The Palm Coast Yacht Club is giving up on the Holiday Boat Parade, a local fixture for 41 years. The Yacht Club cited burdensome costs and too many obstacles and expectations from the city, all of which have taken the fun out of running it, its organizer says. The Palm Coast City Council today signaled its willingness to take it over and run it as a special event. But it would have to be approved through the coming budget process.
Sarah Ulis has organized the parade on behalf of the Palm Coast Yacht Club for the past nine years, growing it into one of the largest–if not the largest–holiday parade in Florida. Ulis’s devotion to the event kicked off in January and built up over the year with recruitment, publicity, coordination and whatever else it took to herd scores of decorated boats down the Intracoastal Waterway.
Soon after this year’s parade, Ulis resigned. Palm Coast government, she said, was becoming too burdensome to work with, too unreasonable with demands for fees, permits, schedule changes and sheer lack of attention or appreciation for the event. And because the city, Ulis wrote boaters on Monday, “did not appear to see the Parade as a gift but rather as an inconvenience. The financial strain on the Yacht Club to pay for the Parade and the considerable challenges to navigate the City’s increasingly complex rules and regulations, codes, and permit processes, which seemed puzzlingly to mutate every year, has meant the end of the Yacht Club’s involvement with the Parade.”
But it’s just as unquestionable that the Yacht Club could no longer afford to carry the parade on its own.
On Friday, Ulis and Yacht Club Commodore Candyce Schmidt met with Palm Coast Mayor Mike Norris and Acting City Manager Lauren Johnston to discuss the end of the Yacht Club’s involvement. Their original intention was not to hand over the event to the city. But that was the outcome of the meeting: Palm Coast government will be the organizer of the boat parade from now on.
“It simply became a financial drain,” Ulis said in an interview today. Half the club’s income was getting spent on the parade–$5,000, according to the mayor–because of “prohibitive” fees imposed on the club. “Combined with my resignation, there was no one willing or able to take on my duties. The first logical thing to say was: we can’t afford this.” But it wasn’t just the costs. It was the obstacles Ulis encountered at the city. “Every year it’s a different story, every year I have to explain the parade, every year I have to talk to different people, there was no continuity of information.” It was, in sum, “no longer a joy to do.”
Palm Coast City Council member Theresa Pontieri received Ulis’s email. “That was pretty disheartening for me to learn,” Pontieri told her colleagues at the end of today’s council meeting. “I don’t know what the future of the boat parade looks like because of that. But I think Mayor,” she said, addressing Mayor Mike Norris, “based on your words from this dais before, you would probably agree: I think we need to do anything and everything we can to not only try to repair that relationship, but also to make sure that we have a as good, if not better, boat parade in the coming years, as we’ve had in the past.”
Johnston summarized the substance of the meeting on Friday. She said it was determined that the parade “could be a city-run event,” since the Yacht Club was no longer able “due to the expenses for running a special event and the time commitment and all of the volunteer hours.” Johnston said the city would work with Ulis “to make sure that the event still had its character and its charm, and she has a lot of contacts with the boat owners that would want to participate. But it was at their pleasure that they’re just not wanting to be in the business of running the parade anymore.”
Ulis in the interview this morning said there was “some mischaracterization” in the way the Yacht Club’s decision was portrayed. Ulis said she would happily continue to organize the event and at no point felt overwhelmed by its size, the commitment it took or the volunteer hours she devoted.
The city wanted the Yacht Club to pay a fee for using the canals, even though the parade does not use the canals and uns mainly down the Intracoastal Waterway, which is not in the city’s jurisdiction. She said the city required the sort of amenities that go along with special events, including portable toilets and safety measures, neither of which the club had provided in the past, or could now afford, especially since the attendance is always scattered on shorelines. The city also wanted the club to pay for watercraft liability, which would be very expensive. “There’s no way we can quantify the number of people who come to see this. First of all it’s in the dark, you can’t do that. And we can’t charge admission,” Ulis said.
Ulis has been adamant about neither charging admission nor charging boat-registration fees, as most other boat parades do, because that to her would be absurd. “I’m absolutely fanatic about that, because it should be free. Every other boat parade that I know of charges a fee,” she said. “I think it’s silly. It should be just for the fun of it.” But to Ulis, the city misunderstood the meaning and purpose of the boat parade. It referred to the parade as a “boat show,” thought the Yacht Club made money from it, and thought nothing of asking Ulis, as then-Mayor David Alfin did, to change the date of the 2024 boat parade, so it would not clash with the city’s own Starlight Parade in Town Center, even though boat parade schedules are dictated by tides.
It’s not a given that the city will take over the parade. The council must approve of the idea. If it does, the city will run it as a special event under its aegis, drawing up a budget that would become part of this summer’s council budget process.
Norris is supportive of the city taking over. He said running the parade on $5,000 isn’t enough. “With our resources, as far as advertising, getting sponsorships, even discussed a contest for annual Christmas ornament for the boat parade that we can market within the city, our small business owners and stuff like that,” Norris said, “I think it’s grown beyond the Yacht Club, and they’ve disengaged. And I saw that one comment online, and I thought it was a bit disheartening, because I don’t think that was our discussion at all. We think we mutually agreed, and they suggested that they can’t handle it anymore.” He said the Yacht Club did not understand what it took, cost-wise, to run a special event. But he was unequivocal: “They gave up the boat parade.” The item Norris saw online was Ulis’s letter to boaters, which had been posted on Next Door.
“That’s good to hear,” Pontieri said, “because I will tell you from what I did see online, it looked like it was not a very amicable decision, which was super disheartening for me to see. So if the situation was different than that, that does make me happy.
Ulis said Norris declined to be last December’s co-marshal of the parade as he did not ant to share a boat with ex-Mayor David Alfin or with Randy Stapleford, the commissioner representing Flagler County on the Florida Inland Navigation District. But Norris participated in the parade from another boat. He said today that the boat parade will grow and will be planned accordingly, making it an event for the “whole city, county and state, if they want to participate.” Ulis was dubious about the city’s capabilities to run the parade, but she said “it would leave a huge hole in the life of this community to not have a parade.”
Ironically, the city has no boat, Johnston said, though it can work with the Sheriff’s Office, which has always participated in the parade, to resolve that matter. Norris pledged that the lead boat for the next parade will be his own “16-foot skiff with a four horsepower Johnson on the back,” and that the event will be a success.
Don says
Mike Norris hijacked the parade and took it over from them. On Friday they had no plans to stop hosting the parade, instead they left the meeting with the mayor and handed it over to him. He wouldn’t drop the charges, instead he says he can use tax dollars to run it more efficiently?! Wow just wow.
Billy says
Too much overpopulation in this area it is ruining everything.
Leila says
@Billy, actually that boat parade is quite beautiful and special. If you feel the opposite, I am sure there is a trailer somewhere in Palatka where you won’t be bothered.
Joey says
Who needs it ? Just another waste of money. They moved the starting point so the fat cats could see it from the Sanctuary. Let them pay for it next year. I’m getting tired of paying for all of the unnecessary antics of this town.
Laurel says
The skinny cats on the east side of the ICW enjoyed it too.
And what did it cost you?
Joey says
Didn’t see it from my house – miles away. Heard it only had about 20 boats and wasn’t that good.
Layla says
It won’t be if the city takes it over. You quite obviously have never seen the parade.
Billy B says
If the city tries to run it next year it will cost ten times as much !! Just do away with it,
Samuel says
Thank God Alfin is gone. Mayor Norris mend it with the Yacht Club and help with the costs.
PeachesMcGee says
Fort Lauderdale runs an amazing annual boat parade. Call them for advice.
Jay Tomm says
So does Palm Beach. Both are WAY better than the PC junk. I saw it the last 2 years & was not impressed at all. Very cheap & cheesy.
Leila says
The comments here are not helpful. It is likely you might be happier in Palm Beach. Nothing better to do than bitch and tear your community down?
Jay Tomm says
When we have to spend the $ on it….. yeah I bish.
Parade Overboard says
How ashamed. That was always a great parade and event. I doubt I’d go anymore knowing that PC gvt not only ruined it, but then shadily took it over – essentially stealing it from the yacht club to save face.
You know this place has major issues when the yacht club can’t / doesn’t want to / can no longer stand to run a holiday boat parade!! I’d understand the situation if the boat parade was put on by the art institute, the kite club, or the bicycle club.. but the yacht club??? Wow.
FLF says
We’ve participated in 4 boat parades, in fact, the boat picture in this article facing the camera is my old 22-2 Aquasport! I would gladly pay a fee to the yacht club to continue sponsership of this wonderful winter boat parade. Keep the GD city of Palm Coast out of it. They have no jurisdiction over the ICW or the canal waterway anyway. If they want to charge John Q public to sit on the bank and watch the boats go by and provide pottie provisions, go for it. 99% of the people we saw were at private residense or existing public parks,(that we have already paid for) or anchored boats next to the channel. We are required to have comprehensive insurance to participate in the parade. Letting the city get their paws involved in this will just bloat it into a fat sow of rules and regulations and ultimatley ruin it. Sarah, please reconsider your position on this. You have our support, ask what you need! You have our email. There is a reason this has lasted 41 years, it sure as hell wasn’t because the City of PC and anything to do with it.
Layla says
100% agree. Excellent comments. We have a Mayor who is in water over his head and needs to butt out. His job is to help, not to take over. He doesn’t know enough to do either. If the city gets involved, costs go way up.
Most of the comments here are asinine and petty, and that is a shame. The city has no business meddling in this, or using the parade to collect canal fees.
celia pugliese says
Courtesy of the current city administrators under the ill guidance of the city chief of staff…and seconded by short sighted councils and mayors. 41 years historic boat parade dropped over a gouging city unacceptable feeds and requirements. Whys this city administrators and elected do not direct their attention instead to the many other serious issues to resolve and stop looking for problems were there are none and starting new fees not needed? Why they pay no attention to our pleads unless they van benefit from it?
Whathehck? says
Another screw up from Palm Coast.
Thank you Mrs. Ulis for all the work you put in to make the boat parades such fun, other towns parades paled against yours.
So now the little Mayor wants to take it over, I will patiently wait 11 months to see the results.
So the city is already thinking about “sponsorship”? Great, now we can have advertising with our boat parade. 😞
If the city had tried to streamline the permit process and not had different requirements every year, there would be no issue. Port-o-potties for a boat parade? Where would you place them? Stupidity at its finest!
JimboXYZ says
“Norris is supportive of the city taking over. He said running the parade on $5,000 isn’t enough. “With our resources, as far as advertising, getting sponsorships, even discussed a contest for annual Christmas ornament for the boat parade that we can market within the city, our small business owners and stuff like that,” Norris said, “I think it’s grown beyond the Yacht Club, and they’ve disengaged.”
Really $ 5K isn’t enough ? The registration is free, the boats are not sponsored, they are provided by boat owners, their gas & diesel to boat up & down an intracoastal at a snails pace. The intracoastal doesn’t include the canals that the parade never includes in the route. The route was Cimarron Basin to Waterfront Park, I was under the impression it went from Matanzas Inlet to the SR 100 bridge. There certainly are enough waterfront parks for spectators to view it further South of Waterfront Park. I guess all the money is for FCSO, TowBoatUS & FWC boats to ensure there isn’t a drunk captain amongst them or a wreck or disabled boat for whatever reasons ? The rest of it, if the radio station wants to be there, they can do so on their own ? In 2023, they lengthened the route to be further North for a starting point, yet South of Marineland, well before Matanzas Inlet area.
TR says
Well there goes another great event because of bureaucratic BS. I’ll be the parade is never going to be the same, especially when government runs it.
Thanks Mrs. Ulis for the great job you did with the boat parade. It was good while it lasted. Bet it will no longer be one (if not thee) of the largest boat parades in Florida.
Neptune says
I think a day and time should be announced through social media for the 2025 event. Everyone can meet out in the intracoastal and then have your parade. The City can stick their permits up their ass. The permits were already paid for through that little registration sticker on the boats.
Slick says
With out a doubt, leave it up to the city to screw things up.
jake says
Leave it to local government to screw up a good thing.
Lil bird says
Just like the starlight running parade they hijacked from a local event organizer some years ago. And of course it’s now gonna cost more and be less- that’s PC for you.
Wow says
Yep and the Thanksgiving race which they took over and messed up.
Sarah Ulis says
I appreciate the story and the comments. Two things…it was solely my decision to lengthen the parade two years ago and that was to accommodate the numbers of boats. Also, the Fort Lauderdale parades is a commercial venture…fees are charged and money pocketed. Our parade is grass roots and free. And we pay out, not take money in. You might also want to know that the city could not decide how they wanted to bill us. So they decided we were applying for a building permit!?!?!?!!!! And that’s how we paid. Also, the city did not seem to understand that the parade is governed by Mother Nature…tides and moon. Not just by some casual date chosen to accommodate the Starlight Parade. Which is on land. Disgraceful.
Shark says
Well it was pathetic this year. The worst in the may years I have live here.
John S. says
Mayor Mike sucks. Can’t we find anyone good for this board?
Bloated waste of our tax dollars.
David Jenkinson says
Well, Palm Coast, you elected these carpetbaggers. Happy? They never miss an opportunity to implement the most idiotic policies and waste your tax money. This is what happens when transplants bring their Northern values to Florida and weasel themselves into office. The power is yours. Had enough?
YankeeExPat says
F.Y.I Dave,……………..April 1865, the North (Union ) won the War,.. the treasonist (confederate) southerners LOST !
Go munch on some grits and be quiet.
PC residents says
The starlight parade is 100x greater and easier to access than this horrible event. Now this will cost tax payers to go to a tiny park or bridge to watch. I’m sorry but what a stupid decision by our Mayor and boo hoo to the yatch club, the attendance was down due to Ormond having events and other city’s. Not every year is a hit. Keep your eyes open this will be the first of many mistakes by Qanon Norris. Can’t trust a mayor who deleted majority of their Facebook filled with Qanon.
Ed Danko, former Vice-Mayor, PC says
No money for sewage treatment or infrastructure, but Norris wants to waste tax dollars to take over the boat parade and sink it forever! The cost will probably increase tenfold or more with bureaucrats involved. The city couldn’t make a profit with a pay toilet at a diarrhea factory much less manage a boat parade, and all this just so our egotistic mayor can lead the parade in his tiny 16-foot-skiff with a tiny 4hp outboard!
The dude says
If anybody knows anything about tiny… it would be you.
Callmeishmael says
Danko also is a person who exudes a fecundity of diarrhea just by breathing. No wonder the factory can’t make any money.
Protonbeam says
Egotistic – have you looked in the mirror – we all know you can’t wait to file for another election you piece of shit
Pig Farmer says
How can they stop people from decorating their boats and going up and down the ICW? Palm Coast doesn’t have jurisdiction. All it would take is a Facebook group.
Peter Johnson says
The ICW… The city doesn’t even have jurisdiction of the canals. They may or may not be responsible for maintenance of the canals (depending who you ask…) – but that is navigable water. When itt dredged those canals they opened them to the public.
Laurel says
Bureaucrats abound, in a Republican town! How about that!
This is really a shame! Last year’s parade was really, really good. It started further north, the length (or more?) of PC city limits. It had the most boats participate that I have seen yet. The boat owners went all out (thank you all). This last parade had less participation, was a disappointment, and now I see why.
There should only be registration, and organization, which was already handled by the Yacht Club. Maybe some wavers. Permits? For what, exactly? Fees? PC, get your hands out of it. You have ruined a good thing! Seems these days, everything y’all touch goes to shit.
FLF says
And another thing! Short off PC blocking the boat ramp and keeping us from launching, or a blockade at the canal entrances, there’s nothing they can do to stop this. I don’t need a permit to dress my pontoon up and go for a ride at night before Christmas with a bunch of other people. PC has no skin in this game, just needing to siphon off some extra general fund cash, and a billboard on 95 saying “the greatest boat parade on earth, buy a house here in PC”. Sarah, there are some very smart and successful people in this community that are part of this parade that should be able to navigate through this process once we understand the costs and the city’s uneeded “puff adder” position. Let’s have a meeting about it. Either in person or TEAMS, ZOOM, what have you.
Laurel says
FLF: PC cannot block the boat ramp on the Hammock side, because, thank God, the Hammock is not a part of Palm Coast! PC cannot block boaters from lining up in the ICW; they have no jurisdiction. This fee and permit thing is bullshit. People can view from any parks on the ICW, boats, from homes, and friend’s homes.
Sadly, PC sticking their noses in this parade is bogus, and hurts the viewers, boaters and the Yacht Club volunteers. Unfortunately, this is what we all get simply because the Yacht Club tried to do what they believed was the right thing. If the parade did need any permission, it would be from the Army Corps of Engineers.
Leila says
The Flagler Beach Yacht Club enjoys caroling in the canals at Christmas. Are you coming after them for fees, too? Maybe we should be charging fees to those car parades becoming so popular around here.
Donna Heiss says
A 16ft’ skiff? Laughable. We were lead boat for 2 years on our 55’ wide body Viking. Unfortunately we were unable to participate last year. Where are you going to put the dignitaries? My tender is just as large. Stupidity at its finest. We are out. Walk away Sarah and let the city figure it out. You did an amazing job for many years. It’s time you do you. The hell with the city.
FLF says
I doubt the Mayor is carrying liability Insurance for a 16′ skiff with a 4 hp Johnson, so he couldn’t patricipate in the parade anyway, per the Yacht Club rules.
celia pugliese says
Now they also want to get again their hands in our PHGC sale or lease idea charged by the appointed by the 3 non reelected past council and propped by Danko (that has a prospect buyer lined up) Mr. Gambaro that needs to get himself informed that the PHGC can’t be sold over the original plat of ITT when we bought hour homes on this course! and will fight it to death! Look at the financials and tell me how much these administrators are paying for golf carts are they made of gold? Only thing that doe nit allow the PHGC to end the year in green after a revenue of over 1.5 million from golfers paid fees. Some financial BS. We need an oversite committee of golfers and adjacent residents to stop the fees bleed.
Sarah says
I so appreciate your support! However we do require insurance for participating in the parade. Presumably you have it… we just required your enthusiasm. And this is what made the parade so special.