The Palm Coast City Council and administration are confused, and confusing, about the beleaguered charter review process hobbling to the end of its public workshops Thursday. What mutant version of the process survives beyond then is anybody’s guess, as the workshops have been largely sideswiped by unresolved and at times bitter wrangles over that process rather than producing any sense of what residents want out of their charter.
But a review of the charter review so far strongly suggests that confusion and wrangles are almost all the city’s doing.
Ever since the council agreed in May to review its charter—the city’s constitution—it has referred to the approach as a charter review process. The process would lead to the possibility of presenting charter amendments to voters in a 2018 referendum if necessary. There’s a likelihood but never a certainty that proposals would be made, especially if there’s a dearth of suggestions (as there has been).
But there was little doubt that a review was under way, at least if you went by what the city was saying, soliciting, disseminating to the press, advertising on its own website or plastering on its slides in charter review “workshops.”
Its own administration’s presentation, the basis for the council’s approach—which was never voted on but merely agreed to by consensus, itself a dubious way to go about re-examining the city’s constitution for the first time in 18 years—referred to it as a “Charter Review Process.” The terms were enshrined in August when the council adopted the method it would go about soliciting residents’ ideas and opinions for the review through four public workshops and a $6,000-facilitator, who herself says at those workshops: “The city did approve in some manner conducting this charter review by the council.”
The web page the city put up to explain the process and solicit input goes even further. It’s titled explicitly “City Council Charter Review,” going well beyond reasonable doubt about the council’s intentions by stating explicitly that “The Palm Coast City Council will be reviewing the City Charter in late 2017 and early 2018,” and repeating the words “charter review” four times in two short explanatory paragraphs.
Though with less fanfare and marketing than it does, say, when the city is sponsoring its Senior Games, the city also issued one lone press release from its PR office to advertise the workshops, on Sept. 19, referring to the process as the “Palm Coast City Charter Review special workshops,” and stating again that “The Palm Coast City Council will be reviewing the City Charter this fall and is encouraging citizen participation throughout the charter review process.”
The message seemed clear: the council was welcoming a review of the charter for the first time since the city’s inception in 1999.
To the few people who have bothered following the process (the three workshops so far have drawn about a dozen people each, not counting city officials padding the attendance), and going by what the city had stated, there was no doubt a review was under way—with the council as the reviewing body.
At the last such workshops, at Buddy Taylor Middle School on Oct. 18, residents discovered what lawyering up the charter-review process means when Bill Reischmann, the city attorney, made a startling statement: “The process we’re doing here is not a charter review committee. At no time, and I want to make this really clear, at no time did the council appoint itself as a charter review committee. That’s not what these four workshops are. This is not a charter review committee review process.”
“That’s not what these four workshops are. This is not a charter review committee review process.”
Reischmann is right. But only to the extent that the council, when it discussed that method in May, did not refer to itself as a “committee” that would review the charter. But its discussion just as clearly laid out why: even Mayor Milissa Holland and Council member Steven Nobile, who have been diametrically opposed on most issues—including on charter review—agreed that the council should be the panel reviewing it, not a committee, as long as public input was generously solicited.
Holland somewhat patronizingly said a public committee would not be educated enough on the issues to do an effective job, as council members would: “I hate for us to go through that entire exercise of each getting an appointment, or making an appointment to one individual, and then having our staff to take an extraordinary amount of time to educate them. We were elected by the majority of the residents of this city to make decisions on their behalf, in the best interest of the residents,” she said at the time (although the city charter does call for any necessary resources being set aside for a committee-review process).
Council members Heidi Shipley and Nobile echoed those words, the latter saying he was fine with leaving out an appointed committee “and letting the council do it, as long as it’s open, because that’s the process.”
There was no question that a review would be under way. And in spirit if not in fact, the council was appointing itself the charter review committee, since there would be no appointed committee, and since a charter review “process” was unquestionably under way.
Reischmann’s statement to the small audience at the last charter workshop, in other words, was daring for its sophistry—and never addressed the contradictions between the terminology he was using and the terminology the city had used throughout its official pronouncements and written documentation, with the word “committee” the only difference. The city was trying to have it both ways. Its lawyer was codifying the sleight in terms designed, if necessary, to withstand court scrutiny, as lawyers are trained to do.
It was not necessarily an attempt to mislead so much as the inevitable culmination between what the council has intended all along and the sloppy, contradictory messaging it’s been projecting since May. The hybrid approach and the poor messaging amplified the contradiction: the council was reviewing the charter, with its facilitator serving as proxy in the public workshops, even though its own charter states a committee must be appointed to that purpose. As a result all three charter workshops so far have seen plenty of their time diverted to the ongoing debate over the contradiction, with Reischmann again and again defending the city’s approach—and again doing so with the strictest of legal interpretations on his side: “It’s my opinion that you don’t have to do it through charter review committee. You could, but you don’t have to,” he said.
The hybrid approach it finally adopted (“this is not a hybrid,” Reischmann insisted) is an attempt to placate the pressure for a review from Nobile and, to a lesser extent, from Shipley, while ensuring that the process remain firmly in the council’s hands. Any drafting of proposed changes will be limited to what the council decides. But the hybrid approach also depended on projecting a sense of great public participation—or at least inviting participation, though the city administration did very little to promote the workshops.
It’s not clear that the council will choose to draft any proposed amendments when its turn comes to debate the issue in earnest next month, given the small number of solid suggestions at the workshops and the lone one or two submitted online. It may well use the small turnouts as further proof that it need do nothing more than the cosmetic exercise it’s indulged so far, an innocuous proposed amendment or two aside for appearances’ sake.
The law does allow cities to amend their charters on a piecemeal rather than comprehensive basis, with council members opting to draft changes and presenting them to voters at election time. But Palm Coast’s charter spells out what a comprehensive review requires, and that’s an appointed-committee approach.
That’s not the comprehensive charter-review process the council is perceived to have projected. While Reischmann has been playing interference on behalf of the council at the workshops, the political fallout will be the council members’ alone to deal with, slight as it may be (judging from turnout).
But the overall credibility of the process, and by extension that of the council, has not been vibrant as a result.
At the last meeting, Nobile—who in the first workshop had sounded more disenchanted with the process—tried to aid Reischmann’s advocacy (after Reischmann, with City Manager Jim Landon in back of the room like a warden, insisted that he had not been instructed “to come up with a plan as an advocate for a certain position.”)
“We could appoint the five-person commission,” Nobile said, addressing critics of the process in the small audience, “I pick someone, the other members pick someone, and you don’t even have to be involved. This is better, because you’re involved. We’re involving you. This is not part of the charter review. This is just open meetings saying what do you want to see changed, and then ultimately you’re going to vote on it, so regardless of what the city council says, we’re going to put things on there, you’re going to vote on. So we’re not saying you’re going to do this, we’re going to change that. What I’m trying to understand is, tell me what the problem is, and then we could fix it, because what we’re dealing with is an interpretation, and we could argue this interpretation until the day it lands in court.”
The fourth and last public workshop is scheduled for Thursday evening at 6 p.m. at the Flagler Palm Coast High School cafeteria.
KMedley says
Council Member Nobile, the problem, in a nutshell, is the City Council does not trust its electorate.
You trust us for campaign donations. You trust supporters will attend numerous political functions. You trust enough volunteers will hold signs and walk in parades. You trust voters will come out and vote on Election Day.
Neither you nor the remaining council members trust citizens to address the many issues presented with our current charter. We have been told, by no less than our own mayor, we the people are simply not educated enough, not sophisticated enough, and not well versed enough with the day to day workings of government. We the people couldn’t possibly present viable changes to the council for consideration of ballot placement.
The answer to this is quite simple. Return to the charter. Appoint a charter review committee. Trust the people.
Jack Howell says
It looks like the Charter Review process is going to turn out as “much to do about nothing”. The city attorney Bill Reischmann, under the tutorage of Jim Landon, will continue to dampen any progress by citizens to update the city’s charter. I am so over the shenanigans that Landon and company use to stifle anything that they disapprove. This foolishness and pulling the wool over the eyes of the people of Palm Coast need to stop and stop now.
I guess I need to run for city council should my dear friend Heidi decide not to run. I am focused on serving the people of Palm Coast. As a matter of fact, I don’t need a salary and if elected, will donate it to charity. I promise this, should I get elected, Jim Landon will meet his match. I have a stronger personality than he’s ever dealt with. I can’t and will not be bullied or deceived by Landon and his tactics. I’m on to you Jim! I will break up that 3-2 alliance and make Jim Landon’s last days as city manager stressful. Hopefully, I can get him to leave quicker than 2019.
Many years ago, as a young Marine Corps officer, I recall a chance meeting in the halls of Congress. It was a Saturday morning, and I had to deliver some paperwork to a congressman’s office. While searching for the congressman’s office, an older gentleman saw a Marine Corps Major looking perplexed and asked if he could help me. He invited me into his office, befriended me as we spent an hour or so discussing and engaging in a wide range of topics. He provided sage advice on dealing with difficult people and became a mentor of sorts. As I left, I knew I had a new friend and promised him we stay in touch, per his direction. I will always be in gratitude to Congressman Tip O’Neil for being my friend. I learned a lot from him!
Anonymous says
Reichmann is who is causing the confusion. He’s trying to keep council members quiet. Reischmann also said the city legally changed their elections from odd numbered years to even numbered years though the process of making changes to the charter are different from what took place. That change was to give Netts an extra year in office. As we can see he wants to come back….he never wanted to leave. Without him Landon would have been booted long ago. This council needs to hire new legal representation!!!!!
Sw says
Gkimp says
Sham process!
John dolan says
Who’s on First?
Anonymous says
Just a pony show and a demonstration of a council that doesn’t have things under control. For the hundreds of thousands that Reishmann is paid the council can find better representation at a better price. Reishmann is Landon’s puppet. Come on council and mayor wake up and either do the jobs you were elected to do or resign and go back to the crib.
Tired says
“We were elected by the majority of the residents of this city to make decisions on their behalf, in the best interest of the residents” says Holland. So why is Landon still employed as city manager and why did city hall get built. Seems to me that Holland only remembers who elected her when it suits her!