Last Updated: 7:55 a.m. Tuesday
The first call to the Florida Highway Patrol that someone was driving recklessly south on I-95 was logged at 5:36 p.m. It was about a silver Dodge Charger, near State Road 207 just south of St. Augustine. A Florida Highway Patrol trooper started pursuing the car at the St. Johns-Flagler County line.
The driver sped down I-95 to the 289 exit at Palm Coast Parkway, off-ramped and drove west on the Parkway only to U-turn at Pine Lakes and start heading east again on the Parkway, with the trooper in pursuit.
Just before 6 p.m. the Charger, driven by 33-year-old Jacqueline Luckett of Jacksonville and going east on the Parkway, plowed into cars, pick-up trucks and a van that had all but stopped at the Parkway light with Cypress Point. Nine vehicles in all were involved in the smash-up, five of them damaged badly enough to require towing. One of the victims, Joan Marie Cole, is 83. She had minor injuries.
No one was killed. Luckett, who has a history of arrests on driving charges, was airlifted with serious injuries to Halifax Hospital as Flagler County Fire Flight landed and took off near the scene of the wreck. One woman was taken by ambulance to Florida Hospital Flagler. Another was taken to the hospital by her boyfriend. Others involved in the wreck did not require medical attention.
Luckett has a decade-and-a-half long history of arrests, jail and prison. (See her complete Florida Department of Corrections rap sheet at the foot of the article.) She served two stints in state prison, the last, ending last mid-April, a one-year-and-one-day sentence for cocaine possession and grand theft auto. She was jailed last August and again last September in Volusia County on charges of habitually driving without a license. She was jailed in Duval County in December for failing to appear in court while on bail. She was also arrested in Duval in late November for disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace and in May for grand theft. Earlier in the year, she was jailed in Volusia on a driving without a license and drug paraphernalia possession charges. Her multiple 2007 jailings in Volusia include charges for grand theft, cocaine possession, disorderly conduct, injunction violation, burglary and more. She’s been in and out of jail every year in Volusia since at least 1999.
Palm Coast Parkway eastbound was closed for almost an hour, and rush-hour traffic diverted through Cypress Point. One lane on the Parkway eastbound was opened a little after 7 p.m. The first vehicle was towed, by Roger’s Towing, at 7:30 p.m.
Alberto Domenech, a 26-year-old Palm Coast resident, was at the wheel of his Dodge Ram pick-up truck, in the second lane from the right, and saw it all happen.
“We were all coming in at a stop light. She started hitting everybody in the back,” Domenech said, describing her speed as very high as she smashed into one car after the other. She hit his Dodge on the left-rear side, after she had collided with two other trucks behind Domenech–one of them in his lane, the other in the center lane–then smashed into three more vehicles, two of which hit another. Domenech’s truck was mostly spared, but he had his driver’s side window down and the violence of the crashes was such that some shattered glass ended up in his truck. Luckett and her car came to a rest almost parallel with Domenech, having literally displaced the two cars that had previously been there. Those cars–a 4-door Subaru Impreza and a Mitsubishi SUV–were among those that sustained the most damage. They were pushed into and past the walking strips at the intersection, into the line of cross-traffic.
“I stepped out of the car to help her, she didn’t respond, she was shaking,” Domenech said of Luckett, describing her at that point as if she were having a seizure.
Troopers were at the scene immediately after the wreck, Domenech said. They searched the vehicle soon after the driver was transported out.
Behind Domenech’s truck, a black 2001 Ford Ranger truck had been hit on the left side and sideswiped along the driver’s side. The rear tire was no longer operable on that one. Further back, and to the left of the center lane, a blue Toyota pick-up SR5 had been left quite damaged. A Toyota Corolla and a Grand Caravan van were also lightly damaged.
Crews from the Palm Coast Fire Department worked the scene, dropping sand in parts to sop up vehicle fluids–the smell of engine oil was in the air, but not gasoline. Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies were also at the scene.
Here’s a list of the vehicles and people involved; three of the vehicles were not officially identified and tied to their drivers:
- 2001 Ford Ranger driven by Frank Benham III, 59, of Palm Coast. He was not injured. The Ford sustained $15,000 in damages.
- 2006 Toyota Tacamo driven by Poheng Ung, 48, of Palm Coast. Ung was complaining of back pains at the scene. The Toyota sustained $10,000 in damages.
- 2011 Toyota Camry driven by Thomas Dugan, 62, who had no injuries. The car sustained $3,00 in damages.
- 2004 Dodge Ram, driven by Alberto Domenech, 27, of Bunnell, who had no injuries. The Dodge sustained $100 in damages.
- 2005 Dodge Caravan, driven by Stefan Tucker, 40, who had no injuries. The Dodge sustained $500 in damages.
- Joan Marie Cole, 83, of Palm Coast, had minor injuries and was taken to Florida Hospital Flagler.
- James van Brocklin, 40, of Palm Coast. No injuries.
- Christa Santamaria, 28, of Palm Coast. No injuries.

Jacqueline Luckett’s rap sheet from the Florida Department of Corrections. Click on the image below for larger view:

The Florida Highway Patrol’s Accident Report:
Anonymous says
She took i95-to pc pkwy—turned around in the mcharaceters lot after almost hitting me–then doubled back to the scene she created
steve handles says
The charger was heading towards us1 at the end of palm coast pkwy.. because of the deployment of stop sticks(trying to avoid),the woman made that u-turn at the pine lakes/palm coast pkwy intersection back towards traffic in town.. why didnt they let the vehicle go to us1? a much safer,less traffic area? and how come theres no mention of the use of stop sticks?
Upstate NYers says
It was Mayhem – plain and simple!!
Krysta Kulakowski Gearl via Facebook says
Watched this happen. Scary to think that these people were just sitting there waiting for their light and she just drove right through all of them. Watching the cars hit, pieces flying just makes me glad no innocent people got killed.
Donna Ferguson via Facebook says
Thank God no one was crossing the street when this happened and that you weren’t in the middle of it.
Cindy says
I was just beginning to cross the intersection of Palm Coast and Cypress when this lady came barreling through! She almost smashed into the car in front of me, which had a man and 4 small children in it! We were the lucky ones…..
Pcadiron says
Why was she being chased in the first place? I hope it was something serious since so many people ended up in the middle of her mess! Thank God no innocent people were killed!
The Truth says
She was driving recklessly down I-95. Please don’t try and defend this lady with the BS that people spew about: is the chase worth it.
Troopers had no idea what this woman was capable of. If she causes an accident on I-95 with her erratic driving, you could be sure someone would have lost their lives.
Anonymous says
as she drove around traffic including me-her tire was already coming apart-im sure stop sticks did the damage-there is pieces of tire debri still up and down pcparkway…
Jason C. Williams via Facebook says
Thanks for the information….good reporting :)
Ben Dover says
There was a law in place that said cops cannot engage in high speed pursuits anymore because it was a danger to the driver they are chasing and everyone else on the road , when will these backward idiots learn to just knock it off , they have the license plate and peoples address, just let them go wait at their house for them stop endangering innocent lives and destroying everyone elses property , they can just as easily follow with a helicopter , and like i said they have the license plate number and the drivers home address , theres no need for high speed chases , what the hell did she do anyway forget to signal for a lane change sheese
Anonymous says
Why in the world would the trooper continue to chase this womas thru Palm Coast? Very poor judgment in my opinion-this could have possibly all been avoided. Why was she being chased anyway???
Ralph Belcher says
Not sure if it’s a good thing to let a reckless driver go who had already been a meanace to society.
I don’t live in a kindergarten where we will just let criminals go because they run. I’m certain that if this perp robbed your house or “viloated” your family members while you were home that you would open your door and show them the way out with a couple of marshmallow cookies, a glass of milk and a map showing the access to the interstate. Of course not. That would be a bit too passive for the public good. This is real live… and there are going to be a few bumps in the road along our way.
I’m glad the law got hold of Luckett. It is SHE who is responsible and will be held responsible for her crimes against society.
Ben Dover says
She didn`t rob anyones house, stop turning the crime around to fit the pursuit, 9 people were involved in an accident ,an 83 yr old woman being one of them , it was very very bad judgement to bring this chase onto a crowded rush hour street in the heart of our community, 9 cars were damaged people were hurt and could have been killed. They`ve equipped these police cars with crash bars on the front to run people off the road , they should have equipped the officers with me common sense
palmcoaster says
I do not agree with high speed pursuits inside traffic congested residential communities…too many innocent lives and properties at risk. My 72 years old family member was coming back as he does daily across that intersection and just a couple of minutes before this crash .Thank God, he was spared! I am glad no one was seriously injured and maybe we will finally learn about the injuries of this lady and reason for her actions. As soon as this leady headed for the PC Parkway the pursuit should have come to a stop. This is why radio communications between law enforced has been invented. Stop risking innocent lives! We do not reside in the Wild West any longer, don’t we?
palmcoaster says
Within 45 minutes before of that incident we were in the Parkway across that intersection twice west and east bound with my elderly friends visiting from Canada. We are so lucky that we were all spared. Once more I do not agree with Trooper Delgado and his high speed pursuit in heavily congested Palm Coast Parkway. I believe our Palm Coast City Council is to address this issue.
George H says
Judging by the ‘rap sheet’, this person had no respect for the law. Don’t blame the police for pursuing her. Left unstopped, who knows what she was capable of. Lock her up. And as far as “waiting at her house” because the police have her license tag, well, if the vehicle is stolen, the police would be waiting a very long time at the address of the vehicle’s owner. Stop defending crazed out people.
Harry says
The car was a rental and not one that she had rented.
Ben Dover says
can you say H.E.L.I.C.O.P.T.E.R
cutie pie says
Troopers did not chase her, they tried stop her by positionng themselves in front of the exit ramp onto palmcoast pkwy west bound. But she drove around them, crossed over the median, ALMOST HITTING ME & MY KIDS, she continued west bound in the East bound lane. I sat in the grass & watched other cars have to pull over to prevent a head on collision. Troopers didnt have sirens on just their lights. I am grateful she didnt kill anyone.
Palm Coast Resident says
Everyone involved in the accident was fortunate; including the suspect. Florida State Troopers & Flagler County Sheriff Deputies in pursuit of the fleeing suspect continued the chase into Palm Coast in a professional manner giving the difficult situation. The accident would have never happened if the suspect would have stopped the vehicle.
some guy says
WOW how some look to put the blame on the cops over the one who did the damage.If you wish to look to others then her for blame look to the Courts why the hell was she set loose on us again! Also why the hell do we waist our tax $$ on FLYING her to the hospital put her in a regular mode of transport and take the long way JMO.
Doug Chozianin says
Lock her rear-end up forever along with the Activist-Judges who didn’t incarcerate her for her previous offenses. Look at all the felonies on her rap sheet.
Why are animals like this walking (driving) the street???
agnese says
I would be surprised if she has insurance, who is going to pay for this mess ??
David says
Look in the mirror, fellow taxpayer.
Jojo says
And, to add insult to injury, she receives a free lift to Halifax Hospital via Fire Flight on taxpayers money (what does that cost) while innocent Palm Coasters injured in the fray have to drive themselves to the hospital?
Harry says
Oh about $34,000
cutie pie says
Y am I not surprised! always making every situation a money situation. What is the differrnce in a broke person & a wealthy person commiting a crime! Money is replaceable, & so are the damaged vehicles
The Truth says
cutie pie: I think you’re missing the point. Of course, lives are more important than anything else but it does seem a bit unfair that those of us who are responsible and pay our taxes have to foot the bill for someone who was driving reckless and decided to put others lives in danger. I don’t wish death upon this lady, but I do feel it’s a bit unfair for those who are responsible having to pay for those who don’t have a care in the world.
cutie pie says
Yes I do get the point. Just last wk I read a article where it was hit & run & the person died a fw day later in the hospital but since the driver settled to pay millions, no charges r being filed. DOUBLE STANDRDS U R RIGHT IT IS UNFAIR
Palm Coast Citizen says
I know the article your talking about and it stated on there that the accident is still under investigation, that’s why no charges have been filed. Just because they settled on the lawsuit doesn’t mean that they are not filing charges.
Begonia says
Well then let me put it a little more bluntly for you. We work hard, we pay our own bills, while others live willingly outside that system with no penalties. We’ll all be paying for this.
As to that other suit you referred to as a double standard, that’s a bit different. If you are addressing the fact that the Sheriff did not send in the police following a hit and run, that one is still under investigation.
I think everyone in Palm Coast has the right to see his phone records, to make sure he is telling the truth about that accident. Show us the phone records, Sheriff.
palmcoaster says
I called on the city today regarding the issue of law enforcement high speed chases in our city’s congested parkways or streets and they told me city has no policy on that and that I have to call the sheriff..
And we all can guess what the sheriff will say if we ask him about it …
Martha says
If he were me I’d say to you to call FHP as it was their incident.
some guy says
cutie pie says:
February 14, 2012 at 10:01 am
Y am I not surprised! always making every situation a money situation. What is the differrnce in a broke person & a wealthy person commiting a crime! Money is replaceable, & so are the damaged vehicles
No on buut you is making this a “broke person” vs wealthy person” commiting a crime thing its a criminal vs inocent law abiding people thing.
Begonia says
Cutie Pie, there is no difference except that the driver’s insurance company paid the family. That doesn’t make the driver innocent. They paid damages to the family through their insurance. And believe me, that doesn’t make anybody wealthy.
And we also have a Sheriff who supposedly received phone calls from the driver’s husband, an elected official but his stories don’t seem to match as to why help was not sent to the woman who had been run over and killed by the driver.
So it is under investigation, both the driver and the Sheriff. Want to be we’ll have no answers until after the Sheriff is reelected?
Mack says
Wait, so the police chase a woman who doesn’t abide by the law and some of you find that the police are in the wrong for chasing? And if she was armed and dangerous, they should just let her go because heaven forbid your 932 year old super great awesome grandfather, barely nimble enough to catch a cup before it falls, is already in whatever self-imposed danger comes with being surrounded by 1+ ton, 200+ hp machines?
The ridiculousness of that thought process astounds me. It’s one thing if you’re one of the apparently-large group of people that wants Palm Coast as serene as can be, but if you’re not willing to let those that are supposed to protect you do their job you’ll be packing your bags for your new utopia in no time.
On a positive note, I’m very happy no one was killed – especially considering Luckett’s apparent disregard for the lives of those involved. I can only hope her latest stay at the Gray Bar Hotel is a long one.
cutie pie says
Well said
sly fox says
I wonder if she has automobile insurance (or if the car she was driving was insured)…. not that these people involved in this don’t already have enough to deal with
Harry says
The her but car was a rental and was not rented by her but someone else. That is what is unfortuneate, as we all know she won’t have to pay a dime financially, just the time.
palmcoaster says
Probably this woman’s car was stolen…and all these people hit, may have to get stuck paying their deductibles, unless they have uninsured driver covered on their policies. Now to “only the good die young” we should ad “only the good pay the bills”.
I have avoided two crashes in 3 years by leaving plenty of space from the car in front of mine while stopped at red lights or turn lanes, while at the same time, I glance at the approaching traffic from the back. Works well on a two lane road, not as good on a multiple lane one. Twice I avoided a rear end crash by jumping to the shoulder or several feet forward while pressing the horn and waking up the incoming distracted and apologetic driver. As iphones and nutty people increased also my defensive driving and works well! Not only texters but also many looney tunes on the loose are scary, as we can see : http://www.news-journalonline.com/news/local/east-volusia/2012/02/14/police-man-killed-in-fiery-crash-had-been-going-150-mph.html
Ralph Belcher says
Another case for getting “uninsured motorist insurance”, fellow citizens… Pays off dividends, especially if this turned out to be a stolen or uninsured car causing all this gross recklessness and wanton disregard for others as this lady from Jacksonville bestowed upon us. I look forward to reading about a good stiff sentence for this (expletive deleted by author).
Anonymous says
if anyone thinks that the troopers backing off or stopping pursuit wouldve stopped this crazy lady is smoking some good stuff…
she ran and woulda gone till she wrecked somewhere-somehow–blaming troopers is just pathetic…
@PalmCoaster says
F.H.P. was trying to stop the car not F.C.S.O., Most local and county departments (including here) have forcible felony only allowed pursuits. Like when someone robs a bank at gunpoint. You might want to ask someone at F.H.P. what their policy is.
Hopefully the courts will wake up this time and put this women away permanently.
palmcoaster says
@Anonymous I do not agree. She entered the PC Parkway speeding, because she was being pursuit. That chase should have stopped, when she entered the PC Parkway out of concerns for innocent residents lives and property. That is common sense as is probably not written anywhere.
Then trooper informs over his radio to have deputies and other trooper’s strategically posted to find out her route and if she heads less traffic congested roads, then proceed the chase. After all trooper Delgado did not really catch her, instead all those victimized residents with their wall of demolished cars, did. Sustaining the damage that now will cost them $500 deductible to repair if they do not have like most don’t uninsured motorist clause on their policies… as is more expensive. Is very showy and bravado to talk cheap when one was not victimized and will be without a car and out of $500 for repairs. Oh Yeah! lets have the cops chase her at 200 miles and hour if needed and in heavy traffic where even walkers and children on bicycles cross the parkway right? Human life proven not worth around here to just prove a cocky point! No wonder people packs and get out of this county.
palmcoaster says
@Palmcoaster (the other); she didn’t rob a back this time, correct? Maybe the FHP Internal will ask Delgado why he didn’t stop the chase. No use for me to call them….anyway they will give me the typical run around. Hope she gets canned for good and gets some intense rehab while inside.
taYLORR bbbbb says
It is what it is. Noone was killed and no children were involved that lady was driving crazy since st augustine and everyone is worried on why she was high speed chased,, It started on the highway the FHP didnt know she was going to get off in palm coast so its not like they purposly chased her in our town she was a threat to our society SHE NEEDED TO BE STOPPED so regardless of our it started everyone is okay and she is now in jail where she belonged.. if that person didnt call it in on the highway when she started acting stupid lots of lives could of been at risk ad people could of died. so stop questioning why there was a high speed chase just know EVERYONE IS OKAY
Martha says
Remember… She was driving recklessly prior to law enforcement involvement. A crash was likely to happen either way. Perhaps those people who were in her way saved someone else’s life down the road. We’ ll never know what may have happened had she made it through there.
Anonymous says
i was there,saw it happen,im saying right now–chase or no chase,this wreck was happening…if you were not there and didnt see it unfold in both directions,and see how wreckless she was-then you should probobly speak less or how law enforcement did its job
agnese says
Hello Delgado: How do you justify not calling off the chase when she entered Palm Coast Parkway at rush hour, on a Friday no less, when the Sherrifs office suspended a chase on Belle Terre at 11:00 pm the previous week. Perhaps the FHP needs a few pointers from the Sherrifs on public safety!
Jennifer says