By Dick Polman
To the shock of absolutely nobody, and to the delight of MAGA wingnuts who worship Vladimir Putin, the Republicult’s presidential candidate broke his 72-hour silence about the murder of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny by puking this babble on social media:
“The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country. It is a slow, steady progression, with CROOKED, Radical Left Politicians, Prosecutors, and Judges leading us down a path to destruction. Open Borders, Rigged Elections, and Grossly Unfair Courtroom Decisions are DESTROYING AMERICA. WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE, A FAILING NATION! MAGA2024.”
I’m sure it reads better in the original Russian.
The first six words, in particular, read as if they were personally dictated by the sneaker salesman’s murderous puppeteer. Putin’s government said that Navalny succumbed from “sudden death syndrome,” and here we have Trump parroting “sudden death.”
Not a single word of condemnation, of course. Trump is Putin’s lapdog; that’s been obvious since at least 2016, and his fealty now threatens NATO and the international order. Trump dares not defend our American values, much less question a political murder.
There once was a time when Republicans stood steadfast against Russian abuse of human rights, but that abiding party principle has gone the way of the videocassette.
Worst of all, however, Trump’s whiny Navalny message is all about himself. Did we expect anything else?
It takes a lot of toxic moxie to equate one’s legal woes with a heroic dissident’s fate, to somehow suggest that he too is a victim, to use Navalny’s death in a gulag as an excuse to rail against “Unfair Courtroom Decisions” in our courts of law, to essentially claim that he is America’s Navalny, to intimate that President Biden is no better or worse than Putin.
As Garry Kasparov, a prominent Russian dissident now living in America, remarked, “Whenever you think Trump can’t get any lower, there’s a knock on the floorboards.”
Nevertheless, as you’d expect, Trump’s agitprop is being amplified by MAGAts far and wide (“Navalny=Trump,” says wingnut activist Dinesh D’Souza). But not everyone on the right is insane. Even the Wall Street Journal thinks that kind of mantra is dangerously nuts: “Mr. Biden isn’t Vladimir Putin. Mr. Biden doesn’t invade neighbors on a false pretext, killing indiscriminately. He doesn’t make people who have fallen into disfavor fall from windows of tall buildings…If you can’t see the difference, then you have lost – or discarded – your capacity for moral reasoning.”
And conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg laments: “Condemning false moral equivalence was once central to American conservatism…The notion that Joe Biden is the moral equivalent of Vladimir Putin is a slander, not merely of Biden, but of America itself.”
Yeah, let’s talk about America. A few decades ago, George W. Bush made a lot of mistakes (most notably, invading Iraq), but I well recall what he said about American values and human rights in his second inaugural address on Jan. 20, 2005. (As a reporter, I was 10 rows below his podium.)
These speech excerpts still – or should – resonate today:
“There is only one force of history that can expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of human freedom… America will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of bullies. (Human rights) are secured by free dissent and the participation of the governed. From the viewpoint of centuries, the questions that come to us are narrowed and few: Did our generation advance the cause of freedom? And did our character bring credit to that cause?”
If Putin’s bootlicker is returned to power in America, we’ll have our answer.
A Philadelphia resident, Dick Polman roamed the country for most of his 22 years at The Philadelphia Inquirer. He has been blogging daily since 2006. He’s currently on the full-time faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, as “Writer in Residence.” He has been a frequent guest on C-SPAN, CNN, MSNBC, the BBC, and various NPR shows – most notably Philadelphia’s “Radio Times” on WHYY-FM. Cited by the Columbia Journalism Review website as one of the nation’s top political scribes, and by ABC News’ online political tip sheet as “one of the finest political journalists of his generation, ” Dick Polman is the national political columnist at Philadlephia NPR affiliate WHYY, and has covered or chronicled every presidential campaign since 1988.
Justsayin says
Soooooo, why would Putin want Biden over Trump in the next election. Putin said it himself.
We heard this whole thing before in 16,17,18 and 19. It’s getting old.
The truth is Putin looks at Biden as grumpy old man with declineing mental awareness.
DaleL says
CNN has a story on this very subject. “Opinion: Is Putin serious about preferring Biden? Ask Fidel Castro”
Basically it is this, Castro knew that whomever he said he favored, it would likely hurt them in the election. Putin “says” he favors Biden, but that does not mean that he favors Biden. Putin is a murderous lying dictator.
Yes, we did hear this before. Sadly it was and still is true. The most recent example is Alexander Smirnov, the FBI informant who is now charged and jailed for lying to the FBI concerning allegations against President Biden.
Did you catch any of the reporting on citizen Trump’s Nashville performance? Numerous news organizations have reported that at times he was incoherent. He arrive an hour and a half late. The organizers removed hundreds of chairs to ensure there wouldn’t be the image of so many empty seats. Really, did Trump make Israel the capital of Israel?
Biden and Trump are both old. At least Biden is a decent person. Trump has committed adultery on all of his wives.
Judith Michaud says
So agree ! I have followed Joe for years and he has always been soft spoken and very caring. On the other hand , I also followed tRump, now that is a whole different story !!! He has been a con man all his life and he has now conned thousands of ignorant people into believing God sent him! His goal for years has been to be a dictator and to remain in office for years, just like Putin ! How can anyone with half a brain not see the writing on the wall? We cannot let this man anywhere near the White House ever again!
Paul says
Wow…. Put down the Crack Pipe before you hurt yourself…!!!
Shark says
Putin put him in the White House so now t-rump wants to return the favor !!!!
Wallingford says
Putin has been pulling Trump’s strings for a long time. Trump received money from Deutsche Bank as an accommodation to Putin. One of his Oligarchs bought an Apartment at 10 times the value to funnel money to Trump. As Cohen told Congress, Trump was supposed to build a Trump Tower in Moscow
Laurel says
This is exactly why Trump put down McCain every chance he got. McCain did NOT like, or trust, Putin. So, Commander in Chief Bone-spurs, who got five deferments, stated that McCain was not a war hero and “I like people who weren’t captured.” That’s a clear putdown of POWs. But Commander in Chief Bone-spurs had no trouble playing tennis or golf. He also stated “if you’re young, and in this era, and if you have any guilt about not having gone to Vietnam, we have our own Vietnam. It’s called the dating game.” Idiot. Trump is also known to disparage veterans calling them “suckers” and “losers.” Yet, there are veterans who are Trumpers. WTF? Meanwhile, Justsayin’ believes the words from Putin over our own people. Amazing! Happy days for Putin.
Lance Boyle says
Your imagination is running wild! Get hold of yourself.
jake says
Nothing triggers Trump haters more than mentioning Vladimir Putin.
Deborah Coffey says
As it should if one is American rather than ANTI-American!
Ed P says
Anyone ever hear of frenemy? Would it be better to be able to call and confront a problem with a world leader and have them pick up the phone to openly discuss an issue? Or is best to have no lines of communication due to disrespect? Zero lines of communications are dangerous. Would someone have a better chance of solving a situation if they knew the opponent’s weakness or tell? In every aspect of life, if you can gain an “edge” a successful outcome is more probable.
Trump is really very transparent. His actual currency is his bluster/name calling and saying what his supporters think. If you read The Art Of The Deal you will gain insight on what makes him tick. His public persona allow his to start every negotiation so far beyond what he really wants that by the time it’s over and he appears to compromise, he gets more then he actually wants.
I’m not suggesting you swallow the “gerd”just providing a little insight. He appears to be playing checkers but knows that it’s a chess match.
Deborah Coffey says
Trump isn’t that smart. Sorry. He is simply a power hungry, corrupt con man…just like the Putin he admires so much.
Ed P says
He did graduate fromWharton. He did build a successful real estate empire, had a 14 season tv series and was one of only46 people to hold the office of the President of the United States.
3 distinct peak careers. Can you name me 3 other people who have achieved something similar.
Ps Spare me that he filed a few bankruptcies, was fired from the apprentice and impeached twice, as well as indicted more than Al Capone. Everyone lies, no one is perfect….come on man.
Deborah Coffey says
I can’t name 3 other people who got that far without 91 felony counts against them. In the real world, CHARACTER should count!
GeriK says
Trump did not build a successful real estate empire. He was given no less than $200 million by his father, then spent it on casinos, an airline, the Plaza Hotel, all of which he lost in foreclosure because he is a terrible businessman. His “University” went down in a blizzard of lawsuits for fraud, which he lost. It is not disputed that Russian oligarchs stepped in to fund his projects when the banks stopped lending to him. Where Trump succeeds is at branding. His TV show was brilliant fakery, in which he pretended to have the strength to fire people, something he was never brave enough to do in person during his presidency (Comey, Tillerson, etc learned they had been fired without hearing it from him). He is a coward, a shameless grifter, and the most successful con man in our life time.
Sherry says
Thanks Gerik. . . your facts are right on!
Facts and Character Matters! trump= Guilty of Massive Fraud! Guilty of Sexual Abuse! Guilty of Defamation! Plus many other criminal indictments pending!
Imagine if there was evidence that Presidents Obama or Biden did “anything” even 10% that unlawful/immoral. . . the GOP/extreme right wingers would be all over it and immediately have them thrown in jail!
Sherry says
Thank you Deborah! Those still trying to defend trump on any level are morally corrupt and part of a non- thinking cult!
Deborah Coffey says
Yep. And, I’m having none of it.
Laurel says
EdP: “Frenemy”? You mean Trump can solve a problem, like Russia invading Ukraine, a democratic country, by handing it over to Russia? So, this “frenemy” Putin is more believable to Trump than our own people is “open communications” to whom? Who was he speaking to when he said “Russia, if you’re listening…” Maybe these frenemies can share neurotoxin recipes as Trump’s lawyers claim he, as President, has immunity to murder his political opponents, the way Putin does.
So what’s “…you can grab them by the pussy” communicates to women? Who was Trump communicating to when he mocked a man with palsy, badly behaving 9 year olds? Who was Trump communicating to when he took out full page ads to put to death the (black) Central Park Five, only to find out after a decade of serving prison sentences, that DNA evidence found them innocent? Trump did not communicate an apology. What’s the message when Trump disparages veterans? What does it communicate to Americans when Trump told the Oathkeepers to “…stand by and stand down”?
Sadly, I could go on and on.
You make excuses for an inexcusable man. He is clearly the bottom of the barrel as far as Presidents go, and a shame on our country, and he is certainly not as clever a player as you think he is. Yes, he is transparent, to those who simply listen and watch his body language: a blatant liar and con artist. He is communicating with some, who believe he stands for them. Who represents them. Go ahead, those of you who believe this, go knock on his door at Mar-a-Lago, if you get past the gate, and see what happens.
Ed P says
How did you logically arrive at your comment that Trump would hand over Putin anything. Remember what Obama/Biden did about Crimea?
His comment about Hillary’s missing emails was a tongue and cheek comment. The liberal media and deep state twisted the ill placed joke into a conspiracy.
Trump did disparage Senator McCain when he said he likes hero’s who were not captured. That was offensive and inexcusable. As are many of his other documented inappropriate comments. That’s his bluster/currency.
My post never made an excuse for him. Have you read his book?
I was giving an observation about his public persona. I have been personally told that in private he can be very charming and charismatic. Most Uber rich people are.
I do want to address the vulgar comment about grabbing women.
First it was not meant to be a public comment when he made it to Bush back in 2015. Second I guarantee you that dashing, tall, and handsome billionaires have women throwing themselves at them and they do get a twisted perspective on personal relationships. Not an excuse just reality.
Finally CBS news reported on September 15 2022 that at about 2:30 pm on January 6 , 2021 Trump tweeted”please support our Capitol Police and law enforcement. They are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful!” Your version is false and misleading.
You should not let hatred cloud the facts and corrupt the truth.
Robert Barney says
Not meant to be a public comment?,the idiot can’t recognize t.v. Cameras and a live show when he proudly claimed he walks in on a beauty pageant for young girls in various stages of undress?grabbing pussy?,denying knowing women with whom he was photographed with?,hookers?,my finger is getting tired but,I saved this one for T rompers🖕🏻…..
Laurel says
EdP: “NEW YORK (AP) — The New York Times reported Tuesday that President Donald Trump received at least $413 million from his father over the decades, much of that through dubious tax dodges, including outright fraud.” Do you doubt this? I can flippin’ guarantee you that if a parent gave me $413,000,000.00, I would still be rich, and not in the problematic situations Trump is in now. He is no business genius, nor is he a chess player. Right now, the checkers are falling all over the bathroom floor at Mar-a-Lago, even with Putin’s support.
Ed P says
Is the 2.6 billion estimate that Forbes put on Trumps wealth more than the 4.13 million you report daddy left him? Bloomberg pegs it at 3.1 billion.
Everyone’s dislike for the man does not change that fact.
I wonder if the presidential retirement for him irritates the left. $225,000+/year plus staff and office not to exceed $150,000 for the first 30 months and $96,000 thereafter. Medical insurance and life time Secret Service protection.
No need to run bake sale for the Donald.
Sherry says
Bottom Line: trump found guilty of massive FRAUD, sexual assault and repeated defamation . . . he is an immoral criminal!!! Anyone, who continues to support him is morally corrupt!!!
Jackson says
Trump is a despicable disgraceful person with no respect for the judicial system. He should not be allowed to be president. The constitution and the laws mean nothing to him. He is a criminal and a traitor and should be in prison.
Sherry says
2016- A group of students, alumni and faculty at the University of Pennsylvania’s business school are backing an open letter disavowing Donald Trump and announcing their commitment to an “open and inclusive American society.”
The letter says students at The Wharton School are taught “to represent the highest levels of respect and integrity” and “embrace humility and diversity.”
“As a candidate for President, and now as the presumptive GOP nominee, you have been afforded a transformative opportunity to be a leader on national and international stages and to make the Wharton community even prouder of our school and values,” the letter says.
“However, we have been deeply disappointed in your candidacy.”
People at Wharton are “outraged that an affiliation with our school is being used to legitimize prejudice and intolerance,” the letter says.
The letter declines to make a formal endorsement, but it condemns bigotry.
“We represent the groups that you have repeatedly denigrated, as well as their steadfast friends, family, and allies,” the letter says.
“We are dedicated to promoting inclusion not only because diversity and tolerance have been repeatedly proven to be valuable assets to any organization’s performance, but also because we believe in mutual respect and human dignity as deeply held values.”
The letter signers said they reject Trump’s “use of your education at Wharton as a platform for promoting prejudice and intolerance.”
“Your discriminatory statements are incompatible with the values that we are taught and we teach at Wharton,” the letter says, “and we express our unwavering commitment to an open and inclusive American society.”