Commissioner Don O’Brien tried to have it both ways. He prefaced his support for Joe Mullins in what at first sounded like the opposite. He described himself frustrated over the controversy and public outcry over Mullins becoming chairman of the commission, and frustrated with Mullins’s own “social media activities and contentious stance on some highly charged political issues.” He called the social media activities “nonsense.” Then, seemingly oblivious to the abrasiveness of Mullins’s behavior even as he acknowledged it, he said the chairmanship “should just be a non-event.”
But in the end, that’s all it was: a veil for what proved to be the unsurprising vote that made Mullins, a bigot with a propensity for lies, slanders, insults, anti-Semitism and unprecedented divisiveness for a commissioner, chairman of the county commission for the next year. The two commissioners who had twice refused to censure Mullins for brazen attacks on fellow-commissioners and constituents now saw fit to elevate him as the representative of the county.
Commissioner Dave Sullivan nominated Mullins. O’Brien voted for him, and Mullins voted for himself. Commissioner Andy Dance nominated and voted for Greg Hansen, who also voted for himself. Mullins had called Hansen, who has had health issues, a “fat sonofabitch” on the dais during a commission meeting.
Sullivan nominated Hansen for vice chair. Dance nominated himself, saying it’s been protocol in the commission’s history to elect a commissioner in his or her second year in a leadership position. His colleagues shrugged that off. Hansen got four votes, with Dance in dissent.
O’Brien, who’d scripted his remarks, asked Mullins before the vote if he wanted to be chairman, given Mullins’s other commitments–and referred to the emails that had packed his account in opposition to Mullins. “It is something I’m interested in and I do feel like that we should rotate it,” Mullins said. “And I’m going to do the best I can. And I do realize that is one spot. That’s one of five. It’s not the ultimate spot. It’s not the ultimate ruling point. It’s one of five, so I would be honored and I would love to take my part in it.”
“My reservation is really with the online banter,” Dance said, “because there’s really no separation as I see it as an individual and as a commissioner. When I’m out in the public, I’m a commissioner. People address me as such and I behave that way in the public knowing that. I’m just not sure how Joe can separate those issues and represent the commission in addition to all the other social media postings. That’s my reservation. I just don’t know how that’s feasible based on the track record.”
Evading the point, Mullins reached for equivalency, as if his behavior was no different than anyone else’s: “I think all of us could sit here and say we don’t like a certain thing that the other one does,” Mullins said. “That’s what makes us unique. Do I understand that I’m sitting in that seat and I’m speaking–I’m speaking for me. I’ve never said that I’m speaking for anyone else up here on this commission. I’ve always spoke for me. Is it something that I keep in mind if I’m in that position to tone back? Absolutely. And so I absolutely respect that that needs to occur.”
“I don’t see it as a separation, and that’s where we differ,” Dance said.
The last time the commission had a long-winded chairman goes back to 2014 and the George Hanns era. Hanns, who served 24 years as commissioner and at least twice as chairman following the Cromwellian reign of Jim Darby in that chair, was long-winded as storytellers are, by good nature and self-deprecating wit, not narcissism and grandstanding. “I’ve looked at the clock and Swamp People isn’t on until 10 o’clock, so we have time,” Hanns once said at a hearing on the tax rate. “I’m very pleased that we don’t have to put in a numbers system like they do at Publix deli,” he said at the end of an unusually brief public comment period. “I didn’t get to talk much this weekend at home so I’m trying to make up for it,” Hanns said at a May 5, 2014 meeting.
And in a classic from 2016, during a discussion on library construction: “And I will get to the point–in a moment.”
Don’t expect that kind of long-windedness, humor or Everyman geniality from Mullins. He tends to make his listeners cringe from his lack of self-awareness. He has a remarkable knack for bringing back any issue, any talking point, including other people’s grief, to himself somehow, to show off, puff his chest or seem more important than the occasion, or the speaker or staffer before him, requires. His meetings will be long.
Ten people had spoken nearer the beginning of the meeting Monday about the next chairmanship, all of them opposed to Mullins, many of them nominating Dance, though of course the public has no role in the nomination process.
Robin Polletta said Mullins should be disqualified, as should Hansen, since both are up for re-election. (An elected official’s term as chair coinciding with an election year is not a disqualifier, and is not unusually if slyly used on elected boards to give the official a leg up.)
Ironically, even as the first speaker spoke in his favor, Dance, ever the stickler for correct procedure, raised a question about the propriety of public comments addressing the nomination period in that particular segment. “I don’t know that we’ve ever had public comment for nominations before,” Dance said. “It’s just between the board.” But since the board doesn’t take public comment when it does address its reorganization, O’Brien said the public had to have at least one part of the meeting where it could address the matter. Hadeed gave the allowance legal weight. “The legislature broaden the right of public participation at public meetings and allows public comment on any quote proposition,” Hadeed said. “So I would recommend to the board in order to keep with the spirit of the Sunshine Law is to allow any comments that people may have relative to the election of the chair to occur now, because it cannot be accommodated at the time that the nominations and election are called.”
On the comments went. O’Brien was accommodating, his decision as certain as his script, if not as certain as the outcome: Mullins smirked through the 10 commenters’ remonstrations to the point of drawing a rebuke from one of the speakers: “I really do not want someone to represent me as the face of this county that has so much disrespect that as people were talking here tonight, He had a smirk on his face the entire time, and was thinking this was humorous,” Sallee Arnoff told the commission. “That type of disrespect does not deserve to lead our county and be the face of our county.”
“Our country is divided enough but we don’t need elected officials in our own county degrading us on a daily basis,” Cheryl James, whom Mullins had once publicly told she’d been “chained and muzzled,” told commissioners. “He’s a sick man. He doesn’t have any integrity nor respect,” she said. Others who have been publicly vilified by Mullins also spoke, asking commissioners not to elect him, as did Mike Cocchiola, who said it was him Mullins had in mind when Mullins said on the air certain liberals should be beheaded. (O’Brien, acceding to Mullins’s own fabrication of a separation between his social media persona and his role as commissioner, has never addressed the Mullins of the half hour radio commercial he buys weekly, and where he routinely unleashes his denigrations and discriminations.)
Denise Calderwood, a former candidate for the commission and a social services advocate, delivered one of the longer entreaties against Mullins and again spoke at the end of the meeting, both times drawing eyerolls from one of the commissioners. “Of course money speaks loudly in Flagler County,” she said. “Those of you on the commission have been subjected to the same bullying that he has does to the rest of us. Of course, he has bought off some of you, passively. And then also the past County Administrator, when he he purchased land that had been for sale for several years. However, we wash all that under the table.” She said the commissioner’s failure to censure him enable him to get away with more–at which Point Sullivan rolled his eyes.
It was Sullivan’s preface to his nomination of Mullins.
Merrill S Shapiro says
When will all of us Liberals be beheaded? All it takes for Mullins to succeed is for too many good people to stay home and not vote!
Tim Mcauliffe says
As James Carville said “Drag a $100 bill through the Trailer Park and see what follows”. Obviously it was more than $100, but just as obviously 2 commissioners followed.
Edith Campins says
What a sad, shameful moment for Flagler County. There is no excuse for this vulgar individual’s hateful behavior. As for Obrien and Sullivan…I wonder what he has on them.
Leila says
He’ll never make it through the year without embarrassing the county or being involved in scandal. He can’t stay clean that long. He has never believed the law applies to him. Wow.
The dude says
This county is even capable of embarrassment anymore?
Been There says
He is already in the middle of a scandal. He is a fraud, a thief, a liar, a conman, an exploiter of women etc. He is currently involved in a federal lawsuit. Of COURSE O’Brien would nominate Mullins. O’Brien enjoys being in like company.
It is disgusting that you all keep electing these crooks to be your leaders. Lazy voters voting for the guys with the biggest signs. Apparently signs and egos are the biggest things they have. It isn’t their consciences.
Nancy N. says
It is an embarrassment to this county that this pathetic excuse of a “leader” is now the face of our county. Sullivan and O’Brien need to examine their souls.
Karrie Peterson says
What an embarrassment for Flagler County
motherworry says
I feel that this is like being in the proctologist waiting room. Wall to wall Assholes! What a total shit show.
NotWoke says
Congratulations Joe!
Marq says
A great choice! Flagler County has a strong Republican majority and a majority of residents that believe in individual freedoms, the constitution and capitalism.
Mike Cocchiola says
Hey, Marq and Not Woke… Here’s your great Republican.
Our new chairman is a man who was chased out of Georgia amid several scandals including swingers parties and wife swapping. During divorce proceedings, he porn-shamed his soon-to-be ex-wife by publishing online nude pictures of her and required his own kids to take blood tests to prove his paternity.
Next up in his bio is the fact that, despite the apparent illegality, he has never lived in the district that he ran in and represents. Once he bought his seat on the county commission (roughly $130,000+ invested), he went full rogue. He called for the beheading of liberals. During a period of Holocaust remembrance, he called for liberals to be loaded on trains and shipped out of the county. He promised to make Flagler County a 2nd amendment gun-addled sanctuary and to (illegally) bring the Christian religion exclusively into county schools and government. Yes, he claims to be a born-again evangelical. He’s actually the antithesis of a Christian.
Read on. There’s more. He told his apartment-leasing company in Georgia to avoid renting to Blacks. He solicited professional escorts. At least once he took selfies of himself in his underwear (shades of Anthony Wiener) and sent them to a known escort then claimed he lost his phone and it was hacked. He was caught with a young woman in a speeding convertible on a city street at 8:30 am and identified her as an Uber driver taking him to a dental appointment. She was from west of Orlando.
Then there were the Facebook threats of lawsuits and implied violence against his critics. And funding and accompanying busloads of hard-line Trumpers going to D.C. for the insurrection. Oh, almost forgot. He has allegedly bilked a company out of tens of thousands of dollars when he failed to produce promised tickets to a PGA golf tournament. I think they got fake tickets. Anyway, there’s a lawsuit in the court system on that.
Everything I’ve said above is backed up by public records. I may have left something out, but you get the picture of the sad state of affairs in Flagler County, FL. And I’m sure it will get worse. There’s unverified other stuff floating around that even I, Mullins’ worst nightmare, won’t repeat.
So, I don’t know why you’re proud of this poor excuse for a man and a citizen of Flagler unless you are Joe’s soulmate and find all of this acceptable.
The dude says
These are all features, not bugs.
Indictments are a badge of honor proudly worn by today’s Conservatives.
justiceiscoming says
Oh, but Mike, didn’t you know? Republicans of this ilk LOVE that stuff and desire it ‘freedom’ and all that lying crap. He was trash in Georgia and he proves he is trash here. But his voters love the fake snake smile, that good ol crocodile smile. I pray that he and several of the other commissioners are voted out asap. They’ve done nothing but embarrass this county, as have several Palm Coast councilmembers. Leadership deserves and needs decent, honest, diplomatic leaders – men and women. These are not that.
Donna says
Shame on you Commissioners who voted for this beast!
ASF says
During his term in office, just like his hero Donald Trump, he will take his constituency for all they are worth.
But I guess some people feel that’s a small price to pay for having one’s prejudices given the green light.
Lorraine says
2022 “vote” Mullins out!
Robjr says
Birds of a feather do flock together.
Been There says
Truer words have never been spoken.
JEK says
This is unbelievable!!! What’s wrong with you people?? Appalling!
Dennis says
The side show continues in Flagler County. Tunis you also add the school board and Palm Coast city council to the act. This will be a show stopper event. 😖
Gary says
So he’s an anti semite.. so he’s someone a Jew doesn’t like. The gravity of the term is losing its weight. No one uses the term anti-Africanism or anti-Asianisn. It’s a term used to blacklist anyone who is critical of Jewish behavior in any way shape or form.
Concerned Citizen says
Your anti Semite is showing.
Tell us how you really feel about non Caucasian people. You’d continue to be leery of people like Mullins after someone single handedly wiped out thousands of your people just for who they are.
You all seem to be OK with the fact that this man got on the radio and called for the beheading of a targeted group of people. Then never had to answer for charges. Because he was protected by a Republican Sheriff. Who is more interested in locking up our kids.
If I ran around threatening to hurt people It wouldn’t be long before I was arrested. I guess it’s different when you have little money, power and protection
Disgustedwithidiots says
So, Gary, that makes it ok to be a bigot? (Apparently in your estimation it is ok, judging by your response) Listen up, Jewish people are the biggest critics of other Jewish people. Everyone points the finger at the other guy as the root cause for all of society’s dilemmas. The danger of this is when a particular group or groups are publicly blamed and incendiary suggestions are brought forth by politicians towards those groups for political gain and to fan the flames of hate. Anti-Semitic statements in a public forum by a politician harkens back to Jewish people being accused of “owning” the banking system, controlling politicians, etc. by a certain charismatic leader which evolved into a major world wide response. Does this ring a bell with you? That is why we American citizens ALL decided post WWII that we WOULD NOT allow such actions to occur in this country. And the battle is not over yet. Because, now all of the bigots, racists, et. al groups have been recently unleashed and encouraged courtesy of their fearless leader, and they think it is acceptable to unleash their hated and venom on all of the groups they disdain, to the detriment of society as a whole. So Mr. Gary, what spews out of a public official’s mouth does matter. And Joe Mullins is a prime example of behavior that is not acceptable. He is supposed to represent ALL of his constituents, not just his little pack of goons. And guess what? His constituents are comprised of Jewish, Muslim, African Americans, Hispanic, and many other ethnic groups. Apparently he didn’t get that memo. Probably because he is too busy dodging law suits while sipping cocktails aboard a vessel loaded with his compadres, all the while dreaming up more hate and venom to spew forth towards his crony’s “most hated groups in America”. All for political gain….
The Geode says
You people talk as if “Jewish” is a race. Try walking around in my black skin and NOT having the option to tell you whether I am “Jewish” …AND I have the option to be “Jewish”. DOUBLE WHAMMY!
Deborah Coffey says
Florida and Flagler…going to hell in a handbasket. What a disgrace!
Bob says
Here we go again. Labeling someone because of their stance on certain issues
Concerned Citizen says
Here we go again. Supporting someone who should be in prison. But has managed to skate thru everything like some Mafia don.
No accountability at all in Flagler County. Here you get rewarded for being a con and a bully.
The Geode says
The way liberals hate this guy assures me that he’s doing something right…
The dude says
Yet you can’t really tell us what that is can you?
I don’t despise hime for his politics, I despise him because he’s just a shitty person.
Now, tell us why you love him.
Concerned Citizen says
By far not a liberal here so your labeling folks is kind of a moot point. LOL.
This guy has broken laws for years. And skates by with it. Still has an ongoing Federal Investigation. And lord knows a background check by a regular citizen is easy enough to conduct. If we did that in the private sector we would be unemployed. With the BOCC money will buy anything I suppose.
Since you don’t like liberals you must have supported his illegal death threats on the radio he got away with. Only because he has a buddy that’s a Sheriff.
Maybe since your his best buddy you’re Ok with his behavior. I still expect our elected officials to conduct themselves ethically and honestly. They took an oath to do a job. And that should mean something.
Jp says
All in the name of owning the libs. Some republicans would murder their own children “to own the libs.”
mark101 says
And people thought this wouldn’t happen, give me a break. Not even a “surprise” !.
Concerned Citizen says
Our BOCC has sunk to a new level.
For years now this BOCC has run scared of Mullins and I do not understand why. And now he has become their boss.
I guess it’s different as an elected official. Work ethic an rules don’t mean anything. Even though you took an oath to do your job. And that holds you to higher standards.
In the private work sector when you become the target of criminal/civil investigations, call for acts of violence on an FCC sanctioned device or have questionable social media practices you usually end up unemployed. Mullins not only skated thru all of his issues he never had to answer for anything. Then got promoted.
Makes you wonder what kind of pull he has. And what kind of money has gone back and forth.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Stand tall Joe, I hope you do a great job, and show all these democrats how wrong they are. Some folks dont like you, oh well…Get over it. Heres a thought….Remember the song we sang in grade school? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. GROW UP YOU FOOLS!!!!!
Concerned Citizen says
Wow I’m impressed.
You just told us to get over it used sticks and stones then called us all fools. If the shoe fits I suppose.
Personally I don’t give a damn about political affiliation. I expect any politician to do their job ethically and honestly. Your best buddy has a dirty laundry list two pages long. Was even documented on air making threats. And should have gone to jail for just that. Thankfully for him he has protection from a Republican Sheriff. Your best buddy can do no wrong. I get it. It’s all everyone else’s fault. One day the Feds will catch up to little Joe. And I will remember the last part of your comment.
This is from a non Democrat ;)
NPA Voter says
Amen, concerned.
Mike Cocchiola says
Shame on Don O’Brien and Dave Sullivan. If what Mullins has said and done doesn’t disqualify him from holding any public office, then the Trump-infested Flagler County Republican Party has let dishonor become a qualifier for office, not a disqualifier.
Time for Real Republicans to stand up and take their Party back.
Bucky Boy says
Wow! Totally predictable as Mullins gets the BOC Chairmanship. It should come as no shock as Mullins monetarily helped both Sullivan and O’Brien get reelected. Called payback. I am quite sure Joe Mullins will fail as he can’t spell the word leadership as has demonstrated that he has zero leadership skills. This is what happens when voters become complacent. The wolf in sheep clothing will be an embarrassment to this county. What an ASSHOLE! We can hope that his past scandals will catch up with him and the FBI will take him away.
Truth be told says
Let the Flagler County Useless Commissioners Clown Show begin, a disgrace to all of Flagler County Taxpayers and they are all big waste of our money.
William Moya says
…and yet representative of who the majority of Flagler county is, a people who voted for Trump after 4 years of 20,000 lies, knowing full well he is a Fascist, misogynists, xenophobic, racist; Mullins and his supporters are but a home made contribution to the accelerating decline of a country that once thought itself as the heir of the Age of Reason, if not its embodiment. It’s heartbreaking.
Heywood Jablomi says
Three words: Larry, Curly, Moe.
Heywood Jablomi says
Three more words: The Turd Reich.
William Moya says
Mark says
There are no heroes showing up in Flagler County.
William Moya says
Don’t give up, some of the commenters here makes me somewhat, more optimistic.
RCH says
I beginning to hate this place.
David Schaefer says
Totally agree it was not like this 30 years ago. I wish we could move this place is becoming the laughing stock of Florida….
Ted Underhill says
Good job commissioners, you have fought for your limitations and now you get to keep them. Striving to at least reach the level of mediocrity would have been a good start. Keep putting the duh in Florida and the buffoonery continues….
Duane says
Mullins says when he is in the seat he is speaking only for himself. Doesn’t he realize that as an elected official he is speaking for and representing his constituents? It is never supposed to be about the elected official. Very disappointed, especially with Don O’Brien!
Concerned Citizen says
O’Brien got bought by Mullins a long time ago. His only loyalty is to how much money is floating around.
Whathehck? says
Sullivan and O’Brien just wanted to have the head of the Commission to match the County Seal and the little blowhard Mr. Potato Head filled the bill.
I wonder if Mr. Potato Head will have time to listen to the public and the County Officials or will he continuously check his phone? I’ll bet he will not because being Chairman does not bring any responsibilities in this County. Joe and Ed can now continue to show disrespect to Survivors of 9/11 by listening and viewing loud videos during testimonies.
Crass is the new motto of the County.
I understand why the trio didn’t want Dance because he thinks and he cares, a big no no in crass county.
Timothy Patrick Welch says
a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
That could describe most anyone on the far left or far right…
C’mon man says
Pardon my ignorance here but what does being the chair really do for him? I know he would lead the meetings but everything they vote on is put to a is done as a group.
Not sure what floors on behind closed doors just what’s discussed at meetings. Looking for input not to be bashed
A.j says
Old white men running the show. Old white have been doing it for years, I’m ot surprised. We will see what happens u der Mr. Mullins tenure. He will do good or bad, time will tell. This one reason why Dems should go out and vote. When you don’t vote this is what you get. Deep south white men being elected, nothing new.
Concerned Citizen says
Boy you don’t like white people very much do you?
Every comment you drop the race card. We get it. What are you doing to change things besides complaining and being racist yourself?
The dude says
If the hood fits…
Concerned Citizen says
Is that the best you got?
Been married to a beautiful African American woman for almost 15 years. I don’t tolerate racism or discrimination in any form.
ASF says
Mullins and his “king-makers” will make Flagler County into a national laughingstock–while he and his pals laugh all the way to the bank.
While some residents are leaving out of sheer disgust, new folks are coming in. We shall see how this all turns out. But, at this point, it doesn’t look good.
Steve says
This short sighted Egocentric Napoleon Syndrome chipmunk couldn’t manage a stop sign. Go figure that his buddies made or rather Voted him in an the face of your County. As far as how low can you go its below Sea Level. This nut job wont make it on the other side of his Term due to Legal woes that await in the wings. So glad the exit stage right opportunity came for me. Good Luck ya going to need it LOL
Fed up says
Well, with the monkeys running the circus I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Disgusted, yes, but not surprised. Thank you Mr. Sullivan and Mr. O’Brien for so clearly showing us you don’t give a damn about this county, it’s citizens, or even ethics and decency. The clock is ticking on your own political careers. Get ready to say “Adios!”
Beach Cat says
Sullivan and O’Brian have absolutely no integrity. I am thoroughly ashamed of them.
Algernon says
When I was younger I heard it said that “if you lie down with dogs you will wake up with fleas”. Next time I see Mr. O’Brien or Mr. Sullivan, maybe I should shake a little flea powder on them… And, no disrespect is intended here to all of our Flagler County pooches who provide loyalty, service, and companionship to our citizens, whether they vote or not.
David S says
They need more than flea powder they need a whole 10ft pile of Horse Manure.
Mythoughts says
I think Flagler County residence should have a special election and vote for all Flagler County Commissioners to be voted out of office. We are sick and tired of the corrupt Boys Club in our county.
Let Freedom Ring says
We should all congratulate Mr. Mullins on becoming our new chairman. Given this position of prominence, he should easily win the next election.
Heathen Lady says
Eeew! 🤮
Gross says
Now would be a good time for that video of Joe and his armed buddies hanging out by the bus Joe chartered to hit the insurrection on January 6th to resurface.
Now would be a could time for Joe’s divorce filing to come to light.
Now is a good time for Joe’s TPC ticket fraud accusations to be made public.
Now is a good time for Joe’s neighbors at the Aliki to go on record about what really goes on in his penthouse.
Anyone in Flagler love to crawl around in the darkest, most vile parts of the web? I’m sure FlaglerLive would love the assist.
Snoopy says says
The majority of the liberals that have voiced an opinion on this site deserve Joe Mullins. He is a RINO and a disgrace to Flagler County. Are you happy with Biden with the price of gas for your car? Oh I forgot that is Trumps fault. Do you like his increase in food prices? Oh I forgot, that is Trump’s fault. Wait until Mullins starts to increase your property taxes. Oh, will you blame Trump for that. Mullins is a dishonest person and belongs with all the DISHONEST Senators and Assemblymen/women in CONGRESS.
Most of the BOCC have big ties to the developers. Watch how Dishonest Mullins takes care of developer ICI, Mori Housanni.
NotWoke says
I’m shocked, shocked to find out that there is politics going on here in Flagler County.