Several weeks ago, Palm Coast Data, the subscription-fulfillment company that employs more than 1,000 people at its Commerce Boulevard campus, announced internally that training classes scheduled for early summer were canceled through October. Three such classes were scheduled for the summer months, each to train between 10 to 15 people. Hiring for that pipeline is presumably being halted.
In January, the company laid off 31 people and lost a major customer in Kappa Publishing Group. In early May, at least three supervisors and a quality assurance worker were laid off while the company’s balance sheet showed a 22 percent revenue decline in its current fiscal year’s first nine months.
Click On:
- Cancel This Subscription: Palm Coast Data Revenue Plummets Another 21% in 3Q
- How Palm Coast Lost Out on 400 Potential Jobs (Caution: Don’t Jump to Conclusions)
- Palm Coast Data Lays Off 31 More As Another Major Customer Plans to End Its Contract
- Palm Coast Data Parent’s Headaches: Diving Revenue and $22.5 Million Loan Due
- Palm Coast Data’s Invitation-Only Picnic: Hot Dogs, Flattery and Suspended Disbelief
Late last week, dozens of employees, including most of the workers in the membership department, were told that they’d be laid off by July 1.
The lay-offs in the membership department were not entirely a surprise, given the status of one of Palm Coast Data’s most important membership contracts–with the National Rifle Association, whose 5 million members get their membership services through Palm Coast Data. That contract will not be renewed, according to current and past employees.
The membership department took care of four accounts: the NRA, the Wildlife Conservation Society (essentially, members of the Bronx Zoo, the Central Park Zoo and one other similar organization in the New York Tri-State area), the Audubon Society and B.A.S.S., the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society. Members who have any questions, who want to renew cancel or discuss membership, call the customer service workers at Palm Coast Data. The organizations in turn pay the company to handle their customer service. By far the largest account, and the most lucrative, was the NRA’s. Losing it is a blow to the company, according to an employee familiar with the membership department, and who requested anonymity.
It isn’t clear whether the company has lost the account partially or entirely. But any loss of NRA business compounds other losses for Palm Coast Data in its more traditional subscription-fulfillment service–the handling of subscription accounts for hundreds of magazines. The company is losing many of those accounts for two reasons: many titles that PCD handled have either ceased publication or switched to a different fulfillment company. Among them: Metropolitan Home, Jet, Smithsonian, Mad Magazine, the Spanish edition of Maxim, National Fisherman, Outdoor Photographer, Saturday Evening Post, Sojourners, Science News, The Nation (Palm Coast Data lost that one, as it did several others, to CDS, The Des Moines, Iowa-based company with several locations around the country), the Chronicle of Higher Education, the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Ebony, Air & Space and Fine Homes, among some 120 titles, according to an internal list provided to FlaglerLive.
The list of publications whose customer service Palm Coast Data is still handling is far longer. But the last time the company announced that it had won a contract was six months ago, when it landed Newsweek. The newsweekly was itself facing bankruptcy. It was bought for $1, recast into a magazine heavy on features and celebrity coverage and short on news, reporting, and ad pages—and hemorrhaging circulation.
In 2008, the city of Palm Coast and Florida combined to give Palm Coast Data an incentives package worth $3 million from the state, and $450,000 from the city, not including a sweetener in the city’s 70,000-square-foot former city hall on Commerce Boulevard, which the company first rented, then bought for $3 million. The state’s and the city’s financial incentives were contingent on Palm Coast Data staying in town, and creating 700 new jobs on top of the 1,000 it had in 2008. The additional jobs have not materialized.
The city and Enterprise Flagler, the public-private economic development partnership, argued in 2008 that they’d convinced Palm Coast Data not to consolidate its business elsewhere, and take the jobs with it. But the company never showed indications that it was considering consolidation at its other locations, and when it did announce the Palm Coast Data consolidation, its own rationale didn’t mention incentives or local government efforts as a leading factor: “Palm Coast was chosen as the flagship brand and corporate headquarters for a number of reasons,” a company release summarizing the consolidation read, “including the fact that Palm Coast Data has the largest magazine and membership client base within the company and twice the number of employees in one location. In addition, Palm Coast, Florida, has an abundant workforce readily available, the company owns its current facilities and has the land needed to expand.”
Palm Coast Data’s customer service employees are paid between $10 and $12 an hour.
Asked last week if the company has been getting incentive money from Palm Coast, Mayor Jon Netts said that, as far as he knew, it has not, because it hasn’t produced the jobs. Still, Palm Coast Data figures on every presentation by Enterprise Flagler—including the latest presentation by Enterprise Flagler President David Ottati to the Enterprise Flagler executive board a few days ago—as a local economic development success.
The company is tight-lipped to its own employees regarding the company’s fortunes or its future, though persistent rumors inside and outside the company have Palm Coast Data being put up for sale yet again. The company has been sprucing up some of its buildings.
On the other hand, employee performance expectations have been tightened and morale, according to an employee who recently quit, was not helped when the threshold for acceptable performance scores (based on supervisors monitoring the performance of customer-service agents) was lifted from 85 percent to 90 percent. When an employee’s score falls below that threshold for longer than a certain period of time, the employee is fired. Attendance rules were also tightened, and when the campus went smoke-free, the company forbade employees to take smoke breaks anywhere on its grounds.
Palm Coast Data is one of several subscription fulfillment companies competing for a shrinking business. Competitors include CDS Global, Strategic Fulfillment Group, ARGI and ESP Computer Services. Executives from all five took part in a panel discussion on the state of the industry at New York’s Princeton Club last year, where CDS Global CEO Malcom Netburn spoke in terms of surviving rather than thriving. If current trends continue, all five companies may no longer be able to survive together.
Heather Araya Dorries says
Worked in customer service for 3 years and quit in February when it became evident that they were going to be going under. My husband worked in the technology dept. last fall and was laid off after 90 days along with all his coworkers. …They changed company policy in April an effort to get more people to quit or break policy and get fired. I’ve been hearing from my old co-workers saying that managers have been getting worse and worse and treating the employees like crap (more so than normal). So happy that I got off the Titanic before it sinks…
PalmCoastPioneers says
It is furthered ordered, That respondents shall provide or lawfully cause others to provide, not later than six (6) years after the service upon respondents of this order, each of the following:
(1) shopping center building or buildings located upon respondents’ land at Palm Coast with a total floor space of at least 40,000 square feet;
(2) an office and research park area located upon respondents’ land at Palm Coast, to consist of at least 40 acres, which shall include appropriate roads, water lines, sewers and landscapong suitable for possible future construction of office buildings or research facilities;
(3) a multi-purpose office b u i l d i n g located in Pine Lakes Industrial Park;
(4) …
* ‘… International Telephone and Telegraph Corp., et. al. Complaint In the Matter of International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, et. al.,
Consent Order, Etc., in regard to alleged violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act
Docket C-2854 …’
john riviera says
Wow I am currently still employed by them and you guys need to get some of your facts sraight. The average paid person does not make 10 to 12 dollars especially to answer phones or operate machines. Ty more like 7 to 9 an hour. Iknow this for a fact becausei have worked in those positons and have friends in those positions. Now I have to dealwith those people and help then with their problems. Theyhavefired and laid off more people than you know. Those people will not come forward because they were asked/made to sign forms saying they could not bad mouth Pcd. Im from up north and since this is a right to work state Pcd can find loop holes to do whatever it wants to do. If we were up north this shit wouldn’t happen. People need to take a stand and realize their rights are being violated by Pcd. Until they do Pcd will do what they want. I’ve known since last week that Pcd lost the nra account. Poor managment and owners only want the money wont passtyhe deals on to the magazine company or so try to come to an agreement to keep them. You have people betraying eachother to get ahead or keep their jobs because its gotten soo bad. Pcd is a shit hole ran by morons. But people stay because they have to support their families. Its a shame to see a company that at one time valued their employees and customers and now treat them like crap. Its thanks to certain presidents and vice presidents and ceos and managers that Pcd has failed. Especially the one in charge. Bet no one knows he and his friends/partners that he brought into the company and even created positions for them knows that this man and his people were responsible for the failure a huge failure of another company/factory. Why would kable highan asshole who made another company have to close its doors because of poor leadership. Hmm we have to think about making the most money possible no matter the price. So we lie to the people and government. We fire people saying we have to because its necessary to survive. Atleast every week these people cut our ours. Why? We are the little people. Why dont you cut ur 100,000 dollar salary? Why make us suffer. We barely make ends living now.
john riviera says
The policy for smoking. They told people you can not smoke on their property. Fine but don’t tell me I can’t smoke on the sidewalk. You don’t own it. Palm coast does. They maintain it not palm coast data. They put signs up saying no smoking beyond this point and have their security guards enforcing that. People they are violating your rights. Palm coast city officials came and made them remove those signs. They don’t own the sidewalk or street. They cannot fire you or write you up for smoking their. I tell the security guard everyday to go fuck yourself and have told Pcd that go ahead write me up im not on your property and you can’t do anything about and if you try to I willtake you to court for violating my rights. Loom itup they can’t stop you from smoking in the street or sidewalk. They don’t pay to maintain it you do. Your tax dollars do. Wake up people! They are only enforcing the smoking policy because they told their insurance companies no one who works for them smokes. That they are a smoke free company. They are lying to their insurance companies. They have you smoke away because if their insurance companies see you smoking on their property or infront of theirproperty they wont get their lower insurance rates for the building or lower health care insurance rates. They get discounts and incentives for having a smoke free campus. But they wont pass it on to us. It goes in their pockets. All profit. What I am saying is going to start a lot of up roar with Pcd employees but soo be it. Its time Pcd answers for what they are doing.
Flagler live you need to start finding the people who really know what’s going on with pcd. I bet some of the Info you are getting is from people who still work for Pcd and are sugar coating for Pcd to make them not look soo bad. I show all the people at my job what you post about how bad Pcd is doing because Pcd lies to them and tells them everything is ok. Pcd you assholes these people have families do.t lie to them. They need their jobs. Unlike you big bosses who make well over 60,000 a year andsit on ur asses doing nothing. Flagler live you rock! Keep doing whatever it takes to bring the people the truth!!!
Joe says
Joe says
PCD = higher un-employment, more wasted taxes, I feel sad for all the people that this hurts.
TicTacToe says
As a tax payer I demand my investment back!!! So far, this Enterprise Flagler has been nothing but a waste losing millions on the Ginn deal, and now millions on this!!! Move back into this building and save us all the 10 mill it will cost for the new one, and get rid of Enterprise Flager!!!!!! The weatherman is right more than they are!!!!!
John Boy says
Helo, Rick Scott. So much for creating 700,000 new jobs. The loss of these jobs to off shore companies demonstrates that the Republicans are truely intending to destroy the US. The NRA advocates gun rights for American people but only if they can send fulfiilment services to India.
realworld says
This is all fabricated lies. The recession is over, businesses are taking on new employees and home values and sales are rising sharply. Obama said so. Now you can go have another puff.
Justin says
That place sucks goat a$$!
palmcoaster says
This shows that our tax dollars were wasted giving incentives, location and freebies to PCD to retain them here on the excuse of creating more local jobs. Meanwhile our local governments large tax funded contracts still being outsource out of our cities and county creating jobs elsewhere, other than here and including the local Chamber of commerce and even the hospital the two largest non government agencies outsourcing work while we contribute to them or use their services. If all our tax dollars wasted in PCD would have been used to reward with $1,000 any local resident or employee of any entity helping to located and bring a job creating business, for sure success other than this failure would have prevailed. After all that is what ITT did, to lure businesses and residents to Palm Coast. We came here invited by friends and created a business that employed up to 7 in a no distant past. Also we were self sufficient not taking anyone else’s jobs in this county by generating income from a second entity out of Florida.
Now that PCD promises failed….are we tax payers going to get the given goodies back? Or they just keep them? Lets get back our City Hall from them as was the perfect location because the way is going I wonder when PCD will stop paying rent to us on that “with option to buy”. What is the status on that? Thank you in advance for any updates and also my appreciation to Flagler Live.
[email protected] says
it all falls back on the shoulders of our great leaders of palm coast. what a mess this city is in.
Jojo says
If you read between the lines it said PCD bought the property for 3 million. So, they had the money to buy the leased tax incentive property, hmmm?
And, the City of Palm Coast wants to build a nice cozy office over in Town Square? How much? 10 million!!!
Somebody should investigate these shenanigans!
elaygee says
Our tax dollars are wasted giving incentives, location and freebies to ALL the companies that get them. They play one city, county or state against another in a kind of extortion racket and then NEVER repay anything when they fail to achieve or they go away.
PalmCoastPioneers says
The Jacksonville offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Honorable Attorney General of Florida Pam Bondi directed us to contact the city of palm coast. We asked the city to use their resources to give us back ALL the Federally ordered REDRESS Amenities/Features/Acreage/Improvements, etc., for us back, and of course to benefit all present and future Palm Coasters, pursuant the Federal Trade Commissions’ ‘Consent Agreement’ C-2854. We have not heard back from the city; perhaps they are busy or something.
To date we have not heard back from the Office of the Inspector General of the Federal Trade Commission; or the United States Department of Justice, the United States Supreme Court ; ( write of Mandamus); nor the White House nor the Honorable first Lady ( We asked her to ask the city to give us our park, etc., that we paid for, within Federal REDRESS order, so that we can be part of her ‘Lets’ Move’ program ).
Perhaps as with all the other ‘Palm Coast Predicaments’ …things take time….
We really miss our Features of the P.H. Golf Course but most of all perhaps our cherished and beloved Matanzas Woods Golf Course…and so much more of the Amenities within the ‘Consent Agreement’ and ‘Compliance Report’ with Exhibits A and Exhibits B……since what we paid for and within the Federal ‘Exhibits’ now only exist in our memories….
Layla says
And yet, you keep the same people in office, expecting different results…
lawabidingcitizen says
All this angst about losing the NRA account! Who’d a thunk it — what with guns, you know, killing people and such.
Magazines have gone the path of the buggy whip as have almost everything previously done via snail mail. It’s the past the dawn of new technology people, we’re in the mid-morning coffee break now and headed toward lunchtime. Get with the future or go down the tubes.
Mr. Riviera, you don’t have to stay here you know? Go ahead up north where you think high paying union jobs are abundant and when you find them, send a message to all the unemployed former union members from all over the country to come join you? You’ll be doing a public service.
palmcoaster says
To PalmCoast Pioneer; have you all contacted the city recently, regarding your last comment? I mentioned to a Florida realtor friend regarding this issue referred by you before here and I was told that in south Florida in a large development, residents went through the same dismantling of amenities promised with their land/house package when the developer sold and left, The affected residents got a lawyer and they went to court and won, all their amenities back and in good working conditions and all the tax dollars that their city government spent in the bad deal refunded…example: (Palm Habor Golf course 5 million restoration after Centex neglect maintenance).
I find it shameful what the property owners around Matanzas Golf Course have endured so far since 2008 after Landmark false promises of reopening in 12 months after repairs of that Golf Course and the toll it took on those homes values because the current eyesore since. That is thievery. Also where is our Players Club, abandoned now in someone elses’ hands and the ocean front pool and cabana for the Palmcoaster’s use and after County gave it to GINN…Also lets get back our Palm Coast Marina enough was that we lost our beloved Palm Coast Resort Hotel. What about after 25 to 30 years maybe more, the grandfather in first right of refusal? Who gave FC commissioners the right to approve The Ginn deal back then, that took our ocean front pool and facility away from us? Lets get together and sue if necessary “a good out of state lawyer to avoid conflicts” will take the case for the winn and no retainer up front, I bet. I believe in justice and palmcoasters have endure enough unjustice and pillage so far. Thank God that we were able so far to get back the Palm Harbor Golf Course, though after spending high in repairs. We need to get our Marina back,as is profitable, well managed and is ours “before the deal that city made for the public use, expires and now under Pulte claim”.
Lets repossess our marina open back again the launching ramp and charge a small fee to palmcoasters and open a nice bar and snacks on the water there. So finally we can have our own gathering place in the intra coastal as before. That also will be a great revenue source.
gator bait says
The county should demand our money back. But, their not because their all in ca-hoots with one another. PCD can put the fear or God into the county officials because they “are a large employer” in this county & can use their scare tactics . It is a horrible place to work. But we do & shut up, we have bills to pay. They think they can improve moral by having a “hot dog day” or wear a “green” t-shirt day. We work our butts off only to get demoralized by our monitor scores, you can satisfy the subscriber & have them thanking you at the end of the call, you’ve fixed the problem & satisfied what they called about with professionalism, but if your monitored on that call & you have done 1 thing wrong on what you said or the “category” chosen, you could end up with a 65 score, If we have additional work to do it’s our fault if we don”t get done during our shift (because we don’t have time because of the constant calls, If you put your phone off to do paperwork between calls your in trouble) & we have to do it on our own time Also I would like to mention that they are also loosing Belvoir Publications, 8 of theirs are gone with more to come. Soap Opera Digest & Weekly I think is being sold to another publisher so they’ll be leaving too. They also handle CBS & ABC Soaps in Depth & with some of the soaps going off the air, who knows what will happen to those publications. Its sad all those people with NRA are loosing their job, they should be transferred over to the magazine dept. we’re certainly busy enough!
palmcoaster says
Lawabiding as usual wasting valuable time and energy trying to revive a civil war that ended loooong ago. Have you forgotten that we have the right to move freely around our land in the pursue of happiness and success and also with freedom of speech? Also, leave our workers and unions out of your tainted pen!
palmcoaster says
To Jo Jo:
Some shenanegans get investigated here and there in Florida. I knew these two for the past 10 years and they cost our HOA 60,000 plus in losses and thanks to the elected ones that imposed them on us and against the honest well informed minority opposition. After the right board was elected we fired them. Then he became Mayor…and took his disbarred friend along as a good provider magistrate. They were also two good bullies the, “sock it to you type”
http://www.news-journalonline.com/breakingnews/2011/06/former-south-daytona-mayor-is-charged-with-bribery-making-false-statements.html. While we are at it; how could be that we have a budget strained and the city is still wasting money pursuing the astronomically costly desalinization Coquina Water Plant is such a terrible economy….? Who is pressuring who and under which promises here,?
“The next Coquina Coast business meeting is scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to noon, Wednesday, June 8, 2011, at the Palm Coast Community Center.”
hoohumm says
Kappa Publishing Group is still with PCD!
Get it right says
Before any story is printed, i would assume that the facts would be triple checked. It seems that with this story- that is not the case. The membership dept is not closing, they are doing just fine. A portion of the larger account has been lost, but the account is still being handled by PCD. For those of you who are “sources” for these stories, i would like to tell you to get your facts straight before you share them. You do not understand what kind of hurt you are causing. The picture is bigger than you and your personal vendettas against PCD. While I agree their lack of communication is not right, talking about things that you really do not know or understand is not helping.
whyohwhy says
The American Diabetes Association has also given notidce to PCD that it will be leaving. This is a fairly large account and had been with Kable Fulfillment for many years.
Abstract thinking says
(From Gator bait above :If we have additional work to do it’s our fault if we don”t get done during our shift (because we don’t have time because of the constant calls, If you put your phone off to do paperwork between calls your in trouble) & we have to do it on our own time )
Gator Bait: If those of you are being made to do work on your own time, and you are non-management employees, and that time is over 40 hours per week, then all who have been made to do this are owed back pay at the rate of time and a half your hourly wage. Sounds like you may have quite the class action lawsuit. Time too call “Morgan, Morgan, and Crist, For The People!”
palmcoaster says
To Gator and all his colleagues in PCD, I am so sorry of the situation you are being put thru. Is the demise of America’s middle class just by way of unlimited greed. They wants our workers here, if they could, have us work 40 hours a week for US$130/month like they do with the Chinese Foxconn to manufacture all the Apple products and as well as other brands too and then sell it to us here. Tax imports now, before gets worst !.
China doing the same south of the border too
[email protected] says
so why does PCD still have (2) full time recruiters in HR?
Enough already. says
All these anti-PCD stories are the same thing over and over. PCD gets Newsweek and and that gets a negative spin! Well they got Newsweek BUT…
Here are the titles of previous PCD articles:
Cancel This Subscription: Palm Coast Data Revenue Plummets Another 21% in 3Q
How Palm Coast Lost Out on 400 Potential Jobs (Caution: Don’t Jump to Conclusions)
Palm Coast Data Lays Off 31 More As Another Major Customer Plans to End Its Contract
Palm Coast Data Parent’s Headaches: Diving Revenue and $22.5 Million Loan Due
Palm Coast Data’s Invitation-Only Picnic: Hot Dogs, Flattery and Suspended Disbelief
What a joke. For the record I work at PCD and love my job. No I’m not an executive. I’m a very small fish. It even says in the article that fulfillment business is shrinking for everyone including PCD and CDS. Layoffs tend to be a result of that. Show me a business that can survive with reduced income and keep expenses the same. It’s not a hard concept to understand. It’s obvious that the author would love nothing more than for PCD to fail and it’s disappointing to see such ignorance in so many comments. Put away the torches and pitchforks.
jwow says
Like any work place it has it pro’s and con’s. However PCD in the last couple of months has shown a big number of negative signs. Whether you love your job or not, You cant say your not worried. I am happy I have a job. like everyone else that works there, We have bills to pay and we survive pay check to pay check. Like any work place, when time is tough the ones that pay are the underdogs like myself. We have to prove ourselves daily. We are not allowed bad days. We are not allowed to complain either to a co-worker or supervisor. In the call center a big part of our job is to listen and answer any questions our customers call in about. This is a fact that everyone knows that is drilled into us daily. By your supervisors/Team leaders and the famous PCD villains QA. However if we dare ask a question about what we hear (magazine leaving or folding, lay offs like NRA) we get daggers thrown at us. I am very worried. Will I have a job next month? I have no idea and neither does anyone else. I think what PCD needs is to be upfront. Is Kable selling? Are we bringing in anymore magazines? Is membership going? Will there still be a products department? Are we still processing our own emails? Question I’m sure everyone would liked answer. But who do we go too? President of the company? or Vice President of the company? I for sure know that our supervisors wont dare give us the time or day to answer these questions because they are scared about there job security like we are. I just don’t want to walk into work and find a sign on the door that says “SORRY OUT OF BUSINESS”.
As for the other posting listed above about the non-smoking. Yes we get harassed by the smoke police aka PCD security that should be there to care for our safety and safety of cars on the property. They run round like robocops with plastic shields ready to write up anyone that smokes on non-PCD property. Is it annoying.. YES!! can we do anything about it NO. So we need to get over it already.
I mentioned PCD Villains QA before. Its a name that alot of ppl in PCD call them. Because they are the ones that listen to our calls and grade us like pre-k children. Do I mind no not really. Do they take it overboard sometimes? YES.. Mind you its not that we are rude to customers on the phone or we hang up on customers that give us bad grades. Its as easy as not getting an email address that would fail us. Or asking a customer that just paid if they want and extra year for more then what they paid a week ago that would fail us. Can we do something about it? NO. So we need to get over that too. I guess…
As for the color shirt days. I happen to like days like that. Ringing of the bells for 8 hours is fun too. hot dogs for free hey why not. Is PCD going to give us more then that UMMMM NO. So we need to get over that too.
Please don’t think im complaining about PCD and I’m sure alot of ppl would say “then why stay.” Quit and move on.. Move on to what? My schedule works around my life as a single mother. I don’t get all the days off i need or want. I do miss alot of school plays and award shows my kids are in. (due to black out days, As management call its. ) So other then that PCD is not so bad i get patted on the back here and there. Upper management remembers my name. So hey its not so bad I guess. Could it be better Of course. Do I wish PCD keeps in business YES!!! I just think the big picture of it all is the lack of communaction PCD has with us little ppl and with NRA lay offs everyones feathers are ruffled. Hey I wonder if I will get a raise this year ???
flyonthewall says
Why do we have a trainer sitting around doing nothing if we dont have any new hires? Is that a job title they are going to delete too?
jwow says
Like any work place it has it pro’s and con’s. However PCD in the last couple of months has shown a big number of negative signs. Whether you love your job or not, You cant say your not worried. I am happy I have a job. like everyone else that works there, We have bills to pay and we survive pay check to pay check. Like any work place, when time is tough the ones that pay are the underdogs like myself. We have to prove ourselves daily. We are not allowed bad days. We are not allowed to complain either to a co-worker or supervisor. In the call center a big part of our job is to listen and answer any questions our customers call in about. This is a fact that everyone knows that is drilled into us daily. By your supervisors/Team leaders and the famous PCD villains QA. However if we dare ask a question about what we hear (magazine leaving or folding, lay offs like NRA) we get daggers thrown at us. I am very worried. Will I have a job next month? I have no idea and neither does anyone else. I think what PCD needs is to be upfront. Is Kable selling? Are we bringing in anymore magazines? Is membership going? Will there still be a products department? Are we still processing our own emails? Question I’m sure everyone would liked answer. But who do we go too? President of the company? or Vice President of the company? I for sure know that our supervisors wont dare give us the time or day to answer these questions because they are scared about there job security like we are. I just don’t want to walk into work and find a sign on the door that says “SORRY OUT OF BUSINESS”.
jwow says
door that says “SORRY OUT OF BUSINESS”.
to care for our safety and safety of cars on the property. They run round like robocops with plastic shields ready to write up anyone that smAs for the other posting listed above about the non-smoking. Yes we get harassed by the smoke police aka PCD securthere ity that should be okes on non-PCD property. Is it annoying.. YES!! can we do anything about it NO. So we need to get over it already.
I mentioned PCD Villains QA before. Its a name that alot of ppl in PCD call them. Because they are the ones that listen to our calls and grade us like pre-k children. Do I mind no not really. Do they take it overboard sometimes? YES.. Mind you its not that we are rude to customers on the phone or we hang up on customers that give us bad grades. Its as easy as not getting an email address that would fail us. Or asking a customer that just paid if they want and extra year for more then what they paid a week ago that would fail us. Can we do something about it? NO. So we need to get over that too. I guess…
As for the color shirt days. I happen to like days like that. Ringing of the bells for 8 hours is fun too. hot dogs for free hey why not. Is PCD going to give us more then that UMMMM NO. So we need to get over that too.
Please don’t think im complaining about PCD and I’m sure alot of ppl would say “then why stay.” Quit and move on.. Move on to what? My schedule works around my life as a single mother. I don’t get all the days off i need or want. I do miss alot of school plays and award shows my kids are in. (due to black out days, As management call its. ) So other then that PCD is not so bad i get patted on the back here and there. Upper management remembers my name. So hey its not so bad I guess. Could it be better Of course. Do I wish PCD keeps in business YES!!! I just think the big picture of it all is the lack of communaction PCD has with us little ppl and with NRA lay offs everyones feathers are ruffled. Hey I wonder if I will get a raise this year ???
PalmCoastPioneers says
Reply to PalmCoaster:
Yes, for a very long time, almost monthly since that is what the State of Florida Attorney General suggested that we contact locally.
Should you want confirmation of a question you had in an earlier post: ; ask the property appraiser office: ‘…which is the Federaly ordered multipurpose building…suitable for tenants…to attract new business/industry…’.
RE: you post about ‘Country Club Cove’…that parcel and identification monument was first shown to us in 1970 along with the Boat to Golf Dock, the Driving Range, the Large Bar-B-Que area directly adjacent to the Golf Course Waterway, the large Pic Nic Area directly adjacent to the Golf Course Waterway , the C.B.S. Clubhouse directly adjacent to and with a dining View and Vista of the Golf Course Waterway, , and our neighborhood park; which we later paid for in 1971 the first time last century; now we note in the official records ithey were either *gifted*, or ‘…lost sold, transformed…’ or *rented* to us now this Century what we already paid for…….
RE: you question : the Players Tennis and Swim Club – that also is within C-2854 and ‘Exhibits’ and also recorded with I.L.Sales at H.U.D.
You ask: Marina Resort Complex/ also Matanzas Woods Golf Course / SunSport Beach Club/Resort/Acreage / P.C. Observation Tower / Country Club Cove, Cambridge Court, Cypress Courts, etc., – they also are Federal Redress within the ‘Exhibits’ also.
You asked: we were exempt for drainage/stormwater per Public Offering Statement/ Homesite Purchase Agreements , etc., from 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1194, 1195, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004….but now, this Century we pay. We keep asking why are we being billed and why aren’t we ‘Grandfathered’; again, no reply from the city ; perhaps they are busy or something.
Because we live in constant fear; to many threats of incarceration/ prosecution/ etc. for us. Pls. do not pity us; if it gets worse we will ask the White House to please give us the protection of ‘Sanctuary’ and hope for the best.
You ask….Because we live in constant fear; too many threats of incarceration/ prosecution/ etc. for us. Pls. do not pity us; if it gets worse we will ask the White House in a follow through Addendum, to please give us the protection of ‘Sanctuary’ and hope for the best.
Because we live in constant fear; to many threats of incarceration/ prosecution/ etc. for us. Pls. do not pity us; if it gets worse we will ask the White House and /or the Chief Justice, the one with the kind face and kids, to please give us the protection of ‘Sanctuary’ and hope for the best.
Joe Taylor says
City Lay-offs are coming!
I hope all you guys will be this upset when the CITY does lay-offs!
palmcoaster says
To PC Pioneer thank you for your reply…and yes witch hunting and threats are alive an well I have experienced those… But I still think that a good out of Florida lawyer could help us all to recoup all the amenities that were legally ours. Maybe a media investigation like 60 minutes or MSNBC could help us too.
noworries says
There are quite a few positions at PCD that are perhaps non justifiable at this time, including the trainer position, but no one has the right to point fingers and question ones existence at the company especially if you are just a “fly on the wall”. Our managers and supervisors do care about their employees and do not want to have to lay anyone off. Everyone has someone too answer to and there is no favoritism; with that said no one sits around here doing nothing. There is always work to be done especially when over half the call center signs the leave early list because they hate their job. Maybe if people could quit focusing on the negative and try to appreciate the fact that they still have job and stop worrying about the latest gossip and rumors your life may be a little less miserable. Try caring about PCD! Take care of their customers’ and clients, do your job to the best of your ability otherwise I suggest you put your resume online and search your happiness because your misery just brings everyone else down and no one wants to go to work and be surrounded by pessimistic peers.
kevin says
Hi Lawabidingcitizen–I thought your remarks specifically the one “Go ahead up north where you think high paying union jobs are abundant and when you find them, send a message to all the unemployed former union members from all over the country to come join you? You’ll be doing a public service.” is relevant and appropriate contrary to what Palmcoaster states suggesting that you should discontinue including unions and workers from your “tainted pen”. Ha, of all the comments I’ve seen from this writer– typical though in terms of hypercritical rhetoric.
It is interesting that seemingly intelligent (not necessarily well-educated) people don’t see any link or association of many of today’s problems to politics and societal burdens. It is a problem when they refuse to criticize, thus help instead of hurting, the chances of bettering our economy and society as a whole is hard to understand and discuss without infusing insulting rhetoric or ad hominem reasoning. Obviously there are many serious negative issues directly related to union corruption, illegal and unfair influence, inefficiency, increased costs to citizens and consumers, and litany of other issues which are the result of many of today’s unions, blatantly ignored thus helping them appear to the ignorant masses as something above reproach and altruistic in their existence. Also whenever someone dares mention any criticism of unions, that person (or group) is usually assaulted intellectually and supported by an abundant amount of media resources with a high level of passion regardless of how innocuous the comment.
Blah, blah, blah is all those from the other side will read from this post;o) Now looking back I just thought, “…all that over such a non-issue?” Nope! I consider higher accountability of unions and their members to be something that is very important to making a better America for all.
Please all you supporters of the loser and pervert Weiner, stand erect to say goodbye to yet another liar, perverted, scum bag politician. Regardless of your political stance, he should be fired or resign because polticians should be held to higher ethical standards if for any reason at all, for our children and especially because he lied before confessing just like many others from all sides of the political spectrum have done prior to him. Let them (the politicans) know this is strongly condemned, especially when you lie to cover it up. Hoenstly I might have given him a break if it wern’t for his attacks on others accusing them of nefarious plans against him and unfair analysis from the media. Bye bye Weiner and he is a Weiner.
Jojo says
That’s what I like – a worker who knows what side of his bread is buttered. Asskisser!
palmcoaster says
Palmcoaster to Kevin:
Not that I defend any Democrat politician when creating a sex scandal, including Clinton while in the White House!! They are all pathetic and irresponsible while representing us. But no one on either party is exempted as history documents:
Just to rattle your tail.
Jack says
That is a long list of sexy time on the government dime (okay maybe not all of it but I digress) Back to the drama that is PCD.
Karen Moore says
I work at Palm Coast Data and I love my job to the people that want to put PCD down and not tell all the facts go get another job. Quit letting PCD pay your bills. Why work for a company you dont like or treats you like Shit. Every company has issues tas the good with the bad the whole USA is in trouble which didnt start with PCD. Every company wants to succed why wouldnt they. Why would they want their own company to fail. Why cant people use common sense. I work in customer service and Jeanne Daniels is the best person I have ever worked for she is very fair in everything she does. She fires people when they deserve to get fired. I have known about 40 people to get fired since i have been there and everyone of them deserved it. Jeanne Daniels is a classy person she gives you all the chances is the world before she lets you go. People get fired for hanging up on customers, being rude, calling off all the time for no good reason. We get paid to do a job and follow PCD rules why not just do it. Why is it when people get fired they want to blame everyone but theirselves . PCD is a job not a babysitter. As for the other supervisors, its like any other company you have good ones and you have some better ones. Carol wood is my supervisor and I love her to death she is great supervisor. She is also a very fair supervisor tough and wont but up with crap but will stand up for you 100 ppercent if she feels you are right . She will always have you back .But we also have days when we didnt get along but she still a great supervisor. I dont know of a supervisor at PCD that would get away with treating a rep like crap and get way with it. Not on Jeanne Daniels shift. She is one hell of a woman . As for hot dog days and shirt days keep it up and makes my job fun and for anyone who doesnt like it QUIT.
kevin says
Palmcoaster…I’m not bothered by your comment and link because I am disgusted and infuriated with many republicans nearly as much as the democrats. I wish we had a third, fourth, or fifth party, whatever is necessary to get the right person in, as well as cap the amount that can be spent on these ridiculous elections.
kevin says
Palmcoaster: You stinkin’, stupid __________. No, I’m only kidding—the reason I am writing is to say that sure was a long list of sex scandals. Honestly I’m pretty busy nowadays so I would never have thought to simply google something like that. The list sure is long, along with some very prominent names, which adds an element of humor to reading the list considering the values our elected reps are suppose to demonstrate and hold true to, yet they often demonstrate just the antithesis.
palmcoaster says
Kevin finally we agree somewhat in something.
Regarding the misrepresentation that we endure after we elect our politicians for office I fill super frustrated as well. No one delivers what was promised to the middle class and majority of Americans. I, sometimes have suspicions that some Presidents if not all have some gun to their heads and are forced to do what the special interest in control expect them to do so.
Otherwise I can’t really understand why they can fail us so bad. Is like they don’t care. I don’t think they do it out of free will. I think great pressures are applied and maybe they do not want to end up murdered like happened to some of them before. Maybe is just a matter of survival up there…what we could really know as we are not on their shoes.
Regarding the billions wasted in election campaigns is shameful too. No one, absolutely no one, should be allowed to contribute to any candidate campaign more than fifty dollars, further more should be outlaw. Is a flagrant conflict of interest. Election campaigns should be short and fair. Us thru our government should buy media TV time to show all running candidates in a debate just once. Also any intended candidate pay his own mileage to talk/visit constituents. TV adds outlaw, anyway are always very distorting. If any contributions from individuals be restricted to $50 each. As billionaire TV and media outlets will be done away with no need for big donations.No corporate contributions as they only are geared to pay backs after elected against the best interest of most Americans. Our Supreme Court ruling approving corporate contributions is preposterous.
tootsweet says
Well i work for palm coast data.i have no issues,been there for years.they always work with me on sch. issues, time off, the manager over the call center works hard to make everyone happy with in reason. if you are coming to work when you should and doing your job, you should have no issues.they don’t fire just because they feel like it. if they are having issues and not telling us, o’well. you go to make a paycheck,keep going until that ends. knowone can do anything about it. to sit here a bash a company on how the call center is ran,hahaha! please all call centers are ran this way. or just really close. or on how they run the company. i don’t agree with some of the stuff on both sides. we just have to deal with it i guess. i see some of you are picking on the trainer job. well that is a job that really needs to stay. and trainer dose way more than you think. drop 1-2 group leaders before the trainer. i hate to see nra go. :( we all hate seeing any of this happening.i hate e-mails go to india. why? i know, still not right. we jobs here. but that is a whole other story. i have no issues with any of the sups in there, i do my job, it really isnt hard to do. if you QA lowed 95% of the time it is the reps fault. QA will make some pretty bad misstakes, so do the reps. it all washes in the long run. but eveyone in there is like family, we spend a lot of time to gether, we know eachothers family and never seen them in person. it is sad to see some of them go. i do not feel like i am being abused from my job at all.
palm coast enraged says
Wow to the asshole protecting Pcd… you are obviously higher ups or morons who sit behind your desk all comfortable. I have seen the backstabbing this company has done to get rid of people. Als how can we trust someone like becky who says everything is fine and then gives her notice that she is quitting and. Marvin shipley is taking her place. So do us a favor and cut the bullshit. Wow newsweek have we even run their mail yet? We lose contracts not just because of company’s closing but because of people like u who can’t do the job right. And the the one talking about obama the fucking man is a liberal who believes that people who have money should give it up. His beliefs stand against what america is. We are a free country because our fore fatherss made it that way. We are free because. We are limited only by our imagination and not by our government. Obama wants to limit america by government. Liberals believe the rich should give up what they have. Why? They worked for that money. They made that money because they are free. People of the united states take that for granted that they are free. He is against small businesses. We have all the resources in the world to make ourselves better yet people like you are fucking lazy and want it for nothing. I have my homes my cars my family because I worked for it. It was not given to me! America is great because we are free to make ourselves stronger not rely on our government. Go ahead and call me names for not liking president obama but look into what he really stands for before making your opinion based on the fact cause he’s our first black president. I am puerto rican and black and will gladly say I didn’t vote for him. Because what he wants in the long run willdestroy america at its foundation!
palm coast enraged says
The obama post was to another post didn’t realize I typed it on pcd
Karen Moore says
to Palm Coast enraged.. Do you really have a clue what you are talking about . I work in customer service read my post clearly all information is in it.. I am not a high paid moran but yes I do sit behind a desk all day.. I love my job and the people I work with . Nobody wants to fire people or lay people off, but it had to be done. You are bragging you have your homes and cars well give up you job to a person that got laid off..And by the way i do my job and do it very well. we really dont need the name calling but get all the facts before you run you mouth on this site.. Because now you look like the asshole.
palmcoaster says
Enraged, who destroyed America was the Bush administration and then handed to Obama “a box of rotten eggs to bake this cake”. Look at the following unemployment chart link and then think…
Now to make it all worse, Obama goes along with widening our wars. Where is the promised Change?
Very frustrating to say the least.
FormerPCD says
PCD is a dead company and will be Chapter 11 soon. If you are still working there it’s time to find something else.
I worked there for a number of years, so glad I got out before it sank completely
Karen Moore says
To former PCD You dont work for the comany and your still intrested in it… When did you get fired?????
so sad:(PCD says
WOW PEOPLE!!!!! I am a salary paid employee and numbers are not adding up!! WE ARE IN TROUBLE!!!
For all the people who say you” love your job at PCD” you have no idea what they are all about. It’s not the clients they are worried about it’s their fat pockets. For example, VP and higher managers who dont reside in the state of florida are a huge expense to PCD, PCD pays higher managers and VP’s to fly to their home once or twice a month (HUGE WASTE OF COMPANY MONEY) and all they give back is, they walk around with their coffee cups discussing what they are going to eat for lunch with their company AMEX card. They send people home early almost every day when there’s still work to do just to save a few pennies.. I have not seen a manager or supervisor do anything positive for the company but for their own gain. If your on their target list they will lie and make things up to write you up!!!! Ridiculous!! Yes we gained Newsweek but newsweek is bankrupt, so i dont know how good that is?? We will soon find out. On the subject of treating people inhumane today PCD front end received an email regarding bathrooms the email went like this ” the bathrooms located up front next to the managers offices are not to be used by pcd employees that is a managers bathroom only because when the hourly employees had access to the bathroom they left it despicable” that is a violation of your rights. Terrible!! I will continue to work there for as long as i can because i need my job. every morning when i get ready for work i say a prayer and ask Jesus to give me the strength to work with these kind of people. I have been working for many years and never have i worked for a bunch of liars, fake ,untrusting, back stabbing, disrespectful, vindictive, greedy, evil people like that and the list goes on. It saddens me to say this about the company that pays me but it’s the truth!! The truth in my eyes!!!! I wish only good for the company as a whole i really feel that someone needs to keep a closer eye on higher managers, supervisors and VP……..GOD BLESS EVERYONE:)
not surprised in Illinois says
To Karen Moore and all who say they “love their job” at PCD: Please don’t think that expressing your love for your job at PCD or the effort that you put forth everyday to do your job well, will actually help you in any way. There are hundreds of us in IL and CO who were in your shoes not long ago. We took pride in a job well done and supported Kable Fulfillment management 100%. Look where it got us. I do not wish the employees of PCD any ill will, but hope that you are fully aware of where PCD is headed. Some of the same upper management personnel who ran PCD into the ground and needed to be bailed out by Kable Fulfillment a few years ago are still there and still doing what they do best. PCD is on a downward spiral and it will take an act of God to save you. As far as those of you who are going to stick it out as long as you can…I hope you can do so for a long time to come, but don’t really think that will happen. I, like FormerPCD am no longer an employee and yes, I am still interested. I made freinds at PCD Florida and care very much what happens to them. I don’t know how/why FormerPCD left the company, but I will tell you that my job was moved to FL from IL. I was not fired, but stayed until the very end to collect my severance pay. The last 18 months was miserable, but 15 weeks of severance made it a little easier. Good Luck to all employees at PCD and to those in upper management………What goes around comes around.
FormerPCD says
To Karen: I left about a year ago and didn’t get fired. I’m still slightly interested because I still know a number of people who still work at PCD. Hoping they get out before they get laid off or the company sinks, then add to Flagler’s lovely like 15+% unemployment
So Sad:(PCD says
PCD is loosing one of the best manager in front end by July 1st she will be missed!!!!!!!!
happygolucky says
First to Karen Moore – I worked in Customer Service for several years, transferred across the street to a salaried position, so i am still employed with the Company. I have to say that it really sounds as though you are trying to earn points with Carol and Jeanne, as an FYI – i would not disclose first and last names of supervisor and mgmt on a website.
As to the other people slandering PCD, are you serious ! Do you not realize that potential clients and the public read these posts, that in itself may prevent future clients, which in turn may cause more layoffs, and hopefully if that comes, it will be you. Regardless of what issues you have with PCD, they still pay your bills, and i am assuming you need them or else you would have gone elsewhere, but look around there are not other companies in the area offering fulltime positions, especially with benefits, paid time off and incentives, like hot dog day, small but its something different to look forward to. We all have our beef with the company, but as a whole, i want the company to stay around, to keep me employed and keep my bills paid, dont you agree? People, if PCD closes, think of how many jobs are gone, how many more homes in foreclosure, how many small buisnesses in Flagler county will close. I agree someone should look into the VP and CEO’s, those who actually make the money, but dont reside in not only Flagler County, but in Florida period. Our own VP’s vehicle isnt even registered in the State of Florida, and i thought there was only a 3 months time period, i guess it all depends on who you are. But yes there are some issues to be looked into, however, we all NEED pcd to survive, so start being positive, make suggestions, but dont feed into the hype of past employees and down our company, i bet those to were “layed off” and now shit talking, would reapply in a minute and take any position, because they need a job.
I wish PCD the best, i hope new things come to the company that will create new jobs and keep the current ones employed.
So Sad:(PCD says
thank you happygolucky:)
Anonymous says
This is fukn ridiculous so now where is everyone gonna work???!!!???