Like many police agencies across the country, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office now routinely uses–or “deploys,” in the militarized parlance of its practitioners–a SWAT team once designed for the most potentially dangerous situations: active shooters, hostage crises and the like.
Wednesday, with fanfare mirrored by the agency’s spotlighting the bust with a press release–it was not a very busy day on the police beat–the SWAT team was deployed again, this time against a “grow house” where “several” muffins and chocolate laced in marijuana were seized.
Also seized were small amounts of “hashish oil,” some of it in a jar in a freezer, some of it in a butter churner. The churner was apparently still operating when the bust was carried out, according to the alleged growers’ arrest report. “Throughout the residence were numerous marijuana pipes and other drug paraphernalia,” the report states. Some 530 grams of pot were found in a bag, along with wares used to package and sell the stuff.
There were three pot plants in a bedroom with lighting and an irrigation system in the closet. Investigators also found a bag with an undetermined amount of cocaine in it. The two individuals’ arrest reports don’t mention LSD (at least not in unredacted portions of their reports), but the news release states that possession of LSD is among the charges.
The operation was carried out at 8:30 Wednesday morning and involved the Sheriff’s Office Special Investigations Unit, the Flagler Beach Police Department and SWAT. It unraveled at a small apartment house at 220 South 26th Street in Flagler Beach (Apartment 7).
Christian Jacob Way, 24, of Flagler Beach and his girlfriend Katrina Lyn Farmer, 18, of Palm Coast, face a series of felony charges, according to the news release, and were booked at the Flagler County jail. Way was held on $15,000 bond. Farmer was held on $13,000 (the difference is the cocaine charge, which only Way faces.) Way was still in jail Thursday morning. Farmer had posted bail.
rst says
The insanity continues…
Rob says
There has to be justification for budget increases.
Crime has to be fought and fighting crime (war on drugs among others) costs money.
The rationale is more money yields better results.
theevoice says
glad to hear the sheriff is doing a GREAT job..
Nalla C says
It’s all about intimidation.
Well, wait, let’s clarify–it’s all about intimidation AND it’s all about spending their federal allotments before June 30th rolls around (June 30 = end of fiscal year for government budget purposes)
Sgt. Pepper says
One Adam 12…One Adam 12….we have a chocolate muffins with butter being held hostage in Flagler Beach. …All units included SNOT (oops) I mean SWAT proceed to Flagler Beach…Snipers, hold position on Aleike condo’s… Use armor tank to gain entry into subjects apartment…Deploy flash grenades and mustard gas…over
10-4 , roger, ah, the guys are hungry, can they eat those muffins ? Over
palm coast citizens says
Can’t believe this is what our tax dollars go to. A couple of hardened criminals here.haha that’s sarcastic . Isn’t there real crime to fight? seriously 3 pot plants?
Groot says
Those kids won’t like that on their records in the years to come.
Jon Dopp says
This story has been completely blown out of proportion. No militarized SWAT team was deployed to execute this search warrant. No armored vehicles, no flash grenades, no heavy body armor……….a handful of SWAT team members served this warrant. SWAT team members were used due to their tactical experience and ability to handle the situation IF it escalated. They knocked on the door, the residents answered. The residents were secured and the home was searched pursuant to the warrant. Not to mention that we’re all forgetting the cocaine and LSD that was located in the home. This article that presented no facts. I don’t know if the spin put on this story was intentional or due to ignorance, but the way it was written is completely misleading and irresponsible………FCSO: chasing gingerbread men according to people who know nothing.
jadobi says
What was obviously left out was that the SWAT team was used to enter the residence for a search warrant, which is very common practice for police agencies. Once entry is made and scene secured, the SWAT officers resume their normal duties and the narcotics officers take over. There isn’t an agency around here with a full time SWAT team. The members are unusually on duty as patrol officer/deputies, motor cops… Etc and conduct business when needed. FlaglerLive, I think you would recognize the uncertainty officers face when entering people’s homes, especially those in the narcotic business no matter how big or small. The uncertainty is the reason the a SWAT team makes entry.
Bob says
They were just trying to make a living!
Darlene says
Over kill as usual
Just saying says
Wasn’t the cocaine and lsd in small amounts? Personal stuff. Can’t see the big big deal with that.
Beach Guy says
Eric Clapton – Let It Grow Lyrics
Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs
To tell me which way I should go to find the answer,
And all the time I know,
Plant your love and let it grow
Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, let it grow
Looking for a reason to check out of my mind,
Trying hard to get a friend that I can count on,
But there’s nothing left to show,
Plant your love and let it grow
Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, so let it grow, let it grow
Time is getting shorter and there’s much for you to do
Only ask and you will get what you are needing,
The rest is up to you
Plant your love and let it grow
Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, let it
Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, let it grow
Wishful Thinking says
This world is going madder by the day.. Cocaine – okay – fine them $2,500 and that will soon stop but leave their pot plants alone
Anonymous says
Do we really need SWAT to serve a search warrant? OK maybe it is part of their role to be there for them but I don’t see the need. do we not train our regular officers or detectives to do a routing bust like this?
Jose Caniusi says
It’s a wonder they didn’t call in the feds like they did in Espinola.
a tiny manatee says
If SWAT is deployed “just in case things escalate” then using standard cop logic they should always be deployed every time police interact with the public.
grandstanding says
Does either of these two that were arrested have any prior arrests?..and if so, were they violent? I dont think so. Were there any weapons found in the house? I think the police can use their better judgment on cases like this.
FiveO says
I agree with Jon here that the way this story is written is slanted. More than a pound of weed taken off the streets that could have been sold to children was removed from this house. That’s not personal use amounts!!!
Jon Dopp says
There is always a greater inherent danger when executing a search warrant on someone’s home. If you understood “standard cop logic,” then you would understand the many factors that go into deciding what type of and how much personnel are used in various scenarios. We don’t throw a dart at a board and decide to knock someone’s door down. Believe it or not, there are well thought out and intelligent decisions made based on a laundry list of factors. This person had over 500 grams of marijuana in the house, along with cocaine and LSD. This was not a personal use amount of narcotics.
amazed says
Usually when the SWAT team is deployed the criminals jump out the back window and disappear like that guy in Integra Woods complex.
NortonSmitty says
Well at least they didn’t shoot anyones dog.
Drippy says
The rest is up to you… Plant your love and let it grow…
retired says
1 pound of pot makes about 60 grams of cannabis oil for patients. It takes at least 60 grams to do the treatment and 1 gram monthly for maintenance thereafter. Yes, these kids were probably growing to smoke but a pound is not a large amount of pot
Thereegoestheneighborhood says
Flagler trash continues to plague our quiet community. Get a job, stop the drugs and do something productive. Volunteer, clean up the beer cans and cigarette butts from the beach. Great job FBPD/FCSO…ignore the idle chatter from the earth worms! Id rather pay for police service than a tennis court I will never use!!!
well now says
I wouldn’t go calling police trash or a plauge, nor should they vollunteer to clean up cans and cigg butts. Thats a lil much “theregoestheneighborhood”.
Maybe just be more aware that the citizens in flagler aren’t against small amounts of marijuana from non violent residents. 2 comments above was spot on, 1 lbs cannabis=60g oil, 1g a day for 2 patients = 1 month of meds