Tammy Almond, a 43-year-old resident of 12 East Palm Street in Bunnell, was charged today with manslaughter with a firearm in the shooting death Friday of Darryl Wilson at a North Bacher Street house.
Wilson, 56, who’d worked on and off for 10 years for Jimmy Flynt at Saxon’s Towing, the Bunnell company, had been house-sitting at 705 North Bacher Street for a week. The house is owned by James and Angelina New. Angelina is Flynt’s sister.
“My sister asked me if I thought he was worthy of house-sitting for two weeks while she went to the keys, I told her definitely,” Flynt said this morning, assuring her that he’d keep an eye on him since Flynt was right around the corner. “And this happened.”
Flynt described Wilson as “a low-key person” who never gave trouble to anybody. He was the father of a son and two daughters, and had two grandchildren. He was originally from Kentucky but had been in Florida for decades.
Almond and Wilson had been seeing each other on and off but wasn’t considered his steady girlfriend.
The shooting took place at around 7:30 p.m. Wilson was shot in the head. Almond told police that she did not know the gun she had pointed at him was loaded.
Bunnell Police’s Shane Groth was dispatched to the house at 7:37 p.m. He asked Almond to step out of the house and asked her whether anyone else was inside. “Just Darryl,” she replied, according to her arrest report issued this afternoon. (The report redacted Wilson’s name.) “He’s lying on the floor and there’s blood everywhere.”
When the officer asked her if she and Wilson had been fighting, she replied: “I don’t know. I just picked up the gun and didn’t think it was loaded and it just shot.” When Groth yelled out for Wilson just outside the house, there was no response. Once a sheriff’s deputy arrived, the two cops walked in and saw Wilson in the dining room in a pool of blood with an obvious shot to the head.
A paramedic with Flagler County Fire Rescue pronounced Darryl Wilson dead at 7:45 p.m.
During the interview at the sheriff’s investigative services division Almond said she’d been dating Wilson on and off for three years. She’d located a rifle behind the front door. She picked it up. She started “manipulating it while standing at the front door,” according to the arrest report.
She raised the rifle. She pulled the hammer back. Just then, Wilson was walking through the kitchen and allegedly yelled “bang.” At that moment, Almond said, she pulled the trigger. Wilson dropped to the ground. She ran to him, noticed the blood pouring out of his head, reached into his pocket to pull out his phone and called 911.
Investigators asked her if she was startled when he yelled “bang.” She said no. She was asked if she intentionally pulled the trigger. She said yes. She also told the investigators that she was familiar with the firearm and that she “knew better.”
The shooting death is almost identical to the killing of Stefanie Merrill by her husband on Feb. 21, 2012 at a Covington Lane house in Palm Coast. Then too Merrill said he had been pointing a gun at his wife, playing with an AK-47 and its laser pointer, and pulled the trigger, not thinking it was loaded. One shot in the chest killed his wife. As with Almond, he was charged with manslaughter. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He too called it an accident. Stefanie had two young children. The court separately withdrew his parental rights after they were adopted by Stefanie’s parents. (He’s continued to fight his conviction.)
Almond is being held on $250,000 bond at the Flagler County jail, where she was booked a little after 5 this morning. The Bunnell Police Department is investigating the shooting in conjunction with the sheriff’s investigative services division and the State Attorney’s Office.
Donnie riddle says
If you believe her story, I got beachfront property in Tennessee to sell you!
woodchuck says
Bunnell has been busy lately.
Really says
Alleged murderess wow
No name says
Trash of bunnell right there
Jolene dehart says
Whether or not one thinks a gun is “loaded” or not, pointing it at someone’s head certainly seems to show some ill intent.
Anonymous says
Her story smells pretty fishy claiming an accidental shooting with what she thought was an unloaded gun. Rule #1: All guns are considered loaded and are always to be treated as such. Rule #2: Never point a gun at anyone or anything you don’t intend to shoot.To kill a man with a shot to the head is difficult even for an experienced marksman. It sounds pretty methodical to me and not accidental which brings us back to Rule #1: All guns are to be considered loaded and are always to be treated as such, but she pointed the gun at a man’s head and pulled the trigger which brings us back to Rule #2: Never point a gun at anyone or anything you don’t intend to shoot. I’m afraid there is more to this than just an accidental shooting, but it is a hard thing for police to try and prove since the only apparent eye witness has been shot in the head.
Donnie riddle says
I reckon that’s one of them guns that fire themselves!
Morgan says
So you mean to tell me this bitch didnt even have a reason to point a gun at my father. No amount of money or jail time could make up for what you have done. I hope they revoke your bail. And you do life in there. As for my family I’ll do whatever it takes to come home to be there for yall.
Gkimp says
Probably just a charge to hold her, State Attorney will probably amend, nobody’s buying that story.
Darryl's co-worker says
First off, Darryl my friend rest in peace! As far as that woman her chargers need to be upgraded to first degree murder! She meant to pull the trigger? WHY????
Anonymous says
I’m so sorry for your loss & the loss your family is enduring as well. Sending prayers up for all of you Morgan
Stephanie says
I am so sorry for your loss 😢
co-worker says
These charges need to be upgraded to 1st degree MURDER!!! She “MEANT” to pull the trigger????? RIP “De-rail” you didn’t deserve this!
Lisa says
Sorry for your lose
Anonymous says
Let’s be real loaded or not, you don’t point guns at ppl and pull triggers unless u intend to kill…its savage that ppl believe this crock of $hit! I’m pretty sure this was the guy in the white lil s10 truck that USTA sit at the kagaroo and hang with Forrest … Shame he had to go out like that.
Anonymous says
Morgan I am very sorry for your loss.
Anonymous says
Do NOT call people from Bunell Trash! What happen is terrible but could have happen any where when people do NOT respect guns! Pray for his family!
J says
@ Morgan so sorry for your loss
Richard says
Forensics will prove beyond a shadow of any doubt that she killed the victim. Doesn’t matter whether it was an accident or not, she IS going to prison.
Tammie Phillips says
So sorry for your lost. The most dangerous gun is the one you think isn’t loaded. I thought when you pull a gun and aim it at someone and pull the trigger then saying that you meant to do it, that is murder..????
No jail time is enough for his family, she took someone from them (knowingly) and they will never get him back, so sorry for the family..RIP Darryl
For real says
Darryl was a good guy! He would help anyone. He didn’t deserve to die like this. Bad choice hanging out with that looney. RIP my friend!
Michael says
It is my observation that the whole truth and nothing but the truth will be lost in the rush to judgement.
Two people will have lost their lives before this is over. It takes two to tengo.
No doubt Tammy is lieing, but the truth would weigh heavy against both her and the deceased.
Perhaps it is better left unsaid.
Morgan says
Thank you everyone for the condolences
Trailer Bob says
Sorry for this tragic loss to this mans family. Bottom line here is the woman aimed and fired a rifle at someone. It is what it is, murder. The average person wouldn’t even know how to get a rifle ready to be fired. BTW, this isn’t just something that happens in Bunnell, it happens everywhere, everyday.
jessica wilson says
that woman admitted to murdering my big brother in cold blood and all she got was a slap on wrist . wtf !! what kind of judge or jury or both would just let her walk pretty much after killing a good hard working son , brother , father , grandfather, uncle ect..my mind is blown ! R.I.P Darryl now you and dad and the rest of our brothers can keep each other company till the rest of us get there ! love you so much!