It was New Year’s Day on Warren Place in Palm Coast. Elias Papadeas, 69, and Mary Ganikon, 65, were napping around 12:35 p.m. when they heard the doorbell ring. They didn’t answer. They thought it was one of those solicitors who have on occasion invaded Palm Coast like locusts.
But the couple would later tell police that they then heard someone by the side of the house, talking. The couple then heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen.
When they got up to see what was going on, they were confronted with a man, standing in the hallway, outside their bedroom.
Papadeas tried to grab the man, according to a police report, but the man jumped out the window and ran toward Warwick Place. The man was described as being in his late teens, wearing blue pants and a blue shirt, and not too tall, short dark hair. He carried a fabric bag with a draw string.
Nothing was taken from the house, but the suspect had pried off the screen to the kitchen window at the rear of the house, then pried open the window, causing the lock to break. The suspect then climbed through the window.
Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies canvassed the scene, but found nothing—except for a coin, found in a glass, that the victims said did not belong to them. The coin was taken in as evidence.
On Wednesday afternoon, a deputy was patrolling that area of the W Section, since it had been the subject of an attempted robbery, when he noticed a white man waking north on Wynnefield Drive, past Warner Place. The man was wearing jeans, a dark-colored sweater, sunglasses and a black visor, and had short brown hair. He also carried a gray sweater under his arm.
The cop observed the man appearing to stare at several houses for long periods of time, and continue to walk toward the cop. The cop was in an unmarked black car. At one point the cop got out of his car and asked the man whether he’d mind chatting.
The man was later identified as Frank DeBisceglie, a 28-year-old resident of 6 Warren Place, and no stranger to the Flagler County Sherifff’s Office—or to the county jail: he’d been booked in there three times until this week, on charges of dealing in stolen property, violation of probation and possession of small amounts of marijuana. Just last July, DeBisceglie was sentenced to three years’ probation on the theft charge.
“I immediately noticed that the sweater he was carrying appeared to have something wrapped in it due to it looking rigid and long,” deputy Joseph Barile reported. “I explained to Frank that I was in the area conducting proactive patrol due to recent criminal activity. Frank understood and allowed me to pat him down for weapons. Prior to patting him down, I asked if there was anything wrapped in the sweater he was carrying. He advised that there was not. Frank then moved the sweater from beneath his arm and I immediately heard what sounded like metal striking metal.
“At that time for my safety and it not being known what Frank was carrying, I ordered him to drop the sweater and I secured him in handcuffs for my safety. Frank then spontaneously uttered, ‘It’s just work tools.’ Frank then consented to a search of his person and the sweater. In plain view I could see a metal spoon in his middle right pant leg pocket. Through my training and experience, I was aware that metal spoons are used in the process of using intravenous drugs. I asked Frank if he had any needles on him that I needed to be aware of so I didn’t get pricked. Frank advised that he had one under his shirt sleeve and I allowed him to retrieve it from his right lower sleeve.”
Other deputies arrived. After unrolling the suspect’s sweater, deputies discovered a black beanie cap with eye holes cut out, a large flat head screwdriver with a yellow handle, a crowbar, and a pair of grey gloves with black spots on them, tools often used to commit burglaries. During the search, deputies discovered that DeBisceglie was on probation.
A detective then spoke to DeBisceglie, who by then was detained in the back of a patrol car. It was then that, according to the detective’s report, DeBisceglie “spoke to me honestly and candidly about an incident that took place at his neighbor’s home,” just 50 yards from his own residence.
Cops concluded that DeBisceglie was the suspect who had entered the house at 9 Warren Place on Jan. 1. He was arrested and booked on charges of possession of burglary tools, burglary of an occupied house, and probation violation. He remains at the Flagler County jail Friday. The burglary charges carry a $4,500 bond, but he’s being held without bond on the probation violation.
Steve Wolfe says
Nice work, FC Sheriff’s Deputies. Glad to see the details. I feel a little safer. I’ll be paying for some Deputy’s dinner anonymously. Actually, I wish that residents would always make sure to pick up the check at restaurants for uniformed law enforcement when they can. It feels pretty good when I leave after paying their check while they are enjoying a peaceful meal. Heck, it’s a fun practice to use on other folks, too, like Military Vets.
Rick says
Yes it does give one a warm feeling……& then some. But, we also need to make certain that the correct individual is being compensated.
A uniform or side arm does not make an officer.
Genie says
Welcome to Palm Coast, the home invasion capitol of Florida.
biker says
Great work guys!! keep it up!
Barb says
There are worse places to live than Palm Coast
Lefty Wilbury says
Go live Holly Hill for a week…..
Palm coast will seem like Shangri-La!
Palm Coast is a good place in a sterile,
cookie-cutter, kind-of-way.
Because it’s a young city, it lacks charm.
Maybe in fifty years…..who knows?
There’s crime here but it’s not that bad.
confidential says
My appreciation to our excellent Flagler County Sheriff department and deputies!! Keep up the great work! Our taxes at work!
ryan says
I am glad that it is legal to beat someone like this guy into a coma if you catch them in your house, especially some junky who could try to get away by stabbing you with a disease infected needle or hit you over the head with a crowbar. It happens all the time in this country. I am glad that he will not be gifted with anonymity in his criminality, and I think that FlaglerLive would be most helpful to do more followup reporting on prosecution of all sorts of various criminals so that we know if someone is out and about again, and we can protect ourselves and our property in a reasonable manner.
jl says
I knew this kid when he was in Middle School with my son. It breaks my heart to see he went down this path. Frankie was raised to be a good kid. I know in high school he started the downhill road. I’m so sorry he’s turned to this. It’s sad.
Birdman says
A word to young parents to be; Give your best effort to raise your child. Pay attention to the child. Show the child love. Live in a lawful, caring way. Your child will see this. Frank’s parents did just that. Frank is a non-violent young man. Smothered by addiction. Very sad. A homeowner has the right to shoot and kill anyone doing what Frank did in that home. That’s how it should be. Advice though; do not think that your kid is immune from falling into this same category. I contradict myself now; it almost does not matter how you raise your children. I’ve seen low life parents end up with super ambitious, successful kids. I’ve seen great parents end up with career criminals. Again, put in the effort and have a clear conscious. I hope Frank sees the light and starts to emulate his wonderful parents.
Mike says
I’ve lived in PC now for 4 months. It really does seem that the #1 crime here is home burglary followed closely by auto burglary. It also seems that much of this crime happens mostly in “P” and “R” sections. You hardly hear of it in other neighborhoods. Can anyone clue me in to what makes P and R so special?
blondee says
Lots of kids in both P and R sections.
Birdman says
To Mike; P and R section; Many nicely cared for homes. Just not enough. More than fair share of rental homes and duplexes; Result; “GENERALLY”; Less income per home. Result; more crime. It’s that simple.
Luvsracin says
I am glad the “napping” couple was not hurt. Good for you FCSD-