The younger Rogers was jailed on more serious charges, and not for the first time. He’s been booked into the jail six previous times going back to June 2009, on charges ranging from disorderly conduct, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, battery, theft, cocaine sale, marijuana possession and probation violation, among other charges, many of which were dropped. The latest charges include violating probation, trespassing after a warning, resisting arrest without violence, and possessing less than 20 grams of marijuana. Bond was set at $1,500. He remains in jail.
“He’s going to have to suffer the consequences for his actions,” Ryan’s father, John, said.
According to a report filed by Augustin Rodriguez of the Bunnell Police Department, Rodriguez was patrolling southbound on Bunnell’s Chapel Street on Feb. 19, just before 5 a.m., when he saw the younger Rogers in the 400 block of South Chapel. According to the report, Rogers had previously trespassed on property there belonging to the Flagler County Housing Authority. The cop u-turned, parked, and began approaching Rogers, who’d by then been walking behind the houses on South Chapel toward the 400 block on South Beacher Street. When Rogers realized Rodriguez was walking toward him, Rogers allegedly began running, according to the report. Rodriguez chased him, then lost him. After speaking with Rogers’ probation officer, Rodriguez filed the new charges.
Rogers, who was on probation for burglary, was seen again on Feb. 22 by Sergio Pina, another Bunnell cop, along the 300 block of East Booe Street, where he arrested him on the charges Rodriguez had filed against him, allegedly found a small amount of marijuana on him, and detained him there until Rodriguez arrived. Rogers was then taken to the Flagler County jail.
April 6, 2011 update: Rogers was sentenced by Flagler County Circuit Judge Raul Zambrano on April 6. Most of the charges were dropped except for the violation of probation on a suspended sentence. Rogers will serve 24 months in state prison, but was given 300 days’ credit for time served.
bunnell resident says
i guess this is his wonderful family he was talking about.
Haw Creek Girl says
We all love our children unconditinally.Sometimes they need be chastized, In this case, Candidate Rogers made it perfectly clear that his young son will face the judicial system just as any other young/men or women would. Bill Clinton’s brother Roger had been arrresred and Jeb Bush’s daughter as well. The list goes on. Don’t judge tha candidiate by the actions of his adult son unless it seems to be a pattern of family behviour. Which in this family, it is clearly not.
Godsgirl says
Luke 6:37Â (The Message)
 37-38″Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don’t condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you’ll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.”
DON’T be quick to judge!
“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her/him.
burntsmellresident says
I totally agree with haw creek girl. I know this family has tried to get help for Ryan for several years. this problem doesn’t select certain families to cause problems. it just goes to show that this problem is rampet throughout America.
Angie says
Thanks Haw Creek Girl! I’m the mother of Ryan Rogers and I do love him unconditionally! Even through his sins and mistakes. I assure you and anyone else we in absolutely NO way condone his behavior or actions, he is just like any other person that is lost and bound by addiction. But he is still inside a young boy (even though he is an adult) loving and kind, he is just hurt and lost right now, but he has a praying Momma and family and there is power in prayer and prayer changes things. This is not the ending to his story!
We are just a family who love each other, love serving people, and have a heart for people. Everyone has someone or something in their lives/family that they don’t like or agree with but God allows us to go through certain things for certain reasons.
We have learned to love and have compassion for others, almost everyone is dealing with some kind of issue in one form or another! We have a heart to see things in our community that offer our young ones something that keeps them from turning to drugs, alcohol, hanging on the streets, etc.
This is just a little view into us. We just love people and have a heart for them and wanna see lives changed.
Thanks for listening!
Harry says
The people who will suffer from this is the folks that live in bunnell so you have I run this town flynt and the bigger church going John rogers is going to do the same thing as flynt. They both own wrecker companies in bunnell that tow for the city and John Rogers will do worse then what flynt did. John Rogers does care about you people he just wants to benefit has towing like flynt did. John is no good
Haw Creek Girl says
Harry, no disrespect intended but if you look on our currency it says, “in God we trust”. John does in fact have his trust in the Lord and a heart for the people. The difference between John Rogers and Jimmy Flynt couldn’t be any more apparent.
Haw Creek Girl says
oh and one more small difference, John Rogers worked his butt off literally for years to have a successful towing business……..his wasn’t handed to him.
Outsider says
Harry….very well said. Um, what did you say???
Sara says
I guess none of you people except for maybe Angie really know the real John Rogers. He pretends that he is some christian guy. Dont get me wrong, he does good for people, but for the most part he is just out to make money . Ryan does have some problems and i hope he stays out of trouble from now on.. Good Luck Ryan… As for John, well.. good luck you’re really going to need it…
Danielle Rogers says
To Harry and Sarah and anybody else who has an opinion about my father:
You do not know him. Period! Who are y’all? And who are you to say anything? Yes he’s a business man and working to make money and provide for his family.. Who isn’t? I can assure you that that is not ALL that he is about! Unlike you guys, I do know this man.. I’ve spent my entire life under his roof and well aware of his character in the business world.. He is imperfect, as we all are, but he is nothing like Jimmy and will do nothing similar to his actions. My father is a man of integrity and will look out for the greater good of this community, not his pockets. His pockets are fine as is. And please help me understand what financial gain can he receive from being the Bunnell city commissioner?.. Really though! Think what you want to think and say what you want to say, but it’s ignorant to blast someone that you know nothing about except for what you may have heard or whatever! I’m so confident that no matter what happens within this voting process my family will be fine! And for all of you that have an opinion about Ryan.. He will pay for his actions as we all do. & My parents are certainly not to blame for his actions, neither is jimmy for his son’s.. How ignorant is that to think? We all make our own decisions, even against our better judgement and the opinions of our loved ones. How many addicts or alcoholics are in your families.. It’s an epidemic these days.. Look around.. And I guess everyone else is to blame huh?.. Lol
Insider says
I know your father and he is a great guy. I know he has been through a lot with you guys but one thing I know is that he does love you. I worked for your dad for a short while and he treated people mostly good. He brought people into his company that were broke and homeless at a few points when I worked for the guy. He would give someone the shirt off his back. John will make a great city commissioner, I hope he wins. What I really am hoping for is that this incident with your brother Ryan doesnt change any single persons opinion about your dad.Its not john and Angies fault he makes mistakes sometimes. But i really do know what kind of a man your dad is Danielle.. A GOOD ONE
Danielle Rogers says
Thank you! That means a lot
Jim says
John you have our vote. My house is TEAM JOHN! By the way, Go Danielle, it looks like you really made those negative people shut their traps.