By Peter Certo
In our military-revering culture, it’s a strange thing for a president to start a war of words with the grieving families of slain soldiers.
Strange, yes. But from Donald Trump’s campaign season feud with the parents of Humayun Khan, who died protecting fellow soldiers in Iraq, to his recent feud with the mourning widow of La David Johnson, who died on patrol in Niger, it’s no longer surprising.
At root in the latest spat is a comment Trump made to La David’s widow Myeshia Johnson: “He knew what he signed up for.” Myeshia thought that remark was disrespectful — she later said it “made me cry.”
Beyond insensitive, though, there’s a good chance it simply wasn’t true.
Why, after all, should La David have expected to die in a dusty corner of Niger — a Saharan country most Americans (and, one suspects, their president) couldn’t find on a map? And where the U.S. isn’t actually at war?
If you were surprised to learn the U.S. has nearly a thousand troops in Niger, you’re not alone. Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who serves on the Armed Forces Committee, told NBC he “had no idea.” Neither did Chuck Schumer, the Senate’s top Democrat.
Well, the surprises may keep coming.
The New York Times notes tthat the U.S. now has “over 240,000 active-duty and reserve troops in at least 172 countries and territories.” Count it again: 172 countries, out of 193 UN member states.
Most of us remain at least dimly aware that we still have thousands of troops in war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in Cold War outposts like Japan, South Korea, and Germany. But what about the 160-plus others? And where are the nearly 38,000 troops whose location the Pentagon lists as “unknown”?
We catch an occasional glimpse of this global footprint when a U.S. service member dies someplace surprising — as Ryan Owens did earlier this year in Yemen, and a Navy SEAL did several months later in Somalia. More rarely we catch darker reminders still, when our wars abroad come home in the form of terrorist attacks. But mostly the American people remain every bit as in the dark as Graham and Schumer.
Americans like to imagine ourselves as citizens of a democracy that rejects the colonial ambitions of Old World powers like France and the UK. And yet we’ve deployed troops to literally most of the planet, and our leading lawmakers — tasked by the Constitution with the exclusive right to declare war — don’t even know about it.
Worse still, Congress appears to be abetting its own irrelevance.
Earlier this year, House Speaker Paul Ryan quietly killed an amendment by Democrat Barbara Lee that would’ve revoked Congress’ post-9/11 Authorization of Military Force, which has been used as a fig leaf of legality for this global war making. And last month the Senate voted 2:1 to reject an amendment from Republican Rand Paul that would’ve done the same.
Odds are, the real victims from our post-9/11 wars live in countries we seldom see or hear about. But as veteran and Army strategist Danny Sjursen writes, “the potential, and all too pervasive, deaths of American service members demand a public hearing” too. Especially when 16-plus years of war doesn’t appear to have made the world any safer.
When our soldiers kill and die in fruitless wars we don’t know about and can’t end, we’re not a democracy anymore — we’re an empire. And perhaps a fading one at that.
Peter Certo is the Institute for Policy Studies’ editorial manager.
Boomer says
The American people do not need to know where operators are located around the world. When the media and politicians shoot their mouths off it puts American operators and others in grave danger. Please be respectful to the men and women that protect your rights and trust that they are truly doing something that will benefit humankind….All Humankind !!
Layla says
They’ve been there since 2013. The previous administration sent them. They are there for counter terrorism training of the Niger troops. Source: ABC NEWS.
daughter Aunt etc. of military says
This news comment.. is truly out of sorts! Uneducated reporters such as yourself should be ashamed!.. And as my family who are in USMC, USAF, etc. cannot and will not discuss top secret information that is going on! I’ve asked! and they said sarcastically but also seriously and I quote “If I tell ya, I’m gonna have to kill ya!” LOL Seriously! mr. news person who wrote this!! do you actually think we/our government our Military are going to give up what they are doing ??? Now Pay attention! it’s a Secret! For a REASON!! God Bless our USA OUR Military, first responders and those who gave their lives to protect our freedom! xo <3
Sw says
good american says
oil? $$$
Fed Up says
Is it not ironic that congresswoman Wilson not only voted no to support military survivor benifits, but that she sponsored HR 3833 along with 45 democrat cosponsors that was Signed by Obama into law in December of 2016. This bill ramped up our involvement in Africa in response to the terrorist organization of Boko Haram.
Steven Gosney says
For better or worse, Congress knew we were in Niger …
MannyHM says
What is there to win in Niger ? I hope the answer is truly worth dying for.
a tiny manatee says
*looks at Iraq war*
GWOT Veteran says
I’ve been to deployed to several places in in world, including Africa, trust me when I say that we do need to be there. For operational security it is often better the general public remain unaware of the details of those operations until after they are complete, with groups like Boko Haram active there it is a breeding ground for terrorism and those people have internet access as well.
Rick Kang says
Why is America playing the role of World Police? The United Nations duty is to be World Police! The UN has FAILED as the World Police, therefore America should STOP supporting the United Nations-NOW!
Rick Kang says
America has been the “World Police” for TOO Long and it has cost TOO many American Lives! Time to END this STUPID Foreign Policy! We must rebuild our military(that was destroyed by Obama) and only protect America’s TRUE Friends! We must STOP the ” Nation Building Policy” and LET each nation have there own type of government!