By Michael Reagan
Joe Biden lies.
He stumbles.
He has the beginnings of dementia.
Everything Fox News says about his incompetence and his horrible domestic and foreign policies is absolutely true.
Everyone knows America will be more prosperous and safe when he is no longer in the White House.
But Joe Biden isn’t leaving. He’s decided he can run for re-election in 2024 for one simple reason – the Republican Party nomination is in the pocket of Donald Trump.
I’m not a Never Trumper. I voted for him twice and I think he did a good job as president. But like everyone else with an un-MAGA-fogged brain, I’m worn out by his antics and personal legal troubles.
I get it. People love him. He got 75 million Republican votes in 2020.
But the Democrats have at least an equal number of voters, plus the biased and corrupt major media are solidly in Biden’s corner – especially if his opponent is Trump.
That means Biden can run for president again from his basement and no one but Republicans will complain.
Biden’s most fervent naptime prayer right now is, “Please, GOP, nominate Donald Trump.”
That’s because Old Joe knows Republicans have some great governors out there in Georgia, Texas, Virginia and, of course Florida, who are tanned, rested and ready.
Biden knows he couldn’t beat any of them. The only person he could beat in 2024 is Donald Trump, and he’s only in the race because Trump is.
Meanwhile, as part of their grand plan for 2024 and beyond, I predict that the Democrat Party honchos are going to have Kamala Harris leave the vice president spot next year and replace Merrick Garland as U.S. attorney general.
That move will create an opening for Gavin Newsom to come in as the new VP and insure that our current national embarrassment will never become president if Biden dies or has to retire for medical or mental reasons.
Replacing Harris also opens the door for Newsom to run for president in 2028, which unfortunately for the country he’s wanted to do even before he discovered hair gel.
So there you go. In my opinion, if Trump stays in Biden runs and wins again in 2024.
If a higher power has mercy on America and strikes Biden dead two months from now, Newsom, the only slugger on the Democrat bench, will throw his hat in the ring, crush Harris and anyone else in the 2024 Democrat primary and lose in the fall to one of our great governors.
The only hope Republicans have to regain the White House and save America comes down to Donald Trump having the decency to step aside, take credit for having been a great president and get enthusiastically behind the Republican 2024 nominee.
If Trump runs and Biden and the Democrat vote machine beat him again, which is likely, he’ll be finished — and disgraced. He’ll have no credibility or clout in the GOP. His political legacy will be having been a selfish, two-time loser.
But if instead he does the honorable thing,Trump will drop out and urge his army of diehard supporters to elect the Republican nominee.
I know it’s asking a lot. But the country cannot survive another four years of Bidenism.
As I’ve written before, Trump’s America First movement showed the Republican Party the way to win the White House and saved us from the long nightmare of President Hillary.
Now it’s up to him to end his amazing political career on the high ground and prove he truly cares more for the future of the Republican Party and, more important, the future of the country than he cares about himself.
Donald, with all due respect, it’s time for you to do the right, decent and patriotic thing and hand the GOP’s reins over to someone else.
Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.
Laurel says
Yeah, Donald, do the honorable thing and go away! The problem is, Michael, Trump has probably never done the honorable thing in his entire life. Why start now? Ask your sister, and your brother if you don’t know. Michael, you are the perfect example of a RINO. Enjoy your time with Santos, MTG, Jordan, Gaetz, DeSantis, Bobart and the rest of the circus.
MAGA is really MAWA (make America white again).
Guzman says
The first one to speak about racism is that themselves.
Trump did a great job as president, although I agree with the article I just don’t see anyone yet that can win the GOP other than Trump.
Also FYI I’m Spanish and voted for Trump so I guess he has reached other nationalities not just white. Ignorance is spread far and deep across America and it’s a shame that there is so much hatred in this country.
Engin says
You certainly are not the man your father was. I respected him, but after reading your biased bloviation, I have NO respect for you. Your attacks, accusations without facts is typical of the thing you deny….. MAGA brain fog. To avoid misunderstanding, I dislike tRump intensely . He is a career criminal who has pulled off his greatest con. But that not withstanding, the governors you recommend, are authoritarian and even worse than tRump. DeSantis for example, seems to honestly believe that his way and beliefs are the only acceptable ones. Whether tRump runs or not, you father must be sorely disappointed at the person you have become.
Duncan says
Lies, Stumbles and Dementia? You forgot ego. That is the reason Biden is running again.
However, the same could be said about Trump and you have the hypocrisy to praise him. What about your own father, when one would only have to point out one Reagan scandal.
Lies : i.e. Iran-Contra Affair
Stumbles: i.e. Iran-Contra Affair
Dementia: i.e. Iran-Contra Affair
I was a youngster when your father was President. I had a lot of respect for him, even though he lied, stumbled and certainly appeared to have onset Dementia (or was it just lying and acting during the hearings, I’m not sure.)
I’ll vote for Biden if any of the ‘over the edge’ governors you mention, run and win the nomination. Likewise, I certainly don’t think any of the suggested candidates would fare any better against Biden; it makes me chuckle when you infer that they are somehow more honest.
The Republic Party has boxed itself into the corner of extremism, and that is the number one reason that Biden wins again over Trump or any of your suggested candidates.
Biden has done a good job repairing some of the immense damage Trump managed to inflict on the country, domestically and abroad. I believe he was the logical choice at the time, but he has done his part, and it’s time for him to retire.
Don’t shoot the messenger. He is absolutely correct. And don’t compare Trump and the GOP governors. The real menace to our country in in the White House. We MUST do everything we can to get him and them out. That was his point and he is absolutely correct. Whether you like the potential GOP candidates or not we must support the ones who can beat the incumbent. That is the message and I agree wholeheartedly.
Engin says
Really? Who gave Kim of NK credibility and cancelled the treaty and now he has nukes and fires middles at Japan. Who emboldened Putin to expand his borders like Germany in 1930s. Who increased the National Debt by 25%! Who screwed the economy by cutting corporate taxes! You really ought to get facts before you demean others with your misinformation
starryid says
Very well stated!
Sherry says
@ Engin. . . Right On! Thanks so much!
Dennis C Rathsam says
Cheap gas, strong economy, cheap food, strong southeren border. Why would you vote for Trump? Crime, deFunding the police,No cash bail ? NA!!!! Let the invaders storm our country, let the cartels smuggle fentenoyl across our border. Killing 300 Americans a day! China,s gaining, our allies in the Middle East, dont trust us! Any one that votes for Biden is mentally flaud. Green energy, is a pipe dream… We can not servive without oil….period And why has China, Russia & the Ukrane given the Biden Family all that money????? Why is his son hiding in the Whitehouse? Why hasnt the president imbraced his own flesh & blood? Yet he claims to love all of Americas childeren? Now on page 47 of Bidens daughters book, it details the pervert president. Wake up America before its too late Biden & co are out to destroy Americas middle class……
Laurel says
OMG, Dennis, PLEASE change the channel! It’s not making you look good.
Sherry says
@ Laurel. . . Forget it, unfortunately, there are some fear and hate filled cult members that are well past pasting anything close to reasonable and factual. FOX has really done a number on them. . . beyond brainwashing. . . more like brain bleaching.
William Ernest Hughey says
You have about the approval rating of JOCK ITCH in my opinion!!
Your father Ronald Reagan WAS one of 2 AWESOME Presidents WE had elected to office in the last 40 years!!
The Second President is Donald Trump!!
In my Opinion,you SIR,you REALLY need to get your head out of your ANUS and GET a REAL understanding about REALITY!!
blerbfamilyfive says
Even though President Biden is losing it probably due to his age, how dare you pray that heaven strikes the president dead. And until he is not in office whether due to not being re-elected or he does pass away, or cannot fulfill his duty, he is still the Commander in Chief of this country. Have some respect you twerp.
Laurel says
blerb: “…losing it probably due to his age…” is not respectful. Where is the evidence of this so called losing it?
We need to ban machine guns so that Democrats stop shooting off their feet.
Deborah Coffey says
Delusional and full of lies. Certainly the author knows that Republicans have caused 99% of all recessions…and a GREAT DEPRESSION…in America. No one is ever better off under their rule. But, how neatly they gerrymander, suppress millions of voters and commit sedition to satisfy their lust for power by getting their followers to vote against their own best interests. American eyes are open. Yep, we’re woke! And, your party caused that, too! No Republican will win the next election and if they keep on with their lies, ridiculous culture wars, and taking away our rights, Democrats will govern for the next three generations. BUT, I do think the GOP is pushing for civil war. The MAGAs really want one and, they own the entire right wing. Hope they don’t think they’re the only ones with AR-15s…because democracy will win that war, too.
Laurel says
Deborah: “No one is ever better off under their rule.” Well, if you and I were rich enough, we would definitely be better off under R’s, big ole tax cuts and all. We could write off our jets, thanks to cuts in Meals on Wheels.
Deborah Coffey says
Only then, Laurel…if we had jets and mega yachts.
Shark says
Decency isn’t in his vocabulary !!!