The previous crime report is available here.
A Suspended Police Chase, For Safety’s Sake–and an Arrest
A Dog Stabbing
A deputy responded to 5 Prospect Lane, B, in Palm Coast at 9:30 p.m. on Feb. 12 when the resident there reported her dog having been stabbed and killed. The dog, a gray female pit bull, was stabbed several times in the neck and stomach area. The resident told the deputy that her friend Sahmi Green, 24, of Prospect Lane, had taken the dog for a walk. A few moments later, Sahmi returned with the dog and told the resident that the dog was involved in a dog fight. Sahmi then left the residence and was unable to be located. A search of the entire area was conducted but was fruitless. During the search, a blood trail was followed to 9 Prospect Lane #B. There, a bloody kitchen knife without the handle, and a pair of eye glasses, were discovered. Contact was later made with Sahmi who said that upon arrival at the dog owner’s house, the dog charged at him and chased him down the road. So Sahmi stabbed the dog multiple times in self defense. A voluntary statement was completed by Sahmi. No charges are being pursued at this time. For more on Sahmi Green, see the incident below.
Anger and Arrests
Flagler County Sheriff’s Office units responded to 39 Prince John Lane in Palm Coast on Feb. 13 where Sahmi Green, 24, of Prospect Lane in Palm Coast, and three women were involved in a disturbance. The three women continued to yell and scream at each other during the deputies’ investigation. Contact was made with the mother and caller, Carla Price, who stated that she was sleeping and woke up to her daughters arguing and fighting. One of the daughters, Nekosha Jones, 18, wanted to go with Sahmi Green. Her mother did not want her to go. Price also wanted her daughter, Courtney Price, 21, off the property. A deputy asked Carla Price if Courtney Price lives there and she stated no. When a deputy asked Courtney Price to leave, she refused. Nekosha Jones and Candace Price started an argument with their mother by the front door. As they were arguing, Nekosha Jones started to bang her head against the wall, knocking her out.
SWAT Team Deployed, But a Suicide Is Not Averted
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office’s SWAT team was deployed the early morning of Feb. 11, before 7 a.m., at 12 Summerwind Circle in Palm Coast. The sheriff’s Office had received a call about Klaus May, 81, the resident at the address, having told his son that he was having difficulty breathing and was going to kill himself with a gun. The Sheriff’s Office established a perimeter around the house. Dispatch made multiple attempts to contact May by phone. There was no answer. Multiple public announcements were made toward the residence directing May to exit the residence or call 911. The SWAT team deployed robotics to enter the residence. The robotic unit discovered May on the ground in the garage with a bullet wound to the chest. The hallway just outside the garage had a table with a suicide note, various medical information and instructions. A Walther PPK 9mm pistol was located. Detectives and the medical examiner subsequently responded.
Alcoholized Gummy Bears at Indian Trails Middle School
A 12-year-old boy at Indian Trails Middle School got a 10-day suspension after bringing a Tupperware bowl containing tequila. The boy was pulled from his 4th period class by a sheriff’s deputy and the school’s assistant principal, who examined the boy'[s book bag and found the container. The boy initially said he’d found the container at a bus stop, and that it contained gummy bears, though they were all sticky. He said he tasted one but didn’t like it. He tried handing out several of the gummy bears during lunch period, according to other students. The boy invited one student to smell the contents of the container. “It smells like alcohol,” the girl told him. “I sprayed cologne in here,” the boy replied. The girl would not believe him. “It’s tequila,” he then told her, according to a sheriff’s report. “All gummy bears had been discarded either by consumption or thrown away by other students,” the report states. Two students were given breathalizer tests. The tests revealed 0 percent alcohol content.
A Deer Crashes Into Sub Base Shop Window
On Feb. 10, a deer ran into the window at Sub Base and Bagel Place in the Staples shopping center in Palm Coast, smashing the window. The incident happened before opening time. Shortly after Rosalba Zadata, owner of Sub Base, arrived and opened the business doors, the incident was confirmed. The deer appeared to have cut itself while coming through the window (there was a large amount of blood on the floor). The deer also appeared to have a broken leg, as the leg appeared to be hanging and swinging freely. The deer appeared unable to use its rear left leg and appeared to struggle while trying to evade law enforcement, according to a sheriff’s report. “Due to the animals injuries it was decided to put the animal down. Deputy Chambers was able to pin the deer on the floor,” the reporting deputy writes. “I was able to get a rope around the neck of the deer and able to drag the deer out of the business. Once outside the business, the deer attempted to escape. While outside I was assisting in restraining the deer and handed my agency issued weapon to Deputy Celico so that tie could fire a round (he had a better shot angle). Deputy Celico fired a single round, striking the animal in the back of the head. The deer continued to struggle, at which time I took my agency weapon back and fired two rounds striking the animal in the neck area. After the shots were fired the animal continued to attempt to get up and run away, at which time Corporal Koep fired a
single round. […] It should be noted that there were no subjects around besides Sheriffs Office Deputies when the animal was being put down. The city was notified and responded to remove the deer shortly after.”
Other Burglaries and Larcenies And Losses
- Burglary of clothes and court papers, including a protective injunction against domestic violence, reported at 2071 Fig Street in Bunnell on Feb. 13.
- Car charger, CD’s, a digital camera and other electronic devices stolen from a Honda Accord at 30 Slumberland Path in Palm Coast. Theft reported on Feb. 13.
- A deputy responded to a report of an injured and Bloodied raccoon lying on the ground at Blaircastle Drive and Blakefield Drive in Palm Coast, on Feb. 13 at 10:35 p.m. The deputy shot the raccoon to take it out of its misery.
- Rear glass window on a 1997 Ford Ranger reported shattered while the vehicle was parked at the Palm Harbor Publix parking lot earlier on Feb. 13, while the owner and his girlfriend were getting coffee at Starbucks.
- A Kia Sorrrento parked at 64 Bainbridge Lane in Palm Coast, was rifled through and burglarized, though nothing was taken, on Feb. 12. The owner did not remember whether he’d locked the car.
- A Ford F-150 was burglarized at 59 Bainbridge Lane in Palm Coast on Feb. 12. A Kodak digital camera, a Florida birth certificate and other items were stolen. The owner said the car may have been left unlocked.
- Wallet with debit cards and other documents reported stolen from a Mazda 6 at Walmart on Feb. 10, after 8 p.m., though the owner left open the possibility that the wallet had been misplaced.
- A truck parked at 3608 Clove Ave. in Bunnell was burglarized, tools stolen from the bed of the truck, which had been locked and secured. The incident was reported on Feb. 9.
DUI Arrests
- Christopher Gesek, 26, of 1499 Palm Coast Parkway NW, on Feb. 12.
Lori Speis Pfeiffer via Facebook says
An already injured deer that took 3 bullets at close range by deputies to kill. A dog that was stabbed numerous times where a “voluntary” statement was accepted as a valid and believable explanation. Really beyond disgusted now.
Heather Pfeiffer via Facebook says
Ok so I’m ready the story about the deer. If the deer had to be PINNED and even attempted to ESCAPE there was NO NEED for it to be shot and killed. That is just disgusting.
Ben Dover says
It appears the Flagler County Sheriffs have more common sense then the FHP, by not engaging in a high speed chase through the streets of Palm Coast, they still apprehended the suspect as I`m sure the FHP would have too ,only they did`nt make a dangerous situation worse by chasing the suspects. Just goes to show there`s a right way and a wrong way to do things , the wrong way got innocent people hurt and lots of property damage. Kudo`s to the Sheriffs Dept
Ralph Belcher says
Good thing there were no turtle hatchlings crossing the road during this chase.
Anonymous says
Sahmi Green was one of the players in Flemings “Operation Blood In Blood Out” This guy has only served a few months in the county jail at the most for numerous charges. I just don’t understand how Florida prisons actually house people for no valid drivers license in state prison and guys like this keep getting over. Oh yeah, I know! Maybe he’s been under investigation since 2004 and he’s going to get picked up with all the other phantom criminals in the coming months right before the election. PROACTIVE not REACTIVE. Make the repeated law breakers of Flagler County uncomfortable and they will leave. That’s exactly what Daytona Beach Police Cheif Chitwood has done. the only problem is he’s pushed them into our county. We have a rep of being soft, compare our bail for various crimes to other jurisdictions, it’s a joke. No wonder we have criminals from Putnam, Duval, St. Johns, Volusia repeatedly being busted here. Some people just want to do bad, no matter what break they get. What’s crazy is these aren’t 15 and 16 year-olds these are adults. I used to love this place I can’t make excuses anymore. I’m tired of these losers trying to make this place look like the burned-out neighborhood or city streets of wherever they came from. Whether driving in a car or walking the bike path, even in the local stores take a look around we have adults that look and act like over-sized teenagers. There is so reason an adult in their twenty’s should be sitting at a stop-light shaking everyone’s windows rapping to themselves like they belong in a rubber room, this is not the big city. No crime is good but these idiots aspire to get caught. Most people will have a breakdown over a speeding ticket these repeated offenders catch case after case like it’s nothing until their picked up for something else. Most of the locals busted here average about seven arrest before they get locked up for a bit, it’s nuts.
Strooper says
We need to execute these criminals. They will never change their trashy life style and criminal activity.
Its a big ocean…..Take them out and drop them off with a cement lifejacket. After enough of them are exterminated, the others will run like the cowards they are. Keep being political correct and soft and they will destroy your families lives or yourself. Until then, keep your weapons close and use them if needed.
miket says
Nice photo album–the family must be proud.
Oneofthe10%whovoted says
For a tiny little town, we have waaay to many violent criminals here. There is a Sheriff’s election coming up. And there is a simple way to remedy this situation.
Jennifer says
“There is so reason an adult in their twenty’s should be sitting at a stop-light shaking everyone’s windows rapping to themselves like they belong in a rubber room, this is not the big city.” Not everyone that shakes other people’s windows, while listening to the radio at a stoplight, are listening to rap music! I and several of my friends have been known to be seen shaking people’s windows while singing along to country music in our vehicles! I just think that particular comment was a little discriminatory! It also has nothing to do with “big city” places, as you see this everywhere nowdays.
Truth says
People like the Pfeiffer’s scare me. I guess the cops should’ve brought it to the vet or release it in the wild to die of infection, starvation or whatever else a dangling leg could cause.
linny says
Green and his associates need to GO.
Flush them out like Chitwood did.
proving a point says
i now refer back to the article of the other police chase–where people claimed that “backing off” from that chase woulda been better than chasing the woman….you can clearly see now that tabias green didnt read that articles comments…i guess if he had-he mights said to himself “i should listen to those people online and stop now”….
can you sense the sarcasm in my comment here?
Ben Dover says
He was still apprehended and no one else was hurt and 9 cars weren`t smashed up