William Gregory, 30, was sentenced to death on April 14, 2011, for the murder of his ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend as the couple slept in a house in Flagler Beach on August 21, 2007. On Thursday, a unanimous Florida Supreme Court rejected Gregory’s appeal.
A jury had recommended Gregory be sentenced to death by a 7-5 vote. In any other state, Gregory would not have been sentenced to death as a result. Florida is one of only two states in the nation where a unanimous verdict for death is not required, even though state law requires verdicts for so much as shoplifting or marijuana possession to be unanimous for conviction. In Florida, a simple majority of jurors suffices for a death sentence recommendation. In Alabama, at least 10 of 12 jurors must recommend death for a capital sentence to be imposed.
Gregory raised five issues on appeal: That the trial court erred in denying his motion to disqualify the judge based on statements the judge made during a pretrial hearing; that the trial court erred in admitting into evidence threatening statements directed toward the victims made eight months before the murders by Gregory to a co-worker; that the court erred in admitting testimony from a witness who could not identify Gregory in court; that the court erred in admitting testimony about a statement Gregory made to one of the victims; and that the court erred in instructing the jury on and in finding that the murders were carried out with a cold, calculated and premeditated manner.
The most serious issue was a statement by Volusia County Circuit Judge William A. Parsons during a pre-trial hearing about the admissibility of certain evidence the state wanted to introduce.
Gregory argued that a statement he made eight months before the murders about killing “both of them” if his girlfriend ever cheated on him was too remote to be relevant. In response to this argument, Parsons stated: “My reaction here is that this is not remote at all, that it’s –while there is some time delay — and if he is, in fact, the one who committed the murder, it is quite prophetic in terms of what’s going to happen. So, you know, we’re not talking about ten years or five years or three years. We’re talking about just months before the breakup and then the alleged murder happened later on. Now, whether they can prove that he did this or not, that’s another matter, but it seems to me they are entitled to the benefit of trying to prove all the elements of the crime when one is premeditation, and this goes to that issue. So I’m going to . . . allow it.”
Gregory, according to court papers, argued that Parson’s use of the word “prophetic” to describe the statement indicates that the judge had already determined that Gregory was guilty.
The Supreme Court did not buy the argument.
“We conclude that this argument is unavailing because Gregory focuses on one word out of context without including the trial judge’s actual statement,” Chief Justice Ricky Polston wrote. “When read as a whole, it is clear that the judge used the word “prophetic” in relation to the State’s argument that Gregory’s statement was relevant to the issue of premeditation.”
The three other challenges to his sentence Gregory raised related to the guilt phase of the trial, including the eight-month-old statement Gregory had made, which was used to substantiate a charge of premeditation. But precedent indicates that “there is no bright-line rule regarding the point at which a prior statement is so remote as to become irrelevant,” the court ruled. Gregory, in his appeal had relied on a Nevada case that did give “less relevance” to statements made in the remote past—but those statements in that case had been made six and 10 years before the murder under review.
Gregory also objected to testimony by an inmate who had been in jail with him, because the inmate never identified him in court. But the inmate had provided numerous other positive identifications of Gregory. His final objection was the hearsay use of statements made by the victim, and later reported by two state witnesses during trial. The victim, Daniel Dyer, had been either “I want to personally thank you for ruining my life,” or “I personally want to thank you for ruining my family.”
“We conclude that error, if any, in the admission of this testimony was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt,” Polston wrote, because “there is no reasonable possibility that any error in the admission of this testimony affected either the verdict of guilt or the imposition of the death penalty in this case.”
Skyler Dawn Meekins and Gregory had had a child together, Kyla, from a relationship that ended in June 2007. They both continued to raise the child after that, at least when Gregory was not in jail: by the time he committed the murders, he was a habitual jail offender. He was in jail when the relationship ended. According to court records, he’d call Skyler’s brother to check on her whereabouts, asking him to get into her email account and find out what other men she might be communicating with. Gregory told Skyler’s brother that on one occasion he’d gone into the account himself and “erased . . . all the dudes she had on there.”
“According to an individual who was incarcerated with Gregory during the period in which these calls were made, Gregory was jealous of Skyler, did not like the people she was spending time with, and stated that if he ever caught Skyler “cheating” on him, ‘he was going to blow her . . . head off,’” the appeal opinion relates. He would on occasion have conversations with Skyler about their child.
Skyler began dating a new boyfriend, Daniel Arthur Dyer, on July 4, 2007, which did not dissuade Gregory from calling and visiting frequently, usually uninvited.
The day before the murder—Gregory had been out of jail on probation—he test-fired a gun, smoked marijuana and crack, took some pills, and called Skyler—obsessively, beginning at 10:19 p.m. He knew where she lived (with her grandparents, off John Anderson Highway). He was familiar with the house. He knew where her grandfather kept a shotgun that took practice to handle and even load. He would later tell an inmate in jail that he used a 12-gauge shotgun instead of a pistol because he figured there would be less gunpowder residue. He shot Skyler and Dyer, who was 22, in the head as they slept. Kyla, 1 at the time, was in a neraby room.
Gregory then jumped in a pool, presumably to wash off the residue (as he would also tell an inmate), and went home. He called authorities later that day to report that he had violated his probation by injecting drugs.
He was tried and convicted for first-degree murder, burglary, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
The trial court had given some, but not any deciding, weight to the fact that Gregory had committed the murders under “the influence of extreme mental or emotional disturbance,” and gave only “slight weight” to Gregory’s childhood traumas, which included witnessing his sister getting raped and his growing up without a father.
The Supreme Court upheld the conviction on all counts.
“I’m thrilled,” Assistant State Attorney Jacquelyn Roys, who had prosecuted the case in a Volusia courtroom (where the case had been moved), told the News-Journal’s Frank Fernandez. “Throughout the trial I had faith in the trial court’s ruling, but it’s nice to see that they were upheld by the Supreme Court.”
Gregory’s appeals have not been exhausted. He may still appeal through federal court. He is imprisoned at the Florida State Prison at Starke, where all of the state’s 405 death row inmates are incarcerated.
William Gregory Death Penalty Appeal Decision by Florida Supreme Court (2013)
Nancy N. says
Only the death row men are at Starke. Female death row inmates are housed at Lowell Annex.
Geezer says
Life behind bars with no hope of parole would be the apt punishment.
D. F. A. says
BS, he will receive the proper punishment in time. I only regret we did away with the electric chair.
Merrill Shapiro says
Please don’t forget that we, the taxpayers, are footing the bill for the prosecution of this guy AND for his defense through Jacksonville Area Legal Aid! It would be far less expensive to just sentence him to life without parole! Even the Bible promotes a culture of life!! “Choose Life” says the Book of Deuteronomy! Give Gordon life in prison!
brian says
he deserves death and lets hope they give it to him quickly!!
april says
Did Gordon choose life Merrill???????? I don’t think so. He chose death twice when he shot that gun. So he should get the same punishment.
crystaltoomanypets says
I hope he gets the addiction help he needs….
Seminole Pride says
Actually, the condemned can choose between Ol’ Sparky or lethal injection.
Maryjoe says
I had no idea there were three other death row inmates from Flagler County.
r&r says
He deserves death and it should be carried out in 6 to 12 months.. Why continue to use tax dollars worthlessly by providing him the perks when he does’nt deserve it. As in the past he could be around for 20 or 30 years at our expense..
pj says
As someone who misses Skyler everyday, my only hope is that he is put to death before their daughter, who is the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON in this whole tragedy is old enough to look further than the picture she has of her mother and want to see him. Believe me, she has her mothers fire, she will seek him out. File the next appeal quickly Billy so you can run out your time. Statistics on Executed inmates in Florida*
*Refers to inmates executed after the death penalty was reinstated in Florida, beginning with John Spenkelink’s execution in May 1979.
13.22 years is the average length of stay on Death Row prior to execution.
14.12 years is the average number of years between offense and execution.
44.40 years is the average age at time of execution.
30.27 years is the average age at offense for executed inmates.
pj says
Why??? Why would we waste more $$$ to cure a death row inmate??? Here ya go Billy, you can die clean
…Don’t worry, I am sure his withdrawal was over while awaiting trial. Just hope we didn’t waste any treatment on him to ease his withdrawal symptoms.
Jennifer Lopez says
the boy made his choices, now he wants a easy way out to live. I am sorry, this was planned , plotted and executed in a way that it was almost textbook,
No one deserve to die this way.
Gordon should die .
Flagler Born & Raised says
This was a horrific crime that broke the hearts of many~ They weren’t given a chance as the slept why should he have one…Family’s will never hold their loved ones, a child will never know her parents, he shouldn’t even be alive to appeal. May what he did haunt him threw his last moments~
Truth Seeker says
I am confused. I know William (Billie) Gregory’s family. (His mother Linda and his brother Kory) As I am reading these comments who is the person “Gordon” people are referring to? Is it a miss print meaning “Gregory”? I wonder if at some time if Gregory is still alive will his daughter be permitted to visit him? Suppose Gregory is still alive when she reaches 18 will she be permitted to visit him? I personally do know that Gregory’s family are not the most favorable influence for this little girl to be around. I assume they have visitation rights. I know they did a couple years back and I can say that the only member of Gregory’s family that “seems” to have things together and is a productive member of society is William Gregory’s grandmother, Linda’s mother. I feel the rest need some serious counseling & drug testing before they have any more influence on the most innocent victim of all, Skyler’s little girl!! These are just my personal opinions of what I feel knowing both Linda and Kory and I still consider them my friends.
Colton meekins says
We don’t know what to really say, if the state doesn’t execute people for killing children. Then what does constitute death? Also the state gave Gregory a bond for an attempted murder charge a week prior.to the incident. They don’t care, it’s not their sister’s head blown all over the wall. I hate these people
FlaglerLive says
Although William Gregory had faced (and been convicted of) several misdemeanors and felonies before the double-murder charges, he was not facing an attempted murder charge when he was out of jail just prior to the murders of Skyler Meekins and Daniel Dyer. He’d been found guilty and placed on probation for a cocaine possession and two other charges, and was out of jail on that probation (after violating probation) before the murders.