After remaining flat for 10 years, garbage-pickup rates for Palm Coast residents this month kicked up 9 percent, to $20.36 a month, or what equates to an increase of $21 for the year, as the city’s latest contract extension with garbage hauler Waste Pro began on June 1.
The Palm Coast City Council approved the contract extension and the price hike on Nov. 1, with one caveat: since there had been a noticeable increase in customer complaints about Waste Pro’s service, Council member Steven Nobile asked the city administration for a follow-up to those complaints between November and June 1. That follow-up has not been made public.
The new contract extension maintains the simplified hauling standards in the previous contract and adds one new advantage for residents: hazardous pick-ups will be far less complicated or costly. Until now, residents had doorstep pickup for hazardous waste, but they had to have a minimum number of items at their doorstep to qualify for that pickup, and the cost appeared on their bill regardless (30 cents a month). Now, the charge will fall to 20 cents a month, and there will be no minimums. So fluorescent bulbs, paint, antifreeze, vehicle oil,, pesticides, batteries and other hazardous items can be picked up after making a request to Waste Pro by scheduling the pick-up: call 386-986-0800 for that pick-up.
Only one other company submitted a bid last August when the city put out its request for proposals, Advanced Disposal Services of Jacksonville, which filed a bid protest after Waste Pro got picked again.
The city summarized Waste Pro’s contract in a release this morning,. with some of the following information. For yard waste, vegetative debris will continue to be picked up weekly. Yard waste can be piled loosely in the yard next to the road. The loose piles still must not exceed 3 feet wide by 3 feet tall by 12 feet long. For yard waste placed in containers, the weight must still not exceed 50 pounds. Tree limbs must be no longer than 5 feet and no wider than 6 inches in diameter.
The city encourages recycling to protect the environment and save space at landfills. Recycling materials can be mixed together in the same bin, and it doesn’t matter if the bin is blue or green. All households or customers may receive one additional bin at no charge, for a total of two.
Items that can be recycled include glass jars and bottles; aluminum cans, foil and pie tins; tin or steel cans; cereal boxes, paper towel rolls and cardboard (please flatten all boxes); telephone books; junk mail; plastic bottles and containers; magazines and catalogs; newspapers and ad inserts; office paper, file folders and paper bags. But no electronics, yard waste, food waste, used pizza boxes, ceramics, dishes, motor oil containers, hazardous waste containers, light bulbs, window glass or mirrors in the recycling bins.
Bulk trash such as furniture, mattresses, construction debris from do-it-yourself projects at home, TVs, children’s play equipment and other bulk trash will be picked up weekly, on the customer’s second garbage collection day.
As an incentive for recycling, the city participates in the Recycle Rewards Program. Residents can sign up for Recycle Rewards at www.wasteprorewards.com or by calling 888-234-8211 to earn coupons and rewards. Each recycling bin has a computer bar code that is automatically scanned by an electronic reader in the cab of the collection truck.
r&r says
The waste pro guys on Webster Lane do a super job. The recycle guy has a lot to be desired’ I think this also serves as a slush fund for the city. That’s how projects like city hall, Holland Park and the community center get funded.
Laurie says
They broke 2 of my trash cans, will they pay to replace them? They hurl the empty trash can, break lids off, leave it in road as obstacle to drive around, lousy job!
Andrea Naticchione says
This is ridiculous an increase for the horrible job they do! They pick and choose what they feel like taking!
Mary J. Muller says
Been in PC 16 yrs & believe they do a proper job…2 pickup +recycling +debris per wk…really?? Where else?
Also, be aware what to toss & when, you have leftover
Lou Reis says
Here we go, what are they want to do go on a TV program now. Yeah just keep pissing away the money just and raise the taxes.. Welcome to the little Northeast..
Steven says
You’ve got to be kidding me!!! As much as these guys destroy our trash cans, show up when they want morning or day, leave our cans out in the street as if they expect the wind to go bowling with them at oncoming cars!! They have been getting lax!! They don’t pick up our recycle within 2 or 3 hours once a week!! No, sometimes they come late at night after we have retired and too late for us to go out and collect our bins. I will NOT leave my trash cans or bins out over night due to the morons that love to drive into them spreading the trash around and the Vultures don’t help, nor do the raccoons that stroll through our neighborhoods at night!! If they get sloppy and trash falls out on the way to dumping the container into the truck, they leave the trash on the road to blow around! They used to come around 10am-11am on trash day. Now it’s ‘if the feel like it’ or ‘what the hell, let’s party and go pick up trash the next day’. Where has scheduling and order gone????????? We were forced into mandatory payments for garbage pick-up because Flagler county wanted to capitalize on that deal if hey could guarantee an income to the trash company and get into ‘bed’ with the trash company and threaten to shut off our water if the bill wasn’t paid. I still think that move was illegal because Waste Management is not government and yet tied in with a government entity!! Shame on you Palm Coast and Flagler County!!!!!
Bobbie Crowder says
Waste Pro better start doing their jobs and doing them correctly. I wouldn’t have an issue with the increase but they already aren’t doing what their supposed to. Why should we pay more?
Ken Dodge says
What about Styrofoam? It’s not mentioned in the above list.
Barbara Ogara says
A driver and most times one guy picking up trash cans in this heat. My lane doesn’t have a problem except for the pigs down the road. Even then they do what they have to. Waste Pro, Spectrum, FPL all raising prices and our complaints fall on deaf ears. Vote, vote, vote
Melissa Yazurlo says
Ridiculous. They don’t even do their job properly.
Pat Patterson says
Don’t mind an increase. Just wish they would consistently pick up my trash.
Gayle Molesworth says
We bought a new trash can with a lid, broke it the first time !!! Please buy me a new one, Waste Pro!!
Carmen Stanford says
This is insane!!!!
Steve Ripley says
Hey, I put out the right stuff on the right days and have not had any issues for 11 years. I pay a tenth of what I have paid elsewhere. Go Waste Pro!
Jim Sheehan says
I’m with you. The crew that does my street are friendly and do a great job!
Karen E Joyce says
I also have had very good experiences with waste pro. Their trash collectors go out of their way on my street to do a good job. One even runs my empty garbage can to the top of my driveway. Which I really appreciate. I hope they get paid well. I am sure tips are appreciated.
Thank you waste pro workers.
Ocean Dune Circle
BigRon PSr says
They do a good job here in the W section. Thank you
[email protected] says
Worth every penny!!! I hope the guys that work on the trucks get a nice raise.
BOB says
Worth every penny! 3 times a week is great.I hope the guys on the trucks get a raise.
Patti Frates Bissonnette says
I have had no problems with them. When I was on crutches, one of the recycle men saw me and got down off his truck and carried my two bins all the way to my garage door and neatly stacked them with a polite nod as I thanked him. Trash picked up twice a week plus recycles once a week.. and they hustle and have always been pleasant
Sandi Sites says
They do an absolutely great job here in Seminole Woods – they are also friendly and will wait for me to rush out when I forget and then hear them coming. I have been here 9 years and no problems with them at all. I hope part of this 9% goes toward a raise for the workers!! I come from PA and was shocked to learn that they pick up twice a week plus debris. Great Job Waste Pro!!
Elizabeth Kinard says
They got the nerve
tulip says
They do a good job here in the W’s I have seen them pickup practically an entire household full of junk and construction material the owners out. It was beyond what they had to do. I have seen them pick up an entire tree that had been cut because the tree cutters didn’t want to haul it away and pay for disposal.
For less than $5.00 a week we get 3 pickups–I have no complaints about that at all. Think about how much time it would cost you, gas and aggravation to haul your trash to a landfill and then drive back. People can afford their overpriced smart phones, etc can afford $20.36 a month for trash and yardwaste pickup.
Anonymous says
All i can say is that the Guys from waste pro that pick up my trash are Awesome !!!!!
And you no sometimes if you just go and say Hi it goes a long way or maybe a bottle of water or even a tip once or twice a year you might not end up with a broken lid or a trash can rolling down the street .
dogman says
All i can say is that the Guys from waste pro that pick up my trash are Awesome !!!!!
And you no sometimes if you just go and say Hi it goes a long way or maybe a bottle of water or even a tip once or twice a year you might not end up with a broken lid or a trash can rolling down the street .
steve miller says
Steven says
As you can see here, a whole lot of folks were paid well to put in a good word for people doing a bad job in most areas and who don’t respect their customers. WE supply YOU with the containers to do your damn job. If you wish to destroy those containers, then you can supply us with your containers and have at it. I also strongly believe that the employees of Waste Pro should reside in Flagler County. Maybe then they might respect their neighbors. Start doing a better job because we will have to report this to our commissioners, City Manager, etc. if we have to in the future because reporting it to Waste Pro headquarters is like sticking your head inside an alligators mouth and tell him not to clamp down…….. I see all previous complaints fell on deaf ears. And why WE The People were left out of the vote, we don’t know but you can bet your bottom dollar we will be going to the polls next time around and voting for people who will include us and yes, we will be taking some away from their TV shows LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe any further millage votes will fall on deaf ears………….
Janet Boozell says
I agree the service in Seminole Woods is fantastic.They work at a much faster pace than our PA collectors, in the heat. When they are late I know it’s because they had extra pickup material or someone was off.
Tired of it says
The article says there are two guys on the recycle truck. I have never seen two guys on the truck that comes to my neighborhood. In addition half the time the regular garbage guys can’t seem to empty all the trash from my can. At my daughters house the lazy worker dumps her can in the road every time. The city needs to deal with this type of poor performance and hold back $$ from WP until the problems get resolved.
jersey exit 82 says
We get 2 garbage,recycle,and yard waste every week for small charge. In Jersey we got 1 garbage per week and 2 recycle per month for $95 per month- and they were real pricks. The “R” section is Very Well served by men who do a great job under terrible conditions. Stop Whining
r&r says
Our recycle truck is manned by one also. Sometimes it come till the next day and by them the paper etc is wet. I wrote to the city and the response I received was that’s the way it is. Recycling is not a must so if you don’t like it don’t recycle. Well I’m not as vigilant as I use to be.
happening now says
Taking in consideration Palm Coast is no longer a little town anymore. Lots of new construction of everything, and 130,000 residents and business. That’s a lot of garbage and trash folks!!!!
snapperhead says
99% of the whiners couldn’t handle half a day of what these guys do, never mind day after day in the heat and rain. If you can do it better at what they get paid go apply at Waste Pro. They’re always hiring because it’s crap pay and working conditions.
can'tfoolme says
All is good here in the P section. Both men who pick up the garbage and the recycling always set our containers upright and several feet back onto the driveway. My husband and I always thank them when we have the opportunity and they seem to appreciate an acknowledgement. The only garbage/recycling that I’ve seen left roadside are the litter from torn bags, yard waste not within the size limit, and recycling which included items not allowed and as stated, we don’t have to sort them but neither does Waste Pro have time to sort through them curbside. Properly bag and tie your trash within your can, follow the recycle and yard waste guidelines, and you should eliminate the problems. AND, if you see litter that escaped from the pickup or from passing pedestrians, pick it up instead of griping about it, for heaven’s sake! It won’t hurt us.
palmcoaster says
To Jersey Exit 82…In jersey also you make 5 times the money than you ever can make here and then can afford the garbage at $95 a month! I moved also from Jersey to Florida. How is a retiree here on $1,300 SS a month survive and pay $90 a month in water utility (half of it base rate for infrastructure) that included sewer and garbage. $200 a month in cable ph tv and internet by a monopoly service Spectrum…etc etc..
Maybe here like in AZ and other states the garbage company should supply their own huge unbreakable(they replace it) containers and come only once a week for garbage/ recycables and yard waste.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1x1Ve3zjZA. What a joy to the eye not having to see the mess on p/u days allover the place like in PC and the county here.
Just my personal view and suggestion for improvement. (Yeah I know if I do not like it move…I might!
Stanley Wolak says
The two gentlemen we have from Waste Pro do a super job for us on White Feather Lane. I’d like to see some of you Whiners do their job in the heat, the smell, heavy lifting and rain. YOU couldn’t last half a day. Many people are just too lazy to go out to retrieve their containers. Instead, they just watch the wind or whatever move them into the road or swales, then complain. Just look how long the Observers and Pennysavers lay in their driveways. UNREAL!
We tip our crew twice a year because we know how hard they work. A little appreciation goes a long way.
Try it! It works!! Been here 23 years!!!
Seminole 36 says
I agree wholeheartedly with can’tfoolme. Trash which is bagged properly, cardboard which is flattened, papers which are bundled and tied not only avoid the strewn about trash but help make the trash collector’s jobs easier. There are trade-offs between how difficult you make a job and how much you have to pay for the additional effort involved. Perhaps if we all did a little more to make their jobs easier, this rate increase would not be necessary. It seems many people want everything given to them, yet make no effort to abide by the Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Think about the other person, not just yourself.
Smarterthanmost says
You people bitch and moan about the service, next time the contract is negotiated it will be once a week service in county containers. Then you will really bitch.
Steven says
I think it’s time to ‘REPEAL and REPLACE’ our local government employees that are suppose to be working for us WE THE PEOPLE and NOT behind closed doors………….Without us the tax payer, THEY could NOT exist!!!! And yet they approve use of our OUR INCOME TAX DOLLARS solely on the decisions they make behind closed doors!!!!!!! It has begun………….Looks to me our government is only ‘out’ for themselves!! It’s time to Make Palm Coast and Flagler County Great Again!!!!!