Social media posts began rapidly darting across Facebook Friday about a 13-year-old boy “found by a teacher at Rym Fire, walking around covered in mud and blood incoherent near Rym Fire park where he frequents.”
The post, illustrated by the picture of a boy in a hospital room, with a head bandage and on a ventilator, goes on to state that “He is new to this area, doesnt know anyone out here. Hes been riding his bike daily from the P section to various parks in the area. His name is Jake.”
A school district spokesman said the district had “no knowledge of this incident or even if one of our staff was involved in helping as stated in the post.” A Palm Coast Fire Department spokesman said the department had not been dispatched to the area. A sheriff’s spokesman was examining records to shed light on the situation, which to some readers reacting to the posts was raising questions as a potential hoax. But it was not.
In fact, the incident was reported to sheriff’s dispatchers soon after 1 p.m. on Friday as a 13-year-old boy walking around, not looking well, looking ”
cut up” as if he’d crashed his bike. He was “muddy” and wearing a dirty t-shirt and shorts, in the description provided to dispatchers by a caller, who also described the boy as “wobbling.” The caller was with the boy and tried to bring him under a tree to await authorities. Ladder 25 out of the Palm Coast Fire Department was requested then cancelled, and the boy was taken to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach at 1:33 p.m. by Flagler County Rescue 92.
The boy was identified as Jacob D. Pelton, a resident of Peppercorn Lane in Palm Coast. According to what he told authorities, he fell off his bicycle and struck his head. There is no explanation as to why or how he’d fallen, or whether anyone else was involved. The viral social media post claims “his bike was never found.” But a statement by the Sheriff’s Office today attributed the fall only to an accident, and that the boy was trying to make his way home when he fell again, and was found.
Jacob had trouble answering basic questions, and told authorities he went to Campbell Middle School, which is on South Keech Street in Daytona Beach. He gave his father’s phone number. Authorities could not reach anyone there initially, but the boy’s father was contacted at 2:30 p.m. and went to the hospital. (A call to that number by FlaglerLive led to voice mail.)
Neighbors of the house told authorities that they only knew that the people at the Peppercorn address had recently moved in. The 2,000 square-foot house is not homesteaded and is likely a rental, owned by a corporate entity that owns almost a dozen properties around Palm Coast.
On Saturday morning, another caller told authorities that they had seen the boy at the skate park, presumably at Ralph Carter Park near Rymfire, around 10 a.m. Friday, and that the boy was walking around seeming fine, suggesting that the incident took place after 10 a.m.
Nothing in the report to authorities so far suggests foul play.
“The FCSO appreciates all of the public outreach and concern,” the Sheriff’s Office said in a statement this afternoon. “We have been in touch with the family of the juvenile and they are very appreciative of the outpouring of support as the juvenile continues to recover.”
Trailer Bob says
Get well soon kid!
Debra says
Sending prayers for this young boy and prayers to his family. Praying that God saves his life, so that he can tell what happened to him. Thank you to whomever found him and got help for him.
Blessing to you.
Jimbo99 says
Per FL Statute, Children under the age of 16 are required by law to wear bicycle helmets.
“316.2065 Bicycle regulations.—
(1) Every person propelling a vehicle by human power has all of the rights and all of the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle under this chapter, except as to special regulations in this chapter, and except as to provisions of this chapter which by their nature can have no application.
(2) A person operating a bicycle may not ride other than upon or astride a permanent and regular seat attached thereto.
(3)(a) A bicycle may not be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed or equipped, except that an adult rider may carry a child securely attached to his or her person in a backpack or sling.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (a), a bicycle rider must carry any passenger who is a child under 4 years of age, or who weighs 40 pounds or less, in a seat or carrier that is designed to carry a child of that age or size and that secures and protects the child from the moving parts of the bicycle.
(c) A bicycle rider may not allow a passenger to remain in a child seat or carrier on a bicycle when the rider is not in immediate control of the bicycle.
(d) A bicycle rider or passenger who is under 16 years of age must wear a bicycle helmet that is properly fitted and is fastened securely upon the passenger’s head by a strap and that meets the federal safety standard for bicycle helmets, final rule, 16 C.F.R. part 1203. As used in this subsection, the term “passenger” includes a child who is riding in a trailer or semitrailer attached to a bicycle.”
“(8) No parent of any minor child and no guardian of any minor ward may authorize or knowingly permit any such minor child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this section.”
Veteran says
Your comment doe nothing to help this boy!
Local says
Really? No sympathy for the kid? People like you are part of the problem with this country today…
Ld says
Sadly he may not have had a helmet provided by his parents or being a teen opted not to wear one.
But your post is a good reminder to parents that helmets are required at his age.
Karen A says
Praying he recovers… g0d be with him.
John says
As a family member in order to clarify what happened and what the result was to all of this Jake doesn’t remember exactly what happened just that he was at the skatepark he didn’t bring his helmet as most kids don’t like to wear helmets he fell trying to ride the halfpipe he struck his head left his phone behind and try to ride back home he didn’t make it and started walking disoriented the teacher at Rimfire so kindly stopped it may have saved his life the doctor said. In the end he was driven to Halifax by ambulance and then flown to Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital in Orlando where he is now he had surgery within an hour of his arrival to relieve a blood clot and repair a broken skull that was a depressed fracture according to the doctor the doctor says that he should recover and be fine his breathing tube was removed today he’s asleep breathing normally and coming off his medication we are all very thankful for everyone that helped including the sergeant with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office who communicated with us and followed up investigating everything and determined that it appears he fell at the skatepark where blood was found and shoe prints that matches shoes. He will wear a helmet from now on obviously.
Loving retirement says
Hoping the young man recovers. Thank you for the clarification. Prayers for your family and this young man.
ASF says
I hope this boy recovers fully and that his situation at home is investigated–especially if Mom starts immediately setting up a “GoFundMe” page. This young man’s interests need to be protected, even as as this incident is being further investigated.
John says
If his mother has started a GoFundMe page I would like to put a stop to it I am his father I have full custody and full parental rights there’s a reason I have those rights his mother is incompetent has been charged with child neglect in the past I want to emphasize this had nothing to do with the incident in Flagler County it was simply he was out on his bike like boys are I can’t be with him constantly he has a helmet he doesn’t like to wear it and it was an accident. His mother however is a problem in fact my son does not want to see her he told the nursing staff at Arnold Palmer he doesn’t want to see her so if she comes she will not be allowed in this is unfortunate but it is true and I will not force my son if he doesn’t want to see her there are reasons he doesn’t want to see her. Jake had the drainage tube removed today by the neurosurgeon the swelling is going down he is eating the Foley catheter was removed he should be released by Wednesday in short I thank God for the woman who stopped to help him and made the initial call for help if it was not for her doing that when she did it could have had a tragic outcome more than it already has. He was bleeding in his brain or around the brain there was a huge Claude it had to be removed and he wasn’t making any sense when I spoke to him at Halifax he was flown to Arnold Palmer in Orlando where he is now. His mother if she did start a GoFundMe page is simply trying to get money it’s disgusting and I don’t really have a dialog with her at this point. Bottom line I thank everybody for their concern and I can answer any questions.
Mary Fusco says
John, please don’t feel the need to explain your family dynamics to busybodies. I am so glad that your son is going to be okay. Whoever started this debacle should be so ashamed. I hope he or she has learned a lesson. BTW, 3 of my grandsons do “tricks” on their bikes and have had some injuries as a result.
ASF says
I am praying for your son, as are many others. I am so glad to hear that he is getting the care he needs at Arnold Palmer. It is a wonderful facility. Good bless you and my sincerest wishes for your son’s speedy recovery!
Local says
You’re a lucky man….hope he recovers fully. A working dad can’t always be there but be there when u can…..that’s what matters.
Leila says
We all hate to wear helmets, but I am thankful I had one one a very few years ago when I fell over my bike and my head slammed into the pavement and bounced twice.
Blessings to Jake and his family, along with prayers for a speedy recovery.
John says
I just read all the new comments that were posted and I appreciate the encouragement and everyone’s thoughts and advice this is been a hard time a huge wake-up call for me personally to re-evaluate my own life and appreciate what I have that often take for granted and to reset some priorities. I’ve been a backsliding Christian who knows better and suddenly from the woman who first discovered Jake at the school it was a believer to several others in succession God has shown me his hand and his care and mercy and love for me and my son which is inspired me. Commit myself to him he’s convinced me I’m one of those people that needs convincing so let me give that testimony to everyone reading if you’re running from God and he’s called you stop and trust him there’s no better way he’s all we have. I’ve been humbled and I needed it. Jake could be going home tomorrow the neurosurgeon said he’s recovering extremely that is fortunate I know it’s God. God is saving my life not just my sons through this. He is scheduled to walk today with a physical therapists and could be leaving tomorrow and I’m so grateful
Ms. David says
I am so glad that Jake is recovering and that there are still good people in the world. Once I heard this news my heart broke knowing that a former student was injured. Jake is an amazing kid! Me and his former educators along with his past classmates wish him a speedy and healthy recovery. You got this Jake!
ASF says
Physical Therapy can do wonders and young people, especially, tend to be resilient. Keep your chins up! So many people are sending good thoughts and prayers your way!
John says
Thanks for your continued concern, Jake may be discharged soon he’s making rapid progress this looks like a happy ending and I thank God for it
Resident says
Was there any blood at the skate park?
FlaglerLive says
John says
Yes there was a sergeant with the sheriff’s office told me about it when I got back to pick up some clothes I went there and saw exactly where he was saying and I believe that’s where it happened Jake still does not remember but he does remember being at the skatepark I think it’s coming back a little bit to his memory he’s sleeping now here in Palm Coast and letting rest the doctor said sleep is the best thing but it looks like he’s back to his old self we’re getting there soon complaining as usual
Donna Davis says
John, I just found this when searching for RJ. How is Jake? I know this happened almost two years ago, but did he fully recover? I sure hope so…