Congress has a long list of pressing priorities — including funding the federal government to prevent a shutdown — that it is likely to put off until 2025. One new item packed on that to-do list: legislation introduced by GOP Rep. Nancy Mace to ban transgender women from women’s restrooms, and transgender men from men’s restrooms, on any federal property.
The South Carolina lawmaker proposed this bill after launching a campaign to remove newly-elected Rep. Sarah McBride of Delaware from women’s restrooms on Capitol Hill. After House Speaker Mike Johnson announced a rule that effectively matched her initial proposal, Mace expanded her proposed bill to restrict the ability of all trans Americans to use restrooms, locker rooms or changing rooms on federal property across the country.
If passed into law, how would such a bill be enforced, and what would be the consequences? And what is the atmosphere like right now for transgender lobbyists and advocates who work on the Hill? The 19th spoke with multiple experts to find out.
Where would such a law apply?
Such a far-reaching law would mean widespread discrimination against all transgender people, experts say, although Mace’s rhetoric has singled out trans women. It would have the potential to expose trans and nonbinary people to harassment and discrimination at national parks, courthouses, IRS buildings like taxpayer assistance centers, Social Security Administration offices, and some post offices and Native American lands.
If enforceable, this federal ban would exclude trans people from spaces that are meant to be among the most accessible to Americans, said Kelly Dittmar, an associate professor of political science at Rutgers-Camden University and the director of research at the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP).
“I would assume in this case, we’re talking about Smithsonians and other federal buildings, museums, landmarks, things that should be accessible to the population in part because they are government funded or run,” she said.
The language in Mace’s proposed bill would restrict bathroom access in “any building, land, or other real property owned, leased, or occupied by any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States (including the Department of Defense and the United States Postal Service), or any other instrumentality wholly owned by the United States, or by any department or agency of the District of Columbia or any territory or possession of the United States.”
As the Washington Post reports, this proposal would likely impact the public libraries, recreation centers, and public schools of Washington, D.C. — which is home to a large population of LGBTQ+ residents and is slated to host World Pride in 2025.
How likely is it that this ban will become law?
Mace’s bill is unlikely to advance until the new Congress is sworn in this January, as the Senate is currently adjourned until December 2, and members are preoccupied with major defense and agricultural measures. When and if this bill does come into play, it would have to overcome a potential filibuster by Senate Democrats, despite Republicans holding a majority in each chamber. It is also unclear how much support Mace holds for this bill among Republicans.
How would this law be enforced?
There are no details in Mace’s proposal about how nationwide restrictions on trans Americans’ bathroom use would be enforced, and her office did not respond to a request for comment. To understand what such a ban would look like in practice, experts point to state bathroom bans that have percolated, and largely failed to become law, since 2015.
These state bathroom bans provide few, if any details about how they would be enforced because they don’t need to — private citizens are often meant to be the enforcers, said Logan Casey, director of policy research at the Movement Advancement Project, a nonprofit that tracks LGBTQ+ legislation.
“The way that the laws are de facto enforced is often through the emboldening of private individuals to police other people’s bathroom use,” he said. “There’s no written enforcement because the proponents of these bills know that just by talking about this, let alone enacting these laws, that they are emboldening individual people themselves to enforce these bathroom bans.”
A recent example that takes this formula to an extreme can be seen in Odessa, Texas. A new expansion of the West Texas town’s ordinance allows individual citizens to sue transgender people caught using bathrooms that match their gender identity and seek “no less than $10,000 in damages,” per the Texas Tribune.
Deputizing private citizens to enforce this kind of law enables high rates of harassment and violence against transgender people as well as cisgender people, Casey said, particularly women who do not conform to traditional ideas of femininity.
What’s going on at Capitol Hill? Are trans
people banned from bathrooms there?
“All single-sex facilities in the Capitol and House Office Buildings — such as restrooms, changing rooms, and locker rooms — are reserved for individuals of that biological sex,” Johnson said in a statement on Wednesday. The policy appears to apply to all transgender people working at the Hill or simply visiting the building complex. Johnson’s office did not respond to a request for comment confirming this.
Johnson’s statement also does not explain how the new policy will be enforced. Mace’s original bill proposed that the House sergeant-at-arms would enforce a bathroom ban, but Johnson’s announcement made no such reference. His office did not respond to a request for comment on the new rule.
Without any clarity on enforcement, trans lobbyists and advocates like Caius Willingham, a senior policy analyst at Advocates for Trans Equality, are forced to wait and see whether they will be policed for trying to do their jobs and what the consequences of noncompliance could be. Unlike members of Congress, these employees don’t have access to private facilities — and when working on the Hill, alternative options are few and far between.
“The Capitol grounds are massive. Some buildings don’t even have a single, single-occupancy bathroom. So practically, if I’m going to spend the day on the Hill meeting with legislators and staff, which is core to my job, I may have to be strategic about what bathrooms I use,” he said. “I might have to run outside, to find a restroom outside the Capitol building.”
The broader implications of a federal bathroom ban would essentially extend this ban to all of D.C., he said, considering how many people work in federal buildings.
Is this legal?
Within the courts, there has been a split in opinions: Last year, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Florida policy banning transgender students from using bathrooms that match their gender identity. However, in 2021, the Supreme Court handed a win to trans advocates by keeping in place a 4th U.S. Circuit Court decision that found a Virginia bathroom ban unconstitutional.
Across the country, two states — Utah and Florida — ban trans people from using bathrooms and facilities that match their gender identity in all government-owned buildings, K-12 schools, and colleges, according to the Movement Advancement Project. Breaking that law is a criminal offense in Utah and Florida. Seven other states have passed laws restricting trans Americans’ bathroom usage only in K-12 schools.
Article I of the Constitution gives Congress broad jurisdiction over its own internal rules and procedures. But Mace’s proposed federal bathroom ban could run afoul of recent Supreme Court precedent, said Barbara Comstock, a former Republican congresswoman from Virginia. The majority opinion In the Supreme Court’s 2020 decision in Bostock vs. Clayton County, authored by conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch, ruled that discrimination on the basis of sexuality or gender identity constitutes unconstitutional sex discrimination.
“I don’t think they’ve looked at this in light of the law whatsoever,” Comstock said. “So I think this is just an embarrassing stunt — which does raise attention to the challenges and discrimination faced by transgender Americans.”
Who is actually endangered by trans people using the bathroom?
Research shows that trans people, not cisgender people, are actually the ones who experience violence and discrimination when using the restroom.
The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey found that many trans people avoid public restrooms out of fear of how they may be treated. 26 percent of over 27,000 respondents said that in the previous year, they had been denied access to restrooms, had their presence in a restroom questioned, or were verbally harassed, physically attacked or sexually assaulted in a restroom.
Research from the Williams Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law, in 2018 found that expanding non-discrimination laws to include transgender people does not affect the number or frequency of criminal incidents in restrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms. While Mace and other Republican lawmakers have claimed that banning trans women from women’s restrooms will protect women, empirical evidence does not show that including trans people actually leads to safety or privacy incidents.
Willingham said that when he worked in the House as a legislative assistant to Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington from 2021 to 2023, his identity as a transgender person was never made an issue. He watched as members of Congress would share transphobic rhetoric at hearings and floor debates and then treat him, an actual trans person, with respect. It was a jarring experience.
“It’s really frustrating to see things go backwards in Congress,” he said. “My experience working even across the aisle was extremely positive.”
–Orion Rummler, Grace Panetta, The 19th
Mr. Bill says
This is what’s wrong with you Libs. You are terrifically smart. I would say your writing and reporting skills are excellent. But no common sense.
Be all good things to anybody, accept everyone, even if they endanger you and your family.
Common sense says I don’t want my wife or daughters having to use the bathroom with a man. Period. Any kind of man! How hard is that to understand? Aren’t our wives and daughters due the respect and attention to safety as the so called “trans community”.
How many rapes in women’s bathrooms does it take to register in your virtue signaling mind to say enough is enough.
When you were growing up what would your dad have done if he found a man in the women’s bathroom.
I don’t care if he did just come from a drag show.
Common sense is still the majority in this country. Thank God……. Join us.
Sherry says
@ mr. bill. . . OK, why don’t you just post your “credentialled evidence” proving that females are increasingly getting sexually assaulted by “transgender” persons by allowing them to use the same restroom. Thanks!
Big Mike says
Just because you say gender-neutral bathrooms are safe, does not make them so. Would you feel OK sending your daughter to a public bathroom where you don’t know who is inside or where men are present? Using the restroom should not be an uncomfortable matter. A person should be able to simply go into the restroom, do what they came for, and then leave. Go to the bathroom as with the gender that you were born with, male or female…it’s not that difficult, it’s common sense.
Ed Danko, former Vice-Mayor, Palm Coast says
Hopefully, Florida, Flagler, and my City of Palm Coast will adopt the same Federal law. Bottom line, men have no business in a woman’s bathroom. Let’s get back to reality now that Trump is President Trump again!
True American says
Very well stated. I fir one, don’t want a male in the same bathroom as my daughter.
The dude says
“Rapes in bathrooms”
You, ah… got any actual statistics to share on that?
Extra credit if it’s a rape by a “trans”.
Your “wives and daughters” are in more danger of having their privates grabbed by a MAGA than they are of being raped by a “trans” in a public restroom. By many many magnitudes of order…
Scott says
Also I have yet to single man white,black,asian or latino stand holding his daughters hand and say to a school board”im ok with my daughter going in the same bathroom as a boy”not one because it’s crazy
Deborah Coffey says
No, we won’t join you because it is all a lie. Women and girls aren’t being assaulted in ladies’ rooms by transgender women. But, apparently, transgender women are being assaulted at very high rates. Stop the hate!
Deport republicans says
Republican have shown there is nothing more important than to make life harder for a trans person and be critical of where they use the potty. I say ban republicans from public restrooms they are the child molestor enablers, convicts, rapist, pedofiles. Don’t run a background on then type.
Ban magatards says
Actually 54 percent of Americans can read beyond a 6th grade level. Magatards wanna go back to 1st grade.
Laurel says
Mr. Bill: Your argument is weak, as is the weak minded who praised your comment. As a smart woman, as you would call me (wasn’t Jesus a “lib”?), I have no fear of trans-people. There is no reason to be so, common sense will show you that, if you are actually paying attention.
For starters, there are already unisex bathrooms in use now. That’s not new.
Give me one incidence where a trans-woman raped another woman in a public bathroom.
Tell me which bathroom a hermaphrodite should use.
Trans people make up around 1.6% of the U.S. population, so that’s an incredibly stupid, tiny statistic for a political platform to run on, unless, of course, you fear monger your constituents. A method of control. We have no other problems, more serious, to focus on?
Would removal of a penis make you feel better?
We have one trans-woman in Congress now, do you believe she is there to rape other Congresswomen?
Do you really believe that Queens are even interested in sexually attacking women, like Trump did? They are gay, man, do you not understand what that is?
Your hero, Trump, lied about children going to school and coming home a different gender. Show me one factual indecent where that happened. You will get few facts, nor common sense, from Fox Entertainment, and even fewer from Trump and his sycophants. They wound you up over nothing. A political tactic, that is very successful. Common sense deferred.
So, you think that keeping a trans out of bathrooms will stop a straight man from rape? Didn’t keep our straight man President-elect out of the dressing room, did it? Was he wearing a dress when he sexually assaulted women?
Why is it you show no concern over groups like NAMBLA.org, and priests that are shipped around the country to avoid prosecution, and Boy Scout leaders who have actually raped people? Instead, you are overly concerned about 1.6% of the population that has no interest in what you are claiming.
Now, please, don’t deflect. Instead, follow up with what I have written, and prove me, with factual statistics that can be looked up, where I am wrong.
I’m not a Democrat, so I have no longer any interest in being kumbaya with people who refuse to learn facts and truths. I’m going to call a spade a spade. Do you want to learn truths and facts? Then you actually have to make an effort. It may not keep you in step with the stupid around you, they may no longer want to be your friends, but that, I consider, is a good thing. Grow!
Common sense does not come along with dumbing down, and ignoring truths. Common sense comes after learning, and experience, as does wisdom. It does NOT come from talking points. Change the channel.
Laurel says
Ed Danka, former etc.: And there it is! Thank you for making my point!
Tell your constituents that they should fear men, who transition through hormones and surgery, that they should be feared as possible rapists! They go through all that just to abuse women, right?
Stay “former,” we have enough real problems.
Proud Trumphole says
Says the lady, oops, person from Califruity, the land of fruit and nuts!!!
One rape in the ladies room is too much!!! I’m sure anyone can find one article from somewhere in the world…
Tired of it says
Go away already. You’ve done nothing but spread discord and hate. Your behaviour on the council was appalling.
Tired of it says
There is no reasoning, no facts that will convince the individuals posting above. They have bought the fear and lies. No, men are not going into women’s bathrooms. People, human beings that feel and identify as women are using those bathrooms. It is insulting and misguided to imply that they are sexual predators that are going to harm your children. If you want to safeguard your children look around at your relatives and check out those statistics and keep them away from catholic priests.
This topic is just a distraction from tthe systematic destruction of democracy that is taking place right now.
Mary Fusco says
Personally, I don’t care what a person identifies as, their politics or their religion. It is beyond unimportant to me. This subject is so old. Looks like we are only catering to certain people at this point. Everyone has their rights. I have a suggestion. A bill needs to be passed where every public bathroom needs to be converted to a single use. Let the government pay for this and get it the hell over with.
Sherry says
In many, many US cities and in many, many other countries millions upon millions use “Unisex” toilets each and every day with no problems at all! There is ZERO evidence that transgender people are out there raping and sexually assaulting little girls in public bathrooms at every turn. In Fact. . . you remember “FACTS”, right?. . . it is the transgender children that are being assaulted by guess who.
This is all a horrific scare tactic by extreme right winged maga Fox to create more fear and hatred of anyone who is NOT Straight, NOT White and NOT Christian! Happy Holidays, Right!? “HATE” the gift that keeps on giving!
Sherry says
@ trumphole. . . your handle says it all. . . Thanks! OK. . . let’s see that “credentialed evidence”.
Virginian says
Search Loudoun county Public School System student rape
Carol says
So, we’re supposed to be ok with a man whom “IDENTIFIES” as a woman, using the women’s bathroom? That’s not ok. He has a penis, he’s a man! Stop pushing this game of make believe onto us just to satisfy the less than 1% of the trans community. Even gays and lesbians don’t agree with it.
Mr. Bill says
Hello Laurel! Re: “Give me one incidence where a trans-woman raped another woman in a public bathroom.”
That’s not the issue. I doubt that has happened.
It’s the “right” to be in your bathroom by heterosexual (male) predators that the public or the law can’t do anything about. That’s a Pandora Box that should never be opened.
Common sense says, don’t let them even have the chance to prey on our most cherished family members. Period!
C’mon….join us! PS I like your writing skill.
JimboXYZ says
Just me, but I don’t think anyone cares what bathroom one uses. I used one in Daytona Beach at a beachside park parking lot just yesterday, there were no Gestapo there. I tried the door, another was ahead of me, I waited, then used the facility & then moved on from the whole experience. I used the one I most resemble, nobody else at the beach had a problem with it. Daily functions like this aren’t dramatic & theatrical events. Just a suggestion, but don’t make a bigger deal out of it than it deserves ? Maybe the one’s that have been caught doing whatever the charges became, maybe they are weirdos, pedophiles and they are hiding among the LGBTQI community for their mental illness & criminal acts. Stop loitering at the public beachside parks 99.99999999 % of the people using those facilities never are even questioned from just the lifetime of experience I have using a public facility. I do see the County Sheriff’s sting video of the weirdos that they do arrest for that, they usually are involved online before the sting operation catches their pedophile crimes. They’re usually meeting for a hookup at that beachside park.
feddy says
Problem is not unisex restrooms those are a single stall with a lock on the door, most facilities have these. It’s the public restrooms that are the issue. Someone can say they identify as a woman and go in with other women, that’s the issue.
Laurel says
Mr. Bill: You did not respond to my comment as I had requested.
Just answer one question then: Which restroom should a hermaphrodite use?
Just common sense tells me that we have very little to worry about a man going the trouble of a dress, tits, makeup and high heels in order to sexually assault women in a public bathroom. Such worry didn’t stop Trump, in a public dressing room, though he did use a lot of makeup.
Virginian says
Search Loudoun county Public School System student rape. A young lady was raped and the school board and the system admin. tried to cover it up. Transferred offender to another school where he/she assaulted another female student.
Cindy says
Unless I’m losing it: Prior to 4 years ago I don’t recall hearing too much about transgender being an issue. It just seems to me that in these last 4 years it became a big problem. So you have no one to blame but yourselves for making it a problem. Pushing transgender, gays and whatever else is out there in my face was the wrong highway to take. I understand that we all have our rights but I’m sorry I do not want to use the same bathroom as a man nor do I want my child to PERIOD. And I’m sorry but I don’t appreciate a female born a male compete in female sports PERIOD. Other than that you can dress however you want but for pets’s sake stop your whining and crying. Bottom line is if you are born a boy and want to be a girl or born a girl and want to be a boy that is your decision but you just can’t think that everyone in this world is going to accept it.
feddy says
I think your opinion might change if your young daughter, or granddaughter went to the women’s restroom and a transgender male went in behind her. Honestly you can’t say that you would have no problem with that.
Sherry says
So carol, and all the others so filled with “Fox fear of the OTHER”. . . Just how are toilet restrictions enforced by the “Potty Police” at each and every public restroom door?
1. Each and every little girl will be required to strip down and show her privates to prove she doesn’t have a penis?
2. Each and every little girl will be required to present her “original” birth certificate to prove her gender? You know how birth certificates can be counterfeited.
Have any of you fear filled “men” who are worried about their little girls ever been in “Ladies Room”? You know there are only rows of “private lockable booths” and, that girls and women don’t strip down in the common area right?
Have any of you great “Dads” ever taken your daughter into the “Ladies Room”? If you did, why is it that we women should not have you arrested for being “a man in a ladies room”? How would we possibly know that YOU are not the “Pervert”. . . especially since that kind of thing seems so forefront on your very long list of Fox “Fears”? Completely STUPID, Right? Just like this entire brew haha over who uses what toilet!
One entrance for “Private Booths”, and a different entrance for ‘Urinals”. GEEZ!
feddy says
I think the possibilities that a sexual predator can use a female’s restroom and state he is transgender is the bigger problem. Always a loop hole.
feddy says
Great point Carol!
shelley says
How about this one? He then went on to attempt this at a different school.
Samuel says
Republicans the party of hate, discrimination and greed.
Mark says
Seems the student was wearing a “skirt” yet not much more info whether the student was transsexual or not. Students father was also pardoned by Gov. Youngkin.
Viriginian says
it was a trans. continue you search
Sherry says
@cindy. . . so, would you like to be the first to enlist as a member of the “Potty Police”? . . . see my post above. I’m thinking that the job may not pay much but the benefits to sit in righteous “judgement” of others could be great!
Just “how” would you determine “who” is trying to cross dress and sneak into the ladies room? Would you ask them if they have a penis or not? You know people lie, right? Would you require a look at their privates? I see a law suit happening there. Would you require that they produce their birth certificate? You know those can easily be counterfeited, right? cindy, just how would you enforce such laws, and are you willing to pay more in taxes to pay the “Potty Police”? How would you make sure those “PPs” (LOL!) are not perverts themselves? Oh Dear So Much to Fear!
Viriginian says
The story caused great furor in Loudoun. They transfer the offender to an other school, where he/she assaulted another female. It was a trans student.
Pogo says
The winner. Full stop.
It does kind of creep me out when the trumpholes share their sweaty imaginations.
Eeew, ick!
Joe D says
For Mr. Bill:
I would like to see the DOCUMENTED cases (and not just 1 isolated case) across the US, where a transgender woman has sexually assaulted another woman in a women’s public bathroom.
This legislation is designed to solve a problem that doesn’t really exist. It’s more likely the transgender woman would be assaulted if they used the MEN’S public restroom. A transgender woman is likely to want to get in, take care of business and get out of a public women’s bathroom as quickly as possible, to avoid any conflict.
You obviously haven’t traveled much (if at all) in the EU or Asia outside of major tourist areas. They simply have public restrooms…as in “uni-sex”restrooms. Men AND women enter a general “lobby” area with sinks and mirrors, then there are doors for the toilets. If there are urinals at all they are sectioned off in another area. The USA seems to be the only country with the concerns.
And as to whether I would be concerned if my daughter or my wife used a restroom that allowed transgender women? I am MORE concerned about my daughter or wife being sexually assaulted by a STRAIGHT male entering a female restroom!
We have much more important concerns in this country and the world approaching us in the next 4 years of a TRUMP 2.0 administration that who uses which bathroom!
Virginian says
in response see this:
Pierre Tristam says
Virginian, your obsession, however vaguely accurate regarding the individual in Virginia, is a bit disturbing. Factually, you’re right in some respects: the person who committed the assault was wearing a skirt, was not biologically female, and the victim was a girl. But nor was the attacker transgender. The law firm that investigated the assault for the district found that he identified as male. The gravity of the situation is the assault itself, not the gender of the alleged (and in this case, not so alleged) criminal. Those assaults occur with depressing regularity in our brutal culture. That’s what we should be focused on to prevent. The depravity, in this case, is how the conservative mob, which unfortunately includes you judging from your well-advertised and repeated obsession here, has seized on this one case (one case!) to fuel the bigoted and widespread assaults on transgender individuals everywhere, and undermine the thousands of school districts, Flagler County’s included, that have taken quiet, reasonable, non-sensational measures to accommodate students of all gender preferences, while of course taking measures against any violence. In essence you and the Loudoun County mob have taken the one exception that proves the rule (trans rape is not a problem) and not only unleashed all sorts of consequential assaults on trans rights, but by implication, excused the real problem: hetero rape, a serious problem, but apparently not your problem. So congratulations. For now the mob’s campaign has largely succeeded. But don’t think that your points or logic, such as it is, has any credit here, or that we don’t see it for what it is. The French word for it is degueulasse, which in sound and resonance is more accurately descriptive than its english translation.
Tony Mack says
The irony is that all the comments about girls being raped by transgender people, calling them perverts, sexual predators, etc…and each and every one of them voted to put a convicted sexual predator in the Oval Office. It is pitiful…really…
Pogo says
Goddamn right.
Sherry says
Thank you Tony Mack. . . How incredibly “Hypocritical” to vote for a “GUILTY SEXUAL PREDATOR” for President, and then to do the “Fox Freak Out” over who uses which toilet! Pathetic!
Sherry says
Thank you Joe D!
With only about 10% of Americans having passports, I guess we should all keep in mind that it likely that many fear filled trump voters don’t travel much to other countries, especially beyond American styled resorts/cruises. They simply don’t have the world view on this subject and many, many others. . . like guns. When Fox tells you what to think, you really live in a tiny warped reality. Being nasty and hate filled is part of the defense mechanism of the under educated and insecure. However, the maga immorality is astounding!
feddy says
The bigger problem is that a sexual predator can use a female’s restroom and state he is transgender is the bigger problem. Always a loophole.
Pierre Tristam says
He could. He don’t. Wouldn’t matter if he claimed to be a Martian, either. A predator is driven by brutality and subjugation, not gender studies. And dealt with accordingly by law, which also doesn’t punish a rapist differently based on his Facebook dislikes. The trans overlay is ideological exploitation by those who don’t mind the victim raped twice—once by the predator, and again by Fox-fed exploiters.
Cindy says
Yup! A guy can put on a dress, wig, makeup and lipstick, walk into a girls bathroom and no one can say a word about it. That is SICK.
The dude says
Gosh… I’m sure somewhere, out there, some time… a person said to themselves “I sure would like to go in that bathroom and get all rapey on someone, if only there weren’t a law preventing me from entering that bathroom”…
This fixation on junk checking is weird.
Laurel says
feddy: A straight man can do what you fear. A trans woman is a former man who has taken female hormones that actually reduce the aggression, should the person actually be normally violent and want to harm women previously. This scenario you imagine would be so completely minuscule that it doesn’t register, except for those who fear monger for personal benefit.
You are worrying about the world’s smallest needle in the world’s largest haystack.
BTW, did you vote for the rapist? The man who brags about sexually assaulting women? The man who invades a teenage girl beauty pageant while they were in various states of dress? The man who hung out with child molester Jeffery Epstein and stated “He likes ’em young” and Ghislaine Maxwell, child sex trafficker and said about her, on her way to prison, “I wish her well”?
At least some logic, please.
Laurel says
Pogo: LOL!!!
Yes, it does seem that ex-Republicans, NKA Trumplicans, are excessively focused on genitalia. HIDE THE MIC!
I agree, eeew ick!
Laurel says
feddy: Don’t worry, the other women will beat him up when they go in with him.
Check out the show “Ally McBeal.” A comedy from when, the eighties or nineties?
Laurel says
feddy: Explain that “loophole” in court.
feddy says
Pierre and the dude, A predator will take any opportunity that’s available, they don’t think normally all the see is a loophole that allows them to go into a female bathroom and if question the can fall back on being transgender. Ask any law LEO and ask their opinion on this topic.
Gay rights are next says
GOP are about to take away their right to exist. So this won’t matter much
feddy says
The loophole is not to defend himself in court, no defense for sexual assault, the predator doesn’t think about the facts after they are caught, it’s the questioning by others at that immediate time when he enters or is seen in the restroom. Why is there a man in the female restroom, oh because he identifies as a woman so it’s ok.
Laurel says
feddy: I’m still waiting for logic.
Laurel says
Gay rights: It does matter, the problem is a time factor. As much as the Project 2025 people want to crucify those who do not fit into their tight, tiny little wet dreams, the general public will eventually see how ignorant, and power grabbing it is, and will return to the progression of rights already begun.
Sadly, many Americans will suffer, and even die, like we see in bigoted, authoritarian third world countries, until we come out the other side of these newly applied dark ages. This is the “change” half the country voted for.
I firmly believe, and have said many times before, that if Jesus came to Earth right now, the far right would immediately crucify him again. We are not made in the image of God, God is made in the image of us.
Sherry says
A HUGE “Thank You” Laurel!
A brilliant summarization of our current appalling circumstance. As the trump gaggle of reprobates settles in, it’s obvious that the patients are truly running what is now a mental asylum!
Hopefully you are right when it comes to the general public realizing how “ignorant and power grabbing it is”. I am not convinced that the majority of cult members will come to their senses that easily. Fox is still unrelenting in their 24/7 spewing of extreme right winged propaganda. I do hope that whatever finally breaks the spell that has turned millions into mindless, immoral, fear and hate filled zombies will not damage our culture beyond quick repair.
As you say, Republicans. . . remember when you were the party of “law and order”, and of being “financially conservative”. If I remember correctly, weren’t the Republicans once touted as the “Moral Majority”. . . considering trump’s massive character flaws. . . what happened there? My how times have drastically changed!
Dennis C Rathsam says
If you got a dick ….your not a chick!
Jim says
JimboXYZ, for the most part this is one of the more reasonable commentaries I’ve seen from you. But you go south is when you start talking about “…Maybe the one’s that have been caught doing whatever the charges became, maybe they are weirdos, pedophiles and they are hiding among the LGBTQI community for their mental illness & criminal acts.” Quite the comment! Just out of curiosity, why do you think that these “weirdos and pedophiles” are made up of a significant number of transgenders? (Reminder, the article is about transgender bathroom bans.) I don’t know of any data that would support your comment. I guess, like many among us, you have a predetermined bias that trans people are the ones who are “weirdos and pedophiles” without a shred of evidence to support that. And that’s part of what is wrong in this argument. If you or anyone else can provide EVIDENCE that trans people are committing any type of crime at a higher rate than heterosexuals than I’ll be all for discussing the need for bathroom bans. I’m sure you can come up with some data/facts to support that.