Joe Mullins, the former Flagler County Commissioner disgraced out of office two years ago after recurring scandals and outrageous behavior, including belligerently trying to get out of a traffic stop by telling a cop that he ran Flagler County, announced on Friday that he will run for the congressional seat Rep. Mike Waltz is vacating to join Donald Trump’s cabinet as national security adviser.
Mullins had attempted to get out of a ticket months earlier in another county, when the Florida Highway Patrol trooper in that case threatened him with jail if he got out of his car.
By then, more than three years into his tenure as a commissioner, Mullins had built a notorious reputation for tawdrily denigrating opponents on his social media platforms or on a half-hour radio commercial he still pays for on Flagler Broadcasting’s WNZF and a few other stations.
Using air time, he called for the decapitation of liberals, and on social media wished liberals “chain[ed] and muzzled” or shipped out of the county on rail cars, an allusion to the transfer of Jews to Nazi death camps during World War II. He repeatedly bullied or insulted his fellow-county commissioners, who tried to censure him, He has been openly bigoted against women or members of the LGBTQ community, and has used anti-Semitic tropes publicly to depict this site’s editor as a roach or a virus.
Mullins’s tenure on the County Commission bracketed four years of disruptive, at times dysfunctional governance for a panel that only began to regained its footing for decorum with the election of Andy Dance in 2020, and more decisively with the defeat of Mullins and the election of Leann Pennington in 2022.
Pennington, at the time a little-known resident of Flagler County’s west side, overwhelmingly defeated Mullins in the 2020 Republican primary as she took 69 percent of the vote, the single-largest contested commission primary victory in recent memory. (See: “Mullins Doesn’t ‘Run the County’ Anymore as Pennington Crushes Him.”)
David Ayres, the Flagler Broadcasting general manager and host of Free For All Fridays, whose network has profited from Mullins’s advertising dollars for years, was nevertheless surprised as he asked Mullins whether what he’d heard was true–that Mullins was running for Waltz’s seat.
“Absolutely I am, and I’m very excited about it,” Mullins said on the show last Friday. “Lots of people reached out, asked me to consider running.” Mullins typically claim his decisions are the result of emails from “lots of people,” consultations with “lots of people,” or pleadings from “lots of people.” Somehow, the people are never named, nor do they tend to identify themselves.
Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to set a special election for Congressional District 6, the Waltz district, which includes all of Flagler County and parts of Volusia, St. Johns, Marion, Putnam and Lake counties, with a population of 780,000.
“If you think about it, this is the year of the comebacks,” Mullins said. ” I never claimed to be perfect, but at the end of the day, I’ll work hard for my community, as I’ve always done.”
He wrapped his announcement around the Donald Trump victory and referred to Trump’s nomination for attorney general of Matt Gaetz as paving “a new way.” Gaetz is the former Florida congressman the New York Times described in terms that easily apply to Mullins: a “master of insults,” a “right-wing mudslinger,” and an “internet troll” who makes “unsavory comments” even about people’s appearances. Gaetz is under investigation for sexual misconduct, illegal drug use and other issues.
Ayers was still surprised. “People listening now are going, Holy crap. Joe Mullins?” Ayres said on the air, enumerating some of the problems Mullins has faced over the years. Mullins then went on a strange tangent, saying he’s had a “lot of ups and downs” with his businesses but had “a lot of torturous interference with our business.”
He said the business was going through a refinancing a few months ago when “someone started sending anonymous letters to the bank saying, ‘Go to FlaglerLive’ or ‘go to Augusta Press and dig in deeper about this individual.’ We found out who did it. We know who’s done it, and we actually are about to file some lawsuits, and some couple of media sources is going to be involved in it. FlaglerLive is definitely involved, and we’re going to go after them.”
FlaglerLive, of course, is involved in no such thing, though Mullins’s history of fabrications, innuendoes, slanders and libels goes back to his self-transplanting from Augusta, Ga., to Flagler County ahead of his 2018 run for office. (See: “Joe Mullins Falsehoods, Mischaracterizations, Misleading and Baseless Statements: A Fact-Check.”)
Mullins went through a divorce a few years ago, a private matter made relevant to his public persona only to the extent that Mullins, who still describes himself as a successful man of business, declared himself “Insolvent,” “Riddled with Debt” and “Potentially Bankrupt.” More recently, a half dozen of his properties in Georgia were ordered into receivership, a court process that includes public orders by the court.
Mullins owns two properties in Flagler County. He used to claim a house at 311 North Pine Street in Bunnell as his homestead. He still owns it, but it is no longer homesteaded. That property’s 2023 tax bill was overdue; a certificate was issued, and a payment plan established. Two of four payments have been made (in June and September). Mullins’s condo at Hammock Beach is now his homesteaded property. It is current on taxes through 2023.
On the radio, Mullins said his businesses “are fine. I’m fine. Listen, I’m a businessman. We go up and we go down and we fight back.”
Pennington, the county commissioner who beat Mullins, reacted today to the congressional run. “One of my favorite quotes about elections is by Alexander Hamilton,” Pennington said, with this citation: “This process of election affords a moral certainty that the office will seldom fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.” Pennington then said: “If the people deem him to be the right person for the job, then so be it. We will soon find out who the people feel is most qualified to represent the district.”
Robin says
Big nope.
FLF says
OMG, I thought this blowfly was long gone… Well it will entertaining to watch, particularly the film clips and remarks that have spewed from this jerk.
KMedley says
Not only NO, but HELL NO!
Celia Pugliese says
Right on Kim a big NO. And please all those voters by mail like one member of the family in my household remember to request it again given the new FL law that requires to renew the mail in ballot request now yearly or in every election something like that. We requested it again yesterday and just takes a phone call.
Thomas Hutson says
Disgraced Joe Mullins
There is nothing wrong with Joe Mullins running for Waltz’s Congressional Seat. We all know from the latest’s pick of geniuses by big Daddy Warbucks, that the red camp does not have the word disgraced in their vocabulary, starting with Daddy Warbucks himself. Joe Mullins is an ideal candidate for that seat – he will fit right in. Having the word disgraced attached to your name puts you at the top of the qualification list as valuable employee. Go get it – Joe !
The dude says
They never go away.
Danko will never go away.
Lowe will never go away.
The McDonalds will never go away.
Furry and now Norris, will never go away.
Once you invite MAGA in, like the soulless vampires they are, they never go away.
Rick G says
He should fit right in with all of the other malcontents in the Republican Party. Keep voting for these Dunning/Krueger effect types and you’ll get even more incompetence.
john says
OMG the jokes on all of us. Why not elect him, they’ve done a great job this Presidential Election to pick many losers what’s one more.
Nancy N. says
Apparently no one told him about the financial reporting requirements for that job?
Mothersworry says
He is such a little, little person.
Charles says
All the MAGA’s are coming out of the ant holes to add more venin to the surface to rub it in with the rest of the MAGA crime family. They don’t disappear they just keep multiplying.
This loser tops all losers this county has every had. He will get elected because DeSantis is surely going to promote another loser for the State of Florida.
David Schaefer says
What a joke this clown just can’t keep his mouth shut.
I'll B Ur Huckleberry says
Wow, the arrogance and ineptness of Joe Mullins are beyond belief. Go back to Georgia, you bum, because you cannot hold a candle to Mike Waltz’s record. Like Flagler County, Florida doesn’t need your representation in DC either.
Judith G. Michaud says
Wow, how much worse can it get? The MAGAS are really trying hard to dismantle normalcy and decency. The people that voted for the convicted felon have no idea what they have done to our country. Birds of a feather flock together and they are taking over country! Never in my life did I ever think America’s future looked so bleak! We need a miracle!
HMB says
It will be fun to watch Paul Renner crush him
Fernando Melendez says
Some political candidates come with baggage, some bigger than other’s. But this shouldn’t exclude anyone from running for political office. The Republicans now control the presidency and have a majority in both houses. Everyone deserves a second chance, people change and can make a difference. Tell me your for the America First Ajenda, boarder security, energy independence and lowering our everyday cost of living then you have my vote.
The dude says
Nevermind everything else…I will ignore all malfeasance, if you just promise me stuff I want to hear. THIS is why we have MAGA…
They spiked BORDER security on their dear leaders command.
We’re as “energy dependent” as we will ever be. We net export oil.
In case you haven’t noticed… costs never go down. This is by design. This is a partisan fact. It’s just business. The oligarchy wouldn’t stand for it.
So you voted for simply a horrible human being to represent you based on a pack of demonstrable lies.
Do better.
Fernando Melendez says
And that’s exactly why your party lost, because you are all lost and are running wild in the woods. Let me repeat it America First Agenda.
Brian says
Tired of it says
What exactly is “America First”? Border security, what specifically is trump’s plan to accomplish this, which he failed to accomplish the first time around. Here is a fact for ther uninformed…the US has been a net exporter of oil since 2020. This means we actually export more oil than we import. How exactly is he going to lower the cost of food if he deports the people who harvest the crops? Since we manufacture virtually nothing in the US, how are his tariffs going to impact the cost of goods? Melendez is a good party line follower. He will rationalize voting for a despicable individual as long as the individual is a Republican.
Michael J Cocchiola says
I am so… horrified! So, in your opinion, no one, no matter their behavior and crimes is exempt from the MAGA welcome mat. In the MAGAsphere there is no crime, no ethical vacuum, and no moral turpitude that MAGAs will not consider beyond the pale. Every MAGA gets a second, third, and fourth chance so long as they are willing to rape and pillage America.
MAGAs are vampires sucking the life out of our people, communities, and America. They fervently wish to destroy our country from the inside out with Mullins-like demagogues and then rebuild the empty shell to give Trump his very own Russia.
LT C says
Justbob says
Good grief.
Skibum says
I bet the disgraced ex-commissioner is already standing in front of his mirror talking to himself, practicing saying over and over “I run Congress!”
Luke says
Whenever we think we are as low as we can go, we look over the edge and cannot see the bottom …
This ‘swamp think’ should remain under his wet rock.
jim says
do waste ur money or our time… go have a beer w Jim Manfre and u can both cry together!!!
Michael J Cocchiola says
Do not ever conflate Jim Manfre with Joe Mullins. Jim Manfre is an honorable man, a devoted husband and father, an accomplished leader, and a businessman devoted to his community.
Remember, when you combine the two, you raise Mullins to an unattainable level of morality for lawless people like him.
Cc says
This is crazy
Go home Joe! says
Republicans will elect him. They don’t care as long as there’s an (R) behind his name. Pathetic looser. Gives all elected representatives a bad name.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Oh no, you’re wrong about that. Every family on my street is Republican with the exception of one Independent household. Since the news came out about the Second Coming of Mullins, everyone has been absolutely adamant that they have no intention whatsoever of voting for him.
Georgia boys gone fishing... says
It amazes me how people that have done such a suck-ass job , that got their ass kicked in a small County election expects to get elected.
There are already several heavy hitters planning to run. Joe take a break from your little fan club, like the Pastor J’s, Sharon Demers, Danko’s and the many other questionable people that run in your little circle.
Thanks for the links Flaglerlive they were so much fun!
Sherry says
Unfortunately, corrupt, lying, fear and hate filled immoral people like mullins are perfect for the desantis/trump administrations. Did you maga voters really think that trump/desantis would not continue to surround themselves with others who are just as depraved as they are? Really? Just keep voting the maga way. . . the shit filled cesspool is filled with many more of the same.
Steve says
The Chipmunk has come out of his burrow both cheeks stuffed with MAGA Kool aid. Good riddance
Oopsies says
Hahaha gop are in charge across the board. Criminal records don’t matter (only if your gop criminal)nor do facts or truth. As long as he can spread hate and lie he will fit right in. Surprised little man Ron hasn’t already appointed him to a board seat in the middle of the night. lol you see we have a child predator as attorney general . Hilarious and sad. Chief con is loading up with his band of criminals to rule the country. Should at least be entertaining to watch this ship sink.. didn’t know people were so nihilistic but we shall collapse together. Grab the smokes I’ll get the booze. Let me know when it’s time to start a new nation , cause this one is no longer relevant and is ran by unintelligent extremist.
Saudis pay kushner says
Haha disgraced is nothing you can rape a chick, commit financial fraud for hundreds of millions, stage a coup attempt, and commit 37plus felonies and still get elected to lead this nation and avoid jail all together. Truly inspiring!! Shows all the rapist and convicts out there that your in your position because of money if you had some you could be president.Look even pedophile Matt gatez it now the nations lead attorney haha! We should get the kkk leader and make him in charge of DEI. Worst president ever is gonna out do himself this time.
Land of no turn signals says says
Boy your right ,Just shows you how bad Waltz and Harris really are.
Sherry says
@land. . . Well NO . . . It actually shows just how incredibly immoral and out of touch with factual reality the fear and hate filled, mindless maga cult members are. The complete disaster that will happen during the next 4 years, “It’s All the Fault of Maga”!
c says
Pathetic attempt at diversion.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Imagine replacing the first Green Beret to serve in Congress with THAT guy. I guess Mullins figures Flagler County has missed his very special brand of public service so much that now he’d like to do the entire 6th District a favor and expand his magnificence into Volusia and St. Johns Counties. Can’t wait to see who donates to his campaign.
NJ says
Mullins is NOT a Republican, he is Power Hungry SCUMBAG who Sold his Soul to the Carpetbagger Developers! RINO-Man must be “RELOCATED”!!!
Les Moore says
I’m not a fan of Joe Mullins either. But most comments here are laughable, and 76 million voters wanted change. Get help for your TDS and move on.
Grow up fool says
WTF does people seeing Mullins as the asshole he is have to do with Trump? I think you’re the problem because every time someone criticizes another person you scream “TDS.” You are the one that needs to grow up.
Oh how I long for the day when no one tells anyone who they vote for and they don’t wear it as their identity. Wanna talk identity politics? Start with the caravan of cult members dolling out money for Trump merch. That’s true identity politics as you’re nothing without wearing his branding. It’s actually an interesting study of psychology how so many people bathe in his lies and then wave away his failures as the deep state attacking him. It’s quite laughable how many have fallen for his cult speak. Enjoy the cost of everything going up once they deport people and add tariffs (which is another word for taxes and they will be passed to the consumer), losing Medicare (they’re talking about making cuts to Medicare and SNAP to pay for tax cuts for the rich that newsflash never trickle down), for the Army to enter neighborhoods to deport people, and RFK wants reeducation camps for people that have mental illness. JFC you people voted for crazy and I can’t wait until it all burns down and everyone is crying because nothing is better. Lol. 😂
Sherry says
@les moore. . .
1. Is trump a “Convicted Felon”? Yes or No!
2. Has trump been found “Guilty of Fraud” in a separate case? Yes or No!
3. Has trump been found “Guilty of Sexual Assault”? Yes or No!
4. Has trump been found “Guilty of Defaming His Assault Victim”? Yes or No!
5. Has trump been “Impeached TWICE”? Yes or No!
6. Does trump have multiple “Indictments” against him for trying to overturn the last election? Yes or No!
In what twisted cult universe should anyone find trump acceptable to be the President? In what twisted cult universe would anyone simply dismiss those “criminally immoral” acts, and accuse those who oppose him with having “trump derangement syndrome”?
Just asking, les. . . and, looking forward to your response.
Ron Reagan says
Not being able to distinguish reality from make believe is one of the side effects of long term drug addiction. Mullins is a narcissist of the first order and not a smart one, at that.
Mullins is unelectable. If he wants to waste his own trust fund money that does nothing but, make people laugh and snicker at him, he’s well within his rights.
Mullins does not represent the Republican Party. He’s an embarrassment to the Republican Party. “Lots of people” realize he damages the party because of selfishness and stupidity.
Go away, little joe and take you group of danko, lowe, gambari, furry and chong with you! Total embarrassments.
Jane Gentile Youd says
Voters had a choice in 2018.
Joe Mullins or
Jane Gentile-Youd , the proven dedicated activist with not a corrupt bone in her body who had already spent over 16 years since she moved to Flagler County trying on her dime and her time to make this a nicer place to live . The only thing that mattered on election day was the hundreds of free meals, hundreds of paid sign waivers and most important of all the big ‘R’ on the ballot.
I am far from perfect but I can hold my head up high and say that when Joe Mullins , instead of Jane Gentile-Youd won it wasn’t Jane who lost – it was the citizens of Flagler County. I can’t stand the expression ” I told you so” but I cannot think of a better time to say it than now…..
Told You So Too. says
There’s no place for your New York ideologies in Florida no matter how long you’ve been here, Janet, and that’s obvious because you have yet to be elected no matter where in Florida you’ve lived. Just go away.
Jane Gentile Youd says
I ran TWICE as NPA in Flagler County when no NPA has ever won. Why did I run NPA? Because our local issues have NO PARTY. Unfortunately, the majority of voters bundle federal, state and local non partisan issues into one big bundle regardless of reality. ONLY Rs win in Flagler County no matter what…
So I reply to ‘Told you so” with no guts to use your real name – I would have to go ‘back to South Florida’ and also to Venezuela and Mexico before going back to NYC . You are just another plant of the malcontents.
KMedley says
Let us never forget “Joe Mullins and the Drug Dealer: The St. Johns County Show”
Pogo says
@But wait, there’s more
… and Flagler County, most certainly, has earned it — ta da!!!
MAGA (begin trump ellipses) ……………………………………………………(end trump ellipses) Trump pResidential Library Annex, rollercoaster, and bait shop: located on an opulently appointed pentagon shaped tract of 47 acres (an homage to duh grate (sic) one); featuring the largest roundabout on the planet, gladiatorial combat to the death between endangered species in an arena behind the basement location of the bait shop — the 50-floor tower will feature gold color fast elevators to the revolving replica of Mar-A-Lardo, fast food food-court, helipad/Space X landing pad that tops it off.
One dollar off of the admission price of $1000 for each visitor, will be awarded to the largest family (daddy, mommy, and kiddies) of visitors — every day! The billion-watt world HQ of Fox News on the 49th floor (not to be confused with the Murdoch Cave Diving Experience; located in the planet’s largest septic tank) are only a glimpse of this tribute to uselessness, profligacy, mendacity and destruction.