Undocumented immigrants would lose access to in-state tuition rates at Florida colleges and universities under a bill filed by Sen. Randy Fine.
The Republican from Brevard County called the practice of providing in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants a “sweetheart deal.”
In-state tuition averages just over $6,000 per year, while out-of-state tuition is nearly $30,000.
“This is a no-brainer way to reduce the size of government and free up resources to help Floridians in need,” Fine said in a news release. “We must put Floridians first, and I am proud to do my part to rebalance the scales for our citizens.”
Undocumented immigrants have had access to in-state tuition since 2014, when then-Rep. Jeanette Nuñez led an initiative that made undocumented immigrants eligible for it, signed by then-Gov. Rick Scott. Now lieutenant governor, Nuñez has been part of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ harsh crackdown on undocumented immigrants.
In 2021, $45 million in state funds went to provide the in-state rate to undocumented immigrants, according to Fine’s office.
The law passed by the 2014 Republican-controlled Legislature waives out-of-state fees for undocumented students who attended their last three years of high school in Florida. The law does not count undocumented students as resident students in calculating enrollment, nor are they eligible for state financial aid.
Fine’s filing would strike that waiver but not change admission policy.
Fine will resign from the Florida Senate on March 31, from a seat he won in November after spending eight years in the Florida House. He is a candidate for CD 6, which will be vacated by Rep. Mike Waltz, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for national security adviser.
Trump endorsed Fine in his run for Congress. The election for the seat is April 1.
“President Trump has made clear it is time to close the border and stop giving illegal immigrants rewards for breaking the law,” Fine said. “While blue-collar Floridians are struggling to make ends meet, it is not fair to require them to pay $45 million a year to subsidize sweetheart deals for college degrees to those who should not even be here.”
Florida has avoided increasing in-state tuition since 2015.
The 2014 waiver is valid at State University System and Florida College System institutions.
–Jay Waagmeester, Florida Phoenix
Deborah Coffey says
More hate. When is enough enough for these MAGAs?
Al says
The only hate that I read comes from you. If I break into your house would you then lend me your car? This isn’t hate it’s common sense, these people don’t belong here. Now stand up and wave goodbye to them as they cross the border one last time.
By the way you’re a screwball. How about using that money to lower tuition for real American minorities? No, that makes too much sense let’s just complain.
Pogo says
… to the new normal for this site.
Deborah Coffey says
You wave goodbye and then go buy some vegetables and meat. Get your roof fixed or your motel room cleaned. Try eating out or having a nurse in a hospital take care of your mother. Good luck. Immigrants make up 11% of Florida’s workforce…and not only in menial jobs.
Blake says
MAGA is the party of greed, hate, violence and if your not a billionaire they will discriminate against you. It is a party of the most corrupt individuals in our country. They are destroying our democracy and make rules that only benefit themselves.
For those that voted this party back into the White House again you too will see you are discriminated against also.
Jason Barton says
As usual with the Repukes, the cruelty isn’t a bug it’s a feature.
Nancy N. says
There’s no justifiable reason besides bigotry for doing this. Out of state tuition is higher because out of state students haven’t been paying taxes into the state government that supports the schools. Anyone resident in this state pays taxes into the system. You don’t pay less because you are undocumented. There’s no excuse for denying these kids access to the educational benefits their family has paid taxes for.
Jake From State Farm says
If they are here illegally then why should we be paying for their college education? If you are upset at the taxes they have paid, look at those taxes as a fee for entering and living here illegally and taking advantage of all this great country has to offer. Why should my, or even your taxes go for paying people for those who have ignored our laws?
Jane Gentile Youd says
Agree, My husband came here legally. We waited on Miami-Dade INS line for 9 hours in July 1991- from 11PM until 8am when INS oened their doors and and only allowed the first 100 or so people on line to get in – we had to BUY our place on the front of the line from a nightly local who made money every night getting on line at about 6pm and waiting to get paid to give up his space. We also had to pay for our cars to be ‘extra safe’ in the parking lot. When we finally got in we had to wait until 1PM -sent to this big room . One window was marked ‘Attorneys Only’ so I had the chutzpa to go to the window and respond: ‘Yes I am attorney Pro Se”
They let us in.. One hour of questions – marriage certificate not good enough ( big age difference -Mark 20 years younger than me) – brought the year and half letters and post cards Mark and and I sent each . He got his ‘temporary’ green card until the read one came. Then he applied to become a citizen in 2000 – he wanted to vote for Al Gore and INS lost his application It was Senator Bob Graham’s staff who found it and then a second trip to downtown Miami for FINAL interview for citizenship.
So there is NO reason I should support anyone lving here I L L E G A L L Y. My husband ( and I) di it right so should everyone else. Enough with the so stories. We had illegalls destroy our roof a few months ago until we got rid of them- trashing our yard – cursing me in Spanish – cracking and smashing roof wood . The next roofing company had their own workers who were all here L E G A L L Y and spoke at least a few words in English and were clean, hard working and proud so don’t give me this crap about how we need illegalls.
Al says
With your statement anyone who comes here on vacation should get in state tuition. Tourists pay taxes, probably more then the illegals do,and they don’t cost as much to take care of.
Joe D says
For AI…
Not that I’ve made a personal decision yet about the issue, but YOU clearly didn’t READ the existing LAW as mentioned above: Students have to have attended a Florida High School for at least 3 years prior to applying for the program.
What “tourist” attends a Florida high school for 3 years prior to applying for the tuition reduction…
Just another example of the educational level of many Floridians…jeez!
Land of no turn signals says says
Thanks Al for letting the screwballs know that they are screwballs.
Jim Morrison says
how about we use these funds for reparations for FLA native American Indians instead of illegals. if illegals want free in-state college tuition how using the GI bill like me and many others.
Nancy N. says
Jane, you need to check your privilege. Do you not understand the level of privilege inherent in the fact that your husband apparently had a US citizen sponsor and a relatively easy path to legal residence, was already safely present in the US, had all his documents, and had the cash to buy a position in line and pay for safe parking? The vast majority of people in this country who you would call “illegals” come from countries where they have literally NO legal path to get here. Many countries – the ones people are most desperate to get out of – the visa lottery only awards a handful of visas a year. If they do have a legal path, the fees can cost many times what an average person in their country makes in a year (not to mention the extensive costs of having to make repeated visits to embassies or consulates in often far away cities). And the process takes years, when people’s lives are often under threat from gangs or civil unrest or authoritarian leaders. So to just say “do it right because I did” ignores that your circumstances entailed a whole ton of privilege.
Sherry says
@land and al. . . “nasty name calling” the childish “go to” for those who cannot come up with an intelligent and reasonable discussion point. Pathetic!
Sherry says
@ Nancy N,
What an excellent point! Those who relentless say “just immigrate legally” really have no idea regarding the large amount of money it takes to even begin the immigration process which certainly requires an immigration attorney. Because the Republicans have stopped legislation to clean up our extremely complex and lengthy immigration processes, it is currently very difficult for those who are not well off/ “connected” to immigrate legally.