Rhonda Gulsen, a 54-year-old resident of Fairfax Court in Palm Coast, was jailed on a child abuse charge Sunday afternoon after allegedly shocking her 15-year-old son with a Taser stun gun. Her son had asked her why she’d been looking at him a certain way.
According to Gulsen’s arrest report, Gulsen’s 80-year-old father and 74-year-old mother witnessed much of the incident, which took place at 4 p.m. Sundat at their house in Palm Coast’s P-Section.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” the boy asked his mother, at which point, the report states, his mother cursed him repeatedly, told him she would talk to him any way she pleases, called him crude names and apparently stood by as his aunt “began to attack him, striking him in the forehead and body numerous times.” The boy’s aunt has since flown back to New York, according to the arrest report.
As this was happening, one of the grandparents tried to intercede to stop the violence even as Gulsen was allegedly “egging her on,” telling the aunt to “beat him,” among other things. Moments later, when the boy had gone outside, Gulsen allegedly tased him in the upper left arm. The grandfather did not witness the tasing, he told police, but said he’d “heard the loud electrical noise that a stun gun makes” and saw Gulsen pass the gun.
The boy had two small burn marks on the back of his upper left arm, “consistent with the damage a stun gun will cause,” the report states. The grandparents told police that they believe Gul;sen is a threat to her son and were in fear for his safety when she is in his presence. They told police that while they have not seen her attack him physically, they have heard her “tell him ‘I will kill you’ as well as cursing him and inflicting emotional trauma on countless occasions,” the report states.
Gulsen was booked at the Flagler County jail on $2,500 bond. She posted bail and was released. The child abuse charge she faces is a third-degree felony.
How dare she tase her son that’s the cops responsibility!
My O My says
Most 15 year olds are out of control and I would much rather see this mother control her child in the same fashion the police would at her expense and not in the prison system where we have to pay to cloth and feed him. if the rest of the story were to be reported I feel confident we would learn this 15 year old is no angel.
walter says
Another fine Palm Coast resident…..
Don't Tas me Bro says
No…parents are NOT allowed to taser their children. Only the police can do that. Now move along like good little sheep !
Dave says
I tip my hat to this mother for taking care of business with her child.
Anonymous says
I do not like the option of foster care unless it’s absolutely necessary but, after reading about this family, I’d say there’s a really good chance that foster care, in this case, is absolutely necessary.
Al_Zeimers says
Walter, I totally agree with you. Palm Coast is attracting the finest citizenry that America has to offer. That is the reason I keep guns. If any thing happens you can always depend on the police to be right there pronto to save you.
Rob says
You have that right. The police: tase, shoot, beat, choke, pepper spray citizens. His mother ought to have the same rights and privileges.
w.ryan says
Rhonda looks stressed. I wonder why. I’d get a fist up the side of my head if I had asked my Mom that question in the manner he had. Aside from that it’s the cops responsibility to tase our children.