Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin delivers the annual State of the City Address at 5:30 p.m. today at the Palm Coast Community Center. Hewing to tradition, the address highlights the city’s shinier accomplishments, focusing exclusively on the bright and sunny. It leaves silent all things politics and all controversies–from council salaries to controversial developments to councilmen’s misbehavior to splash pad boondoggles to missteps against local businesses or garbage contract fiascoes, all of which also framed the state of the city at one time or another over the past year.
Alfin was elected mayor in a special election in July, following the resignation in May of Milissa Holland. The following are Alfin’s prepared remarks as provided by the city, along with illustrations from the accompanying presentation, and three videos the administration’s communications department prepared for the occasion.
The address is available on the city’s YouTube channel.
The address at the Community Center was to be open to the public, at no cost–including at a reception following the address–but RSVPs were required.
What an honor it is for me to greet all of you in this enthusiastic group today at the Palm Coast Community Center! I am extremely eager to stand at this podium to welcome you to our 2022 City of Palm Coast’s Annual State of the City gathering.
As your Mayor, I’d like to open my address by asking you just one question.
What inspires you to love where you live? When you are out and about in our town, what are some of the elements of your daily life that put a smile on your face?
Is it the safety you feel in our neighborhoods?
The restoration of the roads and bridges that you travel each day?
Or perhaps it’s the peace and beauty you enjoy on our trails?
Each of these answers are indeed convincing. However, I believe that actual cities don’t really makes us happy: we make ourselves happy in our cities. Contentment comes from being passionate about all the progress of the proficiencies around us and this frequently includes the following:
- Innovation that creates exciting new paths for living and growing
- Restoration that provides more efficient improvements
- Recreation that refreshes our souls and spirit with pleasure
Loving where you live can often take time to develop. In my case, I fell in love with Palm Coast the moment I moved here. For others, it may take time to become familiar with the rhythm of our lives here. Feedback we’ve received from many surveys reveal that so many of you are supportively engaged in Palm Coast.
So as Palm Coast’s Mayor, I can report to you with certainty that the State of our City is exceedingly sound and durable. Your City Council strives every single day to collaborate with consensus to build solid and compelling community confidence. As you observe this presentation, I know you will agree and share my pride in this wonderful City. There can be nothing more important.
Let’s now take a look back on a year that inspired us to love where we live. I want to elaborate on some of our most glowing examples of the innovation, restoration and recreation that progressed in 2021.
Here at the City of Palm Coast we like to talk about innovation. But, what does innovation look like to you in your life? Is it a new appliance? Is it a RING doorbell? USB wall chargers? What does progress look like in your home?
For me, innovation means moving forward. Opening new doors to new paths that create a better tomorrow for each of us. A place where if we can dream it, we can do it. Together.
Innovation means investing in our local business communities and working to make Palm Coast a Regional Destination. And in 2021, I am so proud to say that your City brought in some truly innovative businesses that will change the way we live our daily lives.
Businesses like Metronet whose multimillion-dollar investment in Palm Coast will bring future-proof fiber directly to homes and businesses throughout Palm Coast. Also making Palm Coast Florida’s second certified gig city. We are not waiting around for the rest of the state or the country to take advantage of this opportunity, we are at the front of the line, leading the way!
But it didn’t stop there with Metronet, we welcomed so many new and exciting innovative businesses in 2021 that it would simply take too much time to go over every one. But I invite you to do that yourself by visiting the Palm Coast Be Local Buy Local Business directory located at palmcoast.gov
Innovation also means investing in our most valuable resource; our residents. I believe that in Palm Coast we have some of the most talented kids in the entire country. If you don’t think so just look at the artwork inside this very room. These are kids with big ideas and even bigger dreams. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could offer these kids the kind of opportunities that enabled them to accomplish their goals and make their dreams a reality right here, in the community that we all love so much?
Well, I am happy to say that in 2021 we made some major moves to accomplish just that by striking partnerships with universities like Daytona State College, Jacksonville University, and the University of North Florida that will offer our students the opportunity to learn, train, grow, and eventually work where they already love to live.
In 2021, we hosted the first-ever UNF Mednexus Innovation Challenge, a team-based entrepreneurship competition that showcased top regional high school students tasked to pitch their solutions to Florida’s evolving healthcare needs. The winners of the competition were awarded scholarships to continue their education.
Also in 2021, we were honored to partner with Jacksonville University to bring their award-winning healthcare education programs to our Palm Coast students.
This partnership offers students the opportunity to study Graduate programs not offered anywhere else in the region and also marks the university’s first satellite university location in 86 years.
This past year we also welcomed the inaugural class to the all-new Daytona State Palm Coast Campus’s Nursing Program.
The associate degree nursing program at the Palm Coast campus began in 1999 with 30 students. Now there are about 100 students in the program locally. The new facility will increase the program’s capacity to 120.
Students will now be able to complete their associate degrees in nursing entirely at the Flagler/Palm Coast campus!
And in a time where the need for nurses has never been higher, this is great news for not just the students but the people who need their care the most.
Our incredible Palm Coast Fire Department also offered high-school students a hands-on experience at learning about a career in firefighting and public safety. Students can stay involved until 18 years of age where they will have all of the knowledge and abilities to complete their state test requirements for firefighters and EMTs, affording them a career.
Our continued hope is to train these incredible young minds and not only offer them a place to learn but a place to live, work and play as well.
This will be achieved by nurturing partnerships with companies like AdventHealth who began construction in 2021 on their new hospital located on Palm Coast Parkway.
And with Flagler Health Plus who also announced plans to build another state of the art comprehensive health complex, including an inpatient hospital located on the corner of US-1 and Palm Coast Parkway.
These new facilities mean great things for our community in multiple regards.
- When you’re not the only game in town, providers usually compete to offer consumers a better deal.
- JOBS! But not jobs exclusive to the medical field. These facilities will have many roles to fill including security, hospitality management, administration, and more.
Innovation is more than just a means to progress forward. It is a vital piece of the human experience. To innovate is to provide paths through imagination. To instill hope again and again. Now, and for generations to come.
Speaking of generations to come, this might be a good time to talk about legacy. What is your legacy? Have you ever thought about it? While we are busy dreaming and working and building towards the future, it is so important that we never forget all of those who came before us and help to lay the foundation.
When we talk about restoration, it doesn’t always mean that something is broken. Quite the contrary. It often means that something is working, but can be made even better.
In 2021, your City was dedicated to improving Palm Coast’s infrastructure, roadways, and pedestrian bridges.
In the past year, Parks and Recreation introduced an all new Emergency Trail System designed to help keep residents and visitors safe while traveling on our over 130 miles of trails. This was a tremendous undertaking and a great example of teamwork between your city staff, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, Flagler County Fire Rescue, and the Palm Coast Fire Department.
Also in 2021, your Public Works department completed several special projects that directly affected our residents. Projects like the rehabilitation of some of our very popular, and much traveled pedestrian bridges. The rehabilitation of these pedestrian bridges is of vital importance as some are used daily by our children on their way to and from school.
Your Public Works department was also awarded the APWA 2020 Public Works Project of the Year Award for their incredible work in completing the Indian Trails Sports Complex Baseball Fields project.
This project was prompted by the needs of a growing little league organization in the City of Palm Coast that had outgrown the amount of fields available for their organization to utilize during the season.
During the year, your Stormwater & Engineering department also accomplished many special projects.
In 2021, the Stormwater and Engineering Department’s outstanding work on the construction and design of the Palm Coast Community Center was recognized and awarded LEED certification at the silver level for Generator Landscape Screening & LEED certification work completed.
This recognition is another acknowledgement to your City’s continued commitment to safe, sustainable, and green building practices.
The Stormwater and Engineering department also completed basketball court resurfacing projects at Ralph Carter & Seminole Woods Park. Ensuring that many more games will be played amongst friends on these courts for years to come.
Additionally in 2021, the Stormwater and Engineering Department received the Regional Award of Excellence in Resilience from North East Florida Regional Council (NEFRC) for their Floodplain and Stormwater Management Program and the Florida Stormwater Association Outstanding Achievement award for the City’s enhanced stormwater program.
In 2021, your Utility department was selected to receive the 2020 Drinking Water Plant Operations Excellence Award from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Also in 2021, the Palm Coast Water Treatment Plant #2 received the 2020 Outstanding Membrane Large Plant Award from the Southeast Desalting Association (SEDA) as well as the Florida Water Environment Association Class B Third Place Award for 2021.
These achievements are worth being celebrated because they reinforce two things that we already know to be true;
- Our employees are some of the best and brightest in the country.
- When we take care of where we live, we take care of each other.
Every project that I just spoke about, every award that I just mentioned, every photograph from an on-the-job crew that you just saw- and there are plenty more that we just do not have the time to go over- those moments were all the response to a single question that each of our employees comes to work ready to answer each day.
And that question is; how can I make Palm Coast better? How can I make this City a better place for our children to grow up in? How can I make Palm Coast a place where you love to live?
Their answer? Putting in the work and getting the job done – Together.
We sure do like to work here in Palm Coast, but we like to play even harder.
In 2021, we were thrilled to welcome back so many of our residents to the over 466 programs we have to offer here in Palm Coast.
Have you ever wanted to step outside of your comfort zone? What have you always wanted to try but thought it was just beyond your reach? Maybe you wanted to pick up tennis? Or how about paint a picture? Well I have some great news for you, we have amazing programs that offer all this and more. But don’t take my word for it, take yours.
That is a great question. ‘What are you waiting for?’ Well, if you are looking for fun and engaging programs, the wait is over. If you’re looking for wide-open spaces to enjoy all the beautiful scenery that Florida has to offer, the wait is over. If you are looking for one-of-a-kind community events to share with your friends and family, I am happy to say that the wait is over. We are ready for you, so come and join in!
In 2021, your Parks and Recreation department hosted 446 programs attended by over 27,000 residents. Your City is also dedicated to providing you with first-class amenity centers that can be enjoyed by all and in 2021 these facilities were reserved by our residents 1,309 times.
2021 also saw the return of many much-missed in-person events like Movies in the Park, Food Truck Tuesday, our Memorial Day Celebration, Fireworks in the Park, our annual Veterans Day celebration, Starlight Festival, and more.
We were delighted to get back to enjoying these special events together and being able to assist you and your family in creating special moments and memories that will last a lifetime.
These amazing programs and one-of-a-kind events are not exclusive. They are available to every resident. From Water Aerobics and Pickleball to painting and teddy bear picnics, there is quite literally something for everyone. I challenge you to visit the Parks and Rec webpage at PARKS AND REC DOT FUN and get involved today!
I know that I say it every week in our Win of the Week segment, but I say it because it is true. Great things are happening all around us.
With so many innovative ideas working to restore and expand on our City’s legacy and the plethora of fun and engaging leisure activities- there has never been a better time to live in Palm Coast.
But these innovative ideas, plans for restoration and expansion, and one-of-a-kind recreational activities are just a piece of the pie. Part of the reason we love where we live so much is thanks to the amazing people we share it all with.
Which is why at this time, I would like to take a moment to recognize some individuals who stood out in 2021 and thank them for their outstanding contributions to our community.
As we have talked about throughout this presentation, our youth are our most valuable resource. We have some incredible kids in our community and today we’d like to recognize the recipient of this year’s Next Generation Award. Bryan Soudrain is a student at Flagler Palm Coast High School and he is the President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. The Junior Chamber is a growing group of more than 50 high school students locally who are enriched in their community and focused on their future. Bryan is a shining example to his peers and to us all. Congratulations Bryan!
Another leader in our community that we’d like to recognize cannot be with us today. He is a hero, a public servant, an advocate for children, and a friend to many, and he passed away on November 9, 2021 in the line of duty. His name is Dominic Guida and he served as a Bunnell Police Officer for over five years and was a deputy for the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office for 12 years before that. Sergeant Guida grew up in Palm Coast and graduated from FPC and was still living in Palm Coast at the time of his death. He was loved by everyone who knew him and was known to always put a smile on someone’s face, because he always had a smile on his face. In the honor and memory of his great service to our community, we present the Public Service Award to Sergeant Dominic Guida.
And finally, in keeping with the theme of recognizing local leaders, our final award tonight goes to a man that has made a tremendous impact on our community and especially our school district and our children. Joe Rizzo was an entrepreneur, a businessman, a mentor, and my very best friend. Joe passed away unexpectedly on March 6 of this year, but his legacy lives on. Among so many of Joe’s successes, I’d like to praise his ability to build the Flagler County Education Foundation into the premier organization it is today. He was the ultimate champion for all things kids. For these reasons and more, Joe Rizzo is this year’s Citizen of the Year.
We may be at the end of my State of the City address, but we are at the beginning of another ongoing journey together in Palm Coast.
Meaningful tasks continue to challenge us every day. And Council has much more to address on our upcoming agendas because we believe that what we accomplish together in the future will increase and maintain the quality of life that our generations cherish in our community.
Focusing on the specialized details of innovation, restoration and recreation will demonstrate to our residents that we understand exactly why they chose Palm Coast as their home.
So plan to spend time outdoors here to sense and experience what’s going on around you.
Stay informed on local happenings by going online or attending meetings.
Get involved by volunteering or coming out to enjoy our programs and events.
Focusing on all that makes Palm Coast so wonderful and inspires us to love where we live
Thank you for spending your time with us today. Be well. Stay well. Take care of each other.
Click to access State-of-the-City-Presentation-without-videos.pdf
Mark says
“What an honor it is for me to greet all of you in this enthusiastic group today…”, HA! Meanwhile the drums of discontent beat louder every day.
Jimmy says
What State of the City ever focuses on the negative? There is as much positive to say as negative: MetroNet, Simulation Center, new hospital, 2 universities, low unemployment, low crime, a great parks and rec program…. Yada yada yada.
The reality is the positives FAR outweigh the negatives. That’s why we all live here still.
I think the mayor lost has mind , what has this board done, its costing more for garbage pick up , wasting money on a park , then working to get street lights for neihgborhoods, that the people in this town been asking for years, but spending more money some bridge on state rd 100 , that nobody care for, he let all this housing companies build houses everywhere in town , why don’t this board help the town get rid of all this pep systems, but they allow the big housing companies to have city sewer then pep system , then home owners ! He been working less then a year he give him self and his flunkies a rise in pay , I think everyone town should vote them all out ,except the ones who did’nt want a rise , town should vote no confident vote for this board and kick them out, this town was once nice , now its starts with crooked politcian ,and crime ,
OnlyMe says
What would be UPBEAT if Alfin didn’t take any salary increase. How about doing that for the taxpayers and the City of PC.
starryid says
Good luck on that!!!
A.j says
Repubs Repubs, MO mention of coming tax increases to support the no need pay raise. The raise take affect after the election. Please vote these lazy lying white Repubs out of office. Most of them are no good for the people of Palm Coast. Dems we must vote these lying people out of office. Join me at the poles in Nov. and vote these people out of office.
Concerned Citizen says
I’m always impressed at how you bring race into everything.
No more Alfin says
Alfin is part of the swamp. His first year in he forces huge pay increases on the public when many of us are trying to survive financially. I will never vote for any of these so called representatives of the people. Especially Alfin.
Maria Darcy says
I’d like to ask A.j what caused him to have such dislike/disrespect for the white race, the republican party, his fellow man. I have read past comments and just thought you might be having a bad day, but I feel there is a pattern here, a common thread, laced in racism, offensive to many, yet they are published. It takes effort to respect each other, try to see the other person’s point of view, not trash an entire race or political party. Hatred destroys a human from the inside out.
The dude says
If you gotta ask, then you’ve lived your life in a privileged bubble and you’re part of the reason why.
Dennis C Rathsam says
WOOORAAA, Everything is Palm Coasts is just wonderfull, acording to ourmayor! When will he listen to the people that ellected him? We are all tired of this massive constuction, putting roof tops everywhere! FIX the traffic problems. Stop making believe its not a problem. Palm Coast 10 years ago, was a great place to live, green spaces, deer, rabbits,panthers,& bears were abundant, frollicking through the woods of Palm Coast, now they are all gone.We stole their home! Thanx mayor & council for ruining my retirement!!! I found my piece of happyness, here in Matanzas Woods…Now you assholes are killing the dream,the animals,&and our retired way of life.
RMF says
To the one term Mayor;
Have your picture taken with everyone that voted the raise. Give each one a framed picture with you in it.
Then after the election take another one. Guess what?
All new faces!
You get the point!
James says
Nice to be reminded of some of the things that many of us moved here for… and hey, I guess Holland wasn’t such a bad mayor after all.
But one must remember, these events are all in the past now. Palm Coast has indeed changed, not that that is anything new to me. I’ve seen this for myself and even heard it from others since the moment I moved here… “PC isn’t what it use to be.” The current mayor’s quick ascent to power is only a reminder of how rapidly things can indeed change. And does one need any more proof of this than Alfin and the city counsels decision to raise their pay since the job is just too big for them… which to me implies PC has indeed grown and changed.
I joked elsewhere that PC was a “nothing backwater town” between Orlando and Jacksonville. Others joking referred to PC as “Mayberry.” But oddly enough, that’s partly why I stayed… and it hasn’t been easy either. Well, in my opinion this isn’t “Mayberry” anymore, if it ever was, and furthermore, they should stop selling it as such. If it’s to big a job for the city counsel that the city counsel needs a pay rate bigger than any other in the state as motivation to run it, than perhaps it’s too big to live in now for me.
Again, these are all nice photos… of PC past. But then again, Palm Coast just isn’t what it never was, now is it.