The City of Palm Coast is announces ‘Share with the Mayor,’ an all-new initiative to get residents involved in planning and building the future of Palm Coast for tomorrow and beyond.
During a “Share with the Mayor” meeting, Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin will meet with local groups, clubs, neighborhood watches, and other local organizations to hear their ideas and gain feedback on creating a better future for the city.
By engaging with the community this way, Mayor Alfin and City staff hope to create a more inclusive, vibrant, and prosperous Palm Coast.
“I am so thrilled to have this incredible opportunity to meet face-to-face with our residents,” said Mayor Alfin. “I look forward to exciting and productive interactions at these ‘Share with the Mayor’ meetings and welcome the collaboration between City officials and residents as we work together to make Palm Coast a better place to live, learn, work, and play.”
Palm Coast residents may schedule a ‘Share with the Mayor’ meeting by visiting palmcoast.gov/council/mayor/share-with-the-mayor now. Residents should schedule the meeting 4-6 weeks in advance. “Share with the Mayor” will be an excellent opportunity to share your ideas and concerns with the Mayor in order to work together on an even brighter future for Palm Coast.
Leland and Elizabeth Moree says
Thank You.
Elizabeth Moree
Leland and Elizabeth Moree says
No more short time or monthly rentals . Yearly is acceptable
Thank you.
Gary says
Let’s get the things that are needed now completed. Safety on our roads, cleaning out the salt water canals. The roads and the major health hazards produced by construction companies.
Dennis C Rathsam says
For months now, as houses pop up like mushrooms,and apartments being built all over the city, many, many people on this forum have complained about TRAFFIC!!!!!!!! Palm Coast,s roads are a nightmare, especialy during rush hour. Here on Matanzas Pkw, you cant get out of our street because of all the traffic heading to school or 95. Clean your ears Mr Mayor. Its the talk of the town, I know youve herd the people….Its time to listen to us! Stop the abuse of the land we have left. My fellow Palm Coasters, tell the mayor to fix the traffic problems NOW!!!!! Lets all send him a postcard, telling him to stop the building madness, & fix the Palm Coast parkinglot!
David Schaefer says
Mirta Fiallo says
Is crazy the intersection between Belle Terre and Bird of paradise when the kids get out of school, I leave in the corner and kids walk my lawn instead of crossing the street to walk home. I need something done. They destroying my lawn. Please make them stop. I paid to much money to keep my lawns beautiful. I need help!!
lolo OKOLE says
He’s ALREADY ruined our city.. set up his Teams Pay Raise. Did he ask the People for their input (NO!), it’s ALL MONEY<MONEY<MONEY. Palm Coast will be another Jacksonville….so DAMN SAD..LOOKING TO MOVE BEFOREIT GETS WORST.. THANKS, MR. MAYOR!!!
jOE sTOLFI says
MORE . Dollar stores
MORE . Storage facilities
WHY . You ask ?
I’d prefer them to MORE houses . MORE apartments . MORE people . MORE traffic . MORE congestion . and MORE crime
JustBeNice says
Why does it have to be groups meeting with the mayor. Can individual citizens go to the meeting as well? I agree with the above comments-no more short-term rentals, also, stop building apartments. Get pediatric and maternity services at the hospital, fix the splash pad, bring in businesses that give the employee a livable wage-no more retail, and stop catering to real estate brokers.
Mary says
Mr. Mayor. Why not tell us why you ignore the reality that’s in front of you. The roads, infrastructure, schools are obsolete, yet more huge developments continue to get approved. Belle Terre has 1000’s of homes planned, yet no word on how this 2 lane road can handle more traffic. Where is the smart planning? State Rd. 1 is IDEAL/ for light industry as Ormond is attracting, yet all we see are rooftops. Why has no mixed use development come into Town Center? Much of it is already cleared land. I would propose no more clear cutting of our beautiful paradise without matching equally untouched land . The city should be mindful of how quickly we’re losing animal habits and try to add some protection before too late.
Sue says
I moved here from an Orlando suburb. Comparatively speaking, the traffic is much better. However, other than the beach there is not much to do. How about some independent restaurants not more fast food. How about a nature walk through gardens with Florida native plants. Incorporate nature in your plans. Another flea market for locals to sell their crops and handmade crafts and have food trucks. Preferably next to a school to utilize the parking. With so many coming to Palm Coast from other states, how about gardening in Florida classes with the importance of Florida native plants emphasized.
I have been here 3 years and the swales haven’t been worked on at all in my neighborhood.
James says
My vision of the city’s future?
One with me living somewhere else… hopefully somewhere better. Far from the “madding crowds of Floridah.”
Pissed in PC says
I’ve already had my meeting last July and not the first bit of anything I suggested has ever been done. Destroying the woods (trees and wildlife) for another McMansionhood, still no community of smaller houses for seniors that want to stay here but can’t afford the bigger houses after their spouse dies. Fix the existing infrastructure before you keep putting these McMansionhoods up. Never in my life have I paid for stormwater as it was considered part of what your property taxes went to maintain. The city wastes more money on flowers and trees in the medians that have to be replaced yearly. We need a council that works for us and not developers!
Shark says
Palm Coast has no future as long as realtors are running the show !!!!
Me says
Correct Shark. And Alfin is allowing houses being built everywhere since he is a realtor and he wants the all mighty buck in his bank account, this is another reason he ran for Mayor.
When is he going to address the traffic problems, when is he going to address the lack of street lights all the roads are pitch black at night no wonder there are so many car accidents.
When is he going to address no side walks where people have to walk on the actual roads to get around.
He hasn’t addressed any issues the taxpayers keep bringing up. He is a do nothing politician. PERIOD.
Julia says
I totally agree and like to add the water problem to the list !
Quit with the zoning changes! Every vacant lot, every vacant acre has a zoning designation and the owner of the land bought the land knowing full well what that zoning was at the time of the sale. Now they come forward and want the city to change the zoning from single family residential to multi-family residential, NO! Or they want to change agricultural to commercial, NO! Only allow building permits for what the land is currently zoned for and nothing else.