Could Florida’s senior Senator abandon Sunshine State voters to be Donald Trump’s running mate?
That’s a possibility according to Bloomberg, given that U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio will be one of several names being tested at a donor retreat at the Four Seasons in Palm Beach, where Trump will be “parading the top contenders for the slot in front of rich benefactors this weekend.”
Rubio is one of four names cited, and the only Floridian. Ohio Sen. JD Vance, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott are also apparently in the mix.
Rubio had previously tamped down on the talk when it surfaced in March, amid an NBC News report that he was one of 15 people under consideration.
“I have never spoken either to President Trump or anybody on his campaign about this or anybody else that they’re considering for Vice President,” Rubio told Glenn Beck.
The Senator talked about his “six-year contract” in the Senate before reiterating his claim back then.
“Like I said, I’ve never talked to them about it. What I do know is that unlike the Democrats, the (former) President will have a lot of good options available to him and I’m confident he’s going to make the perfect and right choice. But I’ve never talked to them about it.”
One complication if Rubio is the selection: Florida electors couldn’t vote for a President and VP from their own state, as stipulated by Article II, Section I, Clause 3 of the Constitution.
Thus, he possibly would have to relocate, like Richard Cheney did in 2000, if chosen as the former President’s VP pick.
–A.G. Gancarski, Florida Politics
Joe D says
Birds of a FEATHER! They shouldn’t worry too much about the residency issue. Rubio can “move” to Georgia, or like our FEARLESS leader Governor Ron….if you don’t like the law…arrange for it to be CHANGED to what he wants. Like our Governor did to the Florida law that said a Governor had to RESIGN to be able to run for President… Don’t LIKE the law…have it CHANGED!
Besides, all Rubio has to do is list his “out of state address” as his VOTING address…and he’s good to go! There are FEW ENFORCED laws governing how much of the year he actually has to be physically AT the out of State address…. I’m sure PRESIDENT Trump will be happy to give him a dispensation
DaleL says
Senators have to be a resident of their state when they are elected. I’m not aware of any requirement that they remain a resident during their term in office. The Florida Division of Elections states: “States have no authority to add residency requirements to federal offices.”
So Rubio could probably move out of state to run as Vice President. If Trump/Rubio lose in November, Rubio could move back before running for re-election to the Senate in 2028.
“No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. [U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 3, clause 3”
Pogo says
It worked that way for Cheney, a fellow Texan, in 2000; W put him in charge of searching for a running mate, and amazingly, Cheney discovered it was he, himself.
This I regard as history’s highest function, to let no worthy action be uncommemorated, and to hold out the reprobation of posterity as a terror to evil words and deeds.
— Tacitus
Everything old becomes new again:
Augustus gradually increased his powers, taking over those of the senate, the executives and the laws. The aristocracy received wealth and position in proportion to their willingness to accept slavery. The state had been transformed, and the old Roman character gone forever. Equality among citizens was completely abandoned. All now waited on the imperial command.
— Tacitus
Deborah Coffey says
God help us. Marco Rubio is a man blowing with the political wind…no smarts, no ethics, no real beliefs except those that advance HIM. America deserves so much better than a corrupt, vindictive dictator with a side-kick that doesn’t have a clue.
Laurel says
I think it will be Sarah Sanders.
Pierre Tristam says
With Jacob Oliva as her chief of staff?
Jim says
He’ll be Secretary of Education – until they eliminate that part of the Fed government….
Deborah Coffey says
Sure. Corruption needs more corruption.
Laurel says
At least he left Florida. One step forward, two steps back.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Whom ever Trump picks, it will be better than what we have now! CNN has Trump ahead by 10 pts.
Laurel says
Grab ’em by the pussy, Dennis.
Jim says
Damn right, Dennis! Let’s get this dictatorship going! Who needs democracy? Let’s get the troops out in the streets and start rounding up everyone we don’t like. Let’s sell out NATO and all our allies! Let’s hold a party and invite Putin, Kim Jung Un, Xi Jinping, Viktor Orbán, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and all the other good leaders throughout the world! Let’s give Ukraine to Russia and any other countries over there ol’ Putin wants! And I can’t wait to see who is in Trump’s cabinet this time. All the best people. (But I can’t understand why virtually no one from his previous administration supports him this time? Hmmmm……). And he’ll put religion back in our government (I mean Christianity – the ONLY religion) because he’s been picked by God to save ‘Merica from the godless heathens…. Now, we may have to put up with a little graft but that’s okay. Small price to pay for freedom! Maybe you can book yourself into a Trump hotel so you can get closer to your idiot (err, I mean leader).
Laurel says
Putin has already questioned Poland’s boundaries. Who the hell ever thought there would be pro-Putin Republicans? Poor McCain must be spinning.
Enough says
Rubio is “honored” to be considered for the position of VP! If that doesn’t show what little morals and ethics this piece of do nothing crap exhibits, nothing will. But Chump has the right person: ass kisser; no intelligence; cares nothing about anyone but himself; purely a follower and not even close to what a leadership role is. I understand that knee pads are sold out because of him, DUH Santis and Scott. All of them are as worthless as a piece of wet cardboard. Hey, maybe Chump will get them in on the action to sell his bibles and sneakers!! Wouldn’t doubt it!