Last Updated: Sunday, 11:35 a.m.
A Flagler County Sheriff’s Deputy shot and killed a young man on Brownstone Lane in Palm Coast around 4:45 Saturday afternoon (Dec. 15) as the man was wielding a Bible in one hand and a machete in the other, and had become violent toward his family.
Troy Gordon, 32, man was pronounced dead at the scene of gunshots. Flagler County Fire Flight, the county’s emergency helicopter, was briefly in the air when there may have been hopes of saving the man, but the helicopter then returned to its base at the Flagler County Airport.
Joseph Dailey, the deputy who shot Gordon, in an enclosed area in the house, was taken to Florida Hospital Flagler, as was deputy Brandon Fiveash, after both suffered minor injuries to their ears. Fiveash has been with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office since 2005 and is a member of the agency’s Special Weapons and Tactics, or SWAT, team. Dailey has been with the agency since 2007 and is a K-9 handler.
Just before 7 p.m., Maj. Steve Clair, at the scene, described the succession of events that led to the fatal shooting: Gordon had been on a rampage in the house, destroying and upsetting things. A young woman who also lives there, and whose identity is not being released, called 911. Two deputies were in the house, talking, negotiating, and telling Gordon to “stand down” (a neighbor heard the deputies yell out the command at least twice) when the man–whose first name is Troy–began “barricading himself” in the garage, and charging the deputies.
The shooting itself happened just as the two deputies were in the space between the laundry room and the garage. As Gordon was charging them, machete in hand, Fiveash fired his Taser. The Taser dart did hit Gordon. But Clair said Gordon kept charging. At that point, Dailey fired the shots in quick succession. Gordon was killed in the garage. It isn’t yet known how many shots were fired.
Troy’s grandmother and the other woman, possibly Gordon’s brother’s girlfriend, were in the house. They are uninjured. Just after 7 p.m., they were being taken away from the house and cared for by friends.
Neighbors heard several shots fired, some saying up to six shots in quick succession. (More details will post soon, with interviews of neighbors and friends.)
The disturbance began in mid-afternoon following a call for a Baker Act–when individuals may be forcibly removed and taken to a psychiatric ward in Daytona Beach, often against their will because they have become a danger to themselves or to others. The man had become severely delusional about the end of the world–or the end for him, according to the sheriff’s office. Family members, according to the sheriff’s office, said the man had become paranoid “and may have been using synthetic marijuana,” according to a sheriff’s release.
Neighbors reported seeing Gordon walking down the street, past two children, with the machete in his hand. There had been reports of Gordon smashing up various things in his garage.
“It’s actually a pretty nice block, you don’t see this sort of thing around here,” said Jason Andre, a neighbor who lives two houses down. He has two young children, a 2 and 7-year-old. “That’s why I’m standing here in the cold, making sure they’re OK.”
He added: “It can happen to anybody. People need to realize that, man. They can’t talke their safety for granted.”
At 6:30 p.m., police tape had been stretched, blocking off both ends of Brownstone Lane on either side of the property. The block is expected to be an active crime scene through the night. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) will be conducting the investigation. It had not yet arrived at the scene at 6:30.
It is normal protocol, when a sheriff’s deputy is involved in a suspect’s shooting death, that the FDLE conducts the investigation. It is also normal protocol that the deputy is placed on administrative leave pending the investigation. That is not an indication or suggestion of wrongdoing: it is the case in most police agencies. Both Dailey and Fiveash will be on administrative leave, Clair said, likely for a few days.
Roger Smyth, a retiree from New York and a former member of the Miltary Police, lives one house down from 61 Brownstone, and knows Marie Turner, Troy’s grandmother, who raised him after his mother died of cancer. Smyth has done odd jobs at Turner’s house, helping her out (she is in a wheelchair). He described the events that led up to the shooting.
“I’m putting bushes in over here, and four or five kids from the neighborhood that know me and the dog came by and said, there’s a guy walking up and down and he looks crazy, he has a knife, a gun, something on his side, and he’s walking around with a book—Bible,” Smyth said. “The kids told me this. So I came out, I said don’t be afraid, they were scared, don’t be afraid. I walked out, and I saw he was walking up and down the street. He stops, gets on his knees, and he was praying. And then he walks into the house, and I guess that’s when the girlfriend of the other person that was there came by. That’s as far as I knew. And then after that I heard gunshots. Freaked me out. Just to hear the gunshots. But he was kind of a depressive kid.”
Smyth talked to Troy from time to time. “He was actually recently getting a little attitude when people walked by with their dogs,” Smyth said, “if they stopped by, outside there, he says, get out of here, get your dogs away. He was just an upset person. For whatever reason, I’m not that sure.”
Smyth recalled the time he installed a garbage disposal for Turner. Troy was there. “I was trying to show him things,” he said. “He seemed to want to learn a little bit, but there was a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde kind of thing, and then it’s later, he’s a different person, so, you know, it’s kind of like—I just keep my distance.”
Of the actual shooting, Smyth said: “It was rapid but not deliberate. It didn’t seem like it was something angry or anything.” “I believe I heard them stay stand down twice, and that I heard from here, stand down, stand down, pop-pop-pop-pop-pop.”
As night fell, so did a thick fog, settling on the neighborhood (and the rest of the city) with a damp chill. Smyth was in his driveway, the flashing reds and blues from a few cruisers inside the crime scene providing most of what there was of light.
“It’s kind of nerve-wracking,” Smyth said. “I’m still shaking inside, just hearing the gunshots. I’m not relaxed at all. And I’m from New York, you’d think I can handle something, but no, it’s just too close. You see things on the news, you hear it, you shake your head, yeah yeah yeah, but when it comes that close to home, then the reality hits. I mean, I’ve seen it when I was a kid in new York, but I’m retired, I came here to retire.”
On Feb. 21, William Carson Merrill shot and killed his wife with an AK-47 while she was tending to their daughter’s bath, and as Merrill had trained the rifle on her chest, thinking it was not loaded. He pulled the trigger, and Stefanie Merrill died shortly after. Merill was sentenced to 25 years in prison last
Not counting suicides involving firearms, this was the third case of a fatal shooting in Flagler County this year. In march, Paul Miller, a 66-year-old resident of Flagler Beach, shot and killed his neighbor during an argument over Miller’s barking dog. Miller is awaiting trial, scheduled for Feb. 25.
dave says
What a sad story, I really believe it’s only going to get worse from here on out.
DWFerg says
Thought we moved to a Quiet retirement community and away from the crime ridden Duval County in Jacksonville…Guess there are troubled people everywhere… Why does it seem to be happening so frequently these days ? Can we all just “get along” ? Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night….
shark says
I think they should have some physical requirements for FCSO. Most of them could be poster children for krispy kreme!!!!
Ron says
And exactly what does your snide comment have to do with this story? Seems to me that the FCSO had no problem taking care of this situation.
Magnolia says
Ban Machetes! (We’ve already banned Bibles…)
blondee says
Good work FCSO! No innocent bystanders were hurt or killed.
Henry says
Good work??? This deputy kills a man and you say it is good work? What planet are you from? Shame on this deputy, couldn’t you shoot just to injure the suspect? Why do they have to shoot to kill????
Geezer says
This time of the year brings out the best and worst in people.
It is a time when emotions run high from financial pressures,
mourning deceased loved ones, and broken families.
Then we get people who are unbalanced to begin with, then finally triggered in December.
This fellow with the machete was ripe for a rubber room for reasons I don’t know.
Chemical? Organic? But I bet that the holiday season overloaded him.
The poor slob–I’m glad he didn’t have a gun to spread the misery to multiple victims.
Funny how Christmas turns ordinary people into savages at stores and on the road.
I have a love-hate relationship with December. Lot’s of bad stuff happens this time of the year.
Flagler County needs to come up with some money for emergency psychiatric care (and ongoing care).
We have a lot of time-bombs here that need help, and can’t afford it.
Nationally we need to pay more attention to the mentally ill.
I hope that the two responding deputies don’t suffer permanent hearing loss from this incident.
Firing a gun in enclosed spaces can do a number on your hearing.
Ben Dover says
Oh yeah , lets hope they hear okay , to heck with the guy that was shot dead , they need to learn how to baker act a man without killing him , that`s the lesson that needs to be learned, can you say leg shot? how bout rubber bullets, tranquilizer gun , do any of them ring a bell, if you know your going on a call where someone is unstable , how bout you bring one other option, other then killing the poor bastard
notasenior says
Just how does one “barricade” themselves and “charge at officers” at the same time? I thought the barricade was to limit movement.
glad fly says
suicide by police shooting. it’s getting popular. my prayers go with this family.
JoJo says
We have done a piss poor job in this country with respect to mental health issues. We treat the topic with disdain, labeling, ignorance and lack of funding. We live in a violent country, yes, I’m talking about the United States of America. We are gun crazy. We settle arguments with the flash of a muzzle.
We call law enforcement first thing for help and rightly so. We arrest people and throw them in jail. Parents can’t afford the expensive pyscho drugs which their children should take while other patients refuse to take them with no oversight.
We paint people with a broad brush and extend a far reaching net to the homeless, poor and downtrodden in our society. We are not serious about mental health in this country. We close our eyes and hope it will go away. It won’t and will get worse. We are in a world wide recession and mental illness is put on the back burner. We need to get serious about mental health. Police departments in this country are not equipped to handle this issue. It is all consuming and costly on agencies.
It was a very nice gesture for that NYPD officer to buy a pair of shoes and socks for the homeless man yet, learned he discarded them the next day. Ironically, mental illness is not a temporary fix or the kind gesture of that police officer, nor should we take a band aid approach to this disease. After all, alcoholism is a disease and the medicine is attending AA meetings as simple as that may seem. Mental Illness may be life long medication and therapy – maybe even a mental institution.
We have to do better as a society in this country. These violent incidents in our society will not go away or disappear. We need to get serious about mental health and gun violence in our society.
Magnolia says
JoJo, before you attack those who own guns, why not take a look at the crap Hollywood is putting out that they call entertainment…violence, blood and gore. And then there are the oh so popular video games your kids are playing. Have you seen the slaughter going on in those games, the school shootings?
People kill people, not guns or machetes. Our ultra violent culture has been built and constantly stoked by the movie moguls of Hollywood. They get richer while our people die.
Is this a great country or what???
OlderButWiser says
Society did not close down the psychiatric hospitals the politicans did.
It was a cost saving measure.
Anonymous says
And I am sure the synthetic marijuana that victim was on was purchased right here in Flagler Beach. The Shell Station sells it all day long. Get rid of it FCSO.
Steve says
Its more of a systemic issue than than…. realize that.
Patrick Douglas says
I worked with Troy. I feel so bad because of this. God bless him, his family, and the police officers that had to deal with him. You read stories like this and they really have no meaning but when you have some idea of who the person was it just changes things. He’s in a better place now where he won’t be alone anymore but so many people were affected because of him.. it’s just really sad.
Sgt. York says
America will NEVER ban guns, so get use to it. What we most do is become more helpful and educated about MENTAL ILLNESS. Times have become desperate and dangerous for ALL Americans. Makes NO difference if you live in the ghettos of major cities or in the mountains of Appalachia Almost 90% of the time, crime is caused by mentally disturbed people. Recognizing this disease in people before they commit a crime should be the main goal. If law enforcement can not handle this then maybe its time for a different kind of FORCE…say the Mental Health Squads who instead of emptying their gun magazines into mentally challenged people, they approach the person with a different attitude and use less LETHAL means of subduing the person.
OlderButWiser says
Have you ever brought a mentally ill person into a psychiatric emergency room and had the psychiatrist tell you “Take the handcuffs off that man.”
Then you advise the psychiatrist that before you remove the handcuffs he must sign your daily patrol log that he must accept full responsibility and liability once the handcuffs are removed.
Not once in 27 years did I have a psychiatrist sign my log. Once they are told they must sign and accept responsibility they quickly change their mind.
never mind says
First of all this WAS NOT a crime! It was a family seeking help for a mentally disturbed individual. He was NEVER violent towards his family EVER! They expected help and got a dead family member instead! Not enough measures were take to save him. They went in and killed him. So NO not “good job fcso” they need better training, to get off their power trip and realize this is peoples lives not a game of cops and robbers. Completely disgusted.
Steve says
I’m sorry your friend/family member was killed. The Deputy did what was necessary to defend himself and the other deputy, wait till it all comes out to condemn the Deputy…
good job FCSO !!! says
guy has a “Bible in one hand and a machete in the other, and had become violent toward his family. ” lets see you go in a garage and deal with this individual. the cop could have been stabbed killed and not gone home to see his own family…. why dont you try and walk in their shoes for a day and see what they actually face before you sit there and say they have a “power trip” its real easy to sit behind a computer and cast blame and say the cops are bad and they dont know what they are doing, but you in fact do not know what dangers they face everyday, every traffic stop, every time they approach a house that could have a mentally disturbed person waiting to kill them, or just a felon with guns who doesn’t want to go back to jail.
John Doe says
Charging a police officer with a weapon is a crime. These deputies tried all other means before using deadly force. I’m sorry if this was a friend or family member of yours but he was an adult and he made his own decision. If this gentleman had hurt one of the kids in the area or one of the people inside the home you would be complaining that the police did not do anything. Good job FCSO and my condolences to the family members.
Ray Thorne says
Sorry but this WAS a crime perpetrated on these deputies. They tried a less lethal method by tasering him and he kept advancing. I suppose you’d just stand there and let yourself get hacked up in a like situation? You can be disgusted all you like but the deputies did go there to help but were forced into protecting themselves instead. What about them? What about dealing with taking the life of another? These deputies are not robots they are human beings and though it appears their actions were justified from what ive read, I’m sure the outcome is weighing heavily on them.
Deep South says
@ Never mind – Obviously this family member had been suffering from a mental disturbance for quite some time. You don’t become instantly violent with your family, and behave in this manner. In the State of Florida the family can petition the Clerk of Court to have a family member involuntary examine by having him “Baker Act” and taken to a mental facility for 72 hours for observation and recommendations for that family member’s mental illness. The Clerk of Court will present your petition to the Circuit Judge who will make a decision to enforce the Baker Act. If approved you can then call the Law Enforcement and they will transport the family member to the mental facility, or you can drive them their yourself.
OlderButWiser says
Raising a machete over your head while threatening to kill a Police Officer and put him in a body bag certainly is a crime.
If you bleeding heart liberals think mental illness is not a problem for the police then pass a referendum that only trained medical personnel should respond to these calls. Send a couple of psychiatric nurses and a psychiatrist and let them handle these people.
Trust me the police will gladly stop responding to calls of EDP’s armed with weapons.
Same goes for domestic violence calls. Send marriage counselors and not the police.
Biker says
“Never Mind says” You must be joking. You have apparently never been put in the situation these deputies were put in yesterday. Would it have been better for you if one our deputies were injured or killed? This mans own family and neighbors felt threatened enough by this person to call the FCSO. They responded and were put into a situation no officer or deputy ever wants to find themselves in. Besides the horrible feeling of taking another persons life, you are puy on modified assignmenr and every miniscule action regarding the incident is studued. Then on top of all that you are criticized by monday morning quaterbacks that have never been put in a situation like that.
w.ryan says
This story is sad. It took the Eleonore Bumpurs killing by police to change police tactics regarding emotionally disturbed persons in New York. Contain, de-escalate and mediate but never threaten or engage in an aggressive manner. It seems that this individual retreated to what he thought was his sanctuary and he felt threatened. I hope the new Sheriff will address this issue. Preserving life is worth an effort! My sympathy to the family.
FB Insider says
You mention “de-escalate and mediate but never threaten or engage in an aggressive manner” in your post. When the Deputies went in and attempted to make verbal contact with the male, the male disregarded several repeated verbal orders to “stand down”. This was the account of neighbors as well. So, with that being said the Deputies are in a garage area with an armed subject who is not acting appropriate. He has a long bladed object and charges them. Should they have begged him verbally to not attack them? Should they just have turned around and risked maybe out-running the subject? Whether or not the male was in his “sanctuary” means nothing. He charged Deputies while armed. A less-lethal approach was attempted and it failed. This left no option. Your arrogant statement of “Preserving life is worth an effort!” disgusts me as it appears from all accounts every effort was made, and the subject declined the assistance and instead attempted to harm the very people there to help him. There are NO winners in this. At the end of the day two Deputies witness something they wished they never would. One of those Deputies has to live with the fact that he took a life a week before Christmas. That was someone’s child. Someone’s friend. However, the Deputies have families two and a right to return home to them.
I commend the two Deputies for diffusing what could have been a horrible situation. Had the man decided to leave the garage again, he could have attacked his family AND/or the children he previously walked past holding that very same weapon.
w.ryan says
FB insider – Why did you leave out the word contain? That is just as important as the other two you preferred to sight. Policing is a hard and dangerous job. When you deal with an EDP it’s even harder. There are no winners FB! I just merely referred to what I read. It’s unfortunate that you felt disgusted by my statement and that my statement was arrogant. I’m sure the family of the deceased don’t feel so.
FB Insider says
And I’m sure two families (those of both Deputies) don’t feel so either. They went home, as they should have. It’s simple w.ryan, don’t attempt to harm the police and you won’t be harmed. They didn’t go in there TO harm him, HE chose the outcome.
w.ryan says
It is simple. The Dep’s job is to go home at the end of the night unharmed. His/her job is also to use sound judgement in his/her endeavor to do the job without mistakes. Mistakes causes lifes or gets you jammed up or get your superiors or fellow officers jammed up. I have made no judgement other than to say that preserving life is worth the effort of proper procedure dealing with EDP’s. Obviously Troy wasn’t in command of this situation. He withdrew and they engaged. He was Tazered and was incapacitated. This is where things gets vague. Everyone should have walked away alive. Unfortunately many lives have changed. My heart goes out to everyone of them and their families and especially to troy and his.
OlderButWiser says
They “Contained” the four robbery suspects in the Brooklyn Sporting Goods Store robbery years ago.
Emergency Services Officer (SWAT) Gilroy was shot in the head by one of the “Contained Suspects” and died.
At the trial was ascertained that the “Contained Suspect” told his fellow stick up men “IF that cop pops his head up one more time I am going to blow his head off.”
Then he did it.
seriously? says
i know this person and their family. troy was scared and was having a mental breakdown. when police come barging through the house screaming stand down with guns pointed at a mentally unstable person who is barracading himself away from them in a corner in the garage because he believes people are coming after them…doesn’t sound like the police did what they should have down. nothing in this story makes any sense or is partially even true especially when you know the people involved and who were there at the house at the time the police KILLED an innocent man.
OlderButWiser says
Elenor Bumpers who weighed over 400 pounds covered a distance of 21 feet in than 2 seconds feet with a butcher knife in her hand and stabbed the NYC PD Emergency Services Officer in his chest. Luckily the butcher knife was deflected by the Officer’s shield.
It was the Bumpers case that established the 21 foot rule when dealing with people armed with knives and other lethal objects. If the suspect enters the 21 foot perimeter you immediately fire.
By the way a NYC Police Officer is in intensive care fighting for his life tonight after being beaten over his head numerous with a elephant tusk why trying to quell a family fight the night before last.
Linn says
Call me crazy, but all those who think they will get shot if they swing a machete at a cop- raise your hand.
Obama 2012 says
I am just glad he had a Machete and not a firearm..
Neighbors reported seeing Gordon walking down the street, past two children, with the machete in his hand. There had been reports of Gordon smashing up various things in his garage.
Spiel says
What the hell does “stand down” mean to a deranged person. Absolutely nothing. Individuals in a hyper state of mind can’t comprehend “stand down”. What about Stop! Police need to speak short verbal english commands and not military commands. Do you honestly think that the average citizen understands what “stand down” means? Ask the average person in Wal-Mart what “stand down” means and you will get a different answer every time. Ask them the definition of “stop” and they will know as in stop light.
realistic roy says
Condolences to the family, and the officers that now have to live with knowing they took a life even though it was justified. But realistically mentally ill people are popping up like weeds, if they’re not medicated(that I’m sure the taxpayers pay for) then they are not only a danger to everyone but a nuisance to society. I think law enforcement should be specially trained to deal with violent criminals, traffic crashes, misbehaving kids, grumpy old people, hogs in your yard, barking dogs, broken down cars, protecting everyone and everything, dealing with natural disasters, oh and did I mention I want them to work long hours and put their lives at risk every shift while they do it and get paid crap! You jerks that want to monday morning quarterback the fine job these officers did, I really hope you are put in a situation one day where you think of that day as your last. The families with crazy people mourn their loss, but when they’re gone although sad, sure is a sigh of relief. Good job FCSO. Need facilities for these people to be secured instead of spending money on Obama phones.
Geezer says
You have made an excellent point here.
JoJo says
Yes, this is the greatest country in the world but your argument about video games causing violence is false. Studies have shown that the youth that play these games, namely in Canada as well as throughout Europe have had no discernible impact on the statistics of a cohort study you mention in the United States.
stop projecting says
VIDEO GAMES!?? really… Parents buy these games…Parents use these games and tv as baby sitters. The blame falls on them! So tired of people blaming video games and movies. Blame everyone BUT yourselves!!
Deep South says
I feel sad for what happen. But one thing that needs to be done is that families of people that suffer mental illness who might be a threat to others or them self should not try to hide this. Their are plenty of social services that can assist the family with these crisis. In fact anybody can “Baker Act” a person if they feel the person is a threat to them, society or themselves. Bringing in Law Enforcement is changing the playing field, and they are going to handle it the way they were trained. Their not Psychologist , Mental Counselors, or Medical Doctors.,but Law Enforcement to serve and protect.
Can anyone tell me says
How old was the officer that killed this man? Looked pretty young from the picture I saw on TV.
never mind says
Must have been late 20’s early 30’s, one had been on the force since 2005t the other 2007! Yeah send in the newbies for a baker act call on a man paranoid that “someone” is coming to get him. Yup, Great job fcso, super planning!
Jack says
People who think that the police should not kill a violent wacko but only wound him, are still thinking it is like in the movies where John Wayne would do this. People who are acting “crazy” and have a weapon in their hands are VERY dangerous. Police are trained to shoot to kill when their lives or other citizens lives are in danger, otherwise there would be more people killed than the crazy one. I agree also with the comments that we need a lot of improvement in the way that we help people who are having mental problems.
never mind says
They also have baker act procedure training for offiers! Which requires much different strategy than taking out a violent criminal!
Dorothea says
I have a few questions about this incident. Deputy Dailey is a K-9 handler. Where was his dog when he reportedly fired up to six shots, killing Troy Gordon? Deputy Fiveash is a member of the SWAT team. Where was the SWAT team and why weren’t they called in for back-up before making close contact with Gordon who was already cornered in the garage? I have seen more deputies at a minor traffic accident than the two that arrived at this potentially dangerous situation. Maybe some of the members of law enforcement that comment here can help me understand why it was necessary to use deadly force before exhausting all other means of containing the situation.
chris says
Even if the deputy yelled stop what difference would that have made?? People don’t stop for the police, red lights or stop signs and we see them every day. So let’s stop the word play.
Whodat says
@ Chris
It just might have saved his life. Take the test Chris and go to Wally’s world and ask people what the definition of “stand down” means to them. You might be surprised.
Let’s not get paranoid about people not stopping for the police – most do. Soon we won’t need a traffic squad in Flagler County with all the cameras in our city and auxiliary (non sworn) citizens doing accident reports. By the way, I don’t see deputies anymore out and around Palm Coast. Must be tied up with an EDP.
Sad says
I just read the article in the Observer. The grandmother goes into more details. She thinks the shooting was completely unnecessary. Matter of fact, she thinks it was murder. I think FCSO needs to come clean NOW. If the deputies followed the letter and spirit of the law completely, perhaps these rules & regulations need to be reviewed and adjusted. If the investigation reveals rules were broken the violaters need to be held accountable. Someone lost his life here and it’s callous to blindly accept the police version of events and label the deceased as a “crazy machete wielding person who attacked deputies”. That’s NOT what happened!