Flagler County School Board incumbent Jill Woolbright, who is in a non-partisan race against Sally Hunt to be decided in the Aug. 23 election, says God placed her on the school board, that she is involved in “satanic warfare,” and that, in a reference to others on the school board and at the district office, she has “felt the evil spirits around me.”
Woolbright said “the district office is progressive liberal,” and that she and two other candidates–Will Furry and Christy Chong–things would change, because she is on a mission to take over the school board and bring back Christian prayer to the dais, at meetings and before meetings. (See a full video of Woolbright’s appearance, embedded below, and a full transcript of her remarks at the foot of the article, below the table.)
Woolbright over the weekend appeared at three local churches, including Parkview Church and New Way Church, where pastors appeared unconcerned with endorsing her, Chong and Furry, though federal law forbids churches registered as nonprofit from endorsing, encouraging, helping or favoring any specific candidate’s political race. Chong is in a race against incumbent Trevor Tucker, a conservative Republican who has been on the school board for three terms, and Furry is contesting an open seat in a three-way race. The two other candidates are Lance Alred and Courtney VandeBunte.
Woolbright spoke at both Parkview and New Way, reserving her most extreme comments for New Way, where Pastor Richard Summerlin invited her to the stage saying, “I don’t, you know, don’t care about 501(c) threes and all that stuff,” a reference to the law barring what he was doing.
Woolbright then spoke for seven minutes, picking up on the song that had just been performed to say a “breakthrough” was needed in Flagler County. “I have never in my life been in such a satanic warfare, spiritual warfare that I’ve felt for the past two years on the board, and especially during this election season,” Woolbright, in a scarlet outfight that contrasted with the deep blue background, said from the stage. “We need a breakthrough. We have not had a conservative, God-fearing majority on our board. And we don’t have it in the district office either.”
She said the two seats that are not up for election (held by Colleen Conklin and Cheryl Massaro) are “far left progressive against everything. They’re for everything we’re against.” She did not specify what she meant. “We have three seats up for election and we need conservative Christians, and the Lord has put in this race three conservative Christians,” Woolbright said of herself, Chong and Furry. “He’s heard my prayers,” she continued, “and it’s a privilege and an honor to just–I don’t even know if I call it a suffering, but to suffer like Christ suffered, right? Because nothing can happen to me here on this planet to suffer as much as my savior. So if I can join in that suffering with him just a little bit, just a little bit, then maybe there’ll be victory here.”
She then spoke of her 28 years teaching, but that it wasn’t until she realized “what was going on in our schools and why God placed me on the school board. And it’s to fight the battle for him.” She then spoke of her disbelief that a couple of teachers asked students what pronouns they wanted to be called by, saying “that’s illegal” (it is not.)
“That’s here in our county, and when I get it and see it, I reveal it,” Woolbright said. “Just like I revealed the book, that was the most obnoxious, evil book.”
Woolbright last fall filed a criminal complaint against Superintendent Cathy Mittlestadt after demanding that four books be pulled from high school library shelves. The criminal complaint went nowhere, but Mittlestadt eventually agreed to keep one of the four books–All Boys Aren’t Blue, the autobiography of a Black person growing up queer in New jersey–off the shelves. Woolbright, teaming up with Board member Janet McDonald, then tried to fire School Board attorney Kristy Gavin. The effort failed. Woolbright more recently complained about a teacher, Abbey Cooke, who had filed a TikTok video with her students. The video featured a curse word. Cooke has had a storied and celebrated career in Flagler schools. But she’s also been friendly to the LGBTQ community, a Woolbright phobia. Woolbright wanted her fired. She succeeded.
Woolbright said “they can hate me all they want,” because she considers that “a blessing.” She then spoke of the “evil” she feels at the district office–an astounding statement about, if not an outright insult to, the almost 100 district employees who work there, and on whom she routinely lavishes praise at school board meetings and workshops, at least in person.
Woolbright continued: “It’s a blessing to come and be greeted and filled the God’s Holy Spirit in this place. Because when I go to the schools into the district office, because of the stand that I’ve taken for our lord and savior, I don’t feel that, right? I feel I’ve never in my life felt the evil spirits around me, and God has made my spirits sensitive to it. So I know when it’s in my presence, and I thank him for that. But I just want you to know that the battle is real here. We have an opportunity to break through take three seats, and if we take those three seats then we can break through and take over the government.” Woolbright quickly corrected herself: she meant “the district office.” That got the congregants cheering.
She bemoaned the fact that she’s been in a minority for two years, but said “God put these two other Christians in my life on this campaign trail, who are believers, Bible believers, to take over our schools back.” She named Furry and Chong: “There’s a ditty that goes, we call it Christie Will and Jill,” and described them as fellow travelers. “I look forward to being able to bring prayer to the dais,” she said, a direct reference to praying at school board meetings. “I look forward to being able to meet with Will and Christy before meetings and pray before we go on the dais.”
When she was done, Summerlin, the pastor, described Woolbright as “that fabric that’s going to stand between evil and our children” before he and his wife Kimberly joined Woolbright, touching, eyes closed, to pray and endorse: “We lay hands on Jill, agreeing with her, asking you for a special anointing, lord, that she’ll know what to say when to say it how to say it,” Summerlin said. Then, in an apparent reference to Conklin, Massaro and the many employees of the school district, he said: “And we pray lord that every evil voice that would come against her, may their tongue cleave to the roof of their mouth lord, may they be silenced.” He added: “We are fighting an ugly, evil, ungodly, unseen force that is not only after you but after our children, after our families, after our marriages, after our finances.”
Hunt, the candidate contesting Woolbright’s seat, called Woolbright’s comments “shocking.” She said she has been “invited to nothing,” and only knew about Woolbright’s and the two other candidates’ appearances at churches through postings by others–including from Woolbright’s own campaign Facebook page. “My concern is what’s coming out of her mouth than where she is doing it,” Hunt said. “There’s so much there. Where do I start? It is divisive. She is politicizing the schools with this whole messaging around ‘we versus them.’ If people do not think exactly or believe exactly as she does, they are left liberal. You’ve got someone like Trevor Tucker who has served for 12 years, who is conservative, she has personally contributed to the PAC that sent out this awful mailer that said something like radical liberalism. It’s divisive. it’s bad for our community.”
Hunt herself was raised in a Christian household (her father holds a master’s degree in divinity), was a youth minister, but she says that background has no place in public schools. “We need board members who are focused on the fact that one out of every two Rymfire students can’t read at grade level, that FPC is at a C, we need board members who aren’t focused on getting prayers at school board meetings.”
Chong and Furry did not appear with Woolbright at New Way, but all three appeared together at Parkview Church where Greg Peters invited them to the stage after a long soliloquy about the importance of voting “in order for there to be a be a majority to get a conservative school board.” Peters left no doubt that he may have been violating the law: “In 25 and a half years, not one single time ever have I invited somebody running for office to stand on our stage. I’ve never done that,” he said. “So today will be the first time, and so I thought if I was going to do it, I’d do it right and bring three of them. I said to them backstage last night, if they fire me over it, it’s been a good run. And I’ve enjoyed pastoring Parkview.” (Peters did not respond to a call and a text to his cell phone before this article initially published.)
Like Hunt, Courtney VandeBunte did not get invitations to any churches. “I think an endorsement by a church leader is inappropriate,” she said today. “I would like to see church leaders encourage their congregation to vote and learn about all candidates, not just three out of the seven, as well as invite all candidates to speak at their events.” The IRS code does, in fact, provide for such forums, or even election drives, by religious organizations–as long as no single candidate is favored. In other words, a religious organization would not be in violation of law if all the candidates in a specific race addressed the same congregation in turn.
“The implication that a Christian candidate is somehow a better candidate than me is inaccurate,” VandeBunte said, “because I am running to represent all students, their families and school staff. The fact that I am a Christian should have nothing to do with my platform because our Christian and non-Christian constituents deserve fair representation. As a former teacher I understand that every student has different needs and every family has unique circumstances, backgrounds, and beliefs. I advocate for common sense policies, and unity among families, students, and staff of all beliefs.”
The following is a full transcript of Jill Woolbright’s speech at New Way Church:
“What an honor and a privilege to be able to stand before you and I give all glory and fame to my father in heaven. Breakthrough. What a perfect song. We need a breakthrough in Flagler County and we live in an amazing state with an amazing governor that has our back. But we need not to rest on that. Because I can tell you here in Flagler County the fight for the souls of our children is real. I have never–I’ve been a Christian my whole life but I have never in my life been in such a satanic warfare, spiritual warfare that I’ve felt for the past two years on the board, and especially during this election season. We need a breakthrough. We have not had a conservative God-fearing majority on our board. And we don’t have it in the district office either. Three seats are up for election. The two seats that are not up for election are far far left progressives against everything. Therefore everything we’re against. We have three seats up for election and we need conservative Christians and the lord has put in this race, three conservative Christians.
And I have–he’s heard my prayers and it’s a privilege and an honor to just, I don’t even know if I call it a suffering but to suffer like Christ suffered, right? Because nothing can happen to me here on this planet to suffer as much as my savior. So if I can join in that suffering with him just a little bit, just a little bit, then maybe there’ll be victory here. Right? And so I just want you to know that my family has been here since the 80s. We raised our four children here. They’ve gone on and live productive lives and their successful citizens giving back to their communities. I taught here for 28 years. I taught when Melissa [] back there many years, she taught some of my children. I’ve taught generations of people in this community, and I taught in the elementary school for 28 years and it wasn’t until I retired that I realized and became and got on the board what was going on in our schools and why God placed me on the school board, and it’s to fight the battle for him.
I will tell you that the stuff that’s going around, going on nationwide, is happening right here in Flagler schools. Don’t think that it’s not happening here. I got a call from a parent after the second day of school that said two teachers gave my high school students a questionnaire online that asked them what pronouns they prefer to be called by. That’s illegal. The second question was who was allowed to know their preferred pronouns? Which, obviously, one of the questions was whether the parents were allowed to hear those preferred pronouns being used. That’s here in our county, and when it comes, when I get it and see it, I reveal it. Just like I revealed the book that was the most obnoxious, evil book.
And they can hate on me all they want, and I tell you, it was a blessing. I went to another church this morning. I’m going to another one. It’s a blessing to come and be greeted and filled with God’s Holy Spirit in this place. Because when I go to the schools, into the district office, because of the stand that I’ve taken for our Lord and Savior, I don’t feel that, right? I feel I’ve never in my life felt the evil spirits around me, and God has made my spirits sensitive to it. So I know when it’s in my presence, and I thank him for that.
But I just want you to know that the battle is real here. We have an opportunity to break through, take three seats, and if we take those three seats, then we can break through and take over the government–the district office. My voice has been in a minority for two years and the the district office is progressive liberal. So until I’m just trusting and believing that God put these two other Christians in my life on this campaign trail, who are believers, Bible believers, to take over our schools back, and if I may use their names? There’s a ditty that goes, we call it Christy Will and Jill. That’s the first three names of the conservative Christians and it took me a while to get on board with the other two, because as a elected official I really shouldn’t because I have to work with whoever is elected. But God has shown me in this journey, that Christy Chong is a woman of God. She’s not just trying to get votes in a church. She knows our lord and savior and is walking it with her children. As is Will Furry. He is a man of God. They both attend Epic Church, Will is in youth ministry with the middle school there. I’m telling you, they are walking the walk so it wasn’t hard for me to get behind them. I look forward to being able to bring prayer to the dais. I look forward to being able to meet with Will and Christy before meetings and pray before we go on the dias.
And no matter what happens all glory and fame goes to my lord and savior because he gives us what we want, often. He gave our lord and savior over to Barabbas, he chose our–Barabbas over our lord and savior right? The people chose a murderer over our savior, but it was all for God’s glory. And for our good because in the end, we know who wins. We know who wins in the end. We don’t know what trials and tribulations we have to go through. But we know who the victor is. Thank you.”
Art G Schwartz says
From a local pastor ” “And we pray lord that every evil voice that would come against her, may their tongue cleave to the roof of their mouth lord, may they be silenced.”
“Love your neighbor” unless they disagree with you.
R. S. says
I’m just ever so glad, that Ms. Woolbright made clear to us on what side the Lard is and on what side the Satan worshippers are plying their wily deeds. In fact, why don’t we do away with elections altogether and let the Lard decide what’s what. People like Ms. Woolbright appear to have a direct line of communication to the Great One in the Sky. She’s clearly is one of the disciples or–as they’re called in Arabic–the taliban.
Merrill S Shapiro says
Want to respond to these egregious violations of 26 U.S. Code § 501 – Exemption from tax on corporations, certain trusts, etc.? Go to https://www.au.org/report-a-violation/ where Americans United for Separation of Church and State will help you have your voice heard. Also use https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13909.pdf. The IRS will help you fill out a from 13909 Tax-Exempt Organization Complaint (Referral).
These churches have agreed to “not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.” Now they’ve gone back on their word!
Anon says
@janetwoolbright You do realize that not everyone in our district is Christian, and that this is a public school board you are sitting on, right?
Eva says
It is shocking and sickening to think this person had access to our children for 28 years, was she always so delusional? Praying for God to help us restore sanity to our school leaders and remove extremists like this. She most certainly does not speak like a Christian.
JonQPublik says
Wow. She’s delusional.
She’s a plague.
Marty Reed says
We do have the freedom of free speach. However, churches are out of place to accept political campaigning; such is against the law.
We remain a country of laws; when laws are broken, there should be consequences. That said, these church administrations that participate in such behavior should lose their tax free status. Moreover, those candidates that knowingly break our laws should be admonished!
Edith Campins says
Well now we know for sure why she shouldn’t be on the school board. So typical of these fanatical right wingers, if you don’t agree with them you are the devil and or a Communist. Vote her out, now!
Adios Muchacha! (I learned that at FPCHS) says
I guess we all just get to follow whatever laws we want to now.
Many folks in my life know that I follow local politics, so they ask me for help with their ballots. I believe in democracy so I don’t just tell them to vote for the same folks that I do. I say, “This person stands for this. Their opponent stands for that. Which one aligns better with your beliefs?”
Based on the Republicans I have helped with their ballots, I think Jill won’t have to worry about being surrounded by demons while on the School Board for much longer because she will be out of a job.
Praise Jesus!
Enough says
And you wonder why Flagler schools are from a dinosaur age? It’s because of ignorant relics like Woolbright. This old frustrated neanderthal can ban all the books she wants as well try to “shield” anything from occurring that she doesn’t understand or agree with. Does she really think that’s going to stop ANYONE from moving forward? And what’s with this “church” offering to support this crap? You want to preach, do it on a pulpit ! I don’t know about you, but I am really sick and tired of these pathetic freaks spewing their hatred through religion. Keep your garbage to yourself. You are literally an embarrassment to all intelligent life form.
Michael & Diane Cocchiola says
I have no words.
Jim Dana says
Whoosh!!!!! This was scary. Read up on all the candidates and vote.
Ld says
PC needs board members who will move beyond whether kids can wear a certain logo on their shirt or read a certain book to how to provide curriculum and tutoring that will increase basic skills. Board members need to find a way for after school program transportation. Board members need to demonstrate respect and adult behavior to children who know how ineffective they have been. Check egos at the door. Churches must remain non-partisan or pay taxes as the profit making organizations they so often become.
jeffery c. seib says
How this woman got elected to anything with the exception of church usher is beyond me. It appears that some parents of school age children, and other members of the community have adopted the Donald Trump philosophy on what America stands for. To them that is anything they want it to be. Separation of church and state, the founding fathers, just like with the right to bear arms, knew the indoctrinating nature of religion and so especially emphasized that we are a secular, multi-denominational country. This un-American faker should be opposed by all, including parents with school age children. Perhaps all her supporters have only ever been around their stereotyped version of America. I feel very sorry to tell them, that is not the land of the free and the home of the… whatever.
Duncan says
Can say that I hate her, as she seems to think anyone that disagrees with her does, but I certainly hope she is ousted before she attempts to revive the inquisition.
Greg Peters is a good reason so-called 501-c’s should be better scrutinized. If you enjoy your tax-free status then stay in your lane or pay taxes like the rest of us chumps…..and I hope he does get fired, as he suggested he might.
This is a Constitutional Issue: Freedom of Speech vs Separation of Church and State! Anyone should be to speak at churches, temples, and mosques but NOT collect any donations for the speaking event! If do you NOT want to hear what is being said than do NOT attend (or walk out) the speaking event! Peace Thru Strength-America First!
Deirdre says
I think Mrs. Woolbright should leave the public school board and work for a Christian school, that’s the perfect solution for everybody.
PUBLIC schools are not Christian schools, remember the concept of separation of church and state? That applies to everyone, keep the religious doctrine at home.
All children and families in Flagler County should be served regardless of whether or not Jill Woolbright agrees with their belief system. It doesn’t make them evil if that don’t agree with her personally as it pertains to education.
That includes non-Christian, immigrant, and LGBTQ families. Basically it includes everyone, but there’s a couple off the top of my head, I’m sure the list of what she considers evil as long.
That’s the point of public schools, they need to accommodate everyone, and EVERYONE involved with the schools. ESPECIALLY school board members, she needs to understand that, it seems clear she hasn’t and doesn’t.
That’s what this country was supposedly founded on, but it for the past few years conservative extremists have been empowered to make decisions across the board as to what is evil and what is good for society.
The human rights violations are shocking, laws have been altered in order to accommodate the very special few people who believe they have some personal insight into what God wants.
I’m also on a mission to put a stop to this crazy, but it’s so prevalent in government I barely know where to begin. Well, it could begin by voting her out of office!
Doug says
And this is an example of our school board administrators throughout the country. Wacky.
Lance Carroll says
False God and idolatry? Who shall preach of false prophets will be stricken. Medical insurance.
Mark says
“Beware of false prophets”, they are amongst us and the clown show continues here. These “churches” should really be two stepping now putting their “tax exempt status” at risk.
Or I’ll just be simpler and say there’s a special place on the other side of the River Styx.
Vote smart people.
Judas Citizen says
Woolbright is a cultist, delusional psycho. She needs to just grow up, get over herself, and live and let live. She throws around the word evil like a hunter shoots a weapon. She is deplorable and has no place in community politics. She should make it her business to keep her cultist religion in her church and stop spreading her weirdo fears in her politics. Why do these people act the way they do?
Me says
This lady sounds sick in the head ! I’m glad I don’t have kids in school ! Some kind of fanatic ! Why is this happening in our schools . She is so divisive ! I could barely read this article ! Keep religion out of the schools ! She’s a no vote for me ! She’s scary .
Jaii says
She like 🍊 orange koolaid.
blerbfamilyfive says
So Woolbright taught children for 28 years. And for those 28 years, was she teaching more than schools subjects, such as Christianity, talk about indoctrination. Just saying…..
Janet Sullivan says
Thank you. This must be stopped. Right now.
Anonymous says
She needs mental help.
Nico Bergraat says
Jill Woolbright is a mental nut job!
Oh, I do understand her lack of grasping critical and analytical thinking. She should have nothing to do with schools or children.
Embarrassed for Flagler County again says
This situation is not only embarrassing but frightening. Why is the church whatever church being used as a platform for personal opinions in a state school system. What are the preachers gaining from this endorsement. I would totally disregard anything coming from this venue. This is about our children. They are our future and hopefully you people find your sanctuary soon. Done.Nic
GA says
She is just wrong on so many levels…it’s hard to know where to start. Do not give this freak a voice on the school board! Nuff said.
Ephesians 5:11 says
First and foremost I am a Christian believer. Second I have absolutely nothing against Christians running for office. What I do have a problem with is The New Way church and the Pastor Richard Summerlin. I attended and worked at this church from inception until about 10 years ago. The entire time I was at this church I NEVER saw their financials. It was a problem for a lot of people. I wound up leaving because all he preached about was tithing and offering and less about Jesus.
The fact that he can’t show you a certified financial statement should let you know what he does with the money. He follows and ogles over the likes of other prosperity preachers such as Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis and those characters.
When given the chance to serve the community with second food harvest he declined because he would have to show them the financial documents of the church.
New Way Church is exactly the reason why churches should lose their exempt status. So when he endorses anyone for anything I go in the complete opposite direction because I don’t want to side with anything demonic. The cult like setting at this church is exactly what to keep children away from.
I don’t know if Jill knows the history of this church. But her being there makes up my mind.
Skibum says
An individual belief system, to choose whether or not to believe in religion and also how to live their life according to their beliefs, is a personal decision that is supposed to apply ONLY to oneself. Fanatics like Woolnotsobright have adopted the extreme view that their chosen form of religion will be forced on everyone else around them, both in their private and public lives, with or without their consent. They care not if others don’t share their views, because they have such extreme tunnel vision of their form of religiosity that they cannot stand to be anywhere near people who are not just like them, don’t think like them, and don’t believe the same way they do. They have a cookie cutter religious philosophy and in Woolnotsobright’s world any student, parent, teacher, school administrator or public official who is not on her side or dares to think differently about issues is “satanic” and evil. I have news for her, and people just like her. Woolnotsobright’s personal views, choices and beliefs are valid only to the tip of her nose, which appears quite long since she is one of the nosiest, self -righteous, not annointed by God nitwits we have living here in Flagler County. We need to send her packing back to where she belongs on election day – somewhere out in rural western Flagler County where she can sit by herself in the middle of a vacant field and contemplate life and the ever after without interfering with the lives of school students and faculty.
Grandma of Flagler Kids says
And this is why I don’t go to church anymore. What makes her think she is right and the rest of us are wrong? This women is a wacko! Please vote her out so we can move ahead not backwards.
Demand college degrees for school board qualification says
Do you think Will, Christy and Jill offered “donations” in exchange for the access and endorsements? They seem to have a good bit of dirty money behind their campaigns.
Ignoring the sketchiness factor, how can a pastor make an informed decision and be so bold to suggest it’s a “Christian duty” to vote for his recommendations after speaking with only 3 of the 7 candidates? These candidates are using their “religion” as their only qualifier for school board because they have no other relevant experience.
Concerned Cotizen says
Great article FlaglerLive.
Sheila Zinkerman says
All Boys Aren’t Blue and
All Christians Aren’t Jill
Algernon says
For the good of our kids and the entire community, keep this Woolbright woman away from ANYTHING to do with our Public Schools. Either that or hold an exorcism and cast her out !!!
They'll all nuts says
Everyone who goes to any of those churches should be investigated by the FBI. Beginning first with the pastors, and of course of old Wooly.
tulip says
I think she may have cost Flurry and Chong some votes. I guess the Devil made her do it.
Beach Voter says
Jill’s war isn’t external.
DaleL says
“There was a time when religion ruled the world. It is known as the Dark Ages.” attributed to Ruth Hurmence Green. It seems like Woolbright and others like her would like to take us back to that “glorious” time in history.
Satan must have guided my hand on Monday, because I voted for Hunt, not Woolbright.
Jane E K says
PLEASE vote her OUT!!!!
The dude says
This why I will never step foot in, or donate time and money to a church here in PC.
Dens of extremism full of olds who’ve ruined society and the planet, and refuse to let go for the generations coming up after them to be able to make choices for themselves.
Wow says
Thank you. This is important.
Randy Bentwick says
If she wants religion in school – I wonder if she’d be okay if that religion was Muslim or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism or Mormon or Wiccan.
The voice of reason says
Wingnut you are.
PDE says
There’s so much wrong with Woolbright and her enablers at these local ‘churches’ that are hell-bent on inserting themselves and their beliefs on the rest of society, that I don’t even know where to begin.
She’s right about one thing though, there ARE dark satanic forces and demons surrounding her and the rest of the school board – and they’re hers!
DMFinFlorida says
What’s next? Handling venomous snakes before each School Board meeting? Good grief!
I feel like Flagler County is being dragged back into the dark ages. So by her “Christian” rant parameters, only those who think the same are qualified to be on the School Board?
I happen to know people of many faiths who practice kind, compassionate, and loving lives. Practice whatever faith you want at home. But keep organized religions out of schools. Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, and – yes – Islamic children, as well as some from agnostic or atheist homes are likely all in the school system together. They all need to be fairly and equally educated without the undue influence of one over the others. Focus on educational achievement, not on which religious institution they choose to attend.
Herman says
Does that include those politicians in office who knowingly allow people to cross out border ILLEGALLY and enter our country ILLEGALLY. Admonish them!!!!!
protonbeam says
Always enjoy the Hubris of mankind and their vehement anger toward “GOD”, unless of course God is money, or Budda, or nature, or the “spiritual force”, or the ‘religion of the rejection-of-religion (yes that is pure dogma as well).
if shes voted out – that is a referendum on her ideas BUT you refuse to acknowledge the logical truth that if she is retained , that is an endorsement of her beliefs and their place in our schools.
Charlie Brown says
OMG help us. I bet she thinks God created Donald Trump to create a dictatorship in our government also to save us all.
Guess what not voting for this one for sure.
TrumpIsATraitor says
Ms. Woolbright is running a effective social engineering influence campaign here. She is wrapping herself in the Bible and a flag and she’s messaging that she is at a disadvantage (making a case for urgency in the audience) and her opponents are undesirables (that they are liberals who don’t share her Christian conservative values). Voters should ask themselves the question where were her Christian beliefs when she filed charges against a school official over books in the library or ‘investigated’ students (and punished a student leader) who staged a brief walk out to support the rights of their peers? Her record doesn’t reflect well on those Christian values. Hopefully voters will see this as pandering and vote for school board members who place educating our children above their petty politics and desire for power.
StrangeTimes says
This woman almost renders me speechless. Who are these people? People like her and DeSantis and even the radical Supreme Court are playing with fire. They make these decisions and think people that oppose them are weak. No. We’re not. We do things the right way. An infallible way. We break down every law, every rule, every ruling of precedence, until we discover the “a ha!” moment that exposes the ridiculousness, the hypocrisy, and the fascism of the radical GOP. Want to ban Sally Has Two Mommies because kids shouldn’t know about that? Well, let’s ban the Bible because it discusses rape, incest, murder, etc. Push too far and it will open a box that never closes.
Steve says
This Lady is nuttier than a fruit cake. “You cannot Petition the Lord with Prayer”- JDM
Martin Reed says
Absolutely, if they are breaking laws, but most are not!
Matt says
Would like to see the school board fire that attorney of theirs, she makes up laws and violated court and state laws. FERPA mean nothing to her.
OJ Lawyer says
Well , if your horns fit ! You must not acquit .
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Who the hell votes for people like her? I am a conservative, but certainly will not vote for Jill Evil.
I see that there are way too many extremist in our County, but actually…many of them are from the Northeast.
This lady is Coo-Coo for coco puffs.
Very creepy.
Bethechange says
Keep your dogma off my democracy.
Nope says
People should be able to go to Sunday mass without being accused of being “satanic” if they decide to vote for a different party. Regardless of your own personal political beliefs, the church is a sacred place where all should find comfort, not just one political party. So, no, if I am a worshipper attending mass, I should not need to leave. They should not be endorsing a candidate during Sunday mass. Period.
Nope says
I have nothing against Christians running for office, no one does. I attended New Way for 5 years before I realized what exactly they were doing. I left around the time they were collecting donations for a new building and simultaneously, “believing for a new airplane,” They don’t seem to have a new building, but they do have an airplane, so I suppose that was more important. People should be able to attend their desired worship service without being called, “satanic” for not looking to vote for a particular person.
Susan says
Well said, she needs to not be around any children. Vote her a BIG NO. Bet ya DeathSantis is supporting her. This is the kind of people he supports in our schools.
Mary Jane says
Her church sounds like Jim and Tamie Bakers, bet she gives all her money to them. Get the devil our of her because she is all evil and to far gone to be around young children.
If anyone in her family really cares about her, please get her the help she really needs.
She is a NO VOTE for sure. Thank you Flagler Live for reporting the demon is running for school board.
Mark says
Ummm Herman, politicians are NOT knowingly allowing people to cross the border illegally. Next comment.
Joseph Barand says
I’ve sent this article and all of the comments to the IRS Criminal investigation Division. Hopefully the IRS will do something about the Prosperity Pastors and others mention in the story. These Clowns should be suffer the consequences of their actions including steep fines and hopefully jail time.
ASF says
There are medications to treat “satanic warfare” but you should consult a Psychiatrist to get it prescribed for you.
Been There says
Why would you support her if she supports these “charlatan” churches. Even you can see she can’t be trusted. She stands on the wrong side of what you believe.
Algernon says
UnAmerican… It crossed my mind today that any candidate running for a public office where the organization has a number of employees working, who says, “if WE win we’re going to get rid of all employees of a certain party, or a certain religion, or a certaincolor (etc.) would probably end up in court for years fighting the lawsuits to follow.
What an unAmerican position to take in a USA political campaign. A pox on Woolbright and her “fellow travelers”!
Gottagojill says
Good Lord! What a nut case!! Even though I am a Christian, I would not vote for this wacko for any position of authority. She needs to be as far away from our school board and any other public office as possible.
ASF says
Some supposedly educated adults need to go back to school themselves to brush up on their knowledge regarding the democratic concept of Separation of Church and State.
Steve says
She needs help for sure
Steve says
You’re whataboutism is alive and well in FPC
Just saying says
Thank you for doing that. The Summerlin pastors also have some sketchy backgrounds going back for years
Blossom says
Amen. When did this become about somebody’s agenda and not the kids?? Disturbing to say the least.
Shannon DiMeo says
Homeschool FTW says
More reasons to homeschool your kids every day!
Ben Hogarth says
I was a fresh-faced 19 year old intern in Washington D.C. during the height of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, serving as a foreign policy analyst for a U.S. Senator when I got to observe in person a formal hearing of the Armed Services Committee where General Keane (now a 4 star) provided testimony on the ongoing bloodbath in Iraq. At some point during the hearing, he opined to the Congressional Committee that (and I quote) “Congress needs to fight with its demons…”
He was interrupted by the Democratic Chairman in rare form who proceeded to inform everyone in the packed room that “Congress does not ‘fight with demons,” we legislate. That is what Congress does. We legislate.”
Evangelism in this country is destroying public policy and legal precedent and will fully erode democracy if we do not push back. To be clear, we should not make people feel as if they can’t express themselves even if they are coming from a position of moral or religious principle. However, public policy cannot be framed entirely from canon (church law) or some other special private interest cultural domination. Evangelists need to take their strict teachings and keep them behind closed doors. The world doesn’t need to share in your doctrine.
Laurel says
Good old predictable Dude. I suppose there are no young evangelicals, or parishioners. Poor Dude. Can’t make choices for himself. We church goers are preventing the next generation from succeeding. Oh, I forgot (senile) I don’t believe in organized religion. Next.
Laurel says
RB: Oh, I’m sure that would be quite unacceptable. Far right way or the highway.
Laurel says
PDE: I think you began very well: “hell-bent.” Yep, I agree.
Laurel says
DMF: Isn’t it sad that these far right “Christians” want so badly to make kids, who may be a little different, to feel bad about themselves? I wish they’d give themselves a different cult name and leave “Christian” out of it. I don’t see anything Christian about them.
Laurel says
And this is exactly why I don’t go near religious organizations. They all sound this wacky to me, like their brains have be taken over. I think that spiritualism is personal, gentle growth, not screaming at people and forcing belief through passages, laws and fear. Strange concept some of y’all are comfortable with.
Laurel says
TT: It always knocks me out that the far right think that Jesus was not, in any way, a liberal!
Laurel says
I loved Jim Morrison. Saw them in Coconut Grove. What a waste, dying so young. Thank you for the quote.
Thurston says
Jill we are here for you and stand behind you! We so need someone like you on the board!!!!!!!!!!! Keep doing the Lords work and forget all the haters on here. You have our vote. Jesus said that evil will always try to rise against good!
Deirdre says
Mrs. Woolbright isn’t the only Christian running for school board, but she is the only one standing in front of a crowd saying the people she works with are part of a satanic cult. What kind of person would do that just for votes?
Not not a good Christian FYI! It’s not enough to say she is a good Christian, she has to imply everybody else that doesn’t agree with her or vote for her is working for the devil.
Tell her you didn’t vote for her and see how fast she accuses you of being part some satanic cult also. Would you go to work and say this about your coworkers? She’s the hater, and this is NOT doing God’s work. It’s hurtful and cruel and filled with lies, the people of Flagler County deserve better, especially the children. If the only thing that matters in educating kids is Jesus, they have private schools for that. EVERY child deserves an education, regardless of their belief system, America was founded on that.
tim Mcauliffe says
Jim Morrison from the grave?
Eyegirl65 says
Gotta put that on a t-shirt