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Weather: Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 80s. East winds 5 to 10 mph. Saturday Night: Partly cloudy. Lows in the upper 60s. Highs in the lower 80s.
- Daily weather briefing from the National Weather Service in Jacksonville here.
- Drought conditions here. (What is the Keetch-Byram drought index?).
- Check today’s tides in Daytona Beach (a few minutes off from Flagler Beach) here.
- Tropical cyclone activity here, and even more details here.
Today at a Glance:
ESL Bible Studies for Intermediate and Advanced Students: 9:30 to 10:25 a.m. at Grace Presbyterian Church, 1225 Royal Palms Parkway, Palm Coast. Improve your English skills while studying the Bible. This study is geared toward intermediate and advanced level English Language Learners.
Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village: The city’s only farmers’ market is open every Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. at European Village, 101 Palm Harbor Pkwy, Palm Coast. With fruit, veggies, other goodies and live music. For Vendor Information email [email protected]
Jake’s Women, By Neil Simon, at City Rep Theatre, 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, 3 p.m. on Sunday, at City Repertory Theatre, 160 Cypress Point Parkway (City Marketplace, Suite B207), Palm Coast. $25 for adults, $15 for students. Dive into the intricate world of Neil Simon’s Jake’s Women, where writer Jake’s troubled marriage to Maggie intertwines with his vivid conversations with his deceased wife Julie, his daughter Molly, his sister Karen, and his psychiatrist Edith. This captivating performance is packed with laughs and emotional depth.
‘No Sex Please, We’re British,’ at Daytona Playhouse, 100 Jessamine Blvd., Daytona Beach. Nov. 7, 8 and 9 at 7:30 p.m., Nov. 10 at 3 p.m. Adults $25, Seniors $24, Youth $15. This riotous comic farce notched up a staggeringly successful sixteen-year run in the West End! Peter and Frances could reasonably expect to look forward to a calm, happy start to their married life together. Owing to an unfortunate mistake, however, they find themselves inundated with pornographic material from the “Scandinavian Import Company”. Senior bank officials, Peter’s snobbish mother, and a prim, respectable bank cashier become inextricably entangled in the rambunctious events that follow.
Al-Anon Family Groups: Help and hope for families and friends of alcoholics. Meetings are every Sunday at Silver Dollar II Club, Suite 707, 2729 E Moody Blvd., Bunnell, and on zoom. More local meetings available and online too. Call 904-315-0233 or see the list of Flagler, Volusia, Putnam and St. Johns County meetings here.
Grace Community Food Pantry, 245 Education Way, Bunnell, drive-thru open today from noon to 3 p.m. The food pantry is organized by Pastor Charles Silano and Grace Community Food Pantry, a Disaster Relief Agency in Flagler County. Feeding Northeast Florida helps local children and families, seniors and active and retired military members who struggle to put food on the table. Working with local grocery stores, manufacturers, and farms we rescue high-quality food that would normally be wasted and transform it into meals for those in need. The Flagler County School District provides space for much of the food pantry storage and operations. Call 386-586-2653 to help, volunteer or donate.
In the Museums: The Sursock Museum in Beirut is its Guggenheim, its Grand Palais, its Tate. Like the National Museum on Beirut’s Green Line, it somehow survived the civil war, and shattered thought its facade and glass were by the 2020 near-nuclear blast at Beirut Port, it survived that, too. You can take a virtual tour of the museum, before the blast, here. From the museum: “The Sursock Museum was born out of Lebanese collector Nicolas Sursock’s commitment to the endorsement and promotion of art. Recognizing the need for institutional support of artists in Lebanon, Sursock left his mansion to the citizens of Lebanon as an art museum upon his death in 1952: “As I love fine art and long for its development, particularly in my homeland, Lebanon . . . As I wish for this country to receive a substantial contribution of fine art works, and that my fellow citizens might appreciate art and develop an artistic instinct . . . I, Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock . . . set up in the form of waqf [trust] all of [my] estate . . . in order that this property and its contents form a museum for arts, ancient and modern, originating from the territory of the Republic of Lebanon, other Arab countries or elsewhere, as well as a space where Lebanese artists’ work shall be exhibited . . . it being understood that this Museum shall remain eternally and perpetually . . . This ensemble will be entitled the Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock Museum, and shall be handed over to the mutawalli, who will be the President of the Municipality of Beirut, regardless of which political regime exists at the time.”
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The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Coffee With Flagler Beach Commission Chair Scott Spradley
Flagler Beach Farmers Market
Second Saturday Plant Sale at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park
2025 History Academy Talk: The Ten Foods of Florida
Grace Community Food Pantry on Education Way
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Meeting
Gamble Jam at Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
ESL Bible Studies for Intermediate and Advanced Students
Grace Community Food Pantry on Education Way
Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
Al-Anon Family Groups
Flagler County Library Board of Trustees
Nar-Anon Family Group
For the full calendar, go here.

Even if these events occurred before I was born, they had an impact throughout my childhood and beyond. Though the Catholics won a sweeping victory, squabbling continued nevertheless. My mother constantly denounced the Protestant religion, perhaps out of fear that one of her children might be tempted by the demon of “the heresy.” But it is true that she also used to criticize the American uncle’s errors just as harshly there too, fearing that one of us might one day be tempted to follow a similar path. She never tired of repeating a wise maxim to us, which she attributed to my father and which became a prime rule in our household: “The absence of religion is a tragedy for families, the excess of religion too!” Today I am prone to think that this holds true for all human societies.
–From Amin Maalouf’s Origins (2004).
Pogo says
As stated:
James says
As unfortunate a possibility as that cartoon portends for the black youths of America, it also speaks to the illiterate bigots portrayed as well.
Btw, to Clay… it’s bad form if ya gotta explain it, just put it out there, if they don’t like it they can go f**k themselves.
Just say’n.
Using Common Sense says
What an ignorant cartoon and poor decision to run this ridiculous crap! We have had a woman Vice President of the United of black and Asian descent for four years! If she had any kind of plan or track record that resonated with the majority of this Country, she would have been elected President. The truth is, she had no plan, other than more of the same, which was not good for most Americans. Her sex and race had NOTHING to do with her losing this election, and to suggest otherwise is stupid, divisive, and just absurd. Do better Flaglerlive.
Sherry says
@ ucs. . . Those of us who still have our independent “thinking” abilities know that “Award Winning” Flaglerlive continues to do an excellent job! Don’t like the “honesty” of the political cartoons? Fox and Newsmax BS may be more to your liking. Simply because the maga mindless cult managed to put a treasonous “Convicted Felon” “Sexual Abuser” in the white house doesn’t mean the rest of us now will kowtow to you extreme right bullies.
Local double taxpayer says
That’s what THEY do…just saying.
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
What did Mike Pence do for 4 years? At the end he saved Democracy only for a Convicted Felon to ascend to the Presidency years later, yet I can’t think of one thing he did for 4 years other than put up with a grifter.
Using Common Sense says
More than half of the voters in this past election do not view Donald J Trump as a “convicted felon”. We see him as a hero, willing to put his literal life on the line to save our Country from destruction by the lunacy of the left’s open borders, men in women’s sports and locker rooms, cancel culture, biased reporting, and false narratives. The majority of We the People have spoken loud and clear. Please just try to tamper down your blind hatred of everything Trump, sit back and enjoy the road to recovery. It will benefit ALL of us. Let’s move forward together and United, as neighbors and Americans. A rising tide lifts all boats.
Sherry says
@ucs. . . FACTS: trump was “Criminally Convicted” of falsifying business records in a court of law by a jury of his peers. He was also found “Guilty” in other courts of law by juries of his peers for “Sexual Assault and Defamation of his Victim” and also of “Fraud” (AKA criminal lying) in yet another case. Somehow in your corrupt mind our entire justice system is void and your lord and master should not be held accountable. My opinion of trump is not based on “blind hatred”, as Fox has taught you to say about all those who do not think that ANY “Convicted Criminal” should be the President of our country. I “know” from the FACTS that trump should not be eligible, and is unfit for ANY elected office.
The millions of Americans who are appalled to have a twice Impeached “Convicted Criminal, Treasonous Sex Assaulter” in the white house will not simply join you in ignoring the FACTS, and the LAWS of our country, simply because you have chosen to! May you reap what you have sown!
Mike says
The text in the “callout” on your ignorant cartoon, as identified by “using common sense” states… should read ” for every little Indian/Jamaican girl with hopes and dreams”. Vice President Harris is the daughter of an Indian immigrant mother and a Jamaican immigrant father who has always identified as black. In fact VP Harris has always embraced both sides of her heritage, yet in your cartoon you fail to show that.
Ray W, says
Aikido Technologies reportedly has a test offshore wind turbine in operation called an “upending semi-submersible platform”.
Offshore wind turbines have long been assembled on final site, many on platforms built directly on the seafloor. Huge floating cranes assemble the turbines piece by piece at the offshore location. Storms commonly disrupt assembly. Dangerous working conditions are commonplace.
According to multiple reports, the company’s concept is simple: What if a modular offshore-destined wind turbine could be entirely assembled on a job-specific floating barge docked either to a quay or in a drydock, and then towed to the offshore site when finished, where the assembly floats using seafloor mooring cables secured to its base?
In this scenario, Aikido proposes a collapsible 300-foot-tall turbine built from modular components fabricated to industry standard shipping dimensions, which reduces shipping costs. All components are then shipped from wherever in the world they are fabricated to any dock or drydock in the world large enough for a specialty-barge designed to hold the collapsed 300-foot assembly at a near horizontal level.
Using cranes already in place at the quay or drydock, the modular components can be assembled into a complete wind turbine, including blades. Because the unit is nearly horizontally placed on the barge, the barge can be towed underneath most bridges between construction and the offshore site.
The unique idea is that by using three folding semi-submersible cylindrical ballast tanks as the base, less space for the base is taken up during assembly.
Once towed to the final offshore site, the three ballast tanks are unfolded and locked into place via pins. Other pins affix collapsed components in place as they are unfolded. According to a businesswire article, the collapsed, or folded, assembly takes up two-thirds less space in a shipyard or quayside port facility. Mooring lines secured to the seafloor are then attached to each ballast tank as is an electricity cable.
The barge lowers the triangular base of the assembly into the water and two of the ballast tanks are partially filled with seawater. The water weight allows the ballast tanks to sink below the waterline, which forces to entire tower to slowly pivot from near horizontal to near vertical. Eventually, each ballast tank is leveled off and the barge, now no longer needed, returns to drydock to start the process anew.
I looked up U.S. drydocks. There are a good number of facilities up and down both coasts and along the Gulf that are large enough to hold such a barge. There are plenty of U.S. ports with quays or docks long enough to berth a floating barge.
Let’s consider a hypothetical 150-unit offshore wind farm in the Gulf of Mexico that is to be connected to the grid at, say, Mobile, a city with a large port. The barge can be reused 150 times until the project is complete and then towed to any other quay or dock or drydock in the country, or in the world, for that matter. The process could begin again.
Since the EIA already reports that wind energy has become cheaper than any current form of carbon-based energy currently in use, overall electric bills should be lessened by their use.
Aikido claims that their unique construction method will reduce overall assembly and installation costs by 25% to 30%.
Make of this what you will.
Me? I see American innovation at work. While I can’t call it mass production, the businesswire article calls this “serial” production.
The use of mooring lines lessens the environmental impact of offshore wind turbines. Such mooring technology is already in use in the oil and gas industry. For example, a deep-water Brazilian oil field has flexible pipelines that feed extracted oil from a number of wells into a moored supertanker that acts as a storage and transfer base. Other supertankers approach the floating storage platform to receive crude oil.
Submersible ballast tanks mean the entire structure could be lowered before a storm, bringing the entire base of the turbine below wave level, thereby reducing wind and wave strain on the mooring lines.
With electricity use consistently growing in the U.S., this novel technology may offer a competitive option to electricity companies that need to meet the rising demand.