A Waste Pro garbage hauler was severely injured today when he was run over by his own truck as he and his partner were on a recycling run through Palm Coast’s B Section.
The pair of haulers were going through Bickwick Lane at noon. They had turned a curve and were going south on Bickwick, with the driver handling the even-numbered properties and the victim handling the odd numbers.
About the time when the driver emptied the recycling from #38 and the victim emptied #39, the victim was getting back onto the truck, climbing on the step on the passenger side of the cab and holding on to an outside bar there, a Florida Highway Patrol investigator at the scene said. The driver thought his partner had securely gotten back on.
“He slipped off the step and and fell under the truck,” the FHP trooper said. “The truck driver didn’t hear him until he heard him scream” as the wheel went over his leg, severely breaking bones.
The victim appeared to go into shock and to be losing consciousness, authorities reported, with the injury so severe that the bone was showing. Fire Flight, the county’s emergency helicopter, was called in. The victim was transported by ground to nearby Matanzas Woods Parkway to be flown to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach, but in fact ended up being transported by ground, and Fire Flight returned to base at the county airport.
The name of the victim was not immediately available.
For Waste Pro, today’s incident was the second serious issue in two days. On Monday, the company lost a garbage truck to fire on County Road 305.
The FHP investigator said there was a witness to the incident–a driver immediately behind the hauler–and that no foul play or anything other than an accident was suspected. “Charges will be pending but probably not likely,” he said.
Waste Pro is the private hauler under contract for almost a decade to provide garbage, recycling and yard waste service (among other services) to Palm Coast and Flagler County unincorporated residents. Garbage and recycling haulers rank third on the list of the riskiest jobs in Florida, according to the the Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management in Miami.

Fernando Melendez says
Companies usually have refresher classes on safety to avoid such accidents, as a CDL license holder I know this to be the case if not mandatory by DOT and the Federal transportation agency. Let’s hope they’re in compliance, wish the a quick recovery.
The Truth says
What a horrible situation, I wish the victim a quick recovery.
Honestly, with seeing how Waste Pro drivers drive throughout the city and through our neighborhood I am shocked this doesn’t happen more often. They speed through every neighborhood throughout Palm Coast, obviously trying to get their route done as quickly as possible. I see the drivers going recklessly around curves and driving very unsafe. Maybe this will be a wake up call but I doubt it.
Harry says
I hope the man makes a speedy full recovery….this is terrible! These people get paid peanuts and work so hard in the elements of the weather.
Christina says
The B-section Waste Pro guys are super cool and courteous! So sorry to read about this terrible tragedy! God speed quick healing!!
Nancy N. says
Those garbage guys work very hard at back breaking work and often in extreme weather conditions. I wish the injured man a full and speedy recovery!
Smith says
Praying the makes a good recovery. Now i had my CDL LICENSE for 18 yrs or more ,if you don’t set your parking brakes things like this happens, my 2nds year in driving cdl i didn’t set my parking brake my truck started rolling after i walked away, thank God i got back into my semi truck and set the parking. Thank God there was no truck pulling out of thir parking space at that time. the truck had a: mechanical problem, the the brakes it was parked on a hill, or drive was hang on side of while holding steering wheel picking up slinging trash while truck is in drive.im reallly sorry that this happened praying for a quick recovery for that person.
Diane M Hartnett says
We live in the B section, off of Burnell. Our Waste-Pro guys are reliable, hard-working, and courteous. Our bins and trash cans are always replaced at the curb, upside down ( which is much appreciated in rainy or windy weather). I even stopped earlier this year to thank them. I am so sorry that this happened, and I wish the man well. My prayers to him and his family.
palmcoaster says
Is a very hard work in this scorching heat or in the winter cold…. My sincere wish for a speedy recovery of this young man and hope the company covers all his medical, recovery and absence pay thru his worksmen compensation insurance. That is the fair thing to do.
Angela says
I’m sorry for the injured and for the friends I still care for in this town! Seriously though this is why it’s always been known as “the finest of Flagler” Always something aweful or extremely stupid! Glad I only spent 4 yrs in this crap town and not a lifetime!
can't believe it says
Unfortunate, However, I’m not surprised. The way they drive day in and day out, eventually something bad had to happen.
Richard Duncan says
Pro Waste is a terrible company and has little regard for safety and good workmanship; the company is only driven by profits.
I’m glad most seem to have good service from them in PC; as for us that live off of A1A, they leave a good portion of the recycling on the road as they spill and don’t both to pick up after themselves; I have seen it first had time and time again as they zig-zag down A1A carelessly. I think they are the prime polluters off A1A and the county obviously does not care. You call the county to complain and they provide the number for WM and tell you to call them directly to complain which accomplishes nothing in my experience.
It sure would be great if Waste Pro took the initiative and stressed safety and good workmanship rather than setting record times. Iv’e never seem a Waste Pro crew not rushing to get through their route.
Willy Boy says
They work hard for little pay and no thanks.