Florida has some of the lowest unemployment benefits in the nation, and Democratic lawmakers are pushing to boost the numbers for the unemployed.
The legislation aims to make policy changes that would increase eligibility for claimants, while raising the maximum weekly amount for unemployment benefits by $100 — from $275 to $375 per week. The legislation would also increase the number of weeks claimants are able to receive benefits — to 14 weeks instead of 12 weeks.
[Mississippi has the lowest unemployment benefit in the nation, at $235. Arizona is next, at $240, but that ends in July, when it goes up to $320. Florida, Tennessee, Louisiana and Alabama remain tied for the lowest weekly benefit of $275, but Florida’s is still the stingiest at 12 weeks, while the other three states, plus Mississippi, all offer up to 26 weeks.]
But two bills, SB 1568 and HB 1489, haven’t gotten a lot of traction in the GOP-controlled Legislature this session.
Following the COVID-19 crisis, Florida’s unemployment system has seen some improvements for jobless workers filing claims, — though it’s not enough, says Rich Templin, director of politics and public policy at Florida AFL-CIO.
“They’ve made some tweaks to the computer system, but they have done absolutely nothing to repair the policies that led to the collapse of our system,” Templin said during a press conference in the Florida Capitol. Templin was joined by Democrats in the Legislature who sponsored the bills, state Sen. Randolph Bracy of Orlando and state Rep. Dotie Joseph of Miami-Dade.
Templin pointed to the unemployment system crashing in 2020, saying a lot of Floridians didn’t get unemployment because “they were deemed ineligible.” But so far, the bills haven’t gotten a hearing, and the session will end in about mid-March.
Bracy said during the news conference that he recalls a single mother who called crying about issues about receiving unemployment benefits after losing her job earlier in the pandemic.
“And she admitted to me that she was suicidal,” Bracy said. “We need to focus on helping people when they’re at their most vulnerable to get them back on their feet. We are elected by the people to serve the people. Let’s do our job and let’s pass this bill.”
Rep. Joseph said she had received “countless calls during the pandemic” from constituents who struggled with getting unemployment benefits.
“Right here we have filed this bill because it’s important, whether it gets a hearing or not,” she said. “I stand here frustrated…But frustrated on behalf of the Floridians who are trying to make ends meet.”
–Isaac Morgan, Florida Phoenix
Land of no turn signals says says
Pay them more to stay home and find a job off the books.Why would you want to go back?
Mark says
I applaud the Democrats for this but I’m afraid it’s all for naught. The GOP controlled Florida Legislature will keep this in committees until it dies a slow death. Republicans do not care about Florida citizens until Election Time when they stump for Votes and make promises they can’t keep. Yet the citizens keep sending them back never learning their lesson. Take a look at Senator (I use that loosely) Scott’ 11 Point Agenda for taking over the Senate today. It would affect you and your neighbors and make the United States of America look like a clown car with a wheel missing. Vote, Vote and Vote. Writing to your GOP Representatives and Senators in Congress and the State Legislature is a waste of time, they do not care.
Pissed in PC says
While I applaud the efforts and it needs to be raised since rent, groceries, electricity, water have all raised their rates, I highly doubt these stingy republicans will even let it get to a committee. DeathSantis and his sycophants don’t care about the working class citizens. They make sure businesses pay the least amount of any taxes (including employment) so they can pay for cheap labor while getting rich. When will voters learn that republicans are of the rich, by the rich and for the rich and the poor workers don’t matter.
Alonzo says
According to this article most are red states, post kkk states, post lynching states. I believe the Repubs will never give the working man anything. They are willing to take our freedoms. Making it harder to vote in most red states. Most of this making it harder to vote since their leader was dethroned. Look at the mess in Tex. Look at the abortion laws, just saying. Why anybody in their right would vote for a Repub? Someone said they would vote for a potatoe before they voted for T. DeSantis said the 2020 election was almost flawless Look at what the Repubs are doing about voting. I believe they are trying to make it harder for people of color to vote but it affects the whole state, all citizens.
Michael Cocchiola says
Probably won’t pass. The Florida legislature’s lowest priorities are teachers and those even poorer.
Some day we’ll look back and marvel at how heartless and cruel the Republican Party became. But hopefully, by that time they will have gone extinct and we’ll have to look under rocks for signs of how they once insulted the Earth.
A.j says
If it passes I will be surprised. The Repubs. don’t like the little working taxpayers.
Tony Mack says
Whatever happened to the Republican Party?
From the 1956 Republican Party Platform as espoused by Dwight Eisenhower:
Protect Social Security
Strengthen labor laws so workers can easily join a union
Provide asylum for refugees
Extend minimum wage
Improve unemployment benefit system so it covers more people
Provide Federal assistance to low income communities
Assure equal pay for equal work regardless of sex
Indeed…the Republican party has morphed into the party of the rich…Republicans have never passed legislation designed to help the average American. They intend to destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, and the rights of women to choose their own healthcare.
Pissed in PC says
It died with Reagan. Now it’s how to get richer, eliminate the middle class and screw over the poor, seniors or disabled.
Alonzo says
Well said, will we vote them out of office?
Pissed in PC says
I sure plan on it. Do you?