Mitt Romney is officially in trouble, even with Fox News.
As the News Service of Florida reports today, “a new Fox News poll shows President Obama leading Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney by a margin of 49 percent to 44 percent in Florida, with voters saying they trust the Democrat more on issues such as Medicare and foreign policy. The poll, released Wednesday night, also shows Democratic incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson with a 49 to 35 percent lead over Republican challenger Connie Mack, a southwest Florida congressman. Voters also indicated they don’t like the job Republican Rick Scott is doing as governor. Of those polled, 49 percent said they disapprove of Scott’s performance, while 39 percent approved. The poll of 829 likely voters was conducted from Sunday to Tuesday and has a margin of error of 3 percentage points, according to Fox News.”
The poll focused on likely voters, as opposed to registered voters. Obama has generally done even better when polls have focused on registered voters, though the more accurate representation of election-day results has to lean toward likely voters. The Florida numbers were part of three polls Fox News took in in battleground states. In Ohio, also among likely voters, Obama is ahead of Romney by seven points (49 to 42), and in Virginia he’s ahead by seven, reaching the magical 50 percent mark.
“The good news for Romney,” Fox reports, “is that among voters who are “extremely” interested in this year’s election, the races are much tighter. Obama is up by just two points with this group in Virginia (49-47 percent), Florida is tied (48-48 percent), and Romney is up by one point in Ohio (48-47 percent).”
But Nate Silvers, the New York Times’s FiveThirtyEight analyst and mathematician, Tweeted today: “The. Polls. Have. Stopped. Making. Any. Sense.” He cited a Wisconsin poll showing Obama ahead there by 14 points (Wisconsin is Paul Ryan’s home state, and Paul Ryan is Mitt Romney’s running mate), while another poll showed Romney ahead by three in New Hampshire, which until now had been leaning Obama. But the New Hampshire poll was taken by the more tendentious Rasmussen Reports. Overall, polls that include cell phones (Rasmussen does not) show a clear and holding advantage for Obama across the board, and in all swing states except Iowa.
Columnist Gail Collins summed up the kind of week it’s been for Mitt and Ann Romney: “Really, it’s been the worst run of disasters this side of the Mayan calendar. The Republicans’ woes started last Friday, when Ann and Mitt filmed a TV interview in which they entertained the kind of personal questions that most candidates learned to avoid after Bill Clinton did that boxers-versus-briefs thing. Asked what he wears to bed, Mitt said: ‘I think the best answer is: as little as possible.’ Euww.”
The Truth says
If Obama is leading in a Fox News poll, you know things aren’t looking good for the silver spoon man.
pamala says
Alright! Good for our PRESIDENT. YEAH!!!!
Outsider says
It is kind of perplexing. Obama gives a speech in Egypt “resetting” U.S. – Islamic relations in 2009, and today they are burning our embassies, burning Obama in effigy, killing our ambassadors, and we have an even lower standing in the Arab world based on polls across the region, and people conclude that Obama can better handle foreign policy? The Chinese have stopped buying our debt, they are looking for an alternative currency to trade in with Russia, we are printing money which we use to buy back our own debt at inflated prices keeping the yield artificially low, only because if we had to buy our debt back at the real interest rates we would immediately default. We already have de facto default. The banks’ excess reserves have gone from $50 billion in 2008, to $1.6 trillion today, and now the fed is telling us they’re going to buy $40 billion worth of mortgages from banks per month because they think there’s not enough money available??? The money supply has gone from $800 billion to over $3 trillion, and we’re told that printing more money is going to solve the problem. Ben Bernanke is not that stupid; he IS that desperate. These insane actions are a clear admission that all their policies are failing. The federal reserve is the biggest buyer of treasury bonds now, and they’re not even borrowing anymore, because noone is buying, they’re printing to keep the house of cards from collapsing. Oh no, is that a gust of wind?
Rocky Mac says
Has anyone checked out Bill O’Reilly lately. He sounds humbling. But typical Bill he puts his spin on it.
Anon says
If Fox News says it then it must be the gospel.
Ben Blakely says
More obama Coverups dishonoring Americans: NATIONAL SECRET: What Obama daughter’s vacation cost
obama operates like a tyrant ignoring the laws, sneering at the constitution and all Americans.
The Obama administration is unlawfully withholding public records about the spring break trip to Mexico funded by taxpayers last March for Malia Obama, according to a new lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, the government watchdog organization based in Washington.
It’s not the first blackout the government has imposed on the trip, Judicial Watch noted.
Press reports of the trip for the then-13-year-old, a dozen friends and an estimated 25 Secret Service agents were erased from the Web on orders from the White House.
The new lawsuit claims not only are the records for the expenses of the trip required to be public, it is illegal for the administration to withhold them.
“Contrary to federal law, the Obama administration has simply ignored this basic [Freedom of Information Act] request. I have little doubt that this stonewall is because of the embarrassment of the security costs for the spring break trip of the Obamas’ daughter,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.