While some Republican senators say they aren’t ready to just yet commit to supporting Pete Hegseth as damaging stories about his drinking and leadership continue to surface, Rick Scott is not one of them.
Hegseth continued to make the rounds with senators in Washington on Thursday and, after his visit with Scott, the Florida Republican went to social media to say he’d had a “great” discussion about Hegseth’s vision for the Defense Department if he is confirmed by the Senate.
“I respect people like Pete who’ve put on the uniform, served our country, held people accountable and successfully led teams when their life and the lives of others were on the line — that’s who Pete is, and why he has my full support,” Scott said on X.
On Wednesday, Scott took aim at some of the anonymous voices that have spoken critically about Hegseth, lamenting to CNN’s Jake Tapper about how “these people are trying to disparage somebody.”
“This is a great nominee, and I’m disgusted that these anonymous sources say these things without willing to go on your show or some show and have you ask them all the questions,” Scott said to Tapper.
Tapper replied that the woman who has alleged that Hegseth sexually assaulted her in 2017 (an incident that resulted in no charges against Hegseth) could not speak to him because Hegseth paid her an unknown amount of money in exchange for a nondisclosure agreement (NDA). Tapper asked Scott whether Hegseth should release her from that NDA.
“Absolutely not,” Scott replied, adding, “Some of these things [NDAs] are done for a variety of reasons, but —”
Tapper interrupted. “How am I supposed to interview her and have her not be anonymous anymore if he won’t release her from the nondisclosure agreement?”
“First off, there was an investigation, he wasn’t charged,” Scott replied. “Why don’t people respect these people who defend our freedom?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tapper replied, before later saying that he respected veterans and soldiers, “but that’s not really the point. Millions of Americans have served in the military, but that doesn’t mean that they should be in charge of the military.”
–Mitch Perry, Florida Phoenix
Jackson says
Rick Scott is a disgrace (period).
Trump is only doing exactly what we were warned he would do… no surprises!
He has left a wake of destruction in his adult life. Destruction of people, social norms, common decency, business enterprises…
Now he has the entire country in his sights and you better believe that he is capable of destroying that which great people have built.
The public shaming of America continues – and Trump isn’t even president yet!
Judith G. Michaud says
Has anyone thought about the Cabinet that the incoming president is putting together? I bet no one even thought about the baggage Trump or should I say garbage he would bring into Our White House! It seems that criminals follow one another and now these guys are going to take away rights that are written into our Constitution! What in the world were people thinking? What could have Harris done that was so much worse than what we are facing? They believed the con man once again and now a Cabinet of billionaires will bleed us little guys to death! This is beginning to look like fascism to me! Never in my life would I have ever thought this would happen in America!
Deborah Coffey says
Rick Scott has zero character as do so many Republicans these days. He’s always been Mr. “take the 5th Amendment 75 times.” The problem is that almost ALL of today’s GOP has forgotten that “Character Counts!”
Sinan Wiese says
Senator Scott is supporting the Secretary of Defense Nominee because he has BLIND allegiance to Donald Trump. Heheh would not qualify for most corporate America jobs. By him saying that, if his nomination was successful, he would quit drinking acknowledges that he has a problem. He is fiscally irresponsible. He was nominated by someone who, under 10 U.S.C. 657, is also not fit for military service
Tired of it says
Scott was in charge when his company perpetrated the largest Medicare fraud in our history. Do you really expect ethical, moral opinions from him?
Marlee says
It is sooooooo difficult to “stay engaged” with politics.
Laurel says
Of course Scott supports Hegseth! Birds of a creepy, criminal feather flock together.
David Schaefer says
I’m so tired of all this B.S if we could move to Canada tomorrow believe me we would. All of the people who voted this jerk in office should be ashamed of themselves.
Pogo says
I’m afraid you owe birds an apology — for comparing them with fleas, ticks, and mosquitos…
…including the ones who comment here.
What Else Is New says
It is difficult to describe Rick Scott, because I am unable to use profoundly unacceptable vocabulary on a public website. Thank you, Laurel. You said it best. He really is icky and creepy with no moral standing.
jake says
Democrate heads still exploding everwhere. It’s a great day in America.
Sherry says
OK maga cult members. . . this is absolutely on you! When you put an immoral person in the white house, of course he is going to surround himself with other despicable characters. They are the only ones who would satisfy a demented psychopathic narcissist who thinks he is an Emperor!
Those of us who still live in “fact based” reality with our moral compass and independent thinking intact tried to warn you maga zombies that this would happen. Character Matters! Why? Why? Why? can’t you understand that?
Jim says
Might be because they can see that putting unqualified people into major positions that will impact the safety of the United States is not only wrong, it’s demented. So, Jake, ol’ buddy, gloat all you want about Trump’s victory, that’s fine with me. But I’d like to hear from you 1,2 or 3 years down the road when prices have not gone down, the economy is much weaker than today, the US has few allies left (if any), Russian has been given large areas of Ukraine, China is moving to take Taiwan and January 6 is declared a national holiday. Fortunately for you and yours, transgenders will be forced to hide from society, all the illegal aliens will have been deported and our public schools will be gutted. We’re looking at a proud future for the country.
By the way, I doubt you have the brain power to have your wee little brain explode…
s says
If Antony Blinken was confirmed after composing a totally fraudulent letter and recruiting 51 government officials to sign it NONE of the nominees that President-elect Trump should have any problem being confirmed!
jackson says
Awesome comment. All I hear is crickets!
Thomas Hutson says
Sen. Rick Scott
Oh my! Rick Scott supporting another dirt bag! Wow, how can anyone not be impressed for a candidate like Pete Hegseth? Other than thanking him for his military service, tell him to follow Matt Gaetz’s action and withdraw his name from consideration. Big Daddy is loading the team with big mouths and Wannabes. LET’S SEE, Rick Scott a dirt bag himself might be able to get at most 1-2 votes for Hegseth! Hegseth’s reputation speaks for itself, he does not deserve to be in any cabinet position let alone the Defense Department. But then his past reputation mirrors Big Daddy Warbucks, that alone makes him a poor candidate.
Sherry says
LOL! Dear Jim, What an excellent post! I especially love the last line. . . simply brilliant! Thanks for the morning laugh!
Sherry says
Hi jackson. . .
Crickets is all you’ll ever hear from maga cult members when it comes to credible facts. . . especially when it’s about trump being a “Convicted Felon”, who was also found guilty of “Sexual Abuse” and “Fraud”. The maga cult has put an immoral “Guilty Criminal” in the white house and they are solely responsible for all the horrific actions that are about to happen. We will NOT forget this complete betrayal of our democracy and the common good!
starryid says
If Antony Blinken was approved after he composed the letter stating that Hunter’s Laptop was Russian disinformation knowing that this was a complete lie and encouraged 51 Government & Former Government Officials to sign it with no repercussions at all then none of President-elect Trump’s Cabinet Selections should have any problem
getting approval.
Sherry says
@s. . . OMG! Fox continuous BS over Hunter Biden’s lap top, again! Is there nothing more important than what could have possibly been on Ole’ Hunter’s lap top?
s. . . You do know that “Hunter” Biden was not President correct? You do know that his father “Joe” Biden’s Presidential term ends on Jan. 20th, correct?
s. . . If you voted for trump, you do know that you voted for a “Convicted Felon” who lied on business records, correct? If you voted for trump, you do know that you voted for a man found “GUILTY” of “Sexual Assault and Defamation of his Victim” correct? If you voted for trump, you do know that you voted for a man found “Guilty” for over 30 counts of “Fraud”, correct? If you voted for trump, you do know that you voted for a man who was the only president to be “Impeached TWICE”, correct?
s. . . If you voted for trump, Why? Why? Why? were trump’s “Criminal and Immoral” actions more alarming to you than any information that could possibly be on Hunter Biden’s lap top???
Please respond, I’m really looking forward to your reply. Thanks! Happy Holidays!
Sherry says
@starryid. . . please see my response to “s”. . . I’m guessing that was you. Please respond.
Sherry says
Then there is this headline:
Hegseth and Collins’ push for cutting veterans’ health benefits alarms service members and veterans groups.
Cutting veterans health benefits. . . and, so it begins!
Sherry says
Outsourcing the Entire VA Health Care System to Private, “For Profit” Insurance Companies Would Be a Travesty. Just consider what United Health Care Customers Are Saying on Social Media About the Murder of that CEO.
As Reported;
One of the primary targets for Defense Secretary-designate Pete Hegseth is reportedly healthcare benefits for veterans provided by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA). But that plan is proving controversial with some veterans and their advocates.
President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to oversee the Pentagon has long since been an advocate of privatizing VA health services under the guise of “having unfettered access to private healthcare.”
“We want to have full choice where veterans can go wherever they want for care,” Shulkin recalled Hegseth saying in his memoir.
Critics of that approach have likened the “unfettered access” term to a “Trojan horse” that really means “privatizing and ultimately dismantling the VA system altogether.” And Shulkin pushed back on Hegseth’s calls for privatization, telling him at the time: “Your version of choice would cost billions more per year, bankrupting the system.”
“How can we responsibly pursue this? Unfortunately, he didn’t want to engage at the level of budget and other aspects of day-to-day reality,” Shulkin wrote. “He seemed to prefer his sound bites on television.”
Amy McGrath — a Democrat and retired Marine pilot who unsuccessfully challenged Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in 2020 — told the network she hadn’t seen an outcry for privatization among veterans, and pointed out that the “Profit Motive” of the private healthcare industry was different than the VA’s motive of simply providing care for all veterans regardless of cost.
Laurel says
Pogo: You are so correct. I concede. I like birds, snakes, skunks and weasels, too. It has always annoyed me when people say of a bad actor “he’s an animal.” For starters, we are animals. We are the only animal who often behaves really poorly. The closest animal which can be a bad actor is the chimpanzee, with whom we share 99% DNA.
Laurel says
Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits…
After that, the public gets rowdy.
Laurel says
Sherry: Wait until the public sees two multi-billionaires try to remove Social Security and Medicare, programs we, and our employers, have already paid into all our working lives. People need to understand that Medicare Advantage is NOT Medicare! It is private insurance, and bean counters in private insurance companies override doctor’s care and medical decision making. Our health would be up to bookkeepers and profit makers. Same for VA. The same kind of bean counters in charge of home insurance.
It is our money, our programs that can be fixed, so hands off our programs, Musk and Ramaswamy!