A new, permanent summer grocery program will help nearly 21 million kids across 37 states get enough to eat this year while school’s out.
But 13 states with Republican governors have opted out of the federal program, citing their opposition to what they deride as “welfare” and their unwillingness to cover administrative costs.
Under the new $2.5 billion program created by Congress, eligible low-income households will receive a total of $120 per child over the three summer months when school-based free and reduced-price lunch programs aren’t available.
Washington, D.C., several territories and tribal nations also are participating. Families making up to 185% of the federal poverty level, or $57,720 for a family of four, are eligible.
Funds have already been distributed to families in many states.
The money will be available on an electronic benefits transfer (EBT) card. Households enrolled in state-administered programs can use their benefits at retail stores that participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps.
The states that chose not to participate in Summer EBT — Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Wyoming — could decide to opt in next year.
While Oklahoma is not participating in the program, the Cherokee and Chickasaw tribes in the state are. Fourteen states with Republican governors are participating in the program.
The money put on the digital cards comes from the federal government, but states must cover half the cost of administering the program. Those costs include the salaries and benefits of the people running the program, office expenses and outreach efforts.
Iowa officials said the program would cost $2.2 million for the state to administer. Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds said in a news release that federal cash benefit programs don’t provide long-term solutions and that the EBT card “does nothing to promote nutrition” because there are few restrictions on food purchases.
The office of Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves said the state opted out of the program as part of his rejection of “attempts to expand the welfare state,” according to Mississippi Today.
Texas officials told The Texas Tribune that the federal government didn’t give them enough time to get the program up and running.
Jason Raven, a spokesperson for the South Carolina Department of Education, told Stateline that the state already has two federally funded summer programs that provide free meals to kids 18 and under.
But one advocacy group estimates that close to 150,000 children statewide don’t get enough food even with existing programs, the South Carolina Daily Gazette reported.
One participating state, Tennessee, has already announced it will opt out of the program in 2025, according to The Associated Press.
A spokesperson for Republican Gov. Bill Lee’s office said that Tennessee has other food assistance programs in place.
Change of heart
Three states — Louisiana, Nebraska and Vermont — originally said they would not participate in the summer program, but changed course.
After Louisiana Republican Gov. Jeff Landry’s administration and the state Department of Education opted not to apply for the program, the Louisiana legislature pushed back and included $3.6 million in the state budget to participate.
Vermont Republican Gov. Phil Scott’s administration initially opted out, saying the state wouldn’t be able to afford the administrative costs, according to Vermont Public. But state officials secured a waiver to participate after they said they worked with the federal government to get more flexibility in administering the program, VTDigger reported.
When Nebraska Republican Gov. Jim Pillen changed his mind about opting out of the U.S. Department of Agriculture program in February, it was a visit from schoolchildren that won him over.
“They talked about being hungry, and they talked about the summer USDA program and, depending upon access, when they’d get a sack of food,” Pillen said at a news conference. “And from my seat, what I saw there, we have to do better in Nebraska.”
Alabama’s legislature in May approved $10 million for the state to participate in 2025.
Kelsey Boone, senior child nutrition policy analyst at Food Research & Action Center, which advocates for people struggling with poverty-related hunger, said she expects more states to commit to Summer EBT in 2025, if the program demonstrates success.
“For most states, the trade-off ends up being that for all that’s being spent on administrative costs, the benefits of the program far outweighs it,” Boone said.
“I think there will be a lot of pushback and a lot of people reaching out to their state agencies and their state governors’ offices to, you know, ask them to run the program in 2025, and that will be very powerful,” she said.
Food insecurity
Roughly 17 million households experienced food insecurity in 2022, according to the USDA, compared with 13.5 million in 2021 and 13.8 million in 2020. The agency defines food insecurity as limited or uncertain access to adequate food.
In December 2022, Congress permanently authorized the Summer EBT program, with a start date of this summer.
Since 2010, the USDA has rolled out several versions of this program through various pilot programs. In its evaluation of the program over a decade, the department found that the Summer EBT program reduced childhood food insecurity by a “significant amount” and promoted a healthy diet.
Miriam Cobbs, a single mother of three children who lives in Missouri, praised the program as a lifeline for parents in the summer months. A May survey commissioned by meal-kit brand HelloFresh of more than 450 parents with kids under 18 found that 41% of parents struggle to provide food for their families during school breaks.
“With the food prices being so high, every little bit helps,” Cobbs said. “This is an awesome idea for people that have children at home for the summer. So many children go hungry during these summer months, especially when the parents have little income to work with.”
–Robbie Sequeira, Stateline
Deirdre says
I can’t even read the whole article; obviously anyone empowered to make such vital decisions and doesn’t care if people in poverty have enough to eat, even when they’re children, should not be in power. I’m surprised they don’t call any program that helps children ‘communism’. I just wish these heartless politicians could have the same experience in not having enough money to feed their kids for one day. I wish they would try to figure out how to pay their bills for one day. How fast things would change if they could walk a mile in the shoes of the average American, even for a day.
Helen says
Your comments are accurate. Thank you for taking the time to respond to our governor’s ilk. I grew up in Tampa and the old folks over there usually voted against funding school’s needs in anyway.
Laurel says
Helen: You found a particular group to blame, didn’t you? Ah, bigotry alive and well.
Elizabeth Sherlock says
Where do you see bigotry in a program the names too help disadvantage members of our communities. Apparently everyone doesn’t have what you have and you seemingly mock them for it.
Laurel says
And there you go, Sherlock, jumping to conclusions. A popular sport here. You wrote “…the old folks over there usually voted against funding school’s needs in anyway [sic]” knowing how old folks all vote, and then proceeded to know what I have, and how I behave. That’s where I see the bigotry. Not surprised you don’t.
Mom says
Work harder and live where you’re happy.
Seriously 🤡
Been There says
Hard work isn’t enough these days.
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
Funny how they only care about kids when they’re in the womb
Atwp says
Samuel thank you. After coming into the world the Repubs don’t care about them.
Pat Stote says
Samuel, you are 100% right.
Neon says
Exactly right Sam. I have always wondered if the right wants to make abortion illegal, what are their plan to prevent pregnancy and taking care of those children that are born? And who in their right mind would deny a hungry child food?
John Q. Public says
Simple solution – those in favor, take up a collection.
Otherwise …
Sherry says
@john . . . I would love to see you sign a binding contract that says you and your family will live without one single cent from tax payers’ money. No Social Security or Medicare beyond precisely what you paid into it, no driving on public roads, no education beyond what you pay for directly, no food inspected by the Food and Drug Administration, etc. etc Oh Yes, and if you or yours fall into disaster. . . “No Soup For You”!!!
I have a name for people like you, but I refused to climb down into your gutter to deliver it!
dave says
Bingo, well said Sherry
Me says
I think DeSantis is one of the worst Governors in history! He is lives in DeSantis world.
palmcoaster says
Kudos to that, Me!
Charles says
DeSantis is in his own little bubble and is a person with no conscience for the poor or less fortunate then himself. Every decision he makes is against climate change, against lower in come people, against other from foreign country when his grandparents were born in Italy, he forgot that now. He is probably all agreeable to Project 2025 that discriminates even further and giving power to the rich white men only.
I agree with you he is the worst Govenor this State has ever had and I voted for Jed Bush so it isn’t because he is a Republican.
Judith G. Michaud says
Yes, he is the worse of the worst !!!
Jay says
Ian pittman says
He just vetoed the farm bill that would screw up weed businesses, that was nice. Being able to work through covid was nice. Super pro 1st and 2nd ammendment, very nice. And we have a program already that does this for needy kids during the summer. We also have no tax for any school related supplies during summer. Article left all that out.
Hippy says
Perhaps divert funds that are being provided to take are of the millions of people who have crossed our borders illegally to take care of our own homeless and hungry would be better received.
Laurel says
Hippy: Then you can get the kids to pick the beans.
Ray says
Thank you, Ron DeSantis for being a smart governor.! You know there is a catch to this program he’s no dummy!
Mothersworry says
Most were taught that a child learns better with proper nutrition. Apparently Dumbsantis never went to that class. I’ve a very close friend who taught as along term sub at Bunnell Elementary who was telling me that a couple of kids were always late for school. Finally she sat them down and asked them what the problem was. They said they were sorry but if they weren’t able to shoot a few varmints at sunrise they and her mother would not have any supper. These folks are about starving as it is. Looks like trump, dumbsantis and their ilk had oughta wake the hell up!
Pierre Tristam says
There is no catch in feeding children with empty fridges at home. Except for people who have refrigerant for hearts.
Laurel says
PT: True, or happily turn a blind eye.
Remember how some Republicans were outraged at Michele Obama teaching kids how to raise vegetables, and learn to appreciate healthy diets? Oh, the horror!
margaret says
Yes, because FREE meals are for ALL children no matter who are parents. This means that parents who go to work at 3 cities, county, schools, other bureaucracies leave their job at lunchtime to pick up the “free” taxpaid meals and take to their own children. During covid parents left their jobs to pick up the free breakfast, lunch and other meals all taxpaid.
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
Correct, all children should be able to eat regardless of their parent’s tax bracket.
Sherry says
@ margaret. . . be careful of your hate filled, rotting soul. Such words create a karma that just may come back to haunt you and yours.
Just which parents should allow their children to starve? Or, is it that you simply cut and pasted these talking points from FOX or Newsmax without reading them? There but for the grace of a higher power go each one of us. You should speak to your pastor about freeing yourself from fear, anger and hate . . . along with exercising compassion in your relationships with other human beings. You would then feel better about yourself and your life.
Ahey Men says
I have a great Deathsantitis idea… Funnel all that food and nutrition to the private schools!
Amen, lets make this the 11th commandment of the list of 10!! That list needs improvement anyhow! “Thow shall not feed needy deserving children who are in great need, no matter what – as long as you are full.”
Bobby says
Of course where his kids go to school. DeathSantis only rules when it benefits himself. He is a miserable human being and has no business being a public servant at any level.
Pogo says
Shame on you for the flattering color closeup Trump baby photo.
Wow says
“Florida cares DEEPLY for your fertilized eggs! Your actual children can go to hell.” Love, Florida.
Jim says
Nailed it.
Nancy N. says
Nailed it…the GOP only “cares” about actual children when they can use them as a political weapon, to do things like ban books or funnel money to their preferred churches via school vouchers.
Skibum says
These GOP governors have MAGA Kool-Aid running through their veins. I bet every one of them love, love, LOVE all of the summer millionaire tax cuts and corporate giveaways that these GOP run states hand out like candy, yet they are loathe to actually legislate responsibly and put state resources toward helping taxpayers who are on the lower end of the scale… you know, those who really need the state’s help. Disgusting!
JW says
This demonstrates that MAGA does not mean anything. It only shows that these folks have NO BRAINS! They just don’t want to THINK and take all the money they can get. What religion do you belong to? Shame on America!
look says
I think what is being cut is food that reaches children directly (hopefully). Some children (NOT ALL) have parents that are not concerned about their child(ren)’s nutrition. It allows food to go directly to the child without a parent having to be involved. Understand?! To cut this out isn’t removing welfare- it is denying children the ability to feed themselves devoid of parent involvement. We can all shake our heads (so sad, too bad) but this is a direct way to ensure children who need food can get it. Shame on our governor (lower g for a reason!)
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
“…citing their opposition to what they deride as “welfare”…” Yet Gov. DUH has no problem taking any other money from the Feds for his pet projects and not telling you the money came from the Feds.
Greg says
Why don’t mom and dad feed their children, like they did for decades before? Could it possibly be because they know the government will? My option, feed your own kids.
Cynthia says
Wow! Duh, if they can’t feed them, then they don’t make enough to feed them 🙄 uh, there’s always been poor people and that’s the even WORKING people!!! You do realize most jobs bearly pay minimum wage. You mist be really out 9f touch and obliviously never had to worry about eating or feeding children.
TV says
It’s amazing that these states that refuse to participate in the program that feeds our children. Are all welfare states, that take more from the federal government than it gives. I say if they don’t want to participate in the Federal program that feeds children. Well they shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the program that gives them federal tax dollars to run their welfare states.
Beth says
So I just did a quick search of ours & the surrounding counties. It seems all already have a Summer meal program FREE to all students. There are several sites in each county, most at the schools, but some at rural community centers as well…..
The free summer meals program is sponsored by the USDA. Why do we need another government program to do the exact same thing?
HarleyRich says
WOW—Someone with a brain making a comment that she can verify,
instead of badgering these Governors/States that already have programs.
Thank you for your intelligent input.
palmcoaster says
Simply because these funds are nit for the Governor’s kids! Are for those that need it the most! Totalitarian minded man. But I still love our Navy!
Laurel says
I wish we could get rid of the term “food insecurity,” it’s starving and hungry children, going without decent food. That should not exist in the United States of America! How shameful! How short sighted.
It’s interesting how the very people who turn down food for hungry children, are happy to pay families $8,000.00 a head for private schooling, religious schooling and home schooling, even if the family is wealthy. Hmmmm.
Here’s how my Republican husband sees it. If you feed and educate a person, and help with healthcare, that person becomes a productive part of society, paying into SS, Medicare, Medicaid, and pays taxes. Keep them poor, uneducated and starving, and you have crime.
Which do you want?
Ray W. says
My mother had a shorter version of the following 1972 poem sitting framed on my family’s kitchen counter when I was a young child in the mid-60’s:
“If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.”
Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.
Personally, I believe that if a child lives without adequate nutrition, the child fails to thrive. Once developmental norms are not reached, the impairment is difficult to make up.
Thank you, Laurel.
Laurel says
Ray W.: You once commented after something that I wrote, probably a quote from my mom, that my mom sounded like a great, or smart (or something very complimentary) person. I’d like to commend your mom too! You and I (and Hubby) were lucky to have such moms.
Thank you, Ray.
Ray W. says
Hello, Laurel.
When I read some of the comments posted to FlaglerLive, I wonder what it would have been like to be raised by bitter, vengeful parents. I give thanks that I was not so raised.
I have to think that my parents ingrained in me the ability to discern the decent among us from the vengeful among us.
I just cannot stand silent when a local Republican politician asks when will it be time to start beheading Democrats, when our governor promises to slit throats if elected, when a Republican presidential candidate advocates for blood in the streets if not elected, when a Republican Senator urges vigilante-minded people to throw protestors off bridges if their day is delayed in any way, when a Republican Senate candidate tells followers to strap on Glocks when they leave home to vote.
Laurel says
Ray W.: This take two parents, and a village, to raise a child!
I agree. We are in a very dark space right now, and a Presidential candidate is running on retribution and vengeance, and the innocent will pay.
Pogo says
We all do better when we all do better.
— Paul Wellstone
Ray W. says
How about “the best exercise is helping someone else up,”