Last Sunday, Joe Mullins, currently the chairman of the Flagler County Commission, was driving his red Ferrari on I-95 in Palm Coast when he was pulled over by a Florida Highway Patrol trooper for going 92 in a 70. He was ticketed, and faces a fine of $281.
None of that is particularly remarkable. Andy Dance, the only one of Mullins’s commission colleagues to have had a speeding ticket–at least in Flagler–had a couple of them more than a decade and a half ago, before he was an elected official, completed traffic school, and hasn’t had any since.
What’s more notable about Mullins is his pattern of seeking to get out of penalties, and of reaching out to public officials to do so or invoking their names–even when he’s not at the wheel–either to get out of a ticket or in attempts to get out of being adjudicated and getting points on his license, with a promise that he’d never do it again. Then he does it again.
In the latest case from a few days ago, Mullins wrote the judge that he was “preparing for family coming into town and running behind in my schedule rushing between meetings” when he was pulled over. “I lost track of time and while taking calls and dealing with traffic knowing I was behind schedule, I was not paying attention to my speed nor the limit.”
Mullins was pulled over driving northbound on I-95, at mile marker 287, or two miles south of the Palm Coast Parkway interchange, at 8:45 a.m., according to the ticket.
“I am asking for lenience as I am gladly to pay pay in full (sic.) the amount owed but would like the assessed points and my record not to be noted if possible. I commit in the future to pay more attention to my speed and be aware of my time so it will not put me in a rush situation.”
He had used similar words, and made a similar plea, when he was ticketed in St. Johns County in 2017, going 65 in a 55 on State Road A1A. He was not yet a commissioner at the time. (He was elected in 2018 and is running for re-election this year).
“I deeply regret this indiscretion and humbly request that you withhold adjudication so points are not assessed on my driver license [sic.],” he wrote the judge three weeks after the ticket was issued. But he did not pay the fine in time. The ticket was categorized as delinquent, and Mullins risked having his license suspended.
But along the way he had called Sheriff Rick Staly in an attempt to get the sheriff to contact authorities in St. Johns and have the ticket dropped.
“He wanted to know if I’d call the St. Johns County sheriff because he’d been pulled over by one of his deputies,” Staly said in an interview in 2020, indignant at the memory. “I told him absolutely not, this is Florida, and we don’t do these kinds of things, at least not with me. So I never called Sheriff Shoar. He’s a personal friend–I talked to him today–and I don’t know what happened with that ticket.”
Staly was recalling the incident subsequent to a traffic stop Mullins was involved in at the time, on belle Terre Parkway, when he was in the passenger seat of a car driven by a woman who’d been going 63 in a 45. Mullins, who claimed he was on his way to the dentist in an Uber (the car had no such markings, and Mullins was in the front seat), made sure that the deputy who pulled them over knew that Mullins was who he was, intimating his title as county commissioner, and told the deputy he was meeting with Staly later. There was no such meeting. The woman was issued a warning. (See: “Joe Mullins Wanted Sheriff to Fix Speeding Ticket in 2017; He Invoked Staly’s Name in Traffic Stop Last Week.”)
After Staly refused to intervene in the St. Johns County ticket, Mullins then appealed for help from Flagler County Clerk of Court Tom Bexley.
“I have a constituent that has requested my help,” Bexley wrote Michelle Cosomato, director of the traffic division in St. Johns, in late February. “He received a [Uniform Traffic Citation] in St. John’s County and has written a letter to the hearing officer/judge requesting no points be assesed. He is beyond the 30 days, but has not been suspended. Will you please submit this letter to the court asap in the hopes this issue can be addressed before a suspension? Of course he is more than willing to pay in full.” But he still had not. Bexley asked Cosomato for a “heads up” when the hearing officer rendered a decision.
Cosomato the same day let Bexley know that there’d be an additional $23 late fee and that Mullins would have to plead for a “late denial” to avoid further issues, with a deadline less than two weeks hence, or else the license would be suspended. Mullins two days later wrote another plea on the proper form, claiming he was “traveling during that time for work back to Georgia” and that he “will do to my best efforts [sic.] not to have another issue here.”
Mullins completed payment on the by-then $229 fine the following week, and a judge withheld adjudication.
A year later, it happened again–in Duval County, just after he had been elected county commissioner. He was pulled over on Dec. 12, 2018, almost a month after his swearing in, and ticketed by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office for going 64 in 55 on the Hartbridge Expressway. He again pleaded his case, paid his fine, and adjudication was withheld.
The following month (just after 10 p.m. on Feb. 19), he was involved in a car crash on State Road A1A in Ormond Beach, as he was driving a 2013 Mercedes Biturbo registered to his company, but it was not his fault, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report: the other driver ahead of Mullins had made an illegal U-turn on A1A in Volusia County, in foggy conditions, and was cited accordingly.
He was also twice cited for speeding in Seminole County in the last seven months–going 85 in a 65 on I-4 last Nov. 26, and going 89 in a 60, again on I-4, earlier this month, on June 2. The trooper noted on that ticket: ” VISUAL SPEED 90 MPH, ACTUAL 91.7 MPH, POSTED 60.”
Notably, when Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood was pulled over for speeding in 2017, he insisted on getting ticketed “to set an example” for his agency.
The latest ticketing case in Flagler is pending.
The dude says
The feeling that laws don’t apply to them is systemic to the conneds.
Korean vet says
This guy has been getting away with his disrespect for Fl law since he has become a resident of our county for several years . There seems to be something wrong with the prosecutorial dept s of our county (state ) including Mr Bexly s action calling St. John county . This mans license should be revoked .(now ) … what are the other county comms including Staley (sheriff) doing about this members activities . Please look at his history in GA he was charge with selling phony tickets at the Masters. If this behavior was committed by me our another citizen the state would surely take action and we would be walking (NOT DRIVING AROUND IN A FERRARI
Deborah Coffey says
It’s totally Trumpian…and disgusting. Lock. Him. Up.
CW says
Trumpian? Really?
Dan says
Oh lord. A democrat chimes in. This has nothing to do with political parties. It has everything to do with a Jack ass that likes to speed and thinks the law doesn’t apply to him. He drives a Ferrari? Double the price and points assessed.
JB says
Funny coming from the party of “rules for thee but not for me”.
Lou says
I wonder how many times Joe was let go or given a warning in Flagler County
Carole o says
Maybe he should not be “re-appoiinted”like the teacher who list her job, maybe she can have his job
Roy Longo says
Once again this piece of shit Mullins uses, or tries to use, his position to get out of tickets. Where’s the integrity? The responsibility? The sense of right and wrong? And it’s a shame Tom Bexley, who has an impeccable record, used his own position to help that asshole. Mullins is up for reelection and we need to stop him in his tracks. Hopefully someone with integrity runs against him. He has to go.
Leane Pennington is running against him, she been in flagler her whole life, nice smart lady, JOE GATTA GO
CW says
Yep he’s gotta go
Roy Longo says
I’ll look into her and if I like her, she will have my vote.
DedicatedAmerican says
Leanne Pennington is running against lying corrupt Joe Mullins. If you check all the campaign donations you will see who is representing we voters. Vote for Leanne Pennington to represent our county.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Roy – 2 people are running against him – Leann a Republican and myself an NPA
Christopher Goodfellow says
At 90mph you are not only speeding, you are endangering lives. Judge should recommend he take trains from now on. 😂
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Yes Christopher.. 1 way to Georgia non stop
Linda says
Yes, very dangerous. And he said he was making calls! More appropriate to suspend his license. He seems to not care about the welfare of others on the road.
Mona says
I laughed at the explanation that he was on the phone , so he couldn’t pay attention to the speed. Double sin, idiot.
James says
A walking time bomb. And as a county official he should not get special treatment. He is just like any other person that is caught speeding fine him and give him points on his drivers license.
TrumpIsATraitor says
If the Mullins Company is looking for new sources of revenue perhaps they would consider writing to the authorities on citizens behalf so that tickets don’t show up in the DMV records and citizens car insurance rates don’t go up. Isn’t that the way that car insurance should go Joe? If you can get out of a ticket then why should you pay more for insurance than all those other people who actually obey traffic laws?
Maybe someone should remind Joe that the idea behind being a ‘public servant’ is that you serve all those people that make up the public; rather than using your elected position to bend the law and those who administer it to your own will?
Or maybe the people of Flagler County should get a clue and vote this wanna be race car driver out of office…
Shark says
Wow – 92 in a 70 mph zone – I wonder how many cars passed him.
Jimbo99 says
Those Ferrari’s do like to be opened up on the FL Autobahn. What does anyone else passing him have to do with 92 in a 70 mph. This sounds like there are sour grapes that someone else didn’t eat the loss & citation in that moment, but regardless of who was in the lead of the Flagler dash to get to Palm Coast Parkway from FL-100, he was doing 92 in a 70 mph zone, own it like an adult. He gets the same 5 forgiveness the state allows everyone. This isn’t a Flagler county citation, it’s a state of FL citation. He needs to enroll in the safe driving course, pay for that and the points are off his record. He has the same options on the literature that everyone else has. He wasn’t putting out a fire or catching a criminal, he is the criminal. Time he put on his big boy pants & own his legal issues. By default, by missing the payment deadline, his license would be suspended by the automated computer system. This goes back to when he 1st started driving in High School. I’m sure he does some good for the community in capacity as a councilman, but he’s compensated for that and that has nothing to do with his driving habits. He is a habitual offender at this point. I wonder if his DL has a safe driver designation on it ? That’s a lie obviously and there should be no benefit of a discount on his insurance. Maybe process the criminal is what needed to happen long ago ?
Agree, time for Joey to grow up and obey traffic laws! Too ASSHOLES speed in Flagler County thereby causing Dangerous Accidents! They also speed in developments(I had asked Joey to lower 30mph limited to 20mph and he did NOTHING)!
Bill Johnson says
Looks to me that Mullins will do whatever he can to lie his way out of traffic tickets. It also looks to me that he has a problem with the “heavy-pedal” and speeding. This asshole deserves the points on his driving record which of course may lead to higher insurance and driving privileges suspended. This type of behavior I would expect from him…using his wealth and political position to weasel his way out of paying for his poor choices.
Now there is a possible solution here. Considering Mullins is so MAGA Trump, he should call his asshole buddy Trump and let Trump get this ticket dismissed. Problem solved! Mullins is the type of person who is typical of the bullshiter the majority of politicians become. I met him once and when I got home, I immediately showered to wash away the filth of his aura. My date told me afterward that Mullins slipped her his phone #. What a guy!
David S. says
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
What a charmer. It’s great to know our taxpayer dollars are helping to finance Commissioner Mullins’ lavish lifestyle and that he’s so superior to us that he can call on his cronies to get out of inconvenient scrapes like this one. None of us has access to his old boys’ network, nor would most of us even consider using insider “fixes.” We’re just the little people, I guess.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
His family is in town – he posts photos of his son campaigning with him in the ‘L’ section this past week. His behavior on the road is no different than at county meetings where is he ALWAYS texting as well as frequently getting up from his seat and goes to the ‘ladies room’ side of the podium.
He doesn’t pay attention to the majority of important issues before him ; he cares less about our quality of life, our health, safety and welfare and has no idea of what his responsibilities are; he is paid to make his decisions on what he HEARS from us not told by his ‘staff’… so why should anyone expect that he would respect the rules of the road?
He uses his county e-mail to send threatening vicious threats to constituents ( 2 sent in the past 2 weeks to the undersigned and signs” Joe Mullins, Chair County Commission each time his pal the county attorney forwards him e-mails never addressed to him in the first place. ) He invokes his position as Chair as though he is royalty.
Has anyone ever seen his red Ferrari parked at his registered District #4 address on Pine Street? I haven’t….. He makes me so sick that I put my name in the ring once again for ‘Joe’s current County Commission seat in the hopes of restoring dignity to this district and the county at large.
Roy Longo says
Rather than running again, please throw your support to Leane Pennington. Otherwise the two of you will split the vote giving Mullins a better chance of winning.
Jane Gentile,- Youd says
Running NPA in November does not split any Republican votes in August!
Sign me up says
When’s election? I should run if it means I make enough for a Ferrari and get out of everything… minus the fines of course
Gary says
Can’t obey the law , lock him up.
Leila says
It must be nice…
Teresa says
Maybe he should trade his vehicle for a Hyundai Tucson. It has a cruise control – pretty handy.
Steve says
Such a Hickocrite
Wallingford says
I know Sheriff Staley but I would not embarrass myself by asking for his assistance. What’s the saying: do the crime; do the time. Typical Joe Mullins mentality; laws and rules apply to all except him. Why don’t we take the action necessary to make it impossible to embarrass the County ever again and VOTE HIM OUT OF OFFICE. Thank you Sheriffs Chitwood Staley for showing the integrity we should expect from our Elected Officials.
Korean. Vet says
Mullins is a habitual offender . He didn’t know the limit?????Interstate 95 limit has been 70 MPH for years . This guy was stopped on Belleterre parkway about a year ago and asked the officer to contact sherif Staley for help … he is a great example for public to follow ps he was also picked up on A1A speeding what a clown he should be removed from commission he is as. Ad as Paul polossi in CA , his records , after DUI cant t even be found … good ole Nancy P fixed that….. it
ASF says
No moral compass. If there is a swamp to be drained in Palm Coast, I would start with that particular fish.
Danm50 says
I am sooo sick of this pompous ass I could scream.
Bob Padilla says
Is this guy a joke? He must have gone to the Donald Trump school. Let’s let him slide until his speeding kills so one.
Michael Cocchiola says
Sleazy and a scofflaw at best. Morally bankrupt at least. Trump minion at worst.
Get him the hell out of Flagler County.
David S. says
This is B.S. he does not deserve any favors . Pay the fine or lose your license Mullins.
MikeM says
Pay your fine and lead by example. You did the crime. No special favors.
Sam says
When are all y’all gonna realize what he’s like abd vote him out
Joe says
Do all of you people vote? Are do you just complain¿
G A says
Oh yes. We vote. I have voted for many many years. YES, we do vote! And guess who isn’t getting our vote, no matter how many stupid signs are up??
Mark1 says
So wait…he is a corrupt official using his power to escape he penalties of law? And Tom Bexley took part in his corruption attempts and help him conspire these plans?. And which Judge gave this man withheld adjudication? This judge should be looked into
Wow says
As they say “A dirtbag can’t change his spots.” He is a disgrace.
Laurel says
Oh come on Flagler voters, Mullins is an important man. He said so himself. After all, he is so busy he must exceed the posted speed limit while talking on his phone. He should be above the law while the rest of us peons must walk the line.
All those voting signs all over the place should actually say “No Mullins.”
Jimbo99 says
That’s distracted driving when using his phone. That’s another citation they didn’t give him. It’s noble of him to strive to do better. Like anyone else that ever had their DL suspended for at least financial responsibility, if not for points accumulation according to FL Statutes. Tough love for the Mullins. He’s a victim of his own tragic flaws.
Trooper says
Anyone who doesn’t try their best to get out of a ticket is out of touch with reality. I’m retired from law enforcement and patrolled interstate highways for years. Almost everyone had a sob story or knew someone. It’s only human nature !!!!!
Deborah Coffey says
No, sir, it isn’t. Decent people admit their errors and willingly pay the price for them.
Mark1 says
Wrong! Only certain entitled people with ego issues would try to get out of a ticket. It’s called taking responsibility for your actions. I bet your the type to let other officers go without a ticket.
I dont know what caliber of trooper you were but it seems like you drank some of joes cool aid, yes everyone will try and beg, but most dont use their position with threats to escape a violation. I have documentation that he was cited in november /2021 for 85 in a 65 and june 2nd for 91.7 in a 60, both by troopers in seminole county on I-4 driving his Mercedes . By now his DL should be revoked for habitual traffic offender. This is just based on my knowledge of being a state employee for 29 yrs. God bless us all and pray nobody gets hurt or killed, JOE GOTTA GO
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
How can you defend a puke like Mullins? He thinks he’s special.
BobAnonAnon says
I’m in my seventies have been stopped twice but ticketed only once. Both times I simply apologized and admitted I was speeding and neither time did I ask for any consideration for any reason. So, call me “out of touch with reality” because I am in fact in touch with what it means to be both ethically and socially responsible.
Trailer Bob says
It may be human nature once, but this guy is totally insane. He doesn’t want a “break”, he want to be above the rest of us. I was thinking of running against him this time around, but he would probably try to ruin my life.
The Voice Of Reason says
Please do Trailer Bob. You would be refreshing. Over time, your views are well thought out and I think you would set a great example in a county that needs it badly. Best wishes.
Trailer Bob says
Well, thank you very much.
And I would not accept the approximately 55K they are paid, or I would contribute 50% to good causes in our County. And here is a millionaire that still takes the money for creating havoc in out community.
A.j says
Donald Trump 2020 insurrection, Mullins 2022 speeding ticket. Both Repubs I believe both politicians both white both will probably not face any consequences. Mullins will not get my vote. Repubs are the worse of the worse politicians.
Vincent Lyon says
I am disappointed that Bexley tried to help him avoid the earned consequence of his bad behavior.
Peaches McGee says
Joe is a certified buffoon of The Flagler/Palm Coast Bureaucratic Federation.
How long before we can vote this dunderhead out of here?
Trailer Bob says
You’re being too kind Peaches..
tulip says
The scary part is that there are thousands of new people who have moved here and have no idea about the politics here and who is ok and who is not. Most people who don’t really know what they are doing will vote for the incumbent, or pick a sign they saw. I sure hope these new people are reading and paying attention. I know some people have asked where they can find info on a candidate. They can find it in the Observer,, who just published the candidates for city council a day or so ago, Flagler Live, News Journal and also google their name.
Brian says
Hey Joe, I got a ticket for doing 84 on an interstate in Virginia. I simply stated that I knew I screwed up. He did cut some slack on the ticket but still paid the $124.00. Did not use the retired state worker excuse as it did not matter. Suck it up and play by the rules.
Pissed in PC says
First we should write the judge and include all his violations. Second we vote him out and put him on the midnight train to Georgia. Let’s make Flagler beautiful again.
Skibum says
I hope all of the judges, sheriffs and court clerks in Flagler, Volusia, St. Johns and Duval counties see this information, because it is obvious that Mulllins is unwilling to change his driving behavior as evidence of his many repeated speeding violations. All of the various county and court official he has begged to help defer or reduce the consequences of his repeat offenses were being USED by this schemer, and he probably laughs about his ability thus far to coerce some of them to do unethical things for him afterward. The only thing this corrupt county commissioner hasn’t yet resorted to is trying to defend himself in court by claiming the FHP’s traffic radar guns are inaccurate because they are being controlled and manipulated by Italian satellites. And I must end by reminding everyone that when you see a middle aged guy driving a flashy, bright red sports car, you begin to wonder if he is using that ride in a vain effort to make up for his inadequacies below the belt.
Laurel says
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Italian satellites are only used for voting machines. Everyone knows that. ;)
Linda says
Maybe he’ll ask for a pardon…😉
James says
I just hope this speed freak never comes off I-95 on that south bound off ramp they built over on Mantanzas.
I was over there the other day (coming off I-95) and let me tell you… it’s just a bad spot in my opinion. Seemed just too cramped and compact at the intersection, with the on ramp back on to I-95 almost right across from me, and the traffic both on ones left and right going every which way. The northward on, off ramps seem alright to me, but something tells me that the south intersection needs a rethink… rethink?… that spot looks like a slapped-togethered after-thought.
That can’t possibly be considered finished, can it?
Paulk says
Of course its done. There’s no kickback money left so it must be done.
Dennis C Rathsam says
I live up here these cars come down the street heading toward PCP speeding around then bend like they were still on 95. And to top it off at the corner there,s a school bus stop, for little kids. Great planning.
James says
Yeah, I was struggling with how best to express my first impressions of that intersection… I keep returning to the idea of something being too “short” or “compact” there. Your comment made me rethink what I had seen.
Coming off I-95 you get to the intersection. I crawl up as far as I can, since I want to turn left on Mantanzas (east)… but there are cars going that way (east) from my right. They might make the turn on to I-95, maybe not… can I see there indicator clearly? While this is going on someone pulls up to my right going right… that person in anticipation, moves up further to look at on coming traffic from his/her (and my) left, can that person see the indicator lights of the traffic going west clearly? What if that person is “jumpy” and wants to make a quick go of it onto Mantanzas going west? They move up further, now blocking my view of east going traffic. Then some hothead comes up behind me, I don’t give a f*** about this guy, but someone else might be “pushed” into a bad “move” into the intersection.
By the way, in light of what I just said, paradoxically I just can’t shake the feeling that if an accident did occur there, the bodies would be lying around for a while before anyone would notice. Odd, don’t you think?
James says
Reaction time. To short a time to account for all those possible “moves” by the other drivers… compounded by the fact that the on ramp is directly located across from the off ramp… a “compact” box. Just my opinion.
G A says
Mullins once again does whatever he darn well pleases, and the rest of us can go pound salt. It doesn’t matter if it is speeding or being a cornerstone in an insurrection to overthrow our government on Jan 6, when he not only participated but paid for buses to take people from here to DC. I know for a fact he has been flipped in to the FBI so many times for his part in that he might feel like a pancake….but you know, the wheels of justice do grind exceedingly slow sometimes. Hey. Joe. They are coming for you! Bad Boy, Bad Boy, What ya gonna do? I don’t think you can outrun the FBI or call in any favors. In the meantime, all you not so bright voters out there? The number of campaign signs a candidate has stuck in the ground here there and everywhere does NOT denote an actual good guy for the job. It just says he is playing the odds that you will vote for him on the basis of how many signs you see.
RitaMay says
The only way to get rid of Mullins is to vote him out of office. Vote for Leann Pennington. She will make Flagler right again.
The voice of reason says
Mullins is a cancer on Flagler county. IGNORE his prolific signs. Research his pathetic record. He is garbage. Be an informed voter!
#Thisguy says
This guy has more Bullshit about him then anyone I know.
Drama, bullying, scams, this guy was even on the news 6 investigation team in 2017.
This guy came in this County lying about Nate Mclaughlin when this whole time this guy was Bullshitting all of us Flagler County voters.
This guy will not be representing me and my family. Joe you need to go!
You’re lying to us. You use people to get your way.
Asking Sheriff Staly and Tom Bexley to help you, why because you are a County Commissioner!
You should be ashamed of yourself. You are the type of person we all loath.
Resign, take your carpet bagger ass back to Georgia and scam them up there. Oh that’s right you can’t go back because they don’t want you there either.
Go bye Joe Mullins and we won’t be missing ya!
Richard Smith says
Darn Mullins looks like people in Palm Coast don’t like you very much. Unfortunately I met this clown by accident and he’s saw full if himself….
Jim says
If he told me I’m sorry I was on my phone and wasn’t paying attention I would’ve written him for the speed AND ARRESTED HIM FOR RECKLESS. Typical politician. Once had a Dr 30 over in’s polo and slacks w his golf clubs on the front seat of his Vette and told me he was called in for sugary… except the hospital was in the opposite direction!! Sorry Doc have a seat in the car I’ll be w you in a minute. Time for Joe to hire a chauffeur w all of his $$$$$!!!
Commit the crime do the time says
The true cost of ferrari ownership is not simply its crazy high maintenance requirements is it? I met Mr. Staly once, voted for him twice and he would probably be the last person I would contact to get my ass out of any self created jam. You can afford Ferrari and its insurance and maintenance you can afford the ticket too Bud. The ticket you got is real, unlike those ones you sell. Pay the piper.
Tony says
Bexley is as guilty as Mullins. Time for both to resign.
Donald J Trump says
I’m recinding my endorsement of this low life fool.He is the perfect example of what’s wrong with our government and society and no you can’t date my daughter, Tiffany. I think in order to make admends for your continuing actions you need contact Ron DeSantis and offer to lick his ass. Sorry, I nolonger have the Presidential power to Pardon you for the fraud accusation, traffic violations, abuse and crimes against humanity
Please continue to support me.
Sally says
Flagler County is pretty desperate to have such a sleaze ball as a commissioner that thinks he is above the law. Georgia didn’t want him so he came here. Get him off Flagler County Board. Read the post no one likes him and for just reasons.
Mythoughts says
Get out and Vote and get this clown out of here.
HammockBear says
Mr. Mullins, You got caught. Pay the fine.
Been There says
Another entitled insurrectionist with a long and distinguished history of wire fraud, theft, and hiring escorts; and people are indignant about his trying to get out of a speeding ticket? This low scraping scum needs to be held accountable for ALL of his crimes, but money and his cronies keep providing egress. I wonder if Matt Gaetz asked Trump for a pardon for Mullins too?
An habitual offender DOES NOT LEARN A LESSON if they keep on getting away with the crime! The fault also lies within the system which keeps on allowing him to get away with this crap. Mullins fear mongers voters with his continous election rants about how he is saving Flagler County with his conservative values, WHAT VALUES??? What kind of examples is he setting by his continous inexcusable behavior of calling out people in power positions for help when he breaks THE LAW! That’s right, BREAKS THE LAW. Anyone who gives him a pass is just as guilty.
Steve says
The fact that Joey the Chipmunk repeatedly asks for favors after he commits a crime indicates the type of politician he is…always ready to make a deal. It also shows how much he wants to be like his orange hero…not worried about the law – only how he’ll get away with breaking it.
Joe says
Do all of you people vote? Are do you just complain¿
Joe: YES I VOTE but the creep gets elected because people are just plain ignorant and people need to get off their butt and go vote him out, the only ones who vote for him are his ass kissing favor seeking buddies and there are many here in Flagler County. And there are 2 other clown commissioners on this commission who need to go with him.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
He’s an old school baby-kissing suck-up politician. Reminds me of the cartoon character Foghorn Leghorn. People just see his signs everywhere and think it’s a nice, harmless-sounding name. “Good ole Joe.” They don’t even take the time to look into the candidates’ backgrounds or platforms. They just vote for a name. Flagler County is under siege by developers and real estate speculators JUST LIKE JOE. There couldn’t be a more crucial time to clean out the commission (with 1 or 2 exceptions) and get some people installed who will work for the county’s and the people’s best interests. Joe’s closet is so full of skeletons, it’s a Halloween party. Vote him out!
Joey is a CORRUPT Democrat like Biden! Flagler County needs a complete clean out of the Scumbags! Trump does NOT support Scumbags like Joe! Time to Make Flagler County Great Again by removing RINO Joe!
Laurel says
Keep: Aw, don’t insult Foghorn Leghorn! He had a better personality.
G A says
Do we vote?? Let me tell you, sweetheart. I’ve been voting probably longer than you’ve been alive.
STAN says
Haw Creek Girl says
The only trooper activity…well, retired Trooper activity, that I’d like to see is Cpl Pete Young run for Just Say No to to Joe’s seat. I know he lost in Bunnell…because he has been out of the game for a while and didn’t realize that campaigning was a necessity these days. Before all these carpetbaggers came, locals could run on their reputations and Pete found out the hard way that it’s a whole new ball game. Sadly, the loss was that of the constituents of Bunnell. The face of the Bunnell Commission will change come next election cycle, no doubt…but for now, Pete should run for the Just Say No to Joe’s seat on the BOCC. Bunnell, can hopefully find a rep that isn’t so ignorant to slice the throats of the very demographic that elected her. I’d like to see Sammy Cooper or Darial Williams throw in in Bunnell….would REALLY like to see Rogers smoke NO JOE ! So, c’mon, Rogers or Young…which one of y’all is gonna be Mullin’s Huckleberry? Make this ticket, the reason you click it! Click the vote for ANYONE but No Joe!
PS Great job, Darin Harper #hometownproud
RitaMay says
UNELECT JOE MULLINS! All of these complaints year after year about Mullins.
Time to send Joe back to Georgia. The primary election starts in just a few weeks
that can be Joe’s ticket back to Georgia. If he loses the Republican primary, his
political future in Florida is over. Please help Leann Pennington knock his
political brains out. Donate to Leann up to $1,000 or stop complaining forever.
Pennington is the only person standing between Mullins and another Mullins four
year term. Now is the time. Go to: http://www.penningtonforflorida.com
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
RitaMay, that link does not seem to be working.
RitaMay says
I know, sorry. Just Google Leann Pennington to find the site.
RitaMay says
Sorry, had the wrong link for Leann Pennington’s web site. It is
FlaglerLive says
Sorry folks, no live linking to political candidates’ websites in the comments. Thank you.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
RitaMay you are incorrect. Mullins DOES NOT automatically get 4 more years if he wins the Republican Primary; he has to also win the General Election in November. As long as GOD grants me time on earth I will fight him tooth and nail before he gets 4 more years!
The One That Knows says
Jane he will not get four more years. Leann Pennington will be replacing Mullins.
Jane Gentile- Youd says
To the one that knows: is the General election already decided?
Concerned Citizen says
Just curious as to how many of you now complaining voted for him first?
I didn’t because I did my own research and back ground checks. It’s super easy to do now a days. And there really isn’t a reason for voters to go to the polls uninformed.
For everyone demanding change it starts with us at the polls. For years this county has insisted on voting what you know. Because you are scared of change. But what do we get? The same thing over and over. Isn’t that the definition of insanity??
Venting on this forum is fine. But if you want to make a real difference get out there and show it at the polls.
bob says
good bye joe
Flatsflyer says
Let me bottom line it for you, Mullins is a asshole and so is everyone who puts up with this clown by supporting him. We are much, much, much better than this!
Realist says
Time to vote this fool out
FtheEntitled says
Arrest this arrogant clown. Title X, Chapter 12, Section 6 in Florida law states: “No public officer, employee of an agency, or local government attorney shall corruptly use or attempt to use his or her official position or any property or resource which may be within his or her trust, or perform his or her official duties, to secure a special privilege, benefit, or exemption for himself, herself, or others.”