he wrote, “it’s a daily presence in people’s lives. The city has been fighting to stay above water for decades. It knows that its future as a vibrant international hub for business, tourism, arts and culture depends on making the city more resilient to the impact of global warming.” The same rhetoric is heard in Flagler Beach, minified to its rustic, small-town self. Miami’s solution is to tax itself very heavily to finance flood-control projects. So far, Flagler Beach has not gone anywhere near that approach, relying instead on trickle-down revenue from the county’s tourism tax, a portion of which is devoted to beach protection.
True to most local property owners with more than a few properties, Belhumeur spoke of his general opposition to raising taxes, though that came off as serving Belhumeur’s portfolio than Flagler Beach’s welfare–the same welfare for which he goes to Tallahassee to beg for state tax revenue. He’s voted against budgets before, to protest tax increases on top of utility rate increases, though likely knowing that the budgets had their needed majority to pass, making his stance more a matter of advertised principle than pragmatism.
Phillips punted on taxes, calling it “a tough question,” and Mealy, who’s raised her share of taxes over the years, took it head on: “We are a full service city, we provide everything except electricity,” she said. That comes at a cost. Giving up fire or police services would not give Flagler Beach residents the personal services they like from ops and firefighters. “I don’t like raising taxes but I will never pull a George Bush and say read my lips, because it’s a foolish statement,” Mealy said.
For all the general agreement on policy, there were still some sharp differences between the four candidates.
Eik and Phillips came off as the rookies they are–as most first-time candidates do, and all candidates were once first-timers–Phillips even more so than Eik: she’s not so much as gone to more than a couple of city commission meetings, and it shows, though her sharpness is reminiscent of Mealy’s–without the experience or, so far, evidence that she hungers for the commission job.
And Mealy gently, indirectly reminded him that the city’s economic development task force–”my baby,” as she called it–is exactly what. (The task force met today at 4 p.m.) But she did not need to make the point more directly. Mealy spoke as effortlessly as a long-time incumbent and a natural wonk would, though without pandering to any particular constituencies. Her voice can get a little rusty, but not the iron that produces it. She could toggle between budget, tax and policy issues with ease, and refer to last week’s commission meeting as readily as she could a meeting years ago, all the while maintaining a familiar rapport with the audience. While friendly to business, she has limits. She remains adamantly opposed to expanding the business district or allowing short-term rentals anywhere beyond it.
Belhumeur might outwork Mealy: he likes to be in everything, everywhere in the city, he’s a frequent presence at county commission meetings, sits on the county’s affordable housing board, owns close to a dozen properties in the county, maintains a close though not necessarily chummy working relationship with City Manager Larry Newsom, with whom he occasionally travels to Tallahassee. Belhumeur, however, was the least comfortable of the candidates at the forum, and the least polished: he’s the quintessential non-politician, the likeliest to speak undiplomatically–he sees it as speaking truthfully–or to strain to make the sort of connections with audiences that may come more naturally to others. Charm or cheer are not Belhumeur specialties. He told the crowd he brings a blue-collar perspective to the board, “doesn’t play politics,” and read the quote by Denis Waitley, the motivational speaker: “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist or to accept the responsibility for changing them” He loves the responsibility and carries it out daily. But he doesn’t know how to convey it in the age and manner of Facebook likes and smiley faces.
Flagler Beach holds its municipal election for two seats on March 5, the same day Bunnell and Beverly Beach do. The top two vote-getters in Flagler Beach will be seated.
Concerned Citizen says
Going to be an interesting race for sure. Time for some new faces and not a rehash of career politicians with egos.
I see Commissioner Belhumer’s signs all over Flagler Beach. A lot of them are posted on vacant lot’s. It’s my understanding that he is an enthusiastic code enforcer. I’d like to know if he has permission from all property owners in the area.
Commissioner Belhumer you stated you did have permission from ALL property owners. That does cover the vacant lot’s yes? Also can you provide Flagler Live with a record of those permissions?
We just want to make sure everyone is playing fair by the rules and abiding by the law,
Brian says
Well, whoop-de-do – nothing to get hung up on, strawberry fields forever.
Jan says
Please so not think the short-term rental bills from our legislators have gone away. In fact, they are MORE ONEROUS THAN EVER THIS YEAR.
Read newly proposed SB 824 (Diaz) and HB 987 (Grant).
Includes language on short-term rentals being “constitutionally protected.” Removing ALL control to the state; doesn’t matter if you had rules or not already in place. May not even protect HOAs. Please do not be complacent!
Wow says
You’ll think differently about short term rentals when you get flooded.
tom dooley says
Let’s see. We have 2 people who have been here for years and understand how to read a budget (and knows whats going on here and why) and we have 2 people. 1 who was a “banker” with no experience and 1 who can’t understand how to read fb’s budget so he wants to change it to fit his reading ability?? Tell’s me all i need to know. 1 doesn’t like she got caught violating the “rules” of flagler beach ( via rick b. which is why she’s running) and the other thinks fb’s budget is hard to read so fb has to adapt to a democrat because he can’t understand how to read a budget??? We don’t need or want short term rentals all throughout the city (only in the business districts). Homeowners stand up and vote now!!! Go Jane and Rick whose standing up for the homeowners of FB.! As a homeowner no brainier who im voting for. Wait until the short term rental rules goes beyond the business district and into your neighborhood; it’s coming if we don’t stand up now!!! Hey Nancy N.; “Bunnell Dave” and Sherry can ya’ll run for office? Y’all seem to have all the answers and know everything!!! Please run so i can vote for ya’ll oh thats right ya’ll have an excuse why? What is is this time? LOL.
Bob Smith says
Tom Dooley. Deborah Phillips is not running because Bellheumer sited her business. She is running because she truly cares about FB
You are the one who is misinformed.
Bob Smith says
Tom Dooley. Deborah Phillips is not running because her business was sited. She is running because she cares about FB and it’s residents. She may not have political experience but we all have to start somewhere. She is super smart and will gain that experience in no time. Don’t assume unless you meet hher.