Sandra Fluke is a third-year law student at Georgetown University. Last week she testified before the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee on contraception, after she was blocked from testifying before another committee the previous week (in a hearing that featured only male panelists testifying on women’s health).
Her point: excluding contraception from health insurance coverage is a discriminating penalty on women. (Anti-impotence pills like Viagra, incidentally, are covered by most insurers, most insurance companies being led by older men on intimate terms with flaccidity.) “Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary. Forty percent of female students at Georgetown Law report struggling financially as a result of this policy.”
She went on: “In the worst cases, women who need this medication for other medical reasons suffer dire consequences. A friend of mine, for example, has polycystic ovarian syndrome and has to take prescription birth control to stop cysts from growing on her ovaries. Her prescription is technically covered by Georgetown insurance because it’s not intended to prevent pregnancy. Under many religious institutions’ insurance plans, it wouldn’t be, and under Senator Blunt’s amendment, Senator Rubio’s bill, or Representative Fortenberry’s bill, there’s no requirement that an exception be made for such medical needs. When they do exist, these exceptions don’t accomplish their well-intended goals because when you let university administrators or other employers, rather than women and their doctors, dictate whose medical needs are legitimate and whose aren’t, a woman’s health takes a
back seat to a bureaucracy focused on policing her body.”
Most of her testimony focused on just such stories. Needless to say, Fluke wasn’t speaking for unbridled sex (though it wouldn’t have been anyone’s business to judge her if she were, there being no difference between sex in the missionary position on Mondays and Thursdays, and sex at the drop of a drawer and whenever fancy strikes, except in the minds of those who can’t get any and will do their damndest to ensure that others don’t either). Nor, incidentally, did she speak about sex–hers or others–in terms of frequency: you won’t get less pregnant if you take more contraceptive pills, contrary to Rush Limbaugh’s understanding of sexuality (“She’s having so much sex, she’s going broke buying contraceptives and wants us to buy them,” is how he put it).
Fluke wasn’t even speaking for sex, though that’s how her testimony has been debauched on the shout-radio circuit, with Rush in lead. She was there speaking about fairness in contraceptive rules, and against the latest joint Republican-Catholic assault on women’s health. (You can watch Fluke’s full testimony below.)
And for that, Rush Limbaugh called her a slut. In full: “Well, what would you call someone who wants us to pay for her to have sex? What would you call that woman? You’d call ’em a slut, a prostitute or whatever.” The defended his remarks. Then he piled on, with a few lesbian fantasies to boot:
Is it any wonder, Clinton wanted to go to this law school and why Hillary went to Wellesley? Is it any wonder? Where are the guys here? Do they not have a role here? We assume they’re having sex with guys. (interruption) Well, we’re talking about birth control, Snerdley. So you gotta assume having sex with guys. So, do they not have some responsibility? (interruption) Well, two women… I have to ask sex expert Snerdley on this, but I’m not aware that two women without another device can get pregnant on their own using naturally endowed accoutrements. I don’t think times have changed that much. (chuckles)
Now, I am 61. Maybe something I haven’t heard about that two women together would need contraception. That’s a whole new ball game if that’s the case. But I don’t think we’re talking about that. So it means there are men involved and that would mean there’s some responsibility on the part of the men. Do they not have condoms? Why don’t these women go ask the men to buy them contraception? Why go before a congressional committee and demand that all of us — because they want to have sex any time, as many times and as often as they want, with as many partners as they want — should pay for it? Whatever, no limits on this. I mean, they’re going broke having to buy contraception! They’re getting back-alley pills, folks. That’s what this leads up to.
They’re getting back-alley pills, folks. This from a pill-popping addicts who, while excoriating drug addicts on his show and hiding his pill-popping from his wife but not hesitating to use his maid (a woman, of course) as his runner, had bought 30,000 hydrocodone, Lorcet and Oxycontin pills and illegally fed his addiction. Now, this paragon of honor and integrity–whom cops subsequently detained a few years ago for carrying Viagra pills he’d not been prescribed–is calling Sandra Fluke a slut.
There was not so much as a disapproving murmur from the Catholic church, naturally–women, with Eve’s apple-seduction for evidence, being natural-born sluts in the church’s eyes–or from those congressional Republicans who’d been trying to give religious organizations and private businesses the right to opt out of including birth control–but not Viagra–in their insurance plans. Not so far, anyway, though condemnations from less reactionary circles have been more promiscuous.
At least the Senate stopped the exclusionary ploy Thursday. But that farce of a controversy over contraception isn’t over. Not with Rush whipping it out and Republicans, delirious over their disappearing chances to have a competitive run at Obama in November, scrounge for bogus issues to keep the illusion of opposition going. If there ever was a need for a prophylactic to syphilitic discourse, this is it.
–Pierre Tristam
B. Claire says
This slander is pure defamation.
Let’s get the best lawyer
In this great nation
And bring down
This Limbaugh abomination.
Lynn says
What I want to know is WHY the media is upset when Rush Limbaugh makes outrageous comments about a woman, but you hear nothing about Bill Mahar calling Sarah Palin a vulgar term on his TV program & degrading women in general!! Where is the outrage there?? There seems to be two standards….slam the right wing radio guys when
they make outrageous comments VS ignore gutter talk if it is from the Left! Don’t tell me its because Mahar is just a comedian…he just donated one million dollars to the Obama campaign and uses his TV show as a platform exactly as Limbaugh does. What Limbaugh did was wrong, but what Mahar has done is equally wrong & rarely reported and that is media bias!
palmcoaster says
The use of public media to attack, libel, degrade, insult an American young woman defending her rights is enough for the sponsors of this Clear Channel bigot, Limbaugh program, to endured a strict boycott of their products until this xenophobic bully, is fired. Let Fox help him then. We will hack him there too.
Rocky Mac says
I have signed several petitions regarding Rush’s comments about Sandra Fluke and have directly contacted advertisers on his show and the network. The advertisers who have not cancelled their ads so are are: ProFlowers, QuickenLoans and Century 21 (they advertise on the network but not directly on his show).
His remarks go beyond the Health Care debate. His remarks are vile, disgusting and he needs to apologize and be suspended and sued for slander.
Anonymous says
Yup thats the tolerant liberal way if ya dont like it call a lawer and make it/them do as YOU like.
roco says
This person is the laughing stock of the media.. She’s what she said and that does not take a lot of interpretation.. She’s another leftest that expects the world OWES her a living. What she needs is her. own prevention,,, Cross your legs.
Nancy N. says
So I assume you’ll be calling your Congressman and Senator to demand that payment for Viagra be removed from medical plans as well? Or do you believe men should have a right to have their sexual prescriptions paid for at taxpayer expense but not women?
Also, are you aware that many, many women who aren’t even sexually active take contraceptives for medical reasons such as dysmenorrhea or PCOS? Not all of those prescriptions are for recreation. The only reason to take Viagra, on the other hand, is to have fun.
So tell me again why it’s ok to cover the purely recreational drug (for men) but not the one that actually has a legitimate medical purpose (for women)?
Oh yeah, that’s right…it’s because it’s for women.
John Boy says
Rush is on his fourth marriage, no children from any of the marriages. Several possibilities come to mind;
– He and his partners used birth control, hypocrite
– Rush is shooting blanks.
– Rush is really a Shelia, masquerading as a male.
– Rush is gay like many rumors on the web suggest, Elton John sang at his wedding.
Rumors and stories all over the web about him taking frequent trips to the Dominican Republic having a Priestly relations with young boys.
None of his previous wives have ever said anything or even been interviews because of legal gag orders and financial settlement.My guess is that Rush’s marriages have all been scams and he likes to travel.
Anyway, he is simply a bald headed high school graduate with less common sense than a rock and is so angry at life that he will eventually shoot himself in the head, hopefully.
Mean while I’d like to see Rush run for office, without his writers the world would see just how dumb he is.
anonymuse says
rush Limbaugh is a communist
slyfox says
Limbaugh is nothing buy a BULLY, no one, no matter what their POSITION should go on the attack like he did, like a dog with rabies, I was waiting for the spittle to come out of his mouth while he was slandering her. I hope that his empire comes crashing on his head, but alias that won’t happen because there’s too many people that have to listen to him in order for them to make ANY decision on any issue, they have lost the ability to think on their own.
Anita says
Sorry, Anonymous, your whining is not an argument. If someone demeaned your mother, wife or daughter in so ugly a fashion because she defended her and the rights of other women, you would doubtless find yourself paging through the YP in search of a lawyer.
Limbaugh is free to speak his mind, in whatever terms his conscience and upbringing summon. We, on the other hand are free to notify the station employing him and his sponsors that we will not tolerate any more of his ad hominem attacks on people with differing views; and that we will cease to patronize, (and strongly encourage others to do the same) those business which support him. That is our right and THAT is the Liberal way.
Anonymous says
True it is OUR right but not just a liberal way of doing things as far as not patonizing one who suport things we do not agree with. I do not see it as her defending her “rights” as no one is saying she can NOT get her own birth controll pills. I also would not be looking for a lawyer if/when one offends me BUT that is the liberal way if/when you are offended get a lawyer.
Geezer Butler says
Allow me to translate (or dissect) Anonymous’ shoot-from-the-hip comment.
It seems to be penned in a rare variant of U.S. English.
“thats the tolerant liberal way” –Sarcasm implying that liberal-minded Americans are intolerant. So noted.
“if ya dont like it call a lawer” –That’s code for “If something displeases you–contact an attorney.” OK.
“make it/them do as YOU like.” –That may mean “Impose your will upon others (or an inanimate object).
Well anyway, thanks to Anonymous for his comment, but I must agree to disagree with him.
Liberals (from the word “Liberty”) are the party of tolerance. Liberals stand for equality.
Intolerance is a conservative, right-wing specialty nowadays.
If something does indeed offend you, perhaps it’s a good idea to contact a barrister. (lawer (sic))
We are a country of laws, and generally we take our disputes to a court of law.
(It’s quite civilized, I promise)
Besides, white sheets as daily wear, and burning crosses are an arduous and ugly affair.
Please, stop tuning into Rush Limbaugh, it’s been proven to cause dementia.
Hasta la vista, baby.
palmcoaster says
Four sponsors have already pulled their ads!! Clear Channel boadcasting for Limbaugh’s is owned by Bain Capital Mit Rommey’s investment business:
Regarding the other sponsors lets stop using their products!
palmcoaster says
@Geezer Butler . You do love that proof reading, don’t you? Probably you laugh a lot reading our goofy spelling comments here. Did you miss the one with the “pole” workers? For worst when we write mad we make even more blunders. Anyway we manage to understand and communicate with each other here and share information, something we could hardly do before FlaglerLive. The importance of the content is greater than the spelling, at least for me.
I am wondering why these conservatives don’t get busy lobbying to improve the economy, create jobs and hunt the Wall Street thieves on the loose that brought down our housing market. Other than fixing themselves and attacking women’s private parts and their private issues. Have they forgotten they have a mother?
Geezer Butler says
What matters most is the content, or the sentiment of a comment – I must agree with you.
On that note, I must inform you that I enjoy reading all your comments on Flaglerlive.
You mentioned “pole worker.” Read on….
Pole worker: pol-werker, Persons aiding in the fabrication of Festivus celebratory objects or a communist who dabbles in Festivus idolatry. 2: A person who constructs and or polishes the dance poles in strip bars. 3: One who assists pole vaulters in obtaining the proper cadence and rhythm just prior to vaulting. 4: One who erects flagpoles. 5: Common misspelling for day-laborers at Poland Spring Water company.
Thank you for your retort with regard to my proof-reading misadventures.
And may all your days be sunny, with the wind at your back.
Christie 2012 says
I guess it’s only OK when Bill Maher talks that way. Where was the outrage when he called Sarah Palin a c*nt. Gotta love the left, the party of double standards!!!!
The Truth says
You’re really going to turn this into a left vs. right? That’s the epitome of what’s wrong with our country.
Kip Durocher says
Sears and Lowes are advertisers on this vile man’s show.
NortonSmitty says
I’ve told this story before, but it bears repeating. I met Rush in about 1970, but I didn’t know it until I read Senator Al Franken’s fine treatise on the life of the man who has become not only the Voice, but also the Conscience and the Intellectual Rudder steering the course of the Modern Conservative Movement.
I am speaking of course of the bestselling blockbuster, and I’m sure Political Science 101 reference book, “Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations” (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rush-limbaugh-is-a-big-fat-idiot-al-franken/1000005268 , Highly recommended to the politically astute)
In this book I learned that contrary to conventional wisdom, Rush was not a Fulbright Scholar with a full scholarship to study History, Political Science and Philosophy at Oxford and the Sorbonne. In fact he found the rigorous academic requirements at the Internationally renowned South West Missouri State College so beneath the level required to stimulate his genius that he decided to leave after only two semesters to search for another path. I believe his own sweet mother put it best when interviewed for the historical record. She proudly remembered: “he flunked everything”, and “he just didn’t seem interested in anything except radio.” Indeed. But I digress…
I was fortunate to meet Mr. Limbaugh when he entered his dream of Radio (He does have such a Face for Radio). He was a “Disk Jockey” at WIXZ AM in Pittsburgh and famous throughout the TrI-State area under the name of Jeff Christie. I can only imagine that the Great Man knew his destiny, and instinctively realized he could not trade on his real name while he perfected his craft. His innate sense of pride told him that mere mortals such as his listeners today could not grasp the strain involved in learning where the switch for the mike was. This false identity would not be the last time this Giant broke with reality.
You can imagine my excitement when my Father told me that I would soon be in the presence of my hero! He had hired WIXZ to broadcast the Battle of the Bands LIVE from the swimming pool patio of Cabana Beach Amusement Park, my home. And the Hosts would be two personalities names Tommy Lee and Jeff Christy! I was on cloud nine! I hope I don’t seem boastful, but I believe even at my young age I may have been among the first to recognize his extraordinary talent. My ears will never forget the first time I heard him introduce “Mony Mony” by Tommy James and the Shondells. Even suffering the limitations of AM and a 9 volt transistor radio, I felt the glow only acquired in the presence of True Genius for the first time.
It seemed that the Big Day would never arrive. But on a special August Saturday afternoon the Big Show set up and the Magic began. Terry Lee started the event and warmed up the crowd with some banal pandering that got the crowd into the special moment that only I knew they would never forget. I kept searching for The One, but since I had only heard his stirring vocal instrument on my $4.99 Lafayette Radio, I couldn’t pick him out in the crowd. Worse still, this fat dork on the crew had found out I was the owners son and kept pestering me to go get him hot dogs, hamburgers and sodas every ten minutes and to put it on a tab until they got paid. Terry hogged the mike through the entire show until the last band had played and they had an intermission until the votes were counted. I was a frantic wreck thinking that some more important mission had insisted the star attraction abdicate his promised obligation, leaving a void in my life that would last forever.
The dorky guy inhaling the hot dogs went up to the mike to kill the time. Imagine my surprise when he introduced himself as Jeff Christy! He certainly wasn’t what I was expecting, but I focused on his every word. I immediately regarded his previous gluttony as the price that was necessitated by the caloric requirements of a hyperactivly imaginative computer-like mind vice. Intellectual carb-loading if you will, although the conservative mind would never conceptualize that silly elitist term back then. Or even today.
I really don’t remember what he spoke of on that magic afternoon. I must have been in such awe that my rapture prevented my from recalling his wisdom to this very day. But looking back, maybe he had just had a rare off day. It happens to us all. I lean towards this explanation because he had to have sensed my glowing admiration basking in the white hot light of his rhetorical majesty, and realizing he had not lived up to my unreachable expectations, left quietly without facing me, his biggest admirer. Not even to pay his tab.
To this very day I tear up at the very thought of a man with such a majestic burden and honor. It is obvious that this sacred burden could not possibly be carried forever, even by such a spectacular example of humanity who walks among us as our very own 21st century Socrates.
Not even with all the Oxycontin in the world.
Thank you for allowing me to share with you the true story of a normal every day American boy. And his brief encounter with a legendary man who helped him become the exceptional man he is today. A chance encounter which would help turn him in to the sick, sarcastic and world class cynic he has become today. One that would force him to stay up and write bullshit such as this instead of something productive or sleeping.
God Bless you Mr. Limbaugh. I pray I will someday get to meet you in person to show my appreciation. Wear a cup, just in case.
NortonSmitty says
I suddenly realized that in the excitement of writing my heartfelt letter above, I obviously had to gloss over many major points in the Great Mans illustrious life. But I cannot possibly fail to mention one of the great tragedies he has been forced to endure.. This obviously the sadly compelling saga of his service to the country during the Viet Nam crisis.
Any true scholar of the Limbaugh Legend knows that this man is an unparalleled American Patriot. This fact is obvious in the manner that he is consistently among the very first to declare that we must go to war with our enemy dujour immediately and at once. No matter the reason.
But in one of the most tragic ironies of the modern age, Rush was denied the opportunity to gain his share of the glory that was the VietNam war by those damn government bureaucrats he still bitterly rails against to this day! These parasites denied Rush and America of his opportunity to become the oriental Patton that we desperately needed to lead us to victory in that hellish war. It seems that in spite of his obvious studly strength and tactical genius, this Adonis had a fatal weak spot that could have killed him quicker than a poison arrow to the legendary Greek’s heel, a dreaded Pionidal Cyst!
That’s right. But as the true intelligentsia among us will tell you, while it is little more than a pimple on the ass of we mere mortals, to an intellect like Rush it exceeds the equivalent dangers of a tumor on the brain! Not an excuse to dodge, but a necessary and prudent caution.
OK, that’s it. Time to go back to bed. G’night.
Jennifer Kuiper says
Rush Limbaugh is a pig and so is anyone who listens to the garbage he spouts daily. I love the response in the link below. To all my sisters in this world: You are NOT a whore.
jespo says
Rush is now, has been, and forever shall be…a loser. A racist, bigoted, insane, drug addled, mysoginistic homophobic loser. But that’s not what scares or even bothers me; people are entitled to their opinions, even the dumb ones, and if he keeps packing on the pounds and raising his blood pressure like he does the argument will be moot. What scares and bothers me are that there are living, breathing, second generation standing up straight humanoids who listen to this wackadoodle and cheer him on as well as spineless nutless people in a position to confront him and say nothing. My hope, my seceret comfort, is that they are for the most part: 1) not in any position of authority. 2) isolated and unable to pass the filth on. 3) sterile.
forwardthinker says
Limbaugh has finally unequivocally crossed the line. In all his mean and meaningless meanderings, the attack on the young law student , was without a doubt, a verbal lynching. But, between all the nastiness and fantasizing going on for three straight days, on his miserable , misguided poor excuse for a show…, his stupidity and downright dumbness as to how and why females use contraceptives , is truly awesome. Are you even sure this nitwit has a high school diploma?? Where, I wonder, would this cretin be if his supply of ViagraCialisTestosteroneGel cocktails were challenged by a panel of cloistered nuns, on whether the Insurance companies should pay for the ability for numb-nuts to be able to have sex. He should be banned from the airways…just as that other pea brain Glen Beck was.. Let them use the internet to spew.
Johnny Taxpayer says
wow, a bunch of people who never listened to Rush in the first place, won’t listen to him now. I’m sure he’s very concerned.
Kevin says
Forwardthinker and others like him consider this…where are you when Sarah Palin would get verbally attacked and personally insulted even to the level of attacking her children and her special needs child? Where are you with Ed Schultz calling Laura Ingram a slut on air? And best example of all is Bill Maher, a vitrolent little organism who is the neo-progressive poster boy. His disgusting comments are readiuly available to any person seeking to refute or support my position about him rather than generalizations about his sex life and pharmacutical history like many here commented about Rush. The guy is awesome and his massive, well-educated audience agreeing with him lends credence to my comment.
Geezer Butler: liberal =liberty??? Hardly! Nearly anytime a conservative view is held in liberal/progressive public forums, they are shouted down and/or require special security to physically protect them. All one has to do is look at various speakers at campuses throught the US. The one thing the left is famous for is preventing free speech and personally attacking anyone they disagree with…just read the words of Jennifer Kuiper above:
“Rush Limbaugh is a pig and so is anyone who listens to the garbage he spouts daily.”
…. According to her I am a pig for listening to Rush Limbaugh even if I disagreed with this recent comment but agree with other fantastic comments he has made over the years. Please liberal friends just admit you have two policies, one for yourselves and one for anyone who disagrees with you or is a conservative. At least be honest about your hipocrisy.
Prescient33 says
Let me see- a 30 year old student (?) at Georgetown Law, whose tuition is over $50000 a year, volunteers (?) to testify before a Democrat minority committee, to claim she, as a student, is denied access to contraceptive meds that cost as much as $1000 a year. The mandate she appears on behalf of, of course, doesn’t encompass students, but is limited to insurance provided by religious institutions to their employees. A talk show commentator points out the absurdities of this, and in his remarks states that in his day in school, as is the case with many of us, a girl who was that sexually active was promiscuous, or a “slut.” Maybe the mores have changed in the modern age to the point that sluts are the norm, not the exception, but it was a valid comparison. For this a failed president sees fit to call her to comfort her. This is nuts, to say the least.
The witness did not invoke pity, as was the intent, at least not from this writer, but a sense of awe and shame that this is the lifestyle of a student at a leading law school, and she is asking taxpayers to fund her amoral activities to the tune of less than $100.00 a month. If this is a future lawyer, one shudders to think to what levels that profession will sink. A cold shower of personal responsibility and an injection of a moral code might bring her to her senses, but I fear that won’t happen.
Johnny Taxpayer says
And in her testimony she actually stated that shes now forced to either go without contraception or attend a “less prestigious law school”. So not only is she attending the $50k per year law school for free on a “public interest scholarship” , but that’s not good enough, they damn well better pay for her birth control pills as well, even if it is strictly against the school’s religious beliefs.
jespo says
So…the mores have changed a lot in this modern era..hmmnn. Yup. Since the Fifties. Thankfully gone are the Ozzy and Harriet days, Mom in her plaid apron, Dad winking at her to go upstairs every 1.5yrs to have another perfect child. Sex is natural, fun, and not just for procreation and if people can’t see that they’re most probably repressed, depressed, simply bad at it, or they were never ever winked at. You call her amoral yet you believe it’s acceptable to call a young woman a slut; a vile term usually vomited from the mouth of angry, bitter, pretentiously ‘moral’ people. I get the feeling that someone other than that young professional student needs a cold shower to keep them from getting hot and bothered by someone else’s sex life. Contraception isn’t simply about birth control; it’s about a woman’s health and her right to choose what’s best for her body.
forwardthinker says
Johnny Taxpayer… how would you know who has or hasn’t listened to Limbaugh?? Apparently he isn’t concerned since he has no problem standing his ground on the above issue. But, fools never do know when lines have been crossed or limits have been exceeded.
The Truth says
What baffles me more than anything is how anyone even listens to this guy.
"My Daily Rant" says
Once again we get the wonderful words from some of Flaglers brightest Liberals. Miss Kuiper you should tell all your “sisters” to pay for their own birth control,and any man that cant get his tool to work right pay for your own medicine.One of the reasons health care is so out of control is the fact that Liberals want these crazy things paid for.Health care should only pay for just that HEALTH CARE.Although I would like to see half of the “sisters” get birth control so they dont reproduce.You Liberals keep fighting for all the important things you want paid for while we as a country go broke. “VOTE OUT OBAMA 2012”
Prescient33 says
Jespo, where were you when the media in the form of Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham, a single mother with two adopted kids, a Dartmouth honor graduate, distinguished talk show hostess and best selling author, a “slut.” Or maybe you never heard this remark since it was on MSNBC, the infamous stealth channel of the left.
As to the mores of the modern age, they may have changed in the minds of the secularists in the world, but the underlying religious predicate has not. Established religions still regard fornication, adultery and sodomy as grievous sins, not a recreational life style to be emulated by the hedonists. There is a piper to be paid for such promiscuous behavior; that can’t be swept away nor justified because “everybody does it.”
jespo says
Ed Schultz is a blabbermouth shock jock posing as a liberal commentator. I don’t take seriously any political commentary that leans one way or another; I’ll listen for the moderate view while wading through the endless garbage broadcasted daily. As far as the ‘where was I’ I was caring for a newborn as the pregnancy took its toll on my wife and i didn’t have the luxary of engaging in light hearted discussions on forums such as this. However, I found his reviling of Laura Ingraham repulsive and ignorant; who it came from was irrelevant, my deeply rooted secularism gives me the ability to make these distinctions without requiring affirmation from above, below, or around me. My thoughts are mine; of me and by me, not pressed into my mind with fear of a piper’s punishment as a teacher. You’re right, established religion does in fact view sexual relations, other than their own of course, as a sinful dirty thing…how healthy…or more likely, how sad.
NortonSmitty says
But P33, if she wasn’t such an outstanding and outrageous fucking cunt, she would be just another whining right wing idiotic pundit and unable to feed her adopted brood. Even with all of the rich fucks in the world passing out money to any blond with a PolySci or Communications degree to spout the Right-Wing line, she has to stand out from the rest of the whores to earn her pay., and she’s doing well at it. I mean, she will never be as big a gash as Ann Coulter, but who ever could.
Still, it’s great that she can keep her brood in Ramen and Natural Ice by sucking on that 21st Century Right-Wing teat that has saved so many other talentless whores lately.
Is this a Great Fucking Country of what?
Dorothea says
Ed Schultz was suspended by MSNBC for a week and also apologized for his remark. Unlike Fox news, MSNBC demands that its left leaning commentators substantiate their facts.
some guy says
I did not know he was on FOX news. It was also not “facts’ that shultz or rsh where putting out their but their own opinions. As far as rush being suspende or not I believe he owns his own show and radio stations pay him to put it on their stations. So the only one that could ‘suspend” him would be himself.
palmcoaster says
Limbaugh is allowed to continuo his insults for more 3 days and has not been suspended so far, as Schultz was after the one show when he insulted Laura I. Quiet a difference!! Here will take us boycotting the sponsors to cut the advertising to Clear Channel that by the way is owned by Bain Capital …Mitt Romney’s investment business. This is how the Republican to be nominee for the Presidential post, makes his billions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bain_Capital
So if we want Limbaugh out we have to ask Romney! Doubt that the other businesses sponsoring Limbaugh program may really mean to cut ther sponsorship. because are also owned by Mitt Romney
palmcoaster says
I agree that when some !ools no longer work should be retired! But if mentally denied, then pay for own enhancers.Can always ask Republican former President candidate Mr. Bob Dole for advise.
palmcoaster says
@ Daily Rant and Jespo. Being informed is important: http://articles.latimes.com/1998/dec/12/business/fi-53139
Outsider says
For this woman to get up in front of Congress and the nation and try to convince us that she needs over a thousand dollars a year for birth control is almost ludicrous enough to earn the ridicule she received. Frankly, I don’t care if she screws every guy on campus three times a day; just don’t ask me to pay for it.
songbird says
Well, I consider myself a moderate and consider the debate about religious freedom versus government intrusion important; however, what Rush Limbaugh said was wrong. And it’s not like this was a one-time thing. He’s had many sexist statements. Thanks to Think Progress, here are a few:
“Behind” the women’s movement: “Oh, I’m a huge supporter of women. What I’m not a supporter of is liberalism. Feminism is what I oppose, and feminism has led women astray. I love women. I don’t know where all this got started. I love the women’s movement — especially when walking behind it.”
Women vote “emotional”: “I’m starting to think here that conservative women are just like liberal women in that they’re inclined to vote on superficial and emotional things first. I never thought that was the case with conservative women!”
On the “ass-ets” of a sports reporter: “She knows she has ass-ets. … Boob-alicious, booty-licious, whatever you want to call it, she’s got it.”
Hillary supporters “paid their dues”: “You have to understand the mindset of a lot of these feminists and women…These women have paid their dues. They’ve been married two or three times; they’ve had two or three abortions; they’ve done everything that feminism asked them to do.”
Women’s lives are easier: “The life expectancy of men is drawing closer to that of women. Women still live longer than men because their lives are easier. This is — this is according to government statistics released yesterday.”
The “feminazi” agenda against boys: “You know, the feminazis forgot one thing. Well, one of the objectives of the feminazis over the last 20, 25 years has been to dominate the public education system so as to remove the competitive nature of boys. … This is part of feminazi grand plan.”
“What must I do now to own women?”: “But I want some of these women to start telling me what it is I must do to close the gender gap — or, if not what it is I must do to close the gender gap, what it is I’ve done that has caused the gender gap; assuming the gender gap is true and that the poll is true. […] I own the men, and what must I do now to own women?”
So I would encourage listeners of his show to stop listening, otherwise you’re accepting the way he talks about women. What he has to say is disgusting and I’m sure there’s more than just what I’ve included here. One only has to look at all of the racist things he’s said as well. If you don’t want to be considered a pig, don’t listen to one who demonstrates that he is one repeatedly.
JL says
I think there is enough hatred in this country, and I cannot understand why someone would pay a person to get on a radio and blast away, creating more hatred. He should be pulled. He’s negative, and he knows it, and gets paid to create stirs with society. Hopefully, the advertisers realize what they’ve been paying for and they all pull out, leaving him unemployed. I think everyone should stop spending their money with anyone who has been a sponsor thus keeping this idiot on the air. They are to blame for encouraging him. I will not allow him to get my blood pressure up because he’s worthless. I have never listened to his show, and for good reason. I like to consider myself somewhat intelligent, and no one with intelligence listens to such garbage.
Prescient33 says
Maher calls Governor Palin a c*nt, and gives a million to an Obama PAC-can you hear the sound of silence from the left?
And the Apologizer in Chief thought nothing of his calling patriotic protestors, acting under the banners of the Tea Party, “tea baggers,” a thinly disguised reference to engaging in a loathsome deviant sexual act, but leaps to the defense of a feminist activist who made no bones about her sexual mores. A phony, or another opportunistic political hack?
The lefties have no shame, no moral compasses, and are objects of pity.
Dorothea says
Bill Maher is on HBO and has no sponsors. If you don’t like his show, you don’t have to pay for it. Limbaugh’s show is radio broadcasted to every corn fireld in the US and sometimes on the only radio station in town. As of today, at least nine sponsors have pulled their ads from Limbaugh’s show. HAHAHAHA.
As for Ms. Fluke, her testimony was about another woman who required birth control pill for a chronic medical condition having nothing to do with sexual intercourse. Some of you naysaying righties need to read and listen better. Just goes to show how many fools believe whatever garbage Rush spews out.
jespo says
NortonSmitty says
“The lefties have no shame, no moral compasses, and are objects of pity.” Really P33? That’s some funny shit coming from a supporter of the likes of Rush, Breitbart, Cheney, Coulter, O’rielly et al. They don’t sniff the concept of shame, spin their morality to point to whatever partisan “outrage” their handlers tell them to and have never once even stroked the fur of anything approaching compassion, let alone pity. So you can shove my personal share of my liberal pity right up your Bush-hole!
And another thing. What the hell is it going to take to finally drive a stake through the heart of this cult of Palin worship? I mean she gets exorcised by an African Witch Doctor on film, didn’t even finish her one term as Governor, has a bastard grand-baby, cheats on her husband with his business partner and makes fools of every donor to her SaraPac by blowing tens of thousands of their contributed dollars on spending sprees at New York’s finest emporiums, and still plays the role of St. Sara the Wronged!! Huh?
Well, I wrote all of this off to the fact that everyone knows anybody who actually believes anything any Republican says has to be just short of Short Bus Special, if you get my drift. But I was absolutely certain that when it came out that she had a one nighter with a Black NBA ‘baller that you would hear the heads of the gravy-sweating cousin-boffers exploding all across America, but NOTHING!!
The sorry bastards aren’t even consistent in their hatreds when it comes to their Patron Saints of Conservatism. How can you reason with people like that? You can’t. That’s why Rupert Murdoch is always smiling.
Christie 2012 says
MSNBC has the upper hand with their pundits, no one watches them to begin with so will miss them when there gone. Try watching Al Sharpten for 60 minutes, is English that hard to learn? I think there lockup raw shows have higher ratings than all there other morons put together. Many of the people on lock up raw are a bit more interesting, not to mention their IQ may be higher.
Scumbag Bill Maher claims he does not have apologize to Sarah Palin because he has no sponsors being on HBO.
forwardthinker says
As usual, you right wing pinheads continually change the subject and finger point with a nah nah nah nah nah whine. Don’t you people get it.. Limbaugh is not on your side… He is completely and positively a spewer of hate and divisive rhetoric for a) his own twisted pleasure b) his absolute hatred of woman and c) to fill his overflowing coffers with the donations and support of all of you who apparently love to hate. And as for Ms Palin…. why oh why is she even an issue of concern…. what the hell has she ever given any one of you? Not a f**king thing. She’s a very, very stupid person, who just happened to win the hearts of many of you very very stupid people. Wake up pinheads and stop letting hate be your guide.
Anonymous says
(JL says:
I cannot understand why someone would pay a person to get on a radio and blast away, creating more hatred. He should be pulled. He’s negative, I have never listened to his show, )
So being you have NEVER listened to his show how do you know so much about him.
JL says
Well, Anonymous, I watch the News. It’s something that comes on in the evenings that tells us what has happened around the country. Unfortunately, news of what this overinflated airbag said on his radio show was aired during the News. And it wasn’t the first time I have had to hear what garbage he puts out on the airwaves. But I am sure you are one of his loyal fans and therefor, do not actually listen to the evening news because it is not all One-Sided, as this airbags views are.
forwardthinker says
Hey Anonymous , haven’t you ever known facts about things that you don’t necessarily subscribe to??? I am sure that JL has heard first hand Limbaugh’s hate filled diatribe whether or not he is a daily listener. This isn’t the first time Limbaugh has been called on the rug for his sick and twisted point of view…. only now , I hope, I hope, this last diarrhea of the mouth commentary , will end his evil empire on the airways. All you Limbaugh enthusiasts need to do some soul searching. Is his brand of rhetoric what is really in your hearts and minds, as the good and decent people you probably are?
The Truth says
Anyone who defends this man is completely blind. This isn’t about left/right, this is about being respectful to another human being. Our world has become so cruel in so many ways.
I find it interesting that the conservatives have no complaints about Viagra being included in the coverage, but they’re against contraceptives. Perhaps your close minded way of thinking doesn’t make you realize that contraceptives are not just used to prevent pregnancy and allow a woman to have unprotected sex with as many men as possible. Contraceptives are used for many different things, including heavy and painful periods, ovarian cysts, etc.
To defend this man for the words he used towards this woman, regardless of your opinion on what she’s asking for, says a lot about the direction of our country. It’s not the president that’s the problem, it’s the people living in this country that are the problem.
LuvSandra says
Sandra Fluke is a very well spoken intelligent lady with a promising future. Why do people care what some attention-seeking bald-headed fool spews out of his mouth desperate for any attention at all.