Both Corey Miller and John Stubbs have a police record. Stubbs, soon turning 44, a resident of Hymon Circle in Bunnell, served four years in state prison for trafficking cocaine. Miller, 24, a resident of Mahogany Blvd. in the Mondex, has faced charges of grand theft auto, probation violation, impersonating a police officer and battery.
Around noon Tuesday, a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy was patrolling in Bunnell, not far from Manny’s Restaurant on Railroad Street, when he saw Stubbs walk toward a 2007 Chevy pick-up parked on Railroad Street. Stubbs neared the driver’s side window, and a brief moment later, after the two men had been speaking, the Chevy accelerated south on Railroad, dragging Stubbs with it along the road.
The deputy pulled over Miller. By then Stubbs had fallen and was lying in the road—and “pulling a small green container attacked to a key ring out of his right front pocket,” according to Stubbs’s arrest report. The off-white rocks inside field-tested positive for cocaine. It appeared that Miller and Stubbs had been engaged in a drug deal that went awry. Or that they had noticed the cops nearby.
Stubbs, who was examined by Flagler County Fire Rescue paramedics and had an injury to his toe, was booked on a cocaine possession charge. He was being held on $1,000 bond.
Miller, who works at Sea Ray Boats according to his arrest report, drove the Chevy some 740 feet at speeds varying between 10 and 35 mph, according to the report, with Subbs “hanging on to the exterior driver’s side door. Stubbs was wearing no shoes and his feet were hitting the pavement.”
The arresting deputy positioned his cruiser 15 feet behind Miller’s vehicle, after Miller stopped. But when the deputy ordered Miller out of the Chevy, Miller allegedly put the vehicle in reverse and spun the wheels, forcing the deputy to step out of the way. The Chevy struck the deputy’s cruiser.
Miller was charged with aggravated assault on a police officer and willful, wanton reckless driving, and held on $2,000 bond. He had bonded out by Wednesday.
markingthedays says
Lol, Bunnell
confidential says
Was is wrong with this young guy trying to run over our deputy by backing off his car full speed? Maybe he thought he could get away with it? Probably he was under the influence.
A.S.F. says
But, not to worry…The overhaul of the old hospital in Bunnell is going to solve everything.
Anonymous says
Lately, MOST of the crime stories have been coming from Palm Coast. Where have YOU been? The murders? Not Bunnell. Home invasions? Nope. Shootings and gun violence? At least 3-1 “non-Bunnell” related. I know some of you would like to think of Bunnell being the bane of Flagler County, but don’t allow your slanted perceptions become your “Blinders of Truth”.
The Geode says
I realize that a good deal of the people here have their own perceptions of what Bunnell represents in the grand scheme of conversations here, but let me remind you that the latest shootings, home invasions and murders were ALL “non-Bunnell related”. In fact, even the DRUG trade here is fueled by “non-Bunnellians”. Bunnell isn’t the bane of Flagler County.- your slanted perceptions only convinces you so.
Case in point: “Was is wrong with this young guy trying to run over our deputy by backing off his car full speed? Maybe he thought he could get away with it? Probably he was under the influence.” lol, classic…
Mr.mondex says
Why such light bail ????maybe they want these guys back on the streets so this time they can hurt a law man. And then the police can be justified in shooting these creeps heck it’s a (2 fer ). For all involved,we the tax paying people don’t have to foot the bill to incarcerate them and the police have good reason to shoot them for threatening them. It’s a win- win all the way around
Dirt Man says
I dont understand how a person with this type of history keeps getting out on bond? Miller was already out on bond for a previous charge(last week). Deputies have to deal with theese people time and time again just to be given a bond ,again , so they can be back out to do more harm to the community and put lives in danger with their reckless behavior over and over again. The judge that gives such a low bond amount is responcible for what ever happend next.
And what about the children that live in the house that may be shot up now by people looking to get even with Miller?? This Judge has no buisness being a judge at all. This young man is obviously out of control and should never have been given a bond at all, now his wife and kids may pay with their lives for his choices. Good job (judge)!!! It must be very frustratiing for the Deputies who risk their lives to catch theese people.
m&m says
Hopefully the Sheriff will take the deal at Roma Court and forget about that roach infested place they are considering..Then they will be here to look after Palm Coast where their money comes from in taxes..
Shocked, I tell you... says
Why is the bond for this set so low? These are not light crimes, these are hardcore and they are being repeated often. What is wrong with our judges?
Anonymous says
If 4 years in prison want enough the first time…..give him 8 this time. Double or nothing, the only way to o.
NortonSmitty says
Bond is only to be used to insure the accused shows up at court. He has lived here his whole life and probably has no prior violent convictions. Sounds right to me.
shannon miller says
This is my son. MY son grew up in a military home graduated at the top of his class even had a scholirship to William Carey College. Joined the Army and got. out because he became ill. My son then became addicted to crack and this is the out come. He ios in jail st
ilk he has not bonded out I dont believe inbonding anyone out. I pray my son gets clean and sobwr befor he ends. of dead. I dont know what went wrong with suxh a great son and boy as he was. This breakss my heart I live in Mississippi.
no name says
this is his brother and he’s been mest up for a long time but every won has a demon inside them its the matter of finding it and he foundit thru drugs and i love him very much hes a good brother and a good role model on what not to do .