Reader Interactions


  1. Disgusted says

    No protective custoday. Put him in the general population and let them take care of this poor
    excuse for a human.

  2. Wendy says

    Who in their right mind allows a man like this to babysit their children???? PARENTS WAKE THE F UP…. These poor kids are counting on you to make smarter decisions. So sad.

  3. A.j says

    Lives probably ruined forever
    What a shame. Children tend to play out what they see. God bless these children to over come this demonic crime.

  4. HDStreamz App says

    This is a deeply disturbing case. The safety of our children should always be the top priority, and it’s heart-wrenching to see such violations occurring in our community. I hope the legal system serves justice for the victims and their families.

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