Flagler Beach police identified the man allegedly responsible for a series of hate crimes against local business on Nov. 19 and 20 as Liam Mackin, a 70-year-old resident and property owner with his wife at the Bridgewater condominiums in Flagler Beach, unit E101, since 2015. He has been a local resident for 30 years.
But a day after a warrant was issued for his arrest on second-degree felony charge, Flagler Beach police learned from the Central Florida Intelligence Exchange that Mackin had fled the country on Dec. 5, traveling to Ireland, with no scheduled return date.
City records show that Mackin at the time that he got his certificate of occupancy at the condominium had a residence at 143 Lagmore Glen in Belfast, Ireland.
“Should this criminal attempt to re-enter this country at any border crossing, airport, etc., he will be arrested on the outstanding arrest warrant so he can answer to his crimes,” Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney said. “There are many beautiful shades of green in Ireland, and if he has the courage to return, I’d love for him to see the Flagler County Inmate Facility,” which he referred to by its common “Green Roof Inn” moniker.
There was nothing funny about Mackin’s vandalism, which took place the evening of Nov. 19 and the morning of Nov. 20. The hate crimes were more extensive than originally reported. There was nothing random about them. Mackin deliberately and very specifically targeted businesses that were either owned by Israelis or Americans of Jewish heritage, or had business or family affiliations with Jewish concerns. Mackin’s crude graffiti statements about killing children–reviving one of the oldest blood libels in history–appear to have been intended not only to deface property, but to intimidate or scare the properties’ owners.
In some cases, it worked.
In addition to graffiti on four properties, Israeli flags displayed at some of the properties were spray-painted, as were vehicles and signs, and the statue of a shark had its fin ripped off.
The Dollar Store at 312 Moody Boulevard had $925 in reported damages. The Salty Turtle at 116 Moody Boulevard and at 200 South Ocean Boulevard reported damage, including the vandalizing of an Israeli flag. That Mackin knew to tag both locations of the Salty Turtle underscored his awareness of the business’ ownership, and the fact that his vandalism was not random.
At 204 South Oceanshore boulevard, where the owner, of Jewish heritage, leases a portion of the building to the Salty Turtle owner, a vandalized Toyota’s repainting cost was to be $1,900. Other costs of the vandalism totaled $690. The 51-year-old owner told police that “this incident has made him fearful for the safety of his property and family and that this incident has made him afraid of even speaking about the criminal acts he has endured, for fear of retaliation by the suspect,” according to the investigative report.
At 306 South Oceanshore Boulevard, a building jointly owned by a former county commissioner and the owner of 300 South Oceanshore, the latter an Israeli citizen, the repair bill had been paid but not yet reported to police.
At 323 Moody Boulevard, Sharkey’s Gift Shop, two large Israeli flags had been displayed in the window. Anti-Semitic graffiti was painted over them. The words “child murders” were spray-painted on a vintage car parked there. The shark statue outside the business was intentionally damaged. The 52-year-old owner, of Jewish heritage, had hesitated to report the incidents and finally did so on Dec. 4. Police could still see signs of vandalism and tie the spray paint to the other incidents.
Around 5 p.m. the evening of Nov. 21, Flagler County Sheriff’s detective Rosanna Vinci, who investigated the crimes with assistance from the Sheriff’s Office’s Real Time Crime Center, had a conversation with Mackin. She was working on the case, trying to secure surveillance video footage at Johnny D’s, when she saw Mackin at the bar, a laptop in front of him, speaking with two others. He was wearing the same clothing she’d seen in surveillance video, same markings, same build. She struck up a conversation. He identified himself as Liam Mackin, and they talked about how he ended up in Florida.
Vinci was so struck by the similarities in appearance and clothing matches that after she left, she sent a police officer to Johnny D’s, body cam activated, to capture footage of Mackin and have a conversation with him, “without causing alarm,” as she describe it. The footage was secured. When Vinci returned to Johnny D’s to get the surveillance video from the business–at 8:30 p.m.–she saw Mackin leaving, and walking with an abnormal gait, the same abnormality she had detected in surveillance video of the suspect. Still, at that point she had nothing “beyond a reasonable suspicion,” and decided further investigation was warranted.
Vinci continued finding and examining additional videos, including from her own department’s fixed cameras on South Flagler Avenue, from Poor Walt’s, the bar on Moody Boulevard, from Sharkey’s, and from other businesses. Along the way, she saw the suspect park a small white vehicle–the same small white vehicle she’d seen Mackin get into after Johnny D’s–and saw him vandalizing Sharkey’s and walk toward two other locations that were vandalized. Vinci, a typically thorough investigator, then reconstructed the suspect’s moves from more than a dozen videos she had collected from five businesses and the police department, almost minute by minute, business by business. Still not completely satisfied, she collected another half dozen clips, finally determining that Mackin was the man in the videos, the man she’d spoken to at Johnny D’s–the man who’d vandalized properties with anti-Semitic hate.
“Evidence shows that Liam Mackin targeted the victims in this case due to their race, color, ancestry, ethnicity, and religion,” Vinci concluded in her report. “The victims In this case were determined to be either or both Israeli nationals who practiced Judaism, and or leased their property to a person of Israeli or Jewish heritage. Liam Mackin systematically, intenllonally, and maliciously sought out businesses owned by people of Jewish/Israeli heritage and damaged their properly by painting over the Israeli flag and spray painting antisemitic messages such as, “Jew Murder”, “290,000 child killers” “500,000 Jew child killer”, 501,110 Jew child murderer.””
The vandalism would have ordinarily led to a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Because it has been filed as a hate crime, that aggravates the felony to second degree, punishable by up to 15 years in prison.
“These types of crimes don’t occur very often in Flagler Beach,” Doughney was quoted as saying in a release, “but when they do, we will utilize every resource available. We will proactively seek assistance from our community, along with help from our local, State and Federal Law Enforcement partners to ensure that no stone is left unturned. Our goal is to work together with one common mission, and that is to hold the person or persons responsible accountable for their unlawful actions.”
Mackin for the past five years has benefited from a $100,000 homestead exemption, twice the normal amount, due to his senior status.
Atwp says
Well he left the country. All the property damage. Look at the cost of repairs for the damaged property. I’ve said once and I’ll say it again white men are the worst. Benefitted from homestead exemption because of his age. That may be true but I’ll say it is because of his race. Haven’t heard anything about a white woman calling and claiming the criminal was an African American male. That surprises me.
jake says
“Homestead exemption” has NOTHING to do with age. You believe all white men are evil. Yet, two people of color burned down a Wendy’s in Georgia, and received NO jail time, after admitting to the crime, only a $500 fine. I guess these are your hero’s. You need to develop some morals, and ethics, if your going to spout your shit.
FlaglerLive says
The senior exemption provides for a doubling of the homestead exemption, except for school taxes.
DaleL says
The senior exemption is income limited. In 2023, the limit was $35,167 for the combined household income. It is adjusted each year, based on inflation. https://flaglerpa.com/senior-exemption/
Denali says
Being 65 does NOT qualify one for this additional homestead credit. Your total household income (AGI) must be less than $35,167 for the year. This would be Line 11 of the current 1040.
A separate exemption from the county portion of property taxes exists for those seniors who have lived in their home for 25 years or more.
TR says
So, you have to be living in your home for 25 years or more.
Your income has to be less than $35,167
But (and here’s the kicker) your house can not be worth more than $250,000.
So the limited amount of people that qualify is low. So basically they want you to be really old, with a low income and live in a dump.
Denali says
No. There are two senior exemption programs:
1) An additional $50K exemption for those 65 and older with an income of less than $35,167, and,
2) A total exemption of the county portion of the property taxes if you meet the age/income requirements above, have lived n the house for 25 years and the ‘market value’ of the house is less than $250,000.
Item one above has no value limit for the property. https://flaglerpa.com/senior-exemption/
TR says
According to the Flagler County Property Appraisers website the value of ones home can not exceed 250K in order to get the extra exception.
TR says
Jake, Atwp has admitted plenty of times on this site that he’s a racist and he almost 99% of the time posts racist comments about no factual information. He blames the white man and Republican for everything that he thinks is bad. Most of the time though the color of ones skin and political affiliation has absolutely nothing to do with it and it is all misinformation. Just like in this comment. He/she thinks that Homestead exemption is based on age. LOL IMO, he/she is a very sad person and personal IMO needs to move to an island where there are absolutely no white people or any Republicans, Hell I’ll even be the first to help him/her pack.
I have proven time and time again that there are just as many bad people that are white or black, Republican or Democrat but it doesn’t matter. But what I do know is as long as there are arrogant, racist, idiotic, bigots that continue to spread lies and misinformation there will always be a divide.
As far as Mr. Mackin goes, he will some day be charged with what he is being accused of doing and will face the consequences.
Atwp says
Lol, white men are evil, review the history…oh not the revisionist history write by the evil white men.
Jim says
You are one of the biggest racists I’ve ever seen. No matter what the subject, you bring it back to black vs. white. You don’t believe his homestead exemption is due to age? Are you too stupid to check with the county or just so racist yourself that you conclude it’s a race thing. To stupid to know that you get that exemption regardless of your race….
This guy is a piece of dirt and if he ever tries to come back here, I sincerely hope the police meet his at the gate and slap handcuffs on him. But you make me wonder what you are capable of since you clearly hate white people. Maybe the cops should keep an eye on you for hate crimes. You seem to lean into that.
It’s people like you how foment hate and distrust between the races. I don’t know how you live with yourself.
TR says
I agree 100% Jim. But I would like to add that on top of everything you said and what I have been saying to him for about a year now. He also is a disgrace to the Black men in this country that are no where near what Atwp is. I also agree the police should find a way to watch him to be the next criminal of a hate crime. Then maybe he’s run to another country and we won’t have to hear his racist remarks anymore. Him and Liam can sit around all day and talk about everything they hate.
V says
He’s not an American. Stop finger pointing. Shameful and hateful. Real Aneticans all love and respect each other.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Thank you George Jefferson!
Is that a donkey I see..... says
Stupid guy!
ellen says
he’s a piece of shit , big man in the dark but a whimp in the light of day, good runaway you scumbag
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Man belongs in a mental institution in confinement.
Deez Nutz says
He will get his some day! Karma is a wonderful thing!
AnnieOakleysSmokingGun says
FCSO did a great job in quickly ID’ing this guy. However, I think it’s unsettling you guys published his apartment number- there are plenty of wackos around here (January 6ers anyone?), some who would go as far as physically hurting someone. This could’ve ended bad had he not ran back to Ireland. Not defending the anti-semite, but you all are aware at how people have been emboldened to violence post-Trump. Do we really need that here?? Do better Flaglerlive.
FlaglerLive says
We have zero tolerance for bigots. We routinely identify where violent, gun-toting offenders and predators live. This is not substantially different.
TR says
Maybe you should also apply this thinking to Racists. Zero tolerance. People that are racists spread their diversity all the time With mostly wrong information which get some other people upset and could also lead to violence and damage to ones property or worse. We have seen it before many times in the news.
oldtimer says
Zero tolerance for bigots? I guess constantly spouting hate for white people is ok.
Concerned Citizen says
I have wondered the same thing.
This paper says they do not allow any bigotry or racism at all. Yet they continue to allow ATWP to keep making the same comments over and over.
FlaglerLive says
Within reason. You do not see what we disallow of his.
Colton kolbeck says
Yeah if you come here for nuanced views you are in the wrong place. Pierre loves riding his high horse looking down on people of lighter skin tone but will delete comments that he doesn’t like. He’s a sniveling little racist himself. Suck a fat dick Pierre!
Mona says
What about his wife? If she doesn’t have same beliefs as her husband , you put her in danger.
FlaglerLive says
The only person who put anyone in danger is Liam Makin.
Atwp says
FlaglerLive thank you for the information about homestead exemption.
Deborah Coffey says
This is just so sickening. Can we figure out how to live with 70,000,000 people that think Trump and his cronies are just the guys for them? It’s free-for-all hatred on their part for anyone “not like them.” Differences in politics is one thing; going after “the other” is quite something else. History is repeating.
DennisC Rathsam says
I knew sooner or later someone would blame TRUMP! Maybe you should look at the polls today, you,ll need a tissue.
George says
Stop this hatred in our country. Start treating others as you want to be treated. Donald Trump is a bully and spreads discrimination because his Father raised him that way and he is way too old now to change. He is a bitter person when he really should be grateful for the rich life he has had. He wants to be a dictator and today he may say he is your buddy and tomorrow he could change his mind in one second\d. Those that feel he is their friend are totally fools.
This hate has to stop it is not fair to anyone no matter where they came from. Kindness is so needed in our country now more than ever.
dan says
it is quiet obvious that you hate Trump. Can”t have it both ways.
George and Deborah I totally agree with you. The climate of Trump bullyism and bogotry spreads like wild fire in dry cracking minds invironment! We can civily disagree in a political issue. or war conflict without the need to hate oen or ther other contender or to hate each other. Lets stop this madness conducive only to self destruction of the human race. I never though an Irish person could conceive such a destructive resentement as I never met an Irsh family I didn’t like. My wonderful daughter in law has Irish ancestry and she is the nicest and biggest antibigotry person on Earth…Lets try to respect each other in spite of our differences as we are all God’s creatures on Earth and lets love one another and try a little kidness! Thank you Flagler live for the editorial very revealing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX7NNMKBPsw
JimBob says
Just remember that antisemitism is a Christian doctrine well developed before the birth of Islam. Martin Luther was a vicious antisemite and the Inquisition illustrated Catholic beliefs. Apparently, Jesus has never “loved all the children of the world” as we sang at Vacation Bible School!
Rose Marie says
Is it possible his property can be seized and sold to repay the damages which he caused?
TR says
Not really sure how that would work. According to the Flagler Property Appraiser’s office his property (which is has a unit number) is listed with a wife’s name as well. Not that it is true, I know people were a spouse has passed away and the dead person’s name is left on the deed. Now if his wife passed away and he lives there by himself then if might be sold, but I doubt the county can take it away just to pay for damages he is being accused of doing.
If it can be sold by the county, then it should be.
Denali says
My Lord – what is wrong with you people? Taking a private citizens property just because he might have done something illegal? What about a trial? Is he not entitled to be presumed innocent until proven otherwise?
Denali says
Yes, IF he is tried and IF he is found guilty AND some monetary award is made to the victims. If he fails to made good on that payment then possibly a judgement could be issued. If through the judgement and lien process he still retains any property it could be seized and liquidated to pay his debts.
I saw no talk of having him extradited back to Florida. While I personally feel that he should be sat on a tree stump, his scrotum should be nailed to said stump and them he would be pushed backwards off said stump, I doubt we will ever see this guy face trial. But, for now he has not been found to be guilty of anything other than traveling to Ireland so any assets cannot be touched.
Beth says
The individual property owners that sustained damage can put a lien on his property. They would have to have it recorded in Public Records.
TR says
Not if the home is homesteaded. The other problem is that the home is also listed in his wife’s name and if she;s still alive they can not lien the home. Besides getting a judgement doesn’t mean he’ll ever pay. But heard today that most likely if he never returns to the USA, he will never be charged, but if he does return he faces up to 15 years if he is found guilty on the charges.
Denali says
You forgot the steps where he is found guilty of a crime and a judgement is granted . . .
Concerned Citizen says
You’re sticking up awful hard for a bigoted racist. Who was caught on camera trying to intimidate and scare people. Because he doesn’t like the way they look.
Similar sympathies? Or are you the perp?
DoubleGator says
They would need to sue him for the damages and get a money judgment when levy on the real property and overcome his claim of homestead. I hope the Flagler Property Appraiser revisits his claim of homestead. Seems his actual home is in Ireland.
flagler county housewife says
Sell his house to cover repairs and donate the rest to the Salvation Army!
Denali says
Can we at least have a trial? Or do we have a new law where we can strip a citizen of their belongings with no due process. Have we stooped to the Gestapo tactics of the 30’s?
KR says
Nah. That’s a homophobic organization. How about the ADL?
No Political Affiliation says
Something, something, something… try that in a small town?
F***ed around with hate crimes in a small town, found out he can’t ever return without getting arrested.
What a loser.
Neighbor says
I was totally shocked by this. You know the old saying , he was a good neighbor.
Randy Bentwick says
Damn immigrants.