Heavy rains caused more washouts of the low dunes and rock revetments along State Road A1A this afternoon in what is becoming a recurring problem with almost every heavy rain event.
The most severe washout was between South 11th and 13th streets, a segment of road closed to traffic this afternoon. Last week’s rains had caused similar washouts, wrecking a walk-over and costing the city about $2,000 in repairs that the Federal Emergency Management Administration will not pay for, since those repairs are not associated with Hurricane Matthew.
There, stormwater runoff dug a deep gash through the rock revetments the state Department of Transportation put down when it rebuilt that section of A1A in the wake of Hurricane Matthew last October. Runoff dug the gash immediately south of where the the dune flattened out, to make way for the reconstructed zone. At that point, the road is level with the eastern shoulder, which then drops down in a slope of rocks to the beach. After traveling south along the dunes, the water essentially finds the point of least resistance to make its way to the ocean, and digs through.
“It’s inadequate what they rebuilt here,” Flagler Beach City Commissioner Rick Belhumeur, one of two commissioners at the scene this afternoon, said. “They’re trying to protect the road from the ocean but they’re not protecting it from the rain-water. The dune has to be higher than the road.”
There were less serious washouts in the area of 21st and 22nd streets north and in Beverly Beach. Flagler County Fire Rescue, the emergency helicopter, surveyed the shore for officials so they could have a better idea of where the damages were.
Within an hour and a half of the washout, a Department of Transportation subcontractor, DBI, helped by Flagler County road crews, sent two truckloads of red shell sand to the scene (the trucks belong to the county), where the 22 to 24 cubic feet of sand was dumped in the gash. (See the video below.)
City Commissioner Marshall Shupe, who was there in his capacity as a fire policemen this afternoon, said more trucks were likely on the way. He, too, was concerned with the recurring washouts, as they required diverting traffic onto Central Avenue, overburdening it and possibly causing it damage in the long term.
The helicopter, Shupe said, “gave us the heads up by Snack Jack’s and by the water tower, but that was just water accumulating.”
For now, there are no long-term solution other than the construction of a more permanent A1A–to replace its emergency version in place now at the south end of town–starting in the fall of 2018. But that’s almost a year and a half away.
“We know where the three or four spots are that are going to take the most maintenance,” Shupe said. “Maybe something from FDOT will come together and not expect us to do this for the next year and a half.”
Belhumeur said he intends to bring up the issue for discussion at the city commission’s next meeting on June 22.
Veteran says
That damn climate change again! Or maybe don’t build a road right next to the ocean.
But you can try says
Climate changes, and the beach moves. It happens. That’s why at my address (not near the beach), I can dig down 2 feet and reach a nice thick layer of St. Augustine white sand. Coastlines change. Climate changes. It cannot be controlled, but you can try. I think Wooly mammoths also tried…
Sw says
Move the road
Michael dangle-lowe says
Well after you master time travel go ahead and tell the Indians to back A1A off the ocean
Mark101 says
its a shame that this road wasn’t fixed right after the last patch job now we are dealing with rain fall washing out the road. The blame must lie with the County and the State for not doing their job. What’s next another Hurricane happens ( god forbid) and wipes the road away for good alone with beachfront properties and businesses. I just hope the County and State react to this with a soon to be identified permanent solution and stop with these patch jobs..
Michael Van Buren says
I’m so glad FDOT got FBPD to get all those dirty stone stackers under control. It made a such a big difference! 😜
Alphonso Zeimers says
How about laying those gigantic carpets that are used to cover large explosions when blasting during road work or blasting tunnels.
Concerned Citizen says
Mother Nature 1 Mankind 0
Mother Nature will always have her way. Always. It might not be today (even though it’s looking like it) but it will happen.
When you build by the Ocean try to protect it with man made barriers then over traffic it’s a recipe for disaster.
I fully understand everyone wants the roads and development for the economy. Someday we will end up learning the hard way that this was a bad idea.
Wtf says
Flagler is cursed. Stay inside🙏Pray
Sherry says
The village of Flagler Beach, restaurants, motels, shops and the hundreds of homes on the island DO EXIST, and have been here for decades. Those who don’t live here. . . but often wish they did. . . often have the most strident and idiotic comments.
Such as “Just let the island wash away. . . it should have never had anyone living there to begin with” ! In other words. . . “To hell with those (Rich People) that have homes in businesses along any coastline or waterway”.
In addition to completely ignoring SCIENTIFIC FACTS of Climate Change. . . the ignorant “haters” of humanity and planet earth appear to parading the green eyed monster, as well. . . how disgusting! What an example of our nation “circling the drain” of educated, evolved civilizations.
tulip says
It was stated in the article that the dunes should be higher than the road. So why haven’t they made the dunes and reinforcement rocks higher than the road a long time ago How high would the dunes have to be? I realize that by raising them, the view of the ocean in that area would be obstructed somewhat, but it’s better than throwing millions of dollars away all the time with a bandaid fix that quickly fails. The people of FB have to accept the fact that nature will have it’s way and if the ever increasing traffic has to be diverted to side streets a lot, then another problem of those streets being badly damaged will occur and more money down the drain.
It seems to me that there a higher dunes along the roadway further north on A1A in places, and it doesn’t look bad.
Smarterthanmost says
The washouts have been occurring since the hurricane. Apparently none of those responsible will come out of their office long enough and walk the beach, they will just dump another truck load of sand and go back inside. The people of Flagler Beach and Flagler County should be ashamed of the people they voted for, it’s apparent they are to self-absorbed to actually do the work they were elected to do.
Hopeful says
Trump will take care of it. Make America great again!
Anonymous says
What I dont get is why they keep doing the same thing over and over again. Obviously, its not working and is expensive. Time to think of artifical means to fix this. Maybe get some advice from other states like Calfornia, Oregon, Maine. I think they can help.
Erosion Professional says
I work professionally in the erosion and sediment control field, and note the following from the photos:
1) There is no attempt to slow down the velocity of the runoff from the street. At a minimum they should have placed some type of device to slow down the water so that it does not cause erosion. You can use turbidity fences, hay bales, organic waddles etc.
2) If the erosion continues to occur in the same spot, it is because a low point in the street is channeling the water to runoff in the same spot on the road shoulder. Address that spot by hardening the runoff area with rocks, temporary concrete, water blocks etc etc
3) if absolutely necessary, build a temporary asphalt curb on the east side of A1A to channel the water to another natural discharge point that could handle the runoff without causing the erosion (natural channel, storm drain etc)
I Love FB says
I’m so tired of Palm Coast and other county residents criticizing Flagler Beach like it should be annexed and shut down or even accuse its residents of being stupid, all the while coming over here every weekend to frequent our bars, food establishments, and most importantly our beach. The negativity I see about my city of residence from people that do not live here but use all we have to offer is telling. We had a TRAGEDY last year with Hurricane Matthew and came through it a lot better than what was expected thankfully. However, it felt like the entire county turned its back on us and attitudes still haven’t changed. I even read comments that residents “deserved” the storm damage and should’ve gotten more. Shows the climate of the world we live in these days and it’s sad.
On a side note, That road had been here for DECADES and if you knew anything about the history of this place, you’d know the beach was quite larger even just 10-15 years ago. Coastlines change. That’s the way it is.
Veteran says
@I Love FB, your last paragraph is exactly why a road should never be built there.
Yellowstone says
Someone needs to go get a y-y-yuge grant and dig a hole deep enough in the ocean and drain the swampy sea water! So sad!! (he said).
Veteran says
Instead of checking SCIENTIFIC FACTS about climate change, why don’t you check scientific facts about climate cycles on earth. The ocean is going to rise whether man is here or not. Ok, maybe carbon emissions might accelerate it SLIGHTLY, but it will still be a 1000 years from now, and I doubt the human race will be here. It’s taken 5 billion years for earth to get where it is so 1000 years is a blink of an eye. We as humans have no concept of time or distance as it relates to the universe.
Optimist Prime says
Trump will fix it, don’t worry.
NYhere says
Ok heres to all y’all southern folks. Just because you grew up here in this peaceful little town does not mean that change cannot or is not coming. I am so sick and tired of hearing these natives of Flagler County wine and grind about change. The climate is changing, lets make the appropriate adjustments and fix these problems once and for all. Good lord people. And I am sicj and tired of hearing from people who live out in the Cody’s corner area griping about what is happening i Flagler Beach. YOU DONT EVEN COME TO THE BEACH SO STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT. i’M SORRY BUT THATS THE TRUTH. Put A1A back where it should be on Central Ave. and have business access roads from Central to those businesses. And as far as the current A1A is concerned lets use it for parking in safe/appropriate areas.
Yellowstone says
NYhere has a great idea! FB has proposed on street parking meters . . . Now if the city of FB decides to close down A1A and turns it nto a metered parking area – what a boom to the economic situation. Can you hear the ka-ching, ka-ching in the city’s coffers? May our cup’s runneth over.
RickG says
There were washouts in Ormond by the Sea also. A1A is not long for this world.
Dave says
Move the road in one block!
Beach Badges says
Implement beach badges. Start charging for beach access with daily or yearly rates. Use that money to fix the beach!
snapperhead says
Badges!? badges!? We don’t need no stinkin badges! How about big gubmint makes A1A a toll road instead? Fifty cents to cross the 100 bridge. Fifty cents from Ormond Beach north and south. Fifty cents from Hammock to Flagler beach north and south. Or how about we stop using about 70% of Bed tax revenue to “promote” Flagler and use it to make accessible what is by far the largest generator of that revenue- the beach. There’s $1.5 million +/- a year that could be used to fix the road, rebuild dunes and replenish the beach of Flagler’s most valuable resource instead of having to grovel for state or federal funds every time we have a storm.
Bc. says
It was a quick fix I did not work we need a sea wall olong A1A.
Sam says
There is a simple fix, dig down build a concrete wall with below ground concrete drainage between the road and wall so the water can be guided to a proper runoff. FDOT pouring rocks and sand is wasting time and money, until the next storm comes. People living in different parts of the world below sea level don’t have the problems Flagler is facing due to proper planning.
flagler1 says
I had a home on S Oceanshore for over 17 years. I sold it a little over a year ago and I’m damn glad I did.
capt says
One thing I’ve noticed about this tiny little county, is they do a lot of things on the cheap and easy hoping the problem goes away quietly. With AIA right here in Flagler Beach, the drainage and flooding issues in parts of the Hammock the county acts like the problems will just go away or private citizens will pay for any improvements themselves. Maybe it all goes back to whom in the county is running the operation or the people we elect that need to change…. Humm
Smarterthanmost says
You get the government you vote for, and this city and county has continuously voted for the same type of person year and year, those that talk, and do nothing. I know that’s true because all I hear is a bunch of talking, and I’m not seeing much done.
MizzA says
THEY, have ONCE AGAIN, FAILED, right before Beverly Beach curve, to plant the WRONG GRASS TYPE, they had ONE option, and ITS HERE, ITS LOCAL, & THRIVES on Salt. In the Keys, where it did better than here due to all the coral, making earth rich for growth, we called it Vietnamese Grass. Its springy, forms a THICK carpet of smooth bumps and Hooks into sand & coral dust or leavings of Coquina, and does NOT die, or Go. SOMEBODY, ASK SOMEBODY who is actually FROM FLORIDA, and STOP WASTING MONEY!!!!
MizzA says
^^^ Also– NO WATERING REQUIRED,!!!!!! as my friend tells me, they have been spending money , again- watering it- before this rain of late.