Over the last few months, the City has received complaints about properties burning trash and debris on site, creating a risk to adjacent properties and buildings. To respond to these issues brought to the attention of the City, staff has been working with Chief Tucker of Flagler County Fire Rescue to develop ways to address these and similar concerns. This is just one of examples of the collaboration of different governmental agencies working together to make Bunnell a safe place to live.
On Monday, March 13, 2023, the Bunnell City Commission heard the Second Reading of Ordinance 2023-05. This proposed ordinance proposed regulations for open burning and requirements for open burning permits for properties within the City limits. The ordinance was adopted and effective as of March 13, 2023 (date of adoption).
Highlights of the regulations are the following:
- Open burning of commercial waste, residential trash, garbage, lawn debris, clippings and tress is prohibited.
- Open burning for ceremonial fires, commercial land clearing operations, prescribed burns and when emergency conditions exist are permitted with pre-approval from the Flagler County Fire Marshal.
- There are exceptions that do not require permitting such as burning in outdoor fireplaces, kilns, ovens; outdoor cooking fires engaged in bona fide food provision which are constantly attended and of a certain size; and campfires built and contained in a fire circle of a licensed campground.
Applications for open burning permits within the City of Bunnell limits should be requested from the Flagler County Fire Rescue Department; all application and permitting fees are established by and collected by Flagler County Fire Rescue.
Copies of the adopted ordinance can be obtained through the link contained in this announcement, by contacting the City Clerk Office at [email protected] or [email protected] or posted on the City’s Ordinance Bank hosted on this site https://library.municode.com/fl/bunnell/ordinances/code_of_ordinances
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