By Robert Reich
Donald Trump is getting nervous. Internal polls show him losing in November unless the economy comes roaring back.
So what is Trump’s reelection strategy? Ignore the warnings of public health experts and reopen the economy at all costs.
Here’s his lethal 4-part plan:
Step 1: Remove income support, so people have no choice but to return to work.
Trump’s Labor Department has decided that furloughed employees “must accept” an employer’s offer to return to work and therefore forfeit unemployment benefits, regardless of the risk of returning to work before it’s safe.
Forcing people to choose between contracting a potentially deadly virus or losing their livelihood is inhumane. It’s also nonsensical. Our collective health in this pandemic depends on as many workers as possible staying home.
Step 2: Hide the facts.
No one knows how many Americans are infected because the Trump administration continues to drag its heels on testing. As of May 5th, only 7.5 million tests have been completed in a population of over 330 million Americans.
Is this what Jared Kushner meant by a “great success story?”
Florida, one of the last states to issue a shelter-in-place order and one of the first to reopen, has stopped releasing medical examiners’ statistics on numbers of coronavirus victims because the numbers are higher than the state’s official count.
But it’s impossible to fight the virus without adequate data. Anthony Fauci, the administration’s leading infectious disease expert, warns that reopening poses “a really significant risk” without a huge ramp up in testing.
Not surprisingly, the White House has blocked Fauci from testifying before the House.
Trump fired Health and Human Services Inspector General Christi Grimm after she released a report detailing widespread shortages of testing and PPE at hospitals across the country. His handpicked replacement will now handle a whistleblower complaint filed by Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of the office involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine.
Dr. Bright’s complaint alleges the administration repeatedly ignored his warnings about critical supply shortages and removed him from his position because he refused to adopt scientifically unproven treatments for the virus.
Step 3: Push a false narrative about “freedom” and “liberation.”
Weeks ago, Trump called on citizens to “LIBERATE” states like Michigan, whose Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, imposed strict stay-at-home rules.
Michigan has the third-highest number of Covid-19 deaths in America, although tenth in population. When Whitmer extended the rules to May 28, gun-toting protesters rushed the state house chanting “Lock her up!”
Rather than condemn their behavior, Trump suggested Whitmer “make a deal” with them.
Meanwhile, Attorney General William Barr has directed the Justice Department to take legal action against any state or local authorities imposing lockdown measures that “could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens.”
Making this about “freedom” is absurd.
Freedom does not mean you have the right to endanger the lives of others through your own irresponsibility and ignorance.
Freedom is not forcing people back to work in unsafe environments to boost billionaires’ stock portfolios.
Freedom is meaningless for people who have no choice but to accept a job that puts their life at risk.
Step 4: Shield businesses against lawsuits for spreading the infection.
Trump is pushing to give businesses that reopen a “liability shield” against legal action by workers or customers who get infected by the virus.
He says he’ll use the Defense Production Act to force meat processing plants to remain open, despite high rates of Covid-19 infections and deaths among meatpackers. “That’ll solve any liability problems,” Trump said.
Mitch McConnell insists that the next stimulus bill include legal immunity for corporations that cause workers or consumers to become infected.
“We have a red line on liability,” McConnell says. “It won’t pass the Senate without it.”
But how can the economy safely reopen if companies don’t have an incentive to keep people safe? It can’t, and it wont.
Which leads me to my final point:
Here’s the truth: The biggest obstacle to reopening the economy is the pandemic itself.
Any rush to reopen without adequate testing and tracing—a massive increase from what we’re doing now—will cause even more deaths and a longer economic crisis.
The first responsibility of a president is to keep the public safe. But Donald Trump couldn’t care less.
He’s trying to force the economy to reopen to boost his electoral chances, and he’s selling out Americans’ health to seal the deal. No matter the cost, Donald Trump’s chief concern is and will always be himself.
Robert Reich is the Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and a senior fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies. He served as secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, for which Time magazine named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the the twentieth century. The author of many books, including the best-sellers Aftershock, The Work of Nations, Beyond Outrage and, Saving Capitalism. He is also a founding editor of The American Prospect magazine, chairman of Common Cause, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and co-creator of the award-winning documentary, “Inequality For All.” Reich’s newest book is “The Common Good.” He’s co-creator of the Netflix original documentary “Saving Capitalism,” which is streaming now.
Stephen Mark Maitland says
Sad Times says
It’s too bad that there are some folks who are not intelligent enough to understand the scientists and medical professionals.
I am discovering that there are groups of people in our society who don’t mind seeing people die unnecessarily.
Reba says
This is a bunch of BS, Can’t believe you Peeps can be soooo stupid and mean! Trump is the Best President we ever had! None can compare to his love for his country; non stop energy and does not even accept a pay which in turn he donates to worthy causes. You are so ungrateful, bet you accepted the stimulus didn’t you!!!
Truth says
Is the best person
And president to look over us
Thank the lord he is out President….
Lillian Bellitto says
The reason the Dems want to keep evertyhing closed, is so they can say how what a bad job he did. HE IS WONDERFUL..and doing a great job.
rocky says
The stimulus was BI-PARTISAN. The House democrats worked many long and hard hours on it. The President spent no time on it – he only signed off on the bill.
Mark says
I love the mind reading act. Mr Reich needs to take his talent to television. People don’t want to go back to work? They want to rely on government handouts? It’s impossible to fight the virus without adequate data? Is this the first time humankind has fought a pandemic. Did we have adequate data (whatever that is) back in the days of old? Maybe protecting the elderly would help. Using common sense to decrease the possible spread. Maybe Michanders want to go back to work or buy tomato seeds. If employees and customers can always stay away if they feel unsafe, this is not a time to go sue happy.
Weldon B. Ryan says
Reich has nailed it! Remove income support is the part of this article that us common folk should pay close attention to especially! Ask yourselves why trillions of this bailout is going to corporate small business ( not real small business) and corporations as paycheck relief instead of disbursing to everyday citizenry. The tease of the one and only stimulus to people is all we’re going to get just so feable minds are fooled. Trump has made his position clear by forcing workers at the meat packing plants to work disregarding the potential deaths because he wants so-called herd immunity. You can’t force people to risk their lives!!! We’re not soldiers!
David S. says
Great article couldn’t agree more. It has always been about Trump he could care less about the American people.
edward says
so very true and accurate…….
Mjmerri says
Absolutely. He’s supposed to be some great shakes of a tv guy, but he sure can’t act. He’s his most phony when he’s trying to play caring and compassionate. It just makes me laugh to see his awkward facial contortions while his droning, monotonous voice conveys only complete disinterest.
Truthbetold says
YouDon’t know what you’re talking about Trump is the only one that cares about America that Joe Biden is so corrupt it’s unbelievable so is Obama so is Hillary Clinton
Jimbo99 says
I believe he does benefit, but I don’t think between now & November is going to reverse the recession. The economic closures was far & away a bigger recession than the Clinton dot com bust & the Bush-Obama bailout recession. Biden or the next won’t get credit for a reboot just the same. This does level the playing field for the D’s, they benefit the longer a recession drags on. This pandemic in that regard is no different than an election tampering that the Russian collusion was. Biden has no solution for this other than to spend our way back into prosperity. Both Trump & Biden would do this as cheaply as possible. Those 4 strategies listed in the article, that’s been going on for as long as recessions have. Just a matter of riding this out and there are those that will become fabulously wealthy in the whole process, it’s the same 1% that never really feels a quality of life degradation in a recession. Tehy will always have the finest of everything along the way while others lose everything they ever scraped to work for. Wealth transfers are renegging on value earned. Take the stock market, dropped 10K points the Dow did. Pelosi & husband had $ 5 million to invest into it at the 19K bottom, it’s rebounded to 24K level. Figure out the insider advantage the Pelosi & husband has. She’ll profit quite well during this and not give a rat’s butt about anyone else. There’s a special place in hell for that one. Been playing this game since inauguration day 2017, she is fooling nobody with the deflection on Trump, Biden is still that creepy politician nobody likes as well. But it’s who we get, Trump or Biden. The D’s made a scene about Russian tampering. Imagine being Biden and getting a free pass to the November election without having to win primaries ? You vote counts only in November even as a Democrat because you didn’t really vote along the way in any primary. November 2020 comes and you get a choice, broccoli or green beans and if you don’t like either, that’s just too bad because that’s what’s on the menu. So enjoy broccoli or green beans for 4 years, it’s all your going to be served.
Rebecca says
So the small man speaks. The millionaire former labor secretary wants everyone sheltered in place and not working. He doesn’t say how we’ll pay our mortgages, rent. or feed our families. He has no solution….maybe print more money and hand it out. That’s not going to end well. Obviously Robert Reich want’s to destroy the economy. There’s no other explanation. Then rebuild a socialist Utopia like Cuba or Venezuela.
erobot says
When was the last time RR was right about anything? LOL
Local says
Lol….looks like someone is a trump hater. 90 percent of people i know want the country opened back up. We want sports back also.
I dont know anyone who has been tested and dont have any desire to get tested. Not everyone is going to get tested even if forced.
No matter what Trump does democrats will fight it then claim he waited too long to do anything.
Richard says
I don’t know where you get your facts from in making your claim in your very FIRST sentence. The latest poll dated May 14th 2020 showed Trump at 52 and Biden at 45. Clearly 7 points ahead of Quid Pro Joe.
A Concerned Observer says
Robert Reich is a prolific political commentator with far left leaning agenda. One has only to Google his name to see his history. His pedigree is based on him serving in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. He was Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997. He was a member of President Barack Obama’s economic transition advisory board. Do you see a pattern here? Readers have no more chance of getting a fair, unbiased editorial out of him than expecting a Nancy Pelosi to land a senior post as President Trump’s reelection committee. Readers must fully understand where author’s agenda comes from and not assign any more credit what they write than to the late night television commercials for bizarre products with unbelievable promises. Wait a minute; if you call right now, we will double your order for the same $19.95 cost (You only pay small additional shipping and handling charge). Yeah, sign me up…
STAN says
Honest Truth says
Trump and the Republican party which doesn’t exist anymore it is the Trump party is so corrupt, they continue to hide things from the American people.
Trump does not care about anyone’s health whether they are Democrat or Republican he doesn’t care, he only cares about himself.
He is the most corrupt President in the history of our country, he makes President Nixon look like a saint.
You gotTRUMPED says
Lol….yet noone can prove it…. If he was as corrupt as Nixon he would be gone yet all the fabricators are. Hiding like roacjes.
Concerned says
Each individual has a responsibility to do what they can to mitigate the spread of any infectious disease.
Sherry Epley says
HRE ARE THE ACTUAL LATEST POLL RESULTS. . . which generally have Biden ahead:
Florida: Trump vs. Biden Florida Atlantic University Biden 53, Trump 47 Biden +6
North Carolina: Trump vs. Biden East Carolina U. Trump 46, Biden 43 Trump +3
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 49, Disapprove 48 Approve +1
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 49, Disapprove 50 Disapprove +1
Thursday, May 14
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
New Jersey: Trump vs. Biden Rutgers-Eagleton Biden 56, Trump 33 Biden +23
Wednesday, May 13
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden CNN Biden 51, Trump 46 Biden +5
General Election: Trump vs. Biden Economist/YouGov Biden 47, Trump 43 Biden +4
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 41, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +16
President Trump Job Approval Politico/Morning Consult Approve 42, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +10
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 47, Disapprove 51 Disapprove +4
2020 Generic Congressional Vote Economist/YouGov Democrats 48, Republicans 41 Democrats +7
Congressional Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 20, Disapprove 53 Disapprove +33
Direction of Country Economist/YouGov Right Direction 31, Wrong Track 58 Wrong Track +27
Direction of Country Politico/Morning Consult Right Direction 34, Wrong Track 66 Wrong Track +32
Direction of Country Reuters/Ipsos Right Direction 28, Wrong Track 60 Wrong Track +32
Randy Jones says
Ask Hillary about polls and let us know what she says.
Flatsflyer says
Or better yet, ask her about election meddling by the Russians!
Carmen says
OMG, you really believe these BS Polls ? No wonder this country is so f’ed up.
Debra says
My favorite poll:
Facebook – 3 year politician President Trump, 27m likes ~ lifetime politician Biden, 1.8m likes. Heck, our future first woman president Ivanka Trump has 6.5m likes!!!
Twitter – President Trump, 79.9m followers ~ Biden, 5.4m followers. Future President Ivanka Trump, 8.7m followers
Instagram – President Trump 19.7m following ~ Biden, 2m followers. Future President Ivanka Trump, 6.3m Followers
Looks like Ivanka has a better chance then Sleepy Joe!!!
Lillian Bellitto says
Just remember how far Hillary was ahead, and look at what happened.. GO TRUMP
James says
You are a Typical Democrat . This Country would be in a State of Major Destruction if Democrats had been in office during this Pandemic. If anyone can pull us out of this financial devastation we are in , is President Trump . No politician, that’s been in politics all their life and never held a job outside politics, like most Democrats would not have a Clue how to pull the U.S.A out of the present situation.
oldtimer says
university of California at Berkeley and worked for Clinton, not too left leaning or biased
CB from PC says
Trump’s businesses both during building and on completion created and sustained jobs.
He knows that people working benefits EVERYONE.
Unfortunately we have a horde of parasitic legislators who also have not come to terms with the fact that CHINA has ruined this recovery for ALL AMERICANS.
The sooner we get the engine restarted, the less need for food giveaways and all the other government handouts.
Sherry says
Not to confuse “THE CULT” with facts. Here are the percentages for how well the stock market did during the most recent president’s terms:
Regan + 118% REPUBLICAN
Clinton +210% DEMOCRAT
Obama +182% DEMOCRAT
Why is it that the POLLS are always great until they tell you something you do not want to hear?
really says
The Shoeples like you feel that way many feel he is the worst. I for one never liked him. He is a failure.